Archives of real estate blog entries for July 01, 2013

Featured blog posts

By Paula Hathaway, REALTOR, LBA, ...A Local Expert in all The Hamptons
(Douglas Elliman Real Estate)
  4TH OF JULY IN SOUTHAMPTON, NEW YORK...UNFORGETTABLE!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR PRECIOUS NATION! FLAGS ARE FLYING ALONG EVERY STREET--as Southampton Village prepares the streets for the July 4th parade and all the accompanying crowds. The parade begins at the train station and meanders Southward to Monument Square where the park awaits the crowds, the bands, the veterans who have survived so many battles. Not many know that during the Revolutionary War, Southampton was "occupied" by British Troops...At that time, according to early Southampton Town records, the village was literally abandoned by the local families when they left their homes and moved to Connecticut for the duration of the war. Upon return, they had to rebuild and "re-develop" their agricultural land and lay claim to the ...
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By ActiveRain Contests
How's it going Rainers?  Are you busy, busy this Summer season?  I'm taking it easier on you this month, you're welcome :)  I'm really excited about the participation thus far and feel it's important to your success to keep these going. Sometimes in life we need a little push.  A little guidance or few suggestions can get us back on track and chugging towards the top of the mountain.  I've seen your successes resulting from past Cloudbursts and hope July's challenge brings the same. Last month called for handwritten notes, outside many of your marketing plans but necessary in today's online social world.  This month calls for exercise and a midyear audit.  You'll see the monthly Cloudbursts pushing you to get outside yoru comfort zone.  Great things happen when we're outside our comfort...
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By Nick T Pappas, Madison & Huntsville Alabama Real Estate Resource
(Assoc. Broker ABR, CRS, SFR, e-Pro, @Homes Realty Group, Broker/Providence Property Mgmnt, LLC Huntsville AL)
The Fair Housing Act Realtors Buyers and Sellers What You Should Know  To aid with your home search visit my website for all Madison, Huntsville and Northern Alabama Homes for sale. "There's no place like home," and  The Fair Housing Act Realtors Buyers and Sellers What You Should Know takes on new meaning when buying your home for the first time. A seemingly endless process of things to do and sign in preparation for move-in day and, of course, the accompanied potential snags that rest at every corner as you approach home ownership. Should you run into trouble that seems difficult to resolve when buying your home, you may find yourself wondering about the National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA). The goal of NFHA is to "eliminate housing discrimination and to ensure equal housing opportun...
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By Dick Greenberg, Northern Colorado Residential Real Estate
(New Paradigm Partners LLC)
Some of the comments I received on my Dave Liniger post last week about potential threats to our industry had me thinking all weekend - specifically those that mentioned the belief that because we're highly skilled and because we provide a personal touch, we're going to be hard to replace. As a counterpoint, Dave Liniger, along with a couple of commenters, mentioned travel agencies, and I started thinking back to when travel agencies were a viable business model. I traveled a lot in the 70's, 80's and early 90's, and I never went anywhere without their help. Here's why: They provided great customer service. My travel agent knew all my preferences, from seat choice to type of rental car to which hotels gave me automatic upgrades. They took care of everything, and if there was any kind of...
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By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
On February 2, 2010, I posted. . . . . . I HATE TO SAY "I TOLD YOU SO", but. . . . . . . "OBAMA TO LIMIT MORTGAGE INTEREST DEDUCTION!" TODAY? July 1, 2013.  The latest news from FCAR (the Frederick County Association of Realtors) in Maryland provides the sad news that the U.S. Senate (FOLLOWING THE LEAD OF THE U.S. House of Representatives), at the hands of Max Baucus and Orrin Hatch have "HATCHED" up a plan to create a "blank slate" to eliminate ALL eliminate ALL TAX DEDUCTIONS including the Mortgage Interest Deduction.  See the ALERT received in my FCAR mail this a.m.   M.I.D. at RISK?   On June 27th the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Max Baucus (D-MT) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-UT) announced their plan for tax reform legislation in the United States Senate. A letter...
