Archives of real estate blog entries for February 01, 2014

Featured blog posts

By Patricia Kennedy, Home in the Capital
(RLAH Real Estate)
So happy Superbowl Sunday, or wait - it's PotBowl Sunday.  Anyway, a few of us will out there working with buyers this afternoon.  But before you start off, here are the posts that made my favorites list for last week: Cindy Jones:  Automated Value Or Real Life Experience To Sell Your Woodbridge VA Home"  Well, what do you think? Belinda Spellman: Does Everything Always Have to be a Profit Center  A lesson from Rocky's vet! Debbie Reynolds:  Finding The Buyer's Sweet Spot  And no.  It's not about Valentine's candy.   Monica Hill:  A Letter From Mr. Griffith  Now this is a post that found my sweet spot. John McCormack:  "Service"  Read this post and you'll never think about service the same way. Mike Cooper:  Website designers, I have some unsolicited advice for you  It's good advice, to...
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By Charles Buell, Seattle Home Inspector
(Charles Buell Inspections Inc.)
 Given the day, this post is NOT about the Seahawks feasting on wild horses. Home inspectors are interested in safety issues of all sorts in the homes they inspect. These issues range from serious life threatening issues like carbon monoxide hazards, exposed electrical connections, missing safety glass, or decks that are not safe. There are literally hundreds of possibilities to be found during a home inspection. Sometimes the issues are very expensive to fix—some are minor and might even be considered “upgrades” more than immediate safety hazards.  Sometimes the issues are very inexpensive to fix but still worth mentioning in the report so that someone does not end up hurting themselves. I found a good example of a small inexpensive safety issue on a home the other day.   Broken porcel...
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By Carmilla Rena Brown, Realtor/Broker
(Keller Williams Realty ~ Charleston)
Perhaps you would pick places where politicians live or many Hollywood celebrities invest beautiful homes. In L.A. ? New York? Neither. Apparently, all the hotties hang out in Charleston, S.C   Turning to Travel+Leisure magazine, the SOUTHERN CITY is home to the most attractive people in America. As always thought in news feeds -  New York to be the fashion Capital and L.A., Cal. being the most visited state, survey says it scored low being people- friendly. The loveliest too tend to live in sun-kissed places such as Honolulu, or hyper and athletic areas, like Denver.   Check out the top 10 sexiest and most liveable cities: Source: Travel+Leisure   Charleston, South Carolina San Diego, CA San Juan, Puerto Rico Denver Austin Miami Savannah Honolulu Phoenix/Scottsdale Nashville As Charles...
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By Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties, The Dedicated Clarksville TN Realtor-(931)320-6730
(Platinum Properties- (931)771-9070)
Saturday Subscribers Finds 36 Tennessee is like 3 different states but has music at its core from one end to the other. The mountains of East Tennessee offer such beauty. Did you know that Bluegrass music has its roots here? The people tend to be very conservative. Middle Tennessee is gently rolling and has Nashville Music City USA is at its center. This is a hub of not only Country Music but of Gospel and Christian Contemporary artists too. It has become a melting pot of ideas and though still conservative there is a more moderate way of thinking. West Tennessee is where Elvis got his start and is known for the Blues and Jazz you find on Beale Street. This is flat land and the Delta of the Mississippi River. West Tennesseans tend to be more liberal than the rest of the state. The purpo...
Comments 43
By Brad Andersohn, ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
(Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp)
How do you create automatic video email responses to leads? Bombbomb now allows agents to respond instantly to Zillow contacts, prospects and leads with a video email response. Zillow's Tech Connect feature allow agents to connect with a variety of Zillow Partners and their contact relationship management platforms (CRM's) and programs. Using video as one of your response strategies to first-time leads and contacts creates a very powerful first impression and has a huge impact on your prospects. Why? Because everyone else responds with email, phone calls and text messages etc. Ethan from Bombbomb Explains Details "Our Zillow integration allows you to immediately and automatically follow up with new potential home buyers and sellers in a way that differentiates you from other agents." Sh...
