Archives of real estate blog entries for January 01, 2012

Featured blog posts

By James Quarello, Connecticut Home Inspector
(JRV Home Inspection Services, LLC)
I recently wrote a post in response to some negative and derogatory posts about real estate agents and home inspectors. Unfortunately or fortunately the whole debacle has occupied too much of my thoughts. I say fortunately because this situation has made me examine the ethics of doing business and more notably stereotyping. As anyone knows stereotyping is just another form of prejudice. It’s an easy way to take a group (real estate agents, home inspectors) and dehumanize the individuals into a nice tidy little collection. To forget that each person who happens to be a real estate agent or home inspector is not a one dimensional entity defined by this one aspect of their persona, but a multi-dimensional being. Stereotyping is an easy way to comfortably spew hate. When we reduce people to...
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Home Staging Tips in Palm Beach County- We May Want To Buy the House But What We Really Want is to Be Outside!If your house is on the market or you’re even thinking about it here’s a tip to help your Buyer really SEE what they want to see.   Think about it... the average temperature in Palm Beach County is about 83 degrees and the low is 66.   When we check the weather it’s to check on the beach conditions and if there just may be rain in the forecast.  Most of us chose Palm Beach County because we love the weather, the sunshine and want to be outside.  And we want to see the outside from our homes. If your house is on the market make sure your Buyers will be able to see outside and that means:            Clean your windows            Remove your screens to give your Buyer a clearer vie...
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By Jerry Newman, Texas REALTOR, San Antonio Military Relocation
(Brown Realty, 210-789-4216,)
Looking Back at 2011 on My Active Rain JourneyNever in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would have come this far on my journey in Active Rain in only one year.  I signed up on Jan 2, 2011, uploaded my photo, completed a short biography, a few testimonies, and wrote my very first post, Honoring Our Texas Veterans.  I was immediately award 1500 points in one day, and I was totally amazed. I quickly discovered if you commented on other member’s posts you would earn points, and of course if you posted something you would get 225 points. So, there I was, No. 400 on the leader-board for San Antonio, Texas.  I set a goal for myself to make it to No. 50 in San Antonio, since that would put me on the first page, and I thought that would be awesome, since I only needed about 15,000 points to ...
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By Gary L. Waters Broker Associate, Bucci Realty, Eighteen Years Experience in Brevard County
(Bucci Realty, Inc.)
I am not referring to loss on the sale price of your home but rather, I am talking about minimizing the chance someone may get injured while viewing your home for sale in Brevard County, Florida (or any other place!). Before you list your home for sale take a good look around your house from a child's perspective.  Even if you have no children think about potential buyers who do have children accompanying them as they view homes.  And, although I am no lawyer, you do not want to have something happen to anyone on your property - selling or not! Do not leave toxic within reach of small hands.  I know you are thinking that the children should be under control at all times but I have witnessed it – they aren’t always! If you have firearms, secure them with some sort of locking device or be...
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By Christine Bohn, The Bohn Team, Gainesville FL
(RE/MAX Professionals)
As a child we have dreams of the future, and what life will be like when we grow up. Here on the last day of 2011, historically it has been a day of reflection of life’s events throughout the year.  Whether it be your personal milestones or business failures & successes.  The saying is out with the old and in with the new. For me, I have to be careful with the term out with the old.  I’m not a child anymore.  Yet, I still wonder and wish for what “will be” when I grow up.  Have I mastered my craft in life?  When will I feel grown up? We are taught to have a plan with goals.   The best plans and goals are written and measurable.  Think of this as a pattern for a quilt.   You must determine the best plan and pattern.   Analyze the materials and the tools you will need to accomplish the go...
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By Kristi DeFazio, Colorado Springs Rea lEstate 719-459-5468
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Inspiration- Perspective From A 12 Year Old Today my son's hockey team tied a crucial game in a tournament that they needed to win in order to make it to the championship.  The coach was mad because he said they lacked inspiration. He gave them an assignment to do and have ready before next practice. The assignment was to write a page about what inspiration means and how you find it. My son is 12 and he inspires me daily. He has a wall with quotes that he finds inspirational. He went to work on his paper and was finished in ten minutes. I asked to see it and was pretty impressed. Here it is and yes, I asked his permission to post. I thought it could apply to a New Year and New Goals for Many.  Inspiration by Bryce DeFazio January 1, 2012   Inspiration to me is that feeling that helps yo...