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By Pacita Dimacali, Alameda/Contra Costa Counties CA
(Alain Pinel)
Discount? What discount? Yes, you really do get what you pay for. Note to self: Never again book a flight on Spirit Airlines.  Our flight was delayed for 4 hours, without a reasonable or believable explanation. Instead of getting in at a decent hour, we arrived home at an ungodly time --- tired, irritable, disappointed and more. What we saved in fare actually COST US MORE We wasted so much time. We lost our sense of humor. We lost patience.  We lost productivity by not being able to work bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the next morning. What started out as fun trip ended on a sour note because the vendor we chose delivered terrible service. Discounted real estate service The same principle applies to real estate. You get what you pay for. When I spoke to a potential seller, he mentioned so...
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By Pacita Dimacali, Alameda/Contra Costa Counties CA
(Alain Pinel)
Seller was not in a hurry...but buyers were For this short sale listing, the seller was not quite in a hurry, but decided to go ahead and put her house on the market. She hoped she'd have a lot of time to prepare to move out. Buyers wanted to submit their offers right away. Activated the listing on Friday. The seller went out of town for the weekend to have uninterrupted showings. Seller also chose not to have an offer date. Held open house Sunday, and the broker's tour the following Tuesday. By the end of the day on Tuesday, she had several offers to review. By Wednesday, we were in contract.   Hot seller's market In a hot market, when buyers are scrambling, few hesitate to write an offer on a short sale. As a matter of fact, as soon as they saw the "Coming Soon" posts and the sign, th...
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By Andrea Swiedler, Realtor, Southern Litchfield County CT
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties)
Here is it, my best advice to FSBO's in New Milford, CT. The for sale by owner sign is on a very busy street, perfect place for a sign actually. Traffic often comes to a crawl by the sign. But ... you can't read the telephone number! And I have tried, even when I am stopped. I just can't read the number!!! Most people aren't telepathic. Seriously. If you are going to go it alone when selling your house in New Milford, CT, or anywhere in Southern Litchfield County, make sure you know what you are doing. I feel for this owner every time I drive by and wonder how on earth people are going to call him? I mean, he doesn't live in the house, there are tenants there. They aren't home during the day, so you can't really go up and knock on the door to find out what is going on. And getting to th...
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By Kathy Streib, Home Stager/Redesign
Please Be A Good Neighbor to Our Wildlife! Can you guess what this is?  It’s a casting net my husband found while kayaking.  And, as you can see it could do serious harm to any of our beautiful birds, fish or sea turtles.   I’ve seen a pelican with its bill entangled in those plastic collars that can be found around drink cans.  This poor bird was standing on a railing just under the bridge going out the Boca Inlet leading out to the Atlantic. We called the Florida Marine Patrol to take care of the bird. And, it is an image I will never forget    Diving offshore, we found a large sea turtle that had become entangled in fishing line and died.     Please remember that the ocean is not your personal garbage disposal.  Birds, fish, sea turtles, our coral reefs and more can be damaged irrepa...
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By Jon Zolsky, Daytona Beach, FL, Buy Daytona condos for heavenly good prices
(Daytona Condo Realty, 386-405-4408)
There was a featured blog yesterday by Wayne & Jean Marie Zuhl Landlord wants credit check? Client says "No way!" A very good blog post, good question and many stunningly disappointing comments. Here is the story. Tenants have crappy credit, but make decent money and offer to pay rent for the whole year in advance in full. The whole idea of credit check is to try to avoid non-payment down the road. When you got all your cash, why do you need a credit check? The Landlord met with the couple, loved them, everything was fine. And then the Landlord’s agent called and said he wants a credit check. And tenants said “no” and walked away. My first thought was “it is probably the agent who suggested this, and what a moron this agent is” And then I read comments, and it felt like AR uniformed res...
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By Mona Gersky, GRI,IMSD-Taking the mystery out of real estate.
