Archives of real estate blog entries for June 01, 2011

Featured blog posts

By Larry Bettag, Vice-President of National Production
(Cherry Creek Mortgage Illinois Residential Mortgage License LMB #0005759 Cherry Creek Mortgage NMLS #: 3001)
Yesterday I wrote a blog entitled An Active Rain FEATURE Can be Good for Your Business!.  In the post, I wrote about how having a Featured Blog would be good for your business economically.  I was amazed at the comments I received.  The post focused on 5 benefits of writing a featured post.  SOME COMMENTS I RECEIVED ASTOUNDED ME!!!!! In essence the Featured Post was treated like some elusive piece of gold.  The comments made it sound like either the "grand pubas" had a "good ole boy network" and if you were in you got the features, or if you were out, then you didn't.  The second batch of surrendering comments were around the fact that a lot of people were resigned to the fact that they would never write a good post. I'd love to say that I'm on Active Rain's payroll.  I'm not.  If there...
Comments 122
By Yolanda Hoversten, Referrals for O’Fallon, IL & the Metro East
(Self Employed)
The Day ActiveRain Stars Shine On Me   As anyone on ActiveRain who's mildly paying attention knows, the 31 Days of May Blogging Challenge ended last night at the stroke of midnight.  Most probably, the only ones paying attention were the 462 subscribers of the challenge.  What a month it was... it seemed to go on forever. If you have never tried the blogging everyday challenge, I urge you to... so you can at least commiserate with some of the miserable contestants whining about what topic to blog about minutes away from the day's deadline.  I certainly was miserable on some days... sorry, honey. Since we didn't have a sales meeting Tuesday, I worked in my comfy home office in O'Fallon, Illinois.  (Can I claim it as a home office if I blog in my own office desk?  If I blog in my bathrobe...
Comments 49
If you're planning on staying in your home for more than 5 years, it might make sense to spend money on high-end renovations that you will enjoy and will make your life more comfortable.  If the potential exists for a move in the near future, however,  keep in mind that the money you spend doesn't translate dollar-for-dollar into increased value  and depending on the circumstances, may not add any value at all.  Many homeowners have sunk so much money and effort into their house that they "don't want to give it away".  That attitude could cost them a sale in a buyers' market where prices are still declining.
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By Bob Haywood,
(McGraw Realtors)
So here’s the scenario. I have a nice buyer family who has sold their home in another state. They are moving to my area and are excited to find a great home. So we go looking at homes after scouring the MLS. But we can’t find anything that they really like. Day 1 finishes as a dud. On day two we go look at a few homes then return to the office to see if there may be something we overlooked during the first go around. Sure enough, a listing popped up in a great neighborhood. But there were no pics in the MLS and there was no disclosure either. Sure, the information said that the home was updated, but without the pics it would be hard to know exactly what that meant. So we call up the seller to see about a showing. He says we can come out, so we do. And when we get there, we find a deligh...
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By Wayne Johnson, San Antonio REALTOR, San Antonio Homes For Sale
(Coldwell Banker D'Ann Harper REALTORS®)
Selling Your House: You Are Involved Selling your house is not just your agent's responsibility. You are involved until the Closing Documents are signed. When I help Sellers, I ask them to organize and clean the rooms of their house as if they are preparing for a visit by a disapproving mother-in-law, or demanding drill sergeant. You know, the kind of mother-in-law that never likes anything you do, is never satisfied with your cooking, clothing or how you are raising her precious grand kids.  Your mother-in-law is probably not like that, but you have friends where this is the case. You can relate, I'm sure. Luckily I've never had one like this video, and you can see some real jewels on YouTube. Here are some of the keys to getting your house ready to sell:   Most American homes have stu...