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By Sharon Lee, Retired and loving life
(Sharon Lee's Virtual Assistance)
"One of life's greatest treasuresthat God in His goodness sendsis the Lovethat binds hearts togetherin the covenantknown as Friends." Hi Everyone-Today is my 3rd Anniversary blogging on Active Rain. It seems like a lifetime ago. It has gone by fast. I have learned so much, laughed, cried, prayed for others, shared my heart, some of my struggles and some of my passions. I have found many friends and they have supported me, encouraged me, e-mailed me and even called me. This community is unlike any place I have ever been a part of.  I never dreamed 3 yrs ago that I would be blogging, sharing and reading stories from some amazing folks all across the U.S. and Canada. The education is unsurpassed by some of the brightest people in the industry. The thing for most all of us isn't just the e...
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By Andrea Bedard, Fluent in Real Estate & German, M.A. ABR ASP CIPS
(Thompson Company, REALTORS® 240.593.2860)
"An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves."~ Bill Vaughan ~ Were you excited to see the old year end or were you excited to start the new? Which one are you, the pessimist or optimist? Not everyone regards a new year as a new beginning. For some, it is just the continuation of time with the same habits and same day-to-day pattern. For others - me included - January 1st is always a fresh start. I don't toss everything aside and start over - that is not the point. It is, however, the chance to start with a blank page, to set new goals and to learn how to achieve them best! January is just a great opportunity to reflect on the past. I am big on visualization and always write down my goals beginning of each year: perso...
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By Bryant Tutas, Selling Florida one home at a time
(Tutas Towne Realty, Inc and Garden Views Realty, LLC)
Hi folks. During one of my interviews this year a listener posed a question that got me thinking. The question was "How do you learn your market?". It caught me a little off guard. Not that I don't know the answer but that someone in our business had to ask the question. Knowing our market is what our job is all about. Knowing our market is why buyers and sellers need us. Knowing our market is what gives us confidence in our business. Knowing our market is how we know where and who to market to. Knowing our market is how we plan for the future. Knowing our market is so important that if we don't know it we will surely fail. It's just a matter of time. But having said all of that......"How do you learn your market?" is a very good question and one that I'm going to try and answer. To be...
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By Kristen Wheatley, Supporting Success - Best Job in the World!
(Better Homes & Gardens | The Masiello Group)
Ah, New Year's Day and the time to pull out those famous (or infamous) resolutions.  I've known people who seem to do very well with resolutions.  For some they provide that extra nudge of motivation to keep growing and achieving.  Awesome! However, for the rest of us, there are times when making that list of resolutions for the new year can feel like planning ahead for what we will need to feel guilty about at the end of the year.  We start out feeling committed and maybe even excited about all that will be accomplished, but after a few months, the energy fades and we find ourselves back on the old path.   Why is that?  Could it be that perhaps we are not as gung ho about it in the first place?  Are we making that list, not because we really want to, but because we believe we are SUPPO...
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By Patricia Kennedy, Home in the Capital
(RLAH Real Estate)
So, 2012 is here at last!  And I am in New York.  I tried to write this on my I-Pad as we were cruising up I-95, and finally gave up.  It was a little slow, and I don't have the picture thing down yet.  Anyway, here goes: 1.  Suzanne McLaughlin:  One of My Resolutions for 2012  This caught my attention because I really need to do this! 2.  Cindy Jones:  31 Days of December Challenge-After Yesterday's Rain Storm Came Good News  I saw the same one, Cindy! 3.  Alan May:  Hmmm... is that cake?  I so relate to this one!  I'm embarrassed to return to Weight Watchers! 4.  Jay Markanich:  Grading And Drainage: "Negative Drainage Conditions"  Jay is such an eagle eye!  Can't fool him! 5.  Colin Call:  TAKING LISTINGS!  Now Colin has a prior career that is certainly useful to a real estate profes...
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By Donne Knudsen, CalState Realty Services
(Los Angeles & Ventura Counties in CA)
Well, this week there were so many really great posts here in the rain by some of my fave bloggers as well as some newbie bloggers that I’ve recently come across.  However though, for the first time since I’ve been doing this series (summer 2010), I didn’t actually call any of the shots this week.   But there were some other really great posts that I suggested but the AR Gods must have missed them this week when they were bestowing those little gold stars.  Check them out and see for yourself.   First there was a Give Yourself A Gift For 2012: Get Your Stuff 'Under Control' by Marie Graham.  I loved this post because Marie, who is a stager, advises us on the importance of getting control of all of our "stuff".  While making a New Year's resolution to be more organized is always a good ...