(MoonDancer Realty, Dillsboro,NC)
  This is a topic that has been blogged about before but it is a personal irritant to me and bugs me to the NTH degree whenever I hear unprofessional voice mail recordings. Real estate is a profession dealing with huge assets, doesn't it seem that agents should have a recording that reflects what they do for a living? I just heard another one to add to my list of recorded messages that grate on my last nerve.   "Hey There!" "Uhm, apparently I'm not available to take your call. You know what to do." No, why don't you enlighten me?   "I'm not available to return your call. Leave a message and I'll return your call as soon as possible." Did you even listen to this when you recorded it?   "Leave a message, I return all calls at the end of the day". Really? Is that how important my message i...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
Ask An Ambassador:  Beware The Siren Call of Comments! Attaboy! Nice post! Great information! Bloggers are human (mostly....we've encountered a couple we wonder about).  We like praise.  No, most of us LOVE praise.  And as bloggers we've got to be careful not to be lured by the siren call of comments (and along the same line, the Pursuit of The Gold Star!).  It's easy to get distracted from our true blogging purpose because that path can be a lonely road with few comments.  It's the nature of posting pure real estate themed topics.  Comments will be almost non-existent, because for the most part you shouldn't expect commentary about your subdivisions or market reports outside of a few of your closest Active Rain buddies!  And rare is the consumer comment, because when they've got someth...
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By Joe Petrowsky, Your Mortgage Consultant for Life
(Mortgage Consultant, Right Trac Financial Group, Inc. NMLS # 2709)
“Preparation for an Open House”   Many of you may know that I have been flipping homes for many years. We will do an open house for each home and they are extremely successful and the main reason is preparation. It takes us about a week to prepare for each open house.   Since all the homes are unoccupied, we partially stage the home, primarily the kitchen and bathrooms.   All of the properties are promoted on Craig’s List. Thus it is always our marketing tool for attracting new clients to the open house.   We will do a colored property description flyers with a couple of photos, normally 100 sheets is perfect. We have someone to hand carry these flyers to any place that will allow us to display the flyer and to all Realtors that are in that area. It takes 2-4 days to get all the flyers ...
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By Laura Borja Mortgage Professional, Specializing in VA and FHA Loans
(Supreme Lending NMLS 2129)
How Will Multiple Mortgage Credit Inquiries Affect My Credit Score? This is an important question to know the answer to.  No one wants to do anything  intentionally that could lower their credit score, but on the flip side, you want to be a smart consumer and shop for the best rate.   Because I prefer to step into a situation fully informed, one of the things I always want to do upfront is pull a current credit report.Many of my referrals are  people who have been working with another lender but were directed my way for various reasons- difficult scenario, turn times too long at the other company and the classic... unresponsive loan officer. More often than not, there is a bit of push back . I don't want my credit report pulled again.  I was told  that multiple mortgage inquiries affect...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
The creative blogging juices, sometimes the posts just ooze out the ends of the finger tips. The times when the blog posts are already written inside. Pour out in a flow of recycled electrons like warm honey. But when hunt and pecking on the Active Rain real estate blogging post platform, there is a teeter totter, a dangling set of scales in front of you. As you shape, craft, build a blog post. And in addition to the imagery, the video embeds, the helpful links, you shake and bake some extra seasoning. Sprinkled like moon dust to fine tune the final real estate blogging post product. To hit the target. To land it a spot on the front page search engine index. And then the fork in the real estate blogging road happens, appears. And you reach for the tone button. Adjust the bass, treble, ...
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By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 FHA, CHFA, VA Mortgages)
3% Down Conventional Mortgages Becoming Available Again.  With the recent changes by FHA making it more difficult for especially First Time Home Buyers to purchase houses, Conventional Mortgage Program that have not been available for a while are now making their way back.  One of those Mortgage Programs that more Lenders are dusting off and making available again is the My Community Mortgage, which is a 3% Down Conventional Mortgage. The My Community Mortgage Program stopped becoming available when Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) Companies stopped making PMI available on Mortgage Programs with less than a 5% downpayment.  In many cases, such as in the case of Condominiums, PMI Companies were requiring as much as a 10% downpayment before they would issue PMI on a mortgage.  Without the...
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By Wayne Martin, Real Estate Broker - Retired
(Wayne M Martin)
Are you a winner? Do you think so? Do others think you are a winner? Do you strive to be a winner? Do you do what it takes or do you consume your time thinking of excuses? Do you take charge or react as others charge you? Be clear about your purpose. If you are not totally clear about the purpose of what  you are doing, you have no chance of winning. Purpose defines success! Are you a winner? Enjoy your day!