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By The Somers Team, Delivering Real Estate Happiness
(The Somers Team at KW Philadelphia)
On Saturday, June 11, we are putting our muscle where our mouth is. After posting a controversial video clip two weeks ago, it became overwhelmingly clear that there are a lot of Northern Liberties neighbors and business owners who really want to see the South side of North 2nd Street in Northern Liberties cleaned up and beautified. We were emailed and stopped on the street by people who saw the video. They graciously offered to clean, paint, use decorative banners, and all kinds of creative ideas to help improve the look of the unused, seemingly abandoned storefronts. Their genuine interest was a clear sign to us, that we should organize a N 2nd Street Sweep. Once we clean up the street perhaps we can inspire some of the current owners of these dilapidated facades to tap into some of o...
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By 1~Judi Barrett, BS Ed, Integrity Real Estate Services -IDABEL OK
(Integrity Real Estate Services 116 SE AVE N, Idabel, OK 74745)
Yes, I have to like you to do business with you.  To each his own.. there is no right or wrong line of reasoning here.. You see, it's my money and I say that I have to like you to do business with you.  Now for some other folks that might not be the case and hey, it's their nickel.  But when it's my nickel, that's the way it is.   I don't need you.. there are plenty of folks to choose from to get done what I want done.  You may believe that you are the best but everyone seems to think they are too.  So.. want me to do business with you?  Then don't be out there WAAAAY over in left field or for that matter WAAAAY over in right field.   Keep some things to yourself.. unless you intend to, all of a sudden, bring them out while we are doing business and have them get it in the way. If that...
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By Don MacLean, Realtor-Homes for Sale- Easton, Mass 02356
(New England Real Estate Center Inc.)
Many of you have commented that I did not have a blog posting yet and my response has been, soon enough and when I'm ready. Well I'm ready. Be careful of what you wished for.  I've been known to be out spoken. I had not written in the past because although I have bought and sold many properties (commercial and residential) none have been as a Realtor.        Well the closing took place last week and we celebrated the day after.    Now I know your saying what kind of picture is that (insert here lol) but she's camera shy (and since she's going to kill me for this, what the hey). Richie when I said "It's not what your doing but with whom your doing it with" It's so true.           So with my first sale I must stop...... and thank the person who has supported me the longest,               ...
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By Sal Poliandro - Helping People Win, Broker Associate
(RE/MAX Properties)
Selling Real Estate is easy, it comes down to one simple question for the seller. Do you want to sell or do you want to stay? Every Bergen county home sells, either to a buyer who has the money to purchase it or to the seller who believes that their home is worth more than the market will bear. When the property is sold to a willing buyer a transaction happens. When the property is sold to the seller, nothing happens.   What type of seller do you want to be?   The Seller who wants to sell This seller realizes that this is a very challenging market. The educated seller has chosen to work with a Realtor. They understand the value of having a seasoned professional in their corner. They have done everything that they can to make their home more marketable. This seller has realistic expectat...
Comments 5
By Peter Pfann @ eXp Realty Pfanntastic Properties in Victoria, Since 1986., Talk To or Text Peter 250-213-9490
(eXp Realty, Victoria BC
Home Maintenance Checklist for June.To keep ongoing home and property maintenance manageable Peter and Linda Pfann  have created a short list of suggestions each month as a reminder.You will find that completing these easy to follow suggestions, will avoid more extensive and expensive repairs in the long run. Inspect Windows and Doors for proper operation and any Screens for repairs. Check Furnace and Air Exchanger, Heat Pump and or other heat sources, replace filters If applicable, have the Septic System checked and cleaned (typically once every 3 years). Inspect the condition of the Roof for loose, ripped, missing and or worn out shingles. Clean and inspect Gutters and Downspouts. Check Yard,  for any wind or storm damage,  fix fences, sheds, as well as bush and tree trimming. Check H...
Comments 52
By Mitchell J Hall, Lic Associate RE Broker - Manhattan & Brooklyn
There have been a lot of blogs lately about mandatory 20% down payments, QRM, and increases in FHA minimum down payment requirements. There have been some lively and heated debates on the subject. While I commented and stuck my two cents in, for the most part it's moot in the Manhattan market. Manhattan is an expensive market, it's also a market with high-paying jobs and high incomes. It is also a market with 50% of transactions all cash. Short sales, foreclosures, sub prime, REO, FHA not terms we're very concerned with.  Buyers here have always had skin in the game. A minimum 10% down for a condo and a minimum 20% down for a coop in addition to good income, assets and credit. Quality buyers buy quality real estate. Real Estate is Local! This post is for buyers and sellers in Manhattan,...