Comments 58
By Gail Robinson, CRS, GRI, e-PRO Fairfield County, CT
(William Raveis Real Estate)
The title of this article caught my eye, "Agents Only Get 12 Leads a Year."  Holy smokes, how could anyone survive on that?  The author went on to say that Ben Kinney's goal is to close two transactions out of every 100 leads.  Again, I was shocked, that seems like a low conversion rate.  The author, concluded the article by saying, "The moral to this story is that nobody should build a business plan around building a successful real estate business based on online leads and lead conversion. Companies should be built around CRM solutions that keep real estate agents focused on customer list building, customer relationship building, and direct marketing. If a lead comes in and becomes a sale – think of it as a gift, not a result" - See more at:
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Your real estate videos, are they full motion loops, natural audio captures or slide shows with Kenny G wailing? With ivory tinkling filler for sound? Do you throw up slides, manipulate and gyrate stills and call that video? The same images your buyer already sat through, stomached. As one by one they played out. Drifted by. And is your "video" set to the same music beds you and I, your real estate buyer endures in his/her time spent in elevators? Placed on hold waiting during phone call experiences? Bland, neutral and pretty skim milk sounding. Or working against, hurting the video's horsepower? No sound from the property to help the connection. Make it memorable. Explain and support the video. But that's only purpose is to avoid nothing there at all, dead air. To band-aid the shotgun ...
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Comments aren't just for points. They're among the most important ways we interact as a community - someone writes a post, we react to it, usually with encouragement or elaboration, and sometimes with a different view or a polite dissent. It is through comments that we begin to know each other, establish friendships and share knowledge. But since the last major upgrade to AR, I've noticed a difference in the way comments are working. I think we're interacting less with the author and the other commenters, and I think this is an unintended consequence of seeing fewer comments with each post. Since we're only seeing the last 5 comments of each post, we're missing a lot of what other members have to say and, if the author is actively responding, we're not watching the conversation as it de...
Comments 42
By Tom Arstingstall, General Contractor, Dry Rot, Water Damage Sacramento, El Dorado County - (916) 765-5366, General Contractor, Dry Rot and Water Damage
(Dry Rot and Water Damage Mobile - 916-765-5366)
  So is it worth updating that older home  when buying in Sacramento?   Older homes in Sacramento have a character that is not often found in the newer construction. When looking to purchase a home, you may be faced with some decisions about what to do with a home in Sacramento that is 50 years old. These decisions will involve costs of improvements, return on investment, and personal preferences.   Before you make an offer on an older home, you may want to have a conversation with both your Real Estate Agent and a General Contractor to see if the purchase can meet your needs. Your agent can give you valuable feedback on the added value the improvements will make to the property, the contractor can give you an idea as to the cost of the improvements. Both are going to be important when ...
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By Richard Weisser, Richard Weisser Retired Real Estate Professional
(Richard Weisser Realty)
No gale persists, no tempest breathesThe snow-white coverlet recedes,From Southern climes the air is warmedAnd now the calm beyond the storm!                  (R Weisser 2014) The interesting thing about winter storms in the South is that they wreak havoc for a day or two or three and then they are relegated to the status of a historical curiosity for decades to come. And while our friends in colder regions might chuckle at our unnatural reaction to natural phenomenon the truth of the matter is that these occurrences are so few and far between that there is no provision in our municipal budgets to allow for anything more proactive than waiting for the snow and ice to melt. But I’ll bet they wouldn’t laugh so hard if they saw our property tax invoices, which may be a half or even one thi...
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By Jay Markanich, Home Inspector - servicing all Northern Virginia
(Jay Markanich Real Estate Inspections, LLC)
When an older house is remodeled and shored up, you don't want to see dangerously racking (tilting) beams and insufficient support as the result.  This house is so old it's considered to be an "historic" home. Unknown when this racking happened (perhaps during the earthquake) this built-up beam has dangerously moved. It is also merely resting on top of a support column. It is similarly unknown how deep the column is sunk for support, or what the column is resting on. But this is not good support. Right above this location is a load-bearing wall separating the dining room from the hallway. The floor there looks like it is sinking, and dramatically, towards the wall. The beam to the right is resting on a column simply formed of stone and mortar.  That beam is leaning as well, as the top s...