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By Cherimie Crane
(Cherimie Crane & Associates)
The confetti settles, the resolutions resolve, and anxiously we begin the year we shall rush to bid farewell. Change is exciting, it brings about a certain energy to begin, to end, and to improve things within our lives that gave us such fits in 2011. January 1, everyone is a winner, a saint, a fitness pro, and basically a better person all around.   Each has his or her own battle. Although mine falls in line with the usual suspects; it is slightly different. A few months ago, my favorite little escape closed its doors. It was my heaven, my sanity, my alternative to a life of crime. No matter how difficult the day, regardless of the barrage of real estate rocks hurled fiercely in my direction, I found solace in Celadon.   Crawling, stumbling, or skipping through the doors was my bandag...
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By Paula Hathaway, REALTOR, LBA, ...A Local Expert in all The Hamptons
(Douglas Elliman Real Estate)
   GOOGLE JUICE AND CHEESE...What Do They Have In Common??? Did you know that there is a concern about the way we get points for blogging here on ActiveRain??? Did you know that some members have dropped off the blog roll because they don't think it is such a good thing to get points for what we do???...that getting Google Juice is thought of as the wrong reason to blog??? Sometimes there are posts written here on ActiveRain that are perfect for stimulating back and forth conversation and revealing attitudes about things that we, as members do and the reason we do them. I can't think of a better place than ActiveRain to engage in these conversations, especially if there is a genuine goal and forthcoming information that we ALL benefit from! Putting that aside for the moment, I ALSO THI...
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By Myrl Jeffcoat, Greater Sacramento Realtor - Retired
Without a doubt, this housing cycle more than any other I've experienced as a Realtor these past 30+ years, has produced a larger percentage of vacant properties listed For Sale.    In addition to the avalanche of REO or bank owned properties; and number of homes being marketed as short-sales, are folks, who need to move for employment opportunities, and other reasons.  They must leave their existing home behind. Real Estate professionals say, vacant homes often sell slowly, and for less money than well furnished similar properties  That's because many folks buy on emotion and have a hard time warming up to an empty house.  A lived-in home can be much more appealing.Empty homes often present an echo when you walk through them, and because doors and windows aren’t opened to allow air to...
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Blog posts

By Christopher Pataki, Hockessin Delaware Real Estate
(RE/MAX Associates)
  You can't control the price scale for the energy company, but you can combat a rising utility bill by implementing more energy-efficient methods at home. Start by visiting the U.S. Department of Energy's website for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy at The site provides useful information on ways to conserve energy and cut costs. Here are just a few things you can do:   Replace old appliances with new models bearing the ENERGY STAR® logo. ENERGY STAR appliances use 10 percent to 50 percent less power than traditional units. For more information on energy-efficient appliances, visit Weather-strip all windows and doors, and caulk any air leaks. Cut costs even more by adding a timer to your electric water heater and by investing in a water heater cov...
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By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
"SO FAR HAVE WE COME, SO FAR HAVE WE YET TO GO."  Winston Churchill. Our market, for what it is, is interest rate driven.  A modicum uptick in rates will kill this market off in a nano-second.  All I can say to agent and brokers is, "Cross your fingers". Courtesy, Lenn Harley, Broker,, 800-711-7988. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Positive article in RealtorMag from CnnMoney... Sales ticked up for existing homes and new homes, several real estate market indicators revealed last week, pointing to a housing market that may finally be entering recovery mode. In the most recent report, the Census Bureau reported that the new-home market continued its rebound, with sales of new houses once again inching up last month. New-home sales rose 1.6 percent from ...
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By Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School, Rowlett Real Estate School / Owner and Instructor
(Rowlett Real Estate School)
January -- 17, 18, 19 -- in Panama City Beach FL we will be having a post broker management class. For more information, visit our website at or give Captain Wayne a call at 850-547-1333. Our class will be held at 309 Richard Jackson Blvd.  Suite 200 Panama City Beach, FL. Rowlett Real Estate SchoolCaptain Wayne Rowlett
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By Charles Stallions Real Estate Services, Buyers Agent 800-309-3414 Pace and Gulf Breeze,Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services Inc)
My New Years Resolution - Stay in touch with my SOI Conduct a Seminar - Invite a speaker or celebrity to do a seminar. Examples of seminars: A tax seminar, a living trust workshop or have local political leaders discuss pertinent issues like zoning changes or tax reform. Besides getting in front of people, this can boost your brand because you're providing valuable information. Last year I had a 1031 Tax exchange along with How to buy Real Estate through your 401 K. It went over really well and we had over 60 people show up. We had another FSBO seminar with 20 FSBO's showing up and we had a CPA, Title office and a mortgage guy explain the ups and downs to going it alone. By the end of the night we had four listings and three others to schedule appointments. After following up we found t...