Comments 17
By Rosalie Evans, The Evans Group, Sioux Falls, SD Homes For Sale
(Meritus Group Real Estate)
Into my open house! You walk quickly by me when I am talking to another person in the hopes that I won't press the issue for you to sign the sign in sheet. Don't think I don't know your schtick cause I do, this isn't my first rodeo. You are the "independent contractor." You don't need my help. You don't want my advise. You are looking for homes on your own and doing just fine, thank you. When you want to look at a home you just call the listing agent to show it to you. Do you know you are doing yourself a diservice though? If you give us the benefit of the doubt us agent are fairly helpful. If you are scoping out this home in a attempt to figure out how much your home is worth just ask me and I will do a market analysis free of charge. If you are here to figure out how to make your home...
Comments 43
By Jon Zolsky, Daytona Beach, FL, Buy Daytona condos for heavenly good prices
(Daytona Condo Realty, 386-405-4408)
There are quite a number of places where you can get images for your blog. My favorite one is Flickr. It is free, it  is easy to use, and it is legal... So, let's start from typing (watch the spelling). When the page opens, scroll all the way down and look for Creative Commons, as this is what we need for this post. Click Creative Commons and this is what you would see on your screen: There are different types of Creative Commons, and on the right side there is a description, so you can choose what you use. The least restrictive is the first one, Attribution License, which also offers the largest collection of images to download, and all you have to do is mention the author. Of course, you can read and use other type of uses, but be careful with non-commercial use, as usi...
Comments 161
By Jay Markanich, Home Inspector - servicing all Northern Virginia
(Jay Markanich Real Estate Inspections, LLC)
One thing I do on every inspection, because I have long arms and reach eight feet, is raise my flashlight up parallel to ceiling height and see what I can see in the drywall.  Any previous repair will be revealed, unless they are as good as I am at doing drywall...  (yes, that was a bit of a toot on my horn). And my practice is always revealing when problems are hidden. I saw this from across the room. When leaks require drywall repairs, I will see them from across the room. When leaks only stain the drywall that needs to be primed and painted, I will see that from across the room. Do you know what you are looking at here? That is the pattern created by the material at the bottom of a can of spray KILZ. KILZ is a stain-blocking primer.  It is good stuff.  It seals the brown stains that ...
Comments 78
By George Souto, Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
(George Souto NMLS #65149 FHA, CHFA, VA Mortgages)
Last week I posted the first blog in this VA Loan series.  As I stated last week, in most cases I would start off by giving the highlights of the program as an introduction to the series of blogs that I plan to do, but in this case I start off by addressing the Condo Market first. My reason for doing this was because, a large number of Condo's came off the FHA Approved Condo List at the end of last month, making it more difficult for those who are looking to purchase a Condo to do so. VA like FHA has an Approved Condo List but right now it is very different than the FHA Approved Condo List, because VA is not going through the whole re-certification process like FHA is, and therefore will provide a big advantage to a Veteran looking to purchase a condo. Having said that lets get into wha...
Comments 15
By Lola Audu, Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI ~Welcome Home!
(Lola Audu~Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI Real Estate)
  Why Relationships Matter...Today, more people are connected online than ever before.  Trillions of dollars are flowing to businesses and individuals through portals like TripAdvisor and Yelp which encourage people to share their recommendations.  Just about everything we participate in or pay attention to is a ‘social experience’ in some capacity.It’s very easy to become distracted and waste time online. In doing so, we miss out on the unique opportunity to be intentional in our interactions.  This lack of focus obscures our ability to understand why we should or shouldn’t participate in conversation.   We fail to appreciate the fact that ultimately, just about everything that impacts us is based on some form of relationship and conversation is the process through which relationships ...
