
A photo that was sent to me some time ago by a supplier that thought he understood my sense of humor,. . ... and he was right. It's plain to see that, or maybe not, that there's always something more than what meets the eyes.  Please enjoy for it's simple humor. No disrespect intended.
Grandmother A grandmother is watching her only grandchild playing on the beach when a huge wave comes and takes him out to sea. She pleads, ‘please God, save my only grandson. I beg of you, bring him back.' With that, a big wave washes the boy back onto the beach, good as new. The grandmother loo...
Highland Ave in Waterbury, Ct runs through the center of what locally is referred to as Town Plot. A ride along this street is to see the town as it must have been years ago, with the stately multi-families, older colonials all well maintained and standing forward with pride of ownership written ...
The Southeast section of Waterbury Ct is called the East Mountain Area, aptly named because it lies on the elevated hills that form the boundary between Waterbury Ct and Prospect, Ct. The area is easily recognized by the by an earthen dam, built in the late 1800's, that was once a source of drink...
As I was coming away from taking the lock box off of my now closed listing at 406 Linkfield Rd in Watertown, Ct, it was taken by the views of farmland that is so close to the congestions of a large town. Here were the scenes of days gone by with the rolling pastures and open meadows people so sel...
In the Country Club Rd area of Waterbury Ct is the established subdivision know simply as The Ridges. First homes established in 1933 were built for the then movers and shakers of Waterbury, Ct. The section was developed not only because of the stately potential of the area far removed at the tim...
Some photos that were sent to me this morning. These bring a whole new meaning to crowded beaches. Here's a day at a typical seaside resort in China. Just a side note, sorry about the clarity on a couple of the photos, somebody moved, we all know how that goes!I WONDER WHERE THE BATHROOMS ARE????...
In the northeast section of WATERTOWN, CT is a subdivision know as Mt Fair. This subdivision occupies app. 150 acres formerly known as Mt Fair, with the original grain elevator serving as a beacon at the entrance of the area. There are currently 120 homes in this Watertown, Ct subdivision with a ...
The Monk  Every ten years, the monks in the monastery are allowed to break their vow of silence to speak two words. Ten years go by and it's one monk's first chance. He thinks for a bit before saying,  "Food Bad". Ten years later, he says,  ‘Bed Hard". It's the big day, another decade later. He g...
There probably isn't a person around who hasn't heard this question at least a thousand times. The argument could go on forever and still not be resolved. So, also is the case with some of the seller/buyers in the market. The statement is first offered that 'we want to up-size or down-size our ho...

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754

Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally
Contact The Author
Ed Silva is a licensed Broker serving the Central Connecticut area from the Waterbury CT Real Estate Office. He serves both sellers and buyers and also is an experienced agent for short sales. If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share my marketing success package with you. My marketing reaches all the major listing sites with prime positions on the largest. I'd would appreciate the opportunity love to help you buy or sell in the Central Connecticut area.