
                                                                                                                                                        In a recent article I wrote about buying a foreclosed home or potential foreclosure property, I discussed the various ways in which you could obt...
  from: Buying or selling a home is never an easy process. All the different and confusing terms, the huge stacks of paperwork, all the forms that need to be filled out. Although it's an exciting experience, it can also be a very stressfu...
As kids we all had the set of dominos that we would set up all over the place just to see the trail when we started the action. Hours were expended trying to get just the right configuration so that when we were ready we would make the grand pronouncement and wait for the audience, usually our pa...
As a follow up to my recent post, here's another with the names of some lenders that may be able to help. As Nevada once again leads the country in foreclosures, there is plenty of help available for distressed homeowners.  Unfortunately, many offers of help aren't help at all, but are in fact p...
It can be a pretty sobering and depressing experience to speak with some folks who now face the simple fact that their homes are worth less than they owe on then. This term is called being "underwater".  For the people that have not experienced the joys of home ownership yet, it equates to the sa...
This is too precious not to share.   For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives, read on:  At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated:  'If GM had kept up...
I just saw this on someone else's site, and thought I would share the thoughts. Now is a great time to buy. Low rates, high inventory with great prices, and the government will give you back money.
Do you want to buy a Home or Investment property in the City of Waterbury? Waterbury Development Corporation (WDC) is administering the City of Waterbury's Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). The program is designed to stabilize neighborhoods by facilitating the purchase and rehabilitation ...
I thought this would be a valuable reminder, and wanted to share it locallyHi Folks, If your market is saturated with REOs, as mine is, you may be incountering multiple offers quite frequently. This article, I wrote a couple of years ago. may help you deal with them. Negotiating multiple offers. ...
The negatives feel like they are piling up. Listings are expiring. Inspections are turning up problems. Deals are dying. Buyers won't make up their minds. Sellers are needy and insistent on overpricing. You keep working and it feels like the problems multiply. You don't want to answer the phone o...

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754

Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally
Contact The Author
Ed Silva is a licensed Broker serving the Central Connecticut area from the Waterbury CT Real Estate Office. He serves both sellers and buyers and also is an experienced agent for short sales. If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share my marketing success package with you. My marketing reaches all the major listing sites with prime positions on the largest. I'd would appreciate the opportunity love to help you buy or sell in the Central Connecticut area.