Comments 29
What I Learned This Week At ActiveRain- January 26  to February 1, 2014.   I learn something new every day at ActiveRain!  With this series I try to highlight one post per day that gave me that “lightbulb” moment.  It could be something techie, about Real Estate, about a place or person! January 26:  Marte Cliff     For Better Client Communication-Become a Parrot Ask any client/customer and a huge complaint is that the salesperson didn’t listen to what they needed.  Read Marte’s post for a good tip about which I’d forgotten.       January 27:   Stephen Fells    Another Viral Resume What a unique and perfectly staged resume!  This is what they mean when they say “thinking outside the box!” January 28:  Pamela Cendejas     Tips for Facebook Success-Finding Friends and Influencing People....
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By Patricia Kennedy, Home in the Capital
(RLAH Real Estate)
Brad Anderson has a post today, How to Create Video Email Responses to Leads, about a new service that Zillow is offering to agents who use their services to get leads, and used properly, I think this could be awesome - maybe even awesome enough to get me to rethink Zillow.  But ... Hate to be a buzz kill - the operative words are "used properly". There is a lot of really, really awful real estate video all over agent web sites, YouTube, and even on Active Rain.  I think I can count on the fingers of one hand the agent videos I've seen that would impress me as a consumer.   If you are going to try video, especially to make a first impression on prospective clients, it needs to look professional.  I'm not talking about professional like made in a studio.  I'm talking professional like yo...
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Blog posts

By Derrick White, Attorneys Realty
(Attorneys Realty)
Homes in Arrowhead Lakes Neighborhood in Glendale AZ   Full details and photos of all available Homes for Sale in the Arrowhead Lakes Neighborhood in Glendale AZ. Our property information is a direct feed from Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service and is updated several times daily.  Located in the North West part of our valley lay a beautiful lake community in Glendale AZ; Arrowhead Lakes. Arrowhead Lakes is home to four lakes which allow 75 percent of homes in the neighborhood to be on the lakefront; so your paddleboat and fishing pole just might come included. In addition, choosing Arrowhead Lakes as your home will also allow a close commute to the Arizona Cardinals stadium, the Phoenix Coyotes or even shop at the Westgate Entertainment District.    Arrowhead Lakes is located nor...
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By Jack O'Neal
(HomeSmart Elite Group)
Great comments about the dangers of buying a home without a home inspection. I recommend that all my buyers of new homes get it inspected by a professional home inspector. The local code inspectors are not even part of this process.      Having just read a post by Clint McKie, home inspector extraordinaire based in the southern part of New Mexico, the gist of his blog gave a lot of credence to a huge travesty that is going on in the real estate industry. That is, on-site agents who sell properties in large building developments.     For the most part, the on-site agent works for the builder and their alliance is to the builder - not the buyer. Their main goal is to put bodies in the vacant properties – nothing more nothing less. They often pooh-pooh the need to get a home inspection. Mo...
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By Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties, The Dedicated Clarksville TN Realtor-(931)320-6730
(Platinum Properties- (931)771-9070)
Saturday Subscribers Finds 36 Tennessee is like 3 different states but has music at its core from one end to the other. The mountains of East Tennessee offer such beauty. Did you know that Bluegrass music has its roots here? The people tend to be very conservative. Middle Tennessee is gently rolling and has Nashville Music City USA is at its center. This is a hub of not only Country Music but of Gospel and Christian Contemporary artists too. It has become a melting pot of ideas and though still conservative there is a more moderate way of thinking. West Tennessee is where Elvis got his start and is known for the Blues and Jazz you find on Beale Street. This is flat land and the Delta of the Mississippi River. West Tennesseans tend to be more liberal than the rest of the state. The purpo...
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By Katrina Benton, Property Marketing Specialist
(Come Home Inc)
Home Prices in Anchorage Alaska for February 2014 Real estate market data for Anchorage, Alaska provided by Katrina Benton of Come Home Anchorage Team at Keller Williams Realty Alaska Group.   Anchorage Alaska Home Prices   We have seen 4 straight months of listing price increases on home prices in Anchorage and don’t expect things to slow down anytime soon.  If you are considering buying a home you can still find deals on a house in Anchorage but having a good real estate agent who understands the market is a must.  Don’t wait on the sidelines for too long, many of our listings are starting to sell within a few days of hitting the market. As you can see from the graph below, listings are not selling exactly for asking price. To make sure you don't overpay for your home, you'll want to...