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Blog posts

By Valeria Mola, 305-607-0709 SIB Realty Condos for Sale and Rent
(SIB Realty - Miami, Sunny Isles Beach)
591 condos for sale in Sunny Isles Beach according our MLS. From studio on the beach to penthouse in Mansion at Acqualina. From below $100,000 to $55,000,000. This is what can offer Sunny Isles Beach Condo Market today. Sunny Isles Beach Condo Market Update June 30, 2013 | SIB Realty 305-931-6931 is a city located on a barrier island in northeast Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States. 591 Condos are offered for sale in Sunny Isles Beach 228 Condos are under contract in Sunny Isles Beach 72 Condos were sold in June 2013 in Sunny Isles Beach 481 Condos were sold in 2013 in Sunny Isles Beach Sunny Isles Beach Real Estate has developed into some of the best luxury waterfront real estte in the world.          If you are in the market to buy or rent in South Florida, check current listing...
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By Nick, Cindy & Nicholas Davis, CRS,CLHMS,ABR,GRI,CIAS,ALHS,e-PRO,CDPE,SFR
(RE/MAX Premier Group)
  Schedule a Showing/Request Info Avoid Foreclosure Tampa Homes For Sale Search All Homes For Sale Free List of Foreclosed Homes For Sale What is Your Home Worth? Short Sale Homes For Sale   Nick Davis RE/MAX PREMIER GROUP 813-300-7116 Questions?Schedule a Showing!   Licensed In:Florida License #:Sl3116482 Information valid for the date of this posting only. Please contact us for the most current information and status of this property. 14607 CHATSWORTH MANOR CIR TAMPA, FL Scan with your smartphone & take me with you. Description Photos Maps & Local Schools Print Brochure Just Listed     Short Sale. A Must See! $ Click for current price 4 BEDROOMS 3 BATHROOMS (3 full) 2306 Square Feet Active With Contract. Pending Third Paty Approval. Seller is Accepting Backups. Short Sale. Enter thro...
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By Mark Horan, "The Resident Chef" - Resident Team Realty LLC &
(Resident Team Realty, LLC & Toni's Property Management LLC)
  Real Estate For Sale in Sunset Lakes, Kissimmee, Florida        .     Real Estate For Sale in Sunset Lakes, Kissimmee, Florida  is a gated community located in West Kissimmee just off West HWY 192. This location is close to shopping and accessing major roads. Walt Disney World Resort is within minutes and has great occupancy. Close to Hwy 192, and I4 which makes easy access to all theme Parks and Downtown Orlando.     Sunset Lakes is a gated community with approximately 200 homes located off Hwy 192 just 16 minutes from Walt Disney World Resort. Sunset Lakes was built in 1996 by Fidelity Properties. Villas range from 3 Bedrooms to 6 Bedrooms. Most villas have private swimming pools. There is a community pool, playground and fishing dock. When searching in Central Florida for an invest...
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By Tim & Michele Langhauser, Realtor in Maryland - Harford County
(Compass Home Group @ Keller Williams American Premier Realty)
605 Winesape Court Joppa Maryland Court location! New paint and carpet! Eat-in kitchen w/durastone floors, family room w/brick FP, spacious D/R and L/R, beautiful master bedroom w/laminate, walk-in closet and masterbath w/double sink and jacuzzi tub. Fully finished LL is great for entertaining with a built-in bar and ANOTHER brick FP. Huge two-level deck w/electrical awning and wooden swing!! Nice size yard! 1year HW! Full DetailsNew Carpet, New Paint Click Here for More Photos of 605 Winesape Court Joppa Maryland Click on photo to see more photos of 605 Winesape Court Joppa Maryland!   Compass Home Group of Keller Williams American Premier Realty  Tim Langhauser & Michele McCartin  Call or Text 443-360-0086 for information   
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By Ernie Steele
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Homesale Realty)
Great starter home or investment in Cornwall-Lebanon school district. 2 bedrooms, central A/C, economical gas heat and hot water, deck, shed and off street parking.  2193 Walnut Street, Lebanon, PA 17042, $96,900.00. Keystone MLS#209037. Contact Ernie Steele, Prudential Homesale Services Group, 1402 Quentin Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042. 717-273-3774
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By Rain Silverhawk, 208-610-0011 Sandpoint Idaho Real Estate Realtor
(Sandpoint Realty
The new FHA mortgage insurance premiums will make the cost of getting a lower end FHA home loan more expensive and perhaps unfundable.  As the government tries to protect the home owners, it will in fact hurt many of them.  This needs to be re evaluated.I was hoping that FHA would reconsider the proposed changes that they anounced in November, but as many of you know by now that did not happen.  HUD has announced that the two biggest changes that were propose will be implemented in the first half of the year.  Since we now know that the New FHA Proposed Changes Are Now A Reality we are going to have to adapt to them, or focus on other loan programs. Personally I think that FHA's decision to implement these changes is a huge mistake, and a further step backwards for both the Real Estate ...