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By Dorie Dillard Austin TX, NW Austin ~ Canyon Creek and Spicewood/Balcones
(Coldwell Banker Realty ~ 512.750.6899)
"May this New Year bring many opportunities your way, to explore every joy of life and may your resolutions for the days ahead stay firm, turning all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into great achievements."                                                                 Author Unknown                                                                                      
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By Wallace S. Gibson, CPM, LandlordWhisperer
(Gibson Management Group, Ltd.)
> Click here for full details, additional photos, and an inquiry form < Single family1136 Rustic Willow Lane Charlottesville VA 22911 3 beds/2.5 baths$1795 / month     Gibson Management Group, Ltd.Wallace S. Gibson CPM PO Box 106Keswick, VA 22947-0106   Phone: 434 979 9723 Email: Website: Location information 1136 Rustic Willow Lane Charlottesville VA 22911 Subdivision: Forest Lakes * Willow Bend Elementary School Zone: Hollymead Jr. High School Zone: Sutherland High School Zone: ASH Driving Directions: 29N, R into Ashwood/FL South, Left on Willow Bend and R onto Rustic Willow Detailed listing information Remarks: Living Room with gas FP, separate dining room, eat-in kitchen and master suite on 1st floor, 2 Bedrooms and unfinished bonus room/ho...
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By Marco Giancola, Realtor (305)608-1922, Miami Beach Florida
(Beachfront Realty)
I wanted to create and express a New Year Greeting that represented that was special and relative to  where I live.....then I can across this from Gabe Sanders, a neighbor a bit to the north of me and thought-reblog! Happy New year everyone!Wishing You a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year      
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By Brin Realty Associates Team At Bean Group, Amherst NH homes and Southern NH real estate
(Bean Group | Brin Realty Associates)
Happy New Year to all of our friends and neighbors.  May 2012 be full of good health, good friends and much success. We will be watching the New England Patriots VS Buffalo game.  Of course, we will have our healthy celery and carrot snacks since we started our diet right after Christmas. Whatever you do this New Year's Day, hope its a great day! GO PATS!    
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By Sharon Seabury Twin Pinnacle Realty
(Twin Pinnacle)
  Something to Blog About: All About Needham, Ma and Needham Life Good Morning on this January Sunday (Enjoy the weekend!) in Needham Make it a great day! Here is the Twin Pinnacle Pic of the day for Needham Cutler Park, Needham Ma Walking Trail picture courtesy of panoramio-com If you have a favorite Needham Photo you would like to share, email me at and I will post it. Twin Pinnacle wants well informed customers!We provide updates on Needham Real Estate as quickly as we can.This latest information was updated for Needham on 01-01-2012 08:17 Welcome! We are dedicated to promoting and endorsing Needham as a great place to call home! Here are Today's Featured Listings in Needham jarvis cir needham home for sale Listed by Catherine P. O Dea Quest Real Estate jarv...
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By Charles Stallions Real Estate Services, Buyers Agent 800-309-3414 Pace and Gulf Breeze,Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services Inc)
Rent to Own vs Lease Options vs Wraps in Pensacola, Gulf Breeze, Pace Florida, are they right for you. Give me a call and let's take a look to see what we can do to make you a home owner. With the mortgage crisis the way it is, the tightening of money from lenders or lack of money to loan. I get a lot of calls from buyers wanting to know if rent to own is an option. The short answer is maybe...   Some ways to tell.   If you apply for a loan and the interest rates puts the payments above what a similar home is on a rent to own home, then a rent to own home is for you. If you have credit issues that would prevent you from getting a loan then a rent to own could be for you.    Things to make sure you do. When agreeing to a rent to own you will want to make sure you make the payments to the...
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By Wallace S. Gibson, CPM, LandlordWhisperer
(Gibson Management Group, Ltd.)