Comments 3
By Debbie Holmes, Gets the job done!
(John L. Scott)
Call it a gut instinct.  Maybe it is a little more then an instinct.   I have some buyers and each day their search shrinks by one or two houses a day.  I am getting a little nervous.  This reduction of homes at the low end of the market signals a price rise.  The less homes available the more they will be bid up.   As the selling price rises we all price our listings just a little higher.    This happened last year.  Eventually people got greedy and the prices dropped a bit.  But a search that started with 90 houses now has 70.  Most of them bad.   I am beginning to fear that my buyers might wait long enough that they are priced out of the market.     They were supposed to take a day off but its been 8 days.   The best homes are gone and new ones are not showing up to take their place....
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, St. George Utah Area Residential Sales Agent
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
A new day begins a fresh outlook. While exhausting every avenue in a hot price range, I am changing directions, viewing this from another perspective. So far, one step away from achieving the set goal, missing an opportunity to be successful by a day or mere hours. I am determined to gain positive results for clients who are depending on me by taking another look from fresh eyes as the new day begins. Here WE GO!
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By Robert Bob Gilbert, Your Katy TX ( West of Houston) Real Estate Expert
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Anderson Properties)
IRS Potential Audit Items Katy Tx and Everywhere Part 1   It is Tax time as we all painfully know. Each of us has to face this reality and take some type of actions. If you are a Schedule C filer, I advise hiring a tax professional such as Tax CPA to prepare your return. No matter who does the actual work,  all of us need to beware of certain tax items. My series will cover potential IRS audit items which if anyone takes the deduction or a specific course of action you might be increasing dramatically your odds of being audited. The good news on the IRA audit front from a overall taxpayer standpoint is that during 2013 the individual audit rate fell below 1% which is the first instance in the last seven years this audit statistic as fallen below this level. The expectation for 2014 is t...
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By Susan Haughton, Susan & Mindy Team...Honesty. Integrity. Results.
(Long and Foster REALTORS (703) 470-4545)
Michael makes an excellent case below for home inspections under all circumstances - including new construction.  I know many people feel "if it's new, it should be fine," but that's definitely not the case.  There can be a number issues with a house that the average consumer is not going to see, much less recognize as a problem - and it's too late to do anything about it, sometimes, by the time a serious problem manifests itself.   With a purchase of several hundred thousand dollars, it just does not make sense to cheap out when it comes to having a home inspected, even a brand new home.       Having just read a post by Clint McKie, home inspector extraordinaire based in the southern part of New Mexico, the gist of his blog gave a lot of credence to a huge travesty that is going on in ...
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By Jeff Stevens, Jeff Stevens, Associate Broker/REALTOR
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New Mexico Properties)
Las Cruces Real Estate Market Report for January 2014 Shows Increase in Median Home Prices Real estate market data for Las Cruces, N.M. provided by Jeffrey Stevens of Keller Williams Realty.   Las Cruces, New Mexico Home Prices   We have seen another increase in median home prices in Las Cruces, N.M. in January 2014 which means we are starting the year off right!  If you are considering buying a home you can find deals on a house in Las Cruces but having a good real estate agent who understands the market is a must. Click here to contact me now.  Don’t wait on the sidelines for too long, with interest rates still at record lows but rising, now is the time to purchase the home of your dreams. To make sure you don't overpay for your home, you'll want to have an agent that does a thorough ...
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By Brad Andersohn, ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
(Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp)
How do you create automatic video email responses to leads? Bombbomb now allows agents to respond instantly to Zillow contacts, prospects and leads with a video email response. Zillow's Tech Connect feature allow agents to connect with a variety of Zillow Partners and their contact relationship management platforms (CRM's) and programs. Using video as one of your response strategies to first-time leads and contacts creates a very powerful first impression and has a huge impact on your prospects. Why? Because everyone else responds with email, phone calls and text messages etc. Ethan from Bombbomb Explains Details "Our Zillow integration allows you to immediately and automatically follow up with new potential home buyers and sellers in a way that differentiates you from other agents." Sh...