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By Mark Horan, "The Resident Chef" - Resident Team Realty LLC &
(Resident Team Realty, LLC & Toni's Property Management LLC)
      Real Estate For Sale in Paradise Palms Resort Kissimmee, Florida        .      Real Estate For Sale in Paradise Palms Resort, Kissimmee, Florida  is a gated community located in West Kissimmee just off West HWY 192. This location is close to shopping,restaurants and accessing major roads. Walt Disney World Resort is within minutes and has great occupancy. Close to Hwy 192, and I4 which makes easy access to all theme Parks and Downtown Orlando.      Paradise Palms Resort is located off HWY 192 just 17 minutes to Walt Disney World and close to Orlando area attractions. This gated community of Town Homes and Villas is close to golf, shopping and restaurants. All properties have private swimming pools. Town Homes range from 1,740 sq.ft. to 2,024 sq.ft. Villas range from 3,014 sq.ft. t...
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By Mark Horan, "The Resident Chef" - Resident Team Realty LLC &
(Resident Team Realty, LLC & Toni's Property Management LLC)
  Real Estate For Sale in Legacy Dunes Kissimmee, Florida        .      Real Estate For Sale in Legacy Dunes, Kissimmee, Florida  is a community located in West Kissimmee just off West HWY 192. This location is close to shopping,restaurants and accessing major roads. Walt Disney World Resort is within minutes and has great occupancy. Close to Hwy 192, and I4 which makes easy access to all theme Parks and Downtown Orlando.      Legacy Dunes gated condo community built in 2000 is just 14 minutes from Walt Disney World and near Orlando area attractions. 488 condominium units on 50 acres. Size ranges from 900 sq. ft. to 1,377 sq. ft. under air. Screen patios and balconies over looking lake and conservation views. When searching in Central Florida for an investment opportunity Legacy Dunes i...
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By David Laven, Vermont Realty Team
(KW Vermont)
Summer is here and for Vermonters that means its time for fun on Lake Champlain. If your like us then you enjoy sandy beaches over rocky beachs and since most beachs on the Lake are Rocky we wanted to share with you one of the best sandy beachs in Vermont, the Alburgh Dunes state park. Here is a quick video showing a series of photos from the Alburgh Beach.      If you like what you see in this video and would like to buy a home near this beach then please be sure to check out our Alburgh Vermont Real Estate guide. 
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By Tim & Michele Langhauser, Realtor in Maryland - Harford County
(Compass Home Group @ Keller Williams American Premier Realty)
1321 Vanderbilt Road Bel Air Maryland ADORABLE 3 Bedroom, 2 Full Bath split foyer ready for you to move into and call home. Nice and Neutral throughout! Fresh paint and new carpet. Large, level, and private back yard with mature trees. Huge deck. Lower Level features family room w/ exposed brick wall and recessed lighting. Laundry and workshop area. New appliances in kitchen. New doors. Home warranty. Centrally located in Bel Air. Full DetailsOpen and Updated - View Interior Photos Here Click on photo to see more photos of 1321 Vanderbilt Road Bel Air Maryland!   Compass Home Group of Keller Williams American Premier Realty  Tim Langhauser & Michele McCartin  Call or Text 443-360-0086 for information 
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By Lori Bowers, The Lori Bowers Group
The year is now officially half over. Today is the day tot ally what you have done for the first half of 2013 and make your plans for the balance of 2013 - personal, financial, and physical goals. What have you accomplished so far this year and what else do you wish to achieve? This year I have worked on my health by walking 2-3 miles in the morning and swimming about 20-30 minutes in the afternoon. I have worked to eat healthier. I also work smarter not harder. As a result I have more free time , more energy, a better attitude, and have lost 8 pounds in a healthy way. Today I am doing my mammogram and bone density test. Then I have my physical on Wednesday. My focus is on health and doing good things for others while enjoying life myself. I still love being a real estate broker and I a...