One of my REAL New Year's Resolutions is to do Amazon reviews.  I've started with the EASY PART doing reviews of the books and audio books I have ordered and received fom the ONline GIANT and read * I'm averaging about 3 a week between hardbacks, CDs in my car and downloads to my kindle. I' really like some hints and tips as I see that there is FUN and Education in this process!
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By Steve, Joel & Steve A. Chain
(Chain Real Estate Investments & Mortgage, Steve & Joel Chain)
Lake California: is a well established community. Only 12 homes are actively listed and available for sale and 12 homes are pending sales. However opportunities still exist to create a brand new home. Portfolio plans and custom designing are available.The Lake California LifeStyle. January 2012 The Community is a planned unit development created in the 1960's and is approximately 50% developed. I'm often surprised when speaking to business professionals, from our region, that have not visited the community in many years. Perhaps the fact that the community is a privately gated PUD lends to that experience. However, visitors are welcome. The community has experienced considerable growth in recent years. The Lake California LifeStyle. The gated community of Lake California in Cottonwood C...
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By Pam Crawford, Owner-RE/MAX Prof. Assoc.,MBA, CDPE, CRS, ABR
(RE/MAX Professional Associates)
~Things to do in Spencer Massachusetts~ Have you noticed how crazy life is now?  It's hard to find good quality family time.  Have you noticed when you do have a rare moment when the family is together, you don't know what to do?  Well here are a few affordable ideas in the Spencer Area of Massachusetts.   For those of you that are not quite familiar with Spencer Massachusetts,  it is a cute little town approximately 10 miles west of Worcester Massachusetts, sandwiched between Rt9 and Rt 20.  This cute little town has many lakes that feature recreational water sports, Mom and Pop restaurants, specialty stores, and a couple famous shopping experiences. If you are looking for something affordable and fun to do, you may want to check out Bayberry Bowling Center.  This entertainment center ...
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By John Handschuh ABR SRES, Bucks County Real Estate
(RE/MAX Legacy)
Time for a change, upgrade your smoke alarms, your family depends it !!!   NEW TECHNOLOGY: UPGRADE YOUR SMOKE DETECTORS - SEE VIDEO   Topic Summary: A huge enhancement in smoke detectors has gone unnoticed by many homeowners. If a fire starts in your home, you have only about three minutes to escape. What if a fire starts in the basement and the door to the basement is closed? Precious minutes may be wasted if your detector near your bedroom does not go off.By installing the latest technology, if one alarm goes off all of the alarms in the house go off at the same time providing you critical time to get out of the home. Having the fire department at your home five minutes sooner also can prevent a total loss compared to isolated damage. The video below explains the process.    RESOURCES...
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By Kendall Caputo
(Real Living/ Palm West Home Realty )
In 2011 over $347,000,000 worth of real estate was sold in Palm Coast and Flagler County including 1,602 single family homes.  Approximately half of these properties were distress sales (foreclosures or short sales). But there is plenty of positive news.  First the median list to sale price ratio (the difference between the asking price and the eventual selling price) was a healthy 95%.  In addition available inventory is down 23% overall.  Currently the number of homes for sale in Palm Coast is 858 this is the lowest level in five years.  The biggest drop in available inventory are waterfront homes.  Currently there are 74 salt water canal homes for sale in Palm Coast.  While the Palm Coast housing market is showing signs of recovery there are still some excellent buying opportunities....
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By Cindy Jones, Pentagon, Fort Belvoir & Quantico Real Estate News
(Integrity Real Estate Group)
Out with the old and in with then new is a wonderful expression.  But it's not for everything in our lives or what we see along the way.  Though we may not need old manure spreaders anymore we still need to be reminded that it took hard work and ingenuity to get us where we are today.Happy New Year and may 2012 be the best year ever for you.  
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By Charles Stallions Real Estate Services, Buyers Agent 800-309-3414 Pace and Gulf Breeze,Fl.
(Charles Stallions Real Estate Services Inc)
I could't sleep this morning so I got up and decided to take a trip to Pensacola Beach, it is very quiet this time of year. As I pulled my car into the parking lot by the water tower, it was like a ghost town only three count em three cars in this vast space of a parking lot. Normally you cannot find a parking space. But as I walked toward the sand there was a guy standing outside Crabs which by the way is a great place to eat and I decided to watch the waves wash up on the beach.  Ask for a waiter named Jamie if you ever get to go there he will take good care of and no you don't even have to mention my name he is just that good. I have been about a couple of dozen times and although Jamie was not always our waiter people that he waited on just seem to have a great time so we started as...
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