Comments 43
By Debbie Gartner, The Flooring Girl & Blog Stylist -Dynamo Marketers
(The Flooring Girl)
As many of you know, when I enter new places, I usually look I can check out the floors. It's fun and I get lots of creative ideas this way. A couple of weeks ago, I was so intrigued by a floor in an Italian/Pizza restaurant in Ardsley that I just needed to snap a picture.  Not only was the floor a mixture of granite slab pieces, but the tables were all granite...and all different types.  The decor really worked.  I was thinking of bringing my mom by to lunch so she could check it out.  She's redoing her kitchen and still trying to figure out what type of granite to use. View Larger Map ______________________________________ Some past flooring posts that may interest you: Hardwood Flooring What types of hardwood are best for pets? I have hardwood underneath my carpets. Should ...
Comments 40
By Aaron Silverman, Improving Real Estate Experience through Education
(, Bluewater Property Management, LLC and Lowcountry Turnkey Properties, LLC)
A common mistake landlords make is they wait until they and their property are approved by the local Section 8 authority before they advertise for Section 8 Voucher Tenants. As mentioned in the previous article, you should start to advertise your property to Section 8 Voucher Tenants the moment you decide to apply to the Section 8 program. Finding Section 8 Tenants Actually, you do not find them; they normally find you. Remember the phrase from the previous article? Insert "Will consider Section 8" to your advertisements, and you will receive calls. My phone constantly rings when I use that phrase is in advertisements. Another strategy to find Section 8 Tenants is to add your property to the local Section 8 authority’s approved property list. Once your property is approved, you need to ...
Comments 18
By TeamCHI - Complete Home Inspections, Inc., Home Inspectons - Nashville, TN area - 615.661.029
(Complete Home Inspections, Inc.)
Evolving… I find it both interesting and fascinating when I hop into the time machine and go into the ActiveRain past. Yesterday, Craig Daniels and I were emailing each other as we took a trip down the ActiveRain memory lane. Using this URL ( ) we were able to go all the way back to the first official ActiveRain blog #10 - Sadly, the post has been deleted by the author, but you can still leave a comment. Gosh how the platform and times have changed as we are in constant flux and evolution. And so too, it goes with our blogs. Back then, blogging was in its infancy. There were no guidelines, SEO, colored text, and the other "bells and whistles" we use today to enhance or posts. Bl-a-a-a-h, w...
Comments 56
By Patricia Kennedy, Home in the Capital
(RLAH Real Estate)
There is a great house for sale in my neighborhood.  It's not selling.  And the problem is not the price. I am a strong advocated of carefully prepared CMA's as part of preparing a home for going on the market.  And if the sellers want to go too far over the what similar homes are selling for, I will usually decline the listing.  If I take it, there is an aggressive marketing plan that, with the right price, will get the place sold. But with the well-priced home, the magic number is not just how low do you have to go to get an offer.  It's what is the magic number that, with competent marketing efforts attract buyers. The house in question is well-priced, right at the recent comparable sales.  It is in reasonably good condition, with renovations that appear to be pretty well done.  And ...
Comments 44
By Glenn Freezman
(Nucazza LLP & Home Buying Evolution, & Family Abstract, Inc)
Realtors: Working More and Making Less by Glenn Freezman The newly released National Association of Realtors Member Profile report (covering 2010) indicates that things in the real estate sector are improving (at least over 2009 numbers). According to the profile, the average agent had eight transactions (covering residential and commercial properties) during 2010. While it's doubtful anybody is feeling celebratory over moving less than one property per month on average, what makes this number even harder to get excited about is that the average agent also claims to have put in full 40 hour weeks during 2010 as well (and I suspect the real number is closer to 60 hours per week for many agents). This means, that if we factor in the 2080 hours worked by the average agent against the eight...