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By Valeria Mola, 305-607-0709 SIB Realty Condos for Sale and Rent
(SIB Realty - Miami, Sunny Isles Beach)
593 condos are for sale in Hollywood and Hollywood Beach. From $34,000 to $4,700,000. 40 studios condos 206 are 1 bedroom condos 259 are 2 bedroom condos 81 are 3 bedroom condos 6 are 4 bedroom condos 1 is 5 bedroom condo Hollywood Beach is well known town in Southeast Florida. Great beaches and boardwalk on the beach. Hollywood Beach |Luxury condos | SIB Realty Hollywood Beach Condo market update June 30, 2013 Hollywood Beach is a beautiful oceanfront community located in the tropical paradise of South Florida. Call SIB Realty 305-931-6931 Condo Expert 594 condos are  for sale              316 condos are Under Contract   72 condos were sold in June 2013                          549 condos were Sold in 2013                             If you are in the market to buy or...
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By Will Nesbitt, Nesbitt Realty is a family-run brokerage.
(Nesbitt Realty at Condo Alexandria)
Top twenty home improvements to increase the value of your home part 3 of 4 gives several good tips on home improvement projects to increase the value of your home. For more specific information continue reading below.Top 20 Home Improvements to Increase the Value of Your Home - Part 3 of 4 Home Staging and Redesign of Minneapolis, MN In my last two posts I listed 10 of the Top 20 Home Improvements so let's look at five more.    #10   Basement Remodel – Basements do not have to feel like basements. No one enjoys being in a dark dungeon or a 1970’s paneled room with orange shag carpet. Make it a room your family will love to be in.          # 9    Add a Deck – You don’t want your deck to be more than one-third of the square footage of your house. Bigger is not better in this case. You no...
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By Janis Borgueta, Retired RE Salesperson
Schedule of Fireworks in Orange County NY July 4th 2013 July 4th 2013 is a few days away. Updates for July 4th 2014 can be found here Are there Independence Day Fireworks in your plans?? In Orange County NY you do have choices where to go… pick your preferred location grab a blanket, chairs, and a snack and head out on July 4th.  My plans this year are to get out  my video camera and capture the moment. Where to go? It can be hard to make the choices of when and where, but this year it seems that most of the fireworks are all on the same day. I like it when the celebration happens on the night of July 4th. It seems to make the holiday complete. BBQ’s during the day with time to gather up your things and plan for the culmination of a great day. Check out this schedule for July 2013 Town ...
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By Mark Horan, "The Resident Chef" - Resident Team Realty LLC &
(Resident Team Realty, LLC & Toni's Property Management LLC)
      Real Estate For Sale in Caribe Cove Resort Kissimmee, Florida        .      Real Estate For Sale in Caribe Cove Resort, Kissimmee, Florida  is a community located in West Kissimmee just off West HWY 192. This location is close to shopping,restaurants and accessing major roads. Walt Disney World Resort is within minutes and has great occupancy. Close to Hwy 192, and I4 which makes easy access to all theme Parks and Downtown Orlando.        Caribe Cove Resort is a gated condo community located just 15 minutes from Walt Disney World Resort. This resort has first class amenities. 2 Bedroom 2 Bathroom 1,445 square feet and 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom 1,413 square feet under air. This community was built in 2007. Relax in the heated swimming pool and in-ground  hot tub. Then lounge in the stea...