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By Bob Crane, Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671
(Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified)
    Verl Workman the Star of the WRA Convention Day 2   It was another great day today at the Wisconsin Realtors Winter Convention in Minocqua Wisconsin.   We had some great instructors today and my favorite was clearly Verl Workman.   I have heard Verl speak on several occasions and some of what he spoke of today was review, but it never hurts to hear a good message twice.             Verl gave three presentations today:   13 Brilliant Strategies to Make 2014 Your Best Year Ever   Taming the Time Thieves   The Difference Between "Average" and "Exceptional"       13 Brilliant Strategies to Make 2014 Your Best Year Ever   In this presentation he covered a lot of material, most of which is too extensive to cover in a blog post so I will just list the 13 and a half strategies.       1.    ...
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(The Celtic Connection Realty)
    The Celtic Connection Team at Solutions Real Estate has a web site featuring homes specifically at Johnson Ranch in Queen Creek (San Tan Valley) AZ. The website can be viewed at and features Johnson Ranch in Queen Creek (San Tan Valley) AZ homes for sale, Johnson Ranch in Queen Creek (San Tan Valley) AZ real estate, a search for Johnson Ranch in Queen Creek (San Tan Valley) AZ bank owned or foreclosures, Johnson Ranch in Queen Creek (San Tan Valley) AZ Golf Course Homes, and Johnson Ranch in Queen Creek (San Tan Valley) AZ Swimming Pool Homes. There is also a page that provides a real time update showing Johnson Ranch in Queen Creek (San Tan Valley) AZ properties that have been newly listed or had price changes. You can even see Johnson R...
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By Judith Ritter, Rural Land & Homes Specialist
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
  320 S Knight Creek Kingman, AZ 86401 Triplewide 39 Rural Acres Willow Creek Ranch Price : $224,900 Bedrooms : 3 Bathrooms : 2 Square Foot : 1,681 Lot Size : 39 Acres Community : Willow Creek Ranch County : Mohave Property Type : Single Family Year Built : 1997 MLS Number : 877093 click for more information and pictures Property Description This very large spacious open feeling mobile home is situated for excellent views out each window. This triplewide is set on top of a hill with 300-degree views. There is real (grid tied) power to the  39 Rural Acres with Triplewide Willow Creek Ranch, it is on septic and has a very good pumping well. The pad has several locations on it where a large garage could easily be added. The road to the property is good in all kinds of weather, the only tim...
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Comments aren't just for points. They're among the most important ways we interact as a community - someone writes a post, we react to it, usually with encouragement or elaboration, and sometimes with a different view or a polite dissent. It is through comments that we begin to know each other, establish friendships and share knowledge. But since the last major upgrade to AR, I've noticed a difference in the way comments are working. I think we're interacting less with the author and the other commenters, and I think this is an unintended consequence of seeing fewer comments with each post. Since we're only seeing the last 5 comments of each post, we're missing a lot of what other members have to say and, if the author is actively responding, we're not watching the conversation as it de...
Comments 42
By ReadySetLoan Team, Residential, Commercial & Condo Financing Experts
(ReadySetLoan Condo Team LLC)
Condominium Market Data for Bristol, CT This week, our office received notice that Southridge Condominiums in Bristol, CT, was approved with FHA.  This encouraged me to compile Condominium Market Data for Bristol, CT.  Bristol is a large town roughly 25 minutes west of Hartford.  It has a high concentration of condominium projects. Condominium Market Data for Bristol, CT There are 76 condominium projects in Bristol and of these, 53 were approved with FHA at one time.  Currently, there are 14 approved with FHA.  According to FHA’s site, there are 4 submitted for Approval/Recertification.  During the Q4 of 2013, 5 projects saw their approvals expire; 3 of these have applied for recertification. Analysis of Data I typically divide the numbers into those in FHA-approved projects and those i...