Comments 144
By Michelle Gibson, REALTOR
(Hansen Real Estate Group Inc. )
I'm a New Agent how can I Compete? I was recently asked by a newly licensed agent how they are going to compete when they are up against agents with years of experience over them. My answer: EVERYONE HAS TO START SOMEWHERE, we have all had our First. I remember when I started real estate back in 2001. I was surrounded by agents who were in the business longer than I was alive and some of these "seasoned" agents could be very intimidating. There were even a few agents who tried scaring the newer agents by saying things like "real estate is changing and you'll never make it" or "there is no way I'd get into real estate today because it's too difficult." Instead of curling up into a ball and quitting like most of the newbies after a month or two I became even more determined to prove them...
Comments 56
By Peggy Hughes/pha logistix, inc., SF NYC LA
(pha logistix inc)
Reasons to Start Purging When You Turn 50 When I was in my 40's, I became friends with an Interior Decorator who was in her mid-60's.  One day when talking about the aging process she commented that she wished she could be 50 again.  When I asked why, her response was.... I started slowing down - just a bit, in my 50's. And then I slowed down just a bit more now that I'm in my 60's..... I've never forgotten that conversation. She retired when she turned 70 and is going strong at 82! When I was in my 50's, I noticed a slight slowing down.  Now that I'm in my 60's, another, ever so slight slowing down... hence the inspiration for why I think people need to start letting go of their "stuff" in their 50's.... If you purge 10% of your belongings every year, beginning on your 50th birthday, b...
Comments 68
By Richard Weisser, Richard Weisser Retired Real Estate Professional
(Richard Weisser Realty)
  In our face-paced hi-tech world, we often find ourselves using text messages, voice messaging and email as a easy way to convey information. But if that information is sensitive or personal, one should exercise reasonable care regarding the security of those communications. Email is one of the least secure of all of the above mentioned methods. An unencrypted communication can be snaked through hundreds of servers before reaching its destination. And anyone along the line can access the information if they are savvy. The same goes for text and voice messages that reside on a remote server. Once again, there is little or no security on the business end of the transmission. And here’s the most important thing of all to keep in mind: You NEVER know who is on the other end of the conversa...
Comments 66
By Steve Stenros, CREIA MCI, ICC, ACI Home Inspector,San Diego
(Poway,La Jolla,Del Mar,Mira Mesa,Carlsbad,Escondido,Temecula)
A Home Inspector's ActiveRain Success Story I first heard about ActiveRain two months ago after an invitation by a buddy, Steve Hall of Re/Max United in San Diego County. Why not check out ActiveRain? I knew I needed help with search engine optimization for my home inspection business- my website was only showing up on page 10 or so when doing a Google search using my preferred search terms.   I began attending ActiveRain University whenever possible and started to implement the strategies taught. Blogging was new to me, so I committed to the 31-day May challenge knowing that this would keep me motivated. I have thousands and thousands of photos saved from home inspections over the years, so I figured that's where I would start. I began telling some of the stories behind the photos. May...
Comments 25

Blog posts

  Delaware River Joint Bridge Commission Approves Rate Hike On May 2, 2011 The Delaware River Joint Bridge Commission approved a new rate structure, scheduled to take effect July 1.  The commission is raising the rates to protect the ability to meet borrowing costs and to execute capital projects in a low cost manner.  According to the DRJTBC, it is the only regional toll agency in the PA-NJ-NY area that did not increase its tolls during the ongoing recession.  The DRJTBC's last across the board rate adjustment for cars and trucks was authoirxzed in 2001. Under the new toll schedule, the base cash toll for all passenger vehicles will rise $.25 to $1.00 at the agency’s 7 toll bridges.  The commission also owns and operate an additional 13 non-income bridges. No tolls are scheduled for th...
Comments 2
By Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School, Rowlett Real Estate School / Owner and Instructor
(Rowlett Real Estate School)
Active brokers must display an office sign at the entrance -can be displayed at the exterior or interior -must be easily observed •The sign must contain the following information: -Trade name (if used) -Broker's name -The words "Licensed Real Estate Broker" •Names of sales associates and broker associates are optional -If they are included; •Associate names must be below the names of brokers •Include a title next for each name, such as sales associate •Line or space must separate associate names from broker names If the brokerage entity is a partnership, corporation, or limited liability partnership/company, the sign must contain; •Name of firm or corporation•Name of at least one active broker •Words, "Licensed Real Estate Broker" This information is courtesy of Rowlett Real Estate Scho...