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By Phil Stevenson, CRMP, "Mortgage Nerd" in Miami, Florida and Texas
(PS Mortgage Lending 305-791-4874 or 888-845-6630)
Three years ago, complaints began to mount concerning the Department of Housing and Development's treatment of non-borrowing spouses on a reverse mortgage. Erica Jessup, program specialist at the HUD, said at the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Assocation in 2010, “these borrowers were told the loan was assumable, or a loan officer said that it was alright to remove a spouse from title because they could refinance or add the spouse back to title later without any problem. We need to get the word out to our loan officers and counselors that they need to thoroughly explain the provisions of our mortgage”. A year later, AARP took matters into their own hands by suing HUD, accusing them of abandoning rules and regulations set in place to protect non-borrowing spouses form evictions or for...
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By Stacy Magid
(Century 21 New Millennium)
  Stacy Magid | Century 21 New Millennium | (703) 599-5337 6064 Trident Ln, Woodbridge, VA Wonderful Townhouse in Woodbridge 3BR/4BA Townhouse   offered at $239,900 Year Built 1991 Sq Footage 1,648 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 4 full, 0 partial Floors 3 Parking 2 Lot Size 1,528 sqft HOA/Maint $60 per month DESCRIPTION The owners have taken great pride in this lovely home. Upgraded with hardwood floors in the kitchen and dining area, tile in the bathrooms and Corian counter tops with breakfast bar. The large family Room features a gas fireplace. Master Bedroom with Bath. Basement Rec Room with upgraded French doors leads to fenced yard w/brick patio. Backs to woods.   Woodbridge see additional photos below PROPERTY FEATURES - Basement - Breakfast nook - Dining room - Family room - Laundry room ...
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By Mark Horan, "The Resident Chef" - Resident Team Realty LLC &
(Resident Team Realty, LLC & Toni's Property Management LLC)
  Real Estate For Sale in Indian Creek Kissimmee, Florida        .      Real Estate For Sale in Indian Creek, Kissimmee, Florida  is a community located in West Kissimmee just off West HWY 192. This location is close to shopping,restaurants and accessing major roads. Walt Disney World Resort is within minutes and has great occupancy. Close to Hwy 192, and I4 which makes easy access to all theme Parks and Downtown Orlando.     Indian Creek is a Greater Homes community just 10 minutes from Walt Disney World and near Orlando area attractions. All Villas have private in-ground swimming pools. Ranging from 3 bedroom villas to 6 bedroom villas.   When searching in Central Florida for an investment opportunity Indian Creek is a great community to own a short term rental investment condominium....
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By Phil Stevenson, CRMP, "Mortgage Nerd" in Miami, Florida and Texas
(PS Mortgage Lending 305-791-4874 or 888-845-6630)
Buying a home is a lifetime investment. For those lucky enough to not have been effected substantially by the 2007-2009 recession, a home can provide enough equity later in life to help sustain the rising costs of living and unexpected medical expenses. The amount of mortgage debt effecting seniors and baby boomers, however, could mean a serious erosion to the "nest egg" they have taken care of for years in hopes of having a life raft to fall on in their later years. In an article published in Reverse Mortgage Daily yesterday, this is exactly the problem most seniors have to contend with in their Golden Years. According to a 2013 report by the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University's State of the Nation's Housing which found that between 1989 and 2010 the amount of mortg...
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By Realty Executives NOLA, Greater New Orleans & Northshore Area Real Estate
(Realty Executives NOLA - Kim Higgins, Broker/Owner - Greater New Orleans & Northshore Area Real Estate)
You more than likely know the name, but do you know the pad?   Veteran actor, comic and now landlord Chevy Chase is renting out his summer vacation homes so you can have the opportunity to live like a celebrity! Both places are located in the small town of Mount Kisco, New York.  The bigger property has three bedrooms and two baths and comes at a price tag of $20,000 a month.  The second home is a  one bedroom, one bathroom shed for $1,800 a month. The property has an outdoor kitchen, pool and tennis court, but whether or not those amenities are communal is unknown, only one can assume though! Other draws of renting the homes include a bevy of solar panels on the roof of the pricier pad. So, if you want to be the person to earn bragging rights and hang like Clark Griswold – the homes ar...
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