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By Judith Ritter, Rural Land & Homes Specialist
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
xxxxx E Purple Rose Lane Kingman, AZ 86401 Windmill Ranch 40 Acres Endless Views Price : $33,000 Lot Size : 40 Acres Community : Windmill Ranch County : Mohave Property Type : Vacant Land MLS Number : 877877 click for more information and pictures Property Description EASY access - less than 1 mile of gravel from hwy 93.  Long, Endless View from 40 Acres Windmill Ranch. Rolling hills, views 360, sandy soil will have easy development costs, partially fenced and truly an easy install for the fence crew. This is nice soil, no giant boulders to deal with. Unobstructed view of the Hualapais only 20 miles to the west. This Windmill Ranch 40 Acres Endless Views abuts the State Trust Land BUT there is a visible High Voltage Power line. The development costs for this property should be CHEAP be...
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By John Wiley, Lee County, FL, ECO Broker, GRI, SRES,GREEN,PSA
There is so much value in community. For in community there is sharing and caring. AR has proven that they are building community, even though we are many miles apart. I like that Tammie and another AR agent could pick up the phone and share for over an hour. The tips I receive make a tremendous difference in my life. I suggest that we all make better use of this community. Thanks Tammie     As I sat down to write this post, I carefully looked at the ActiveRain Guidelines. I wanted to highlight one section that I think is the epitome of ActiveRain. I chose the following: ActiveRain is Built for Community ActiveRain was designed to be a place for real estate professionals to network; to have a sense of community. So how do we go about doing that? We start by just reading posts, then comm...
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By Judith Ritter, Rural Land & Homes Specialist
(Dirt Road Real Estate)
  000 Mohave Kid Kingman, AZ 86401 36 Beautiful Acres Willow Creek Kingman AZ Price : $31,900 Lot Size : 36 Acres Community : Willow Creek Ranch County : Mohave Property Type : Vacant Land MLS Number : 878293 click for more information and pictures Property Description Beautiful southfacing hillside with LOTS of flat usable land laid out in front of it. This 36 Survival Acres Willow Creek Kingman AZ is a very drivable short 2 miles of gravel. This area generally has great water at approx 300' - 550' depth, the property will need a septic and solar power so that you can build your dream home only 45 minutes from Kingman or Seligman in this beautiful wilderness area. There is barbed wire along one property line. Road access is excellent. 36 Survival Acres Willow Creek Kingman AZ Willow Cr...
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By Richard Stewart, REO Realtor-RDCpro, CDPE Free list of Foreclosures
(REO Specialists llc)
See all data on these commercial foreclosures for sale in southwestern Michigan and schedule showing at or call Richard Stewart 269-345-7000 REO Specialists llc Update 02/01/14 Foreclosures Current Commercial Real Estate Listings - For Sale 805 M-89 Allegan 49010 -USD 84900.00 1247 Lincoln Rd Allegan 49010 -USD 79000.00 1245 Lincoln Rd Allegan 49010 -USD 199000.00 1307 Lincoln Rd Allegan 49010 -USD 99900.00 500 North Main St Allegan 49010 -USD 100000.00 215 West Monroe Bangor 49013 -USD 94900.00 391 South Shore Dr Battle Creek 49015 -USD 125000.00 1321 West Michigan Ave Battle Creek 49037 -USD 39900.00 1331 M-139 Benton Harbor 49022 -USD 29900.00 867 West Chicago Rd Bronson 49028 -USD 42900.00 111 South Rowland Cassopolis 49031 -USD 34900.00 19 South Monroe St Coldwater...
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By Jeff Fritzson: Frisco Real Estate Pro, Your Success is My Focus!
(Jeff Fritzson Real Estate, Ebby Halliday Realtors)
Alignment What a powerful word. In sales it is one of the most important. As a Realtor®, as well as being in other sales for many years, alignment has allowed me to be successful throughout my careers. Whether it was when I lived in New York, Southern California  or now in Frisco Texas, understanding where my prospect, customer or client is in their process, it is critical for me to align myself with them before i try to assist them. I will use client but this could be a prospect or customer as well.  Sales Process There are volumes written about sales process and the real estate process. To keep this simple let's just define the five states as I previously blogged about here. You can see on the right the five states of buying: No Need Un-need, Need evaluation, Solution Search and Perce...
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