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By Laura & Peter Justinius, = Alert, Keen, Committed Real Estate Professionals
NAPLES FL REAL ESTATE MORNING REPORT FOR 5/30/11 to 6/1/11   Reporting on activity seen in MLS over the past 24 hours in the NA01 thru NA07 areas of Naples, FL ... we watch the NEW LISTINGS, PENDING SALES and CLOSED SALES. This area runs from Bonita Beach Road south to the tip of Port Royal and west of US41.NEW LISTINGS: 4 ranging from $215,000 to $1,795,000PENDING SALES: 8 ranging from $100,000 to $7,900,000CLOSED SALES: 9 ranging from $339,900 to $4,100,000TOTAL INVENTORY:  
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By Julia Maher, Connecticut Home Stager
(Nestings: Connecticut Home Staging and Model Homes)
HELP!  Contemporary Fairfield County CT House Needs Your Help! Nestings Home Staging has done the preliminary consultation for this wonderful family home deep in the Connecticut woods.  While the sellers are busy painting, replacing light fixtures, packing, and moving furniture, I'm fine-tuning a few things for the final Staging.  And we need your Staging help! The primary living space is one big open area, fabulous for entertaining, comprising the living and dining rooms as well as this sunroom: I need suggestions for this "L"-shaped, low brick "planter", which separates the dining room and sunroom areas: Those are faux plants; the owners do not know if the planter is water-tight.  It's about 17 - 18" high, and the brick is the same as the chimney it's attached to.  It's an original fe...
Comments 18
By Dave Hill PhD,ePro,SFR,CIAS,BPOR,CNE,CSC Chicago Area Real Estate Agent
(Midwest Premier Realty, Gurnee IL 224-321-0699)
A great coat of paint makes all of the difference in the world to your home. These tricks of the pros will help you to get the results you want. Quality. Cheap brushes and cheap paint are amateur choices. Quality paint gives good value because it takes less paint and less time to cover the same area. Buy sufficient paint before starting. Primer. Apply a primer coat first. The job will look better, last longer and require less of the expensive paint. Test. Professionals test colors thoroughly. Paint a patch of wall, and examine it against the room’s furnishings in various lights. Prepare. After the wall is prepared by cleaning, scraping and sanding, try this: Hold a light bulb near the surface and move it over the area. Any remaining blemishes will cast shadows that make them visible. G...
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Custom Cushion By Josh 516-599 3569 This is a long Custom Cushion with decorative trim and buttons. Because of its size, this Custom Cushion needed the buttons to prevent the fabric to be loose - "puckering". I had made this cushion with a six inches teak foam wrapped with Dacron padding... The density of the foam was medium density for maximum comfort.
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By Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School, Rowlett Real Estate School / Owner and Instructor
(Rowlett Real Estate School)
Anyone who advertises or represents that they are providing real estate services is acting as a real estate broker.  Therefore, advertising is considered under Florida law to be a broker activity.  All advertising must be in the name of the brokerage and under the supervision of the broker. -Sales Associates may not advertise real estate services in their names. -The broker is accountable for all advertising, regardless of who actually prepares the advertisement. This information is courtesy of Rowlett Real Estate School and Captain Wayne Rowlett. Feel free to visit our website at www.rowlettrealestateschool.comand check out our online courses and traditional classroom training. We provide real estate courses online for most every state and classroom training in Panama City Beach, Flori...
Comments 2
Custom Cushion By Josh 516-599 3569 This is a long Custom Cushion with decorative trim and buttons. Because of its size, this Custom Cushion needed the buttons to prevent the fabric to be loose - "puckering". I had made this cushion with a six inches teak foam wrapped with Dacron padding... The density of the foam was medium density for maximum comfort.
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By Joshua Zargari, MJ Decorators Workshop
(MJ Decorators Workshop LI staging and home decorating)
Custom Cushion By Josh 516-599 3569 This is a long Custom Cushion with decorative trim and buttons. Because of its size, this Custom Cushion needed the buttons to prevent the fabric to be loose - "puckering". I had made this cushion with a six inches teak foam wrapped with Dacron padding... The density of the foam was medium density for maximum comfort.
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By Sharon Seabury Twin Pinnacle Realty
(Twin Pinnacle)
What's on the agenda for the rest of the week? The big game is tonite and I think my friends and are heading over to the Irish Pub in Quincy to watch!  The Irish Pub is an authentic Irish Pub in America! Legend has it that the original owner of the Irish Pub came to America from Dublin.  Nothing like Irish Pub songs to go along with a Bruins game!  Have a great Wednesday everyone. Before we get to today's Updates let's take a look at today's daily pic from Quincy Thomas Crane Library picture courtesy of waymarking-com If you have a favorite Quincy Photo you would like to share, email me at and I will post it. Twin Pinnacle wants well informed customers!We provide updates on Quincy Real Estate as quickly as we can.This latest information was updated for Quincy o...
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By Brent Kluge, I do mortgages REALLY well and I WON'T RIP YOU OFF
(Senior Vice President, Secured Funding Corporation)
FHA 203K  -  Water in the basement... what do I do? Yesterday I had a customer submit to me a Proposal from his contractor showing work to be completed for a "wet" basement.  (keep in mind, there was no standing water even after a big rain, just moisture on the block foundation walls) [ sorry friends in the south, I know... you don't have basements].   This 'Proposal' showed detailed work to include, excavating exterior wall, re-tar exterior block wall, install exterior drain tile (fed INTO the house - sump pump... DUMB!), re-parage interior wall, install interior french drains and new sump pump.... etc.. etc... Seems pretty cool, right?   $23,000.00!!!!   UN . REAL! Any warranty?  sure... 1 year.     This is NUTS!  You just wouldn't believe what contractors are trying to get away with....
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By Joshua Zargari, MJ Decorators Workshop
(MJ Decorators Workshop LI staging and home decorating)
Custom Cushion By Josh 516-599 3569 This is a long Custom Cushion with decorative trim and buttons. Because of its size, this Custom Cushion needed the buttons to prevent the fabric to be loose - "puckering". I had made this cushion with a six inches teak foam wrapped with Dacron padding... The density of the foam was medium density for maximum comfort.
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By Jay Markanich, Home Inspector - servicing all Northern Virginia
(Jay Markanich Real Estate Inspections, LLC)
One thing I do on every inspection, because I have long arms and reach eight feet, is raise my flashlight up parallel to ceiling height and see what I can see in the drywall.  Any previous repair will be revealed, unless they are as good as I am at doing drywall...  (yes, that was a bit of a toot on my horn). And my practice is always revealing when problems are hidden. I saw this from across the room. When leaks require drywall repairs, I will see them from across the room. When leaks only stain the drywall that needs to be primed and painted, I will see that from across the room. Do you know what you are looking at here? That is the pattern created by the material at the bottom of a can of spray KILZ. KILZ is a stain-blocking primer.  It is good stuff.  It seals the brown stains that ...
Comments 78
By Melissa Barkalow, Providing an Excellent Real Estate Experience
(DCRE Residential)
Arlington's to-date most sustainably designed apartment building will spend at least another year in planning mode, say its developers.  Plans for the Tellus, a 254-unit apartment building located at 2009 14th St N, designed to achieve LEED Gold certification back in 2008, is still likely a year away from construction. The apartments that will replace an outmoded apartment building at 2009 14th Street were approved by the county in early 2009, with an expected late 2009 start date, but due to the economy the project has been delayed.   The goal is an early 2012 construction start. The Tellus will be built on the site of one of Arlington's least attractive buildings, and would be one of the first residences to earn LEED Gold certification in the county, if built according to the original...
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By Suzanne Kilduff
Breakfast in Newton this morning! Of course I will be heading to Deluxe Town Diner. Have you ever had Sour Cream Flap Jacks? Very, very decadent but also very, very delicious. Just the thing to keep me going all day.  Who else is excited about the Bruins big game tonite!  Newton Real Estate is on the move again after a slow weekend.  Let's look at the new listings. Make it a great day! Here is the Twin Pinnacle Pic of the day for Newton Biltmore Pub Newton picture courtesy of hiddenboston-com If you have a favorite Newton Photo you would like to share, email me at and I will post it. Twin Pinnacle wants well informed customers!We provide updates on Newton Real Estate as quickly as we can.This latest information was updated for Newton on 06-01-2011 07:15 Welcome...
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By Colorado Dream House Team, Real People. Real Professionals. Real Estate
(Keller Williams Realty DTC)
This place has it all. Stunning detail is the theme throughout this amazing property. In this 6,500 square foot, 4 bedroom, 7 bathroom home, rich cherry wood graces the doors, stairways, main-floor walls, cabinetry, and even the master suite’s his and hers closets. Hand-built custom touches abound, including extensive artisan-crafted finishes, even down to the switch plates. The same devotion to precision applies to the 35 acres surrounding the house. A 17,000-gallon koi pond, beautiful gardens, and a 25-acre ski lake are all jewels in the crown of this home. As close to perfect as possible, this property offers every modern convenience in a peaceful Arcadian setting. Call Dan Polimino 303-522-1161 or Gary Lorhman 303-829-5900 for a private showing. More details at http://www.coloradodr...
Comments 3
By Jerry Newman, Texas REALTOR, San Antonio Military Relocation
(Brown Realty, 210-789-4216,)
  The 31 Day Challenge in May was definitely a challenge for many of who participated. Like Bill and Cyndi Daves, I prepared a list of items for the whole month that I wanted to blog about, and it was just a matter on staying focused and getting it done. Now, that I have crossed Finish Line like so many others, I am on track to blog everyday now. Go over and thank Bill and Cyndi too for this encouraging post to keep us in the game to blog everyday with a passion.   WILL YOU CROSS THE FINISH LINE   When I first read about the 31 Days of May Challenge I knew in my heart that in order to see this challenge through to the end, I was going to have to COMMIT to the challenge,  to SELL OUT to it.  I decided then and there that I was going to CROSS THE FINISH LINE.       I prepared myself for t...
Comments 24
By Jane Jensen
(Century 21 New Millennium)
9:00 AM meeting a new client/buyer in the office who found me through my internet marketing efforts. No, it wasn't activerain this time....but it has been. 11:45: Lunch with my good friend Karin (friend first, then client....two houses now) at a new restaurant in Arlington. I'll give you the review afterwards.  5:00: Getting a new listing signed. Details on that to come. morning walk with my pal Mystic. Look what we saw today.
Comments 1
Whether a person is buying their first home or their 15th, this is my response every time....Speak with a LOCAL, REPUTABLE LOAN ORIGINATOR!   Here are 3 reasons why this is always my response: 1-It's not what you qualify for, it's what you are comfortable spending each month in a house payment.  You don't want to be house "poor" with too much of your monthly income going to a payment and no $ for other activities or emergencies nor do you want to settle when you could get a better house in the next neighborhood. 2-Work with someone local, who depends on referrals and word of mouth for their stream of leads and future business. This person is much more willing to get it closed on time than someone remotely or over the internet that will never see you or care if you are stranded because y...
Comments 0
By Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School, Rowlett Real Estate School / Owner and Instructor
(Rowlett Real Estate School)
All advertising must be worded so that reasonable people will know that they are dealing with a licensee.    -Includes Signs, Ad's, Letterheads & Business card •Advertisements must include the name of the brokerage firm. Failure to do so is blind advertisements »Blind advertising is prohibited & fails to disclose name of brokerage firm       Blind Ads usually includes only a P O box, telephone number and/or street address •Yard signs and classified ads must include registered name of the brokerage firm. Information is courtesy of Rowlett Real Estate School and Captain Wayne Rowlett. Feel free to visit our website at www.rowlettrealestateschool.comand check out our online courses and traditional classroom training. We provide real estate courses online for most every state and classroom ...
Comments 2