Archives of real estate blog entries for April 01, 2011

Featured blog posts

By Anita Clark, Realtor - Homes for Sale in Warner Robins GA
(Coldwell Banker Access Realty ~ 478.960.8055)
Are you befuddled with your Internet presence?  Struggling with finding your blogging MOJO?  Maybe you have a handle on all things SEO/SERP related?  Based on the daily dose of AR blogs/comments I read discussing web presence, how to drive more traffic, and even how-to generate more leads, it seems some have "broke the code" on generating online business, but many have not.     Let us assume our posts already have relevant content, are SEO optimized, and have the right mix of long-tail keywords BUT business is still not coming our way via our blogging efforts.  Is our focus too wide or narrow?  We haven't found our niche yet?  We need better direction?  Perhaps it is something else?    Aren't you a tad bit curious what others are doing to get clients (completed deals, working with custo...
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By Gita Bantwal, REALTOR,ABR,CRS,SRES,GRI - Bucks County & Philadel
(RE/MAX Centre Realtors)
Business Cards are an inexpensive way to promote yourself. You can print a lot of information on the card and when anyone asks for your telephone number it is easy just to hand out a card. The business card can show your designations, email address, web site information, your specialities  and Office address and telephone number. Here are  other ways you can distribute your cards. 1. Leave them at all your listings and hand out at open houses. Unrepresentated buyers hold on to cards and may call you when they are ready to buy a home. 2 Many grocery store and local banks have Bulletin boards where you can display your cards. 3.When you mail out real estate information to any one include your card. They may read the information you mailed but will hold on to your card. 4.You can send out ...
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By Judy Klem, Home Staging, Senior Move Management, Fairfield/New Haven counties
(Transition Stage LLC)
Move a Wall without Construction Costs No, it's not an April Fool's joke. You can make a small room appear a bit bigger while also adding a bit more dimension for the eye with this simple effect. Very low cost, very high impact - even when the change is fairly subtle.In a small room, push back one wall by painting it a deeper shade in the same palette as the other walls. Home Depot has a great interactive tool on their website to see what different paint choices would look like in a room, as shown in the photo below.     This will have two effects. The first is that it will seem that the darker wall is farther away, giving the illusion that the room is bigger than it actually is. The second is that you have created a focal point where a small room previously may not have had anything pa...
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(RE/MAX Executive Realty - Happily Retired )
My bullet proof vest will probably see some action with this post, but this is how I have always worked.  It's always worked well for me in any office that I've managed!!  There are many real estate offices that have managers who are not allowed to list or sell real estate.  They do not compete, and all leads are referred to agents in their office.  Their main role is recruiting, training and attempting to keep agents out of court. I've always been of the mindset that production starts at the top.  Management should lead the way in creating business and office ranking within the community.  Listings are most important, and the manager should have a firm grasp on the listing market in the community. Listings are the inventory on the shelves.  Without inventory, the store is out of busine...
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By Denise Lones, CSP, MIRM, CDEI - Real Estate Coaching & Branding
(The Lones Group, Inc.)
POWERFUL PRICING TOOLS In last week’s Zebra Report I talked about the importance of having a powerful listing presentation that covers five critical areas: pricing,communication, technology, marketing, and home presentation & photography. This week I’m going to look at the first of those categories – pricing – to illustrate how powerful pricing tools can enhance your listing presentation. What pricing tools do you take to your listing presentation? Most agents take a CMA … but I actually believe that a CMA doesn’t provide the right information for your clients to get a good idea of how to price their home. Successful listing agents understand – and provide to their sellers — data far beyond the CMA, including absorption rates, appreciation rates, list-to-sales price ratios, listing-to-...
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By William J. Archambault, Jr.
(The Real Estate Investment Institute )
Then they came for the REALTORS®!   First they came for the mid-level bankers, and I did not speak out- because I was not a mid-level banker; Then they came for the appraisers, and I did not speak out- because I was not a appraiser; Then they came for the Mortgage Brokers, and I did not speak out- because I was not a Mortgage Broker; Then they came for the Consumers, and I did not speak out- because I was not a Consumer; Then they came for the REALTORS® - and there was no one left to speak out for me.   Then they came for the REALTORS®! There is very little difference, today than when Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) wrote the original just different scape goats! Today Dodd-Frank took away the consumer's options and choice about mortgage origination and control of their cost. It's b...
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By Lori Cain, Midtown Tulsa Real Estate Top Producer
(Own Tulsa)
What can a Buyer really offer a Seller as proof that they are qualified to purchase their home? After having TWO Tulsa home buyer’s financing fall through days before closing, I’m beginning to wonder what a Buyer can really offer a Seller as proof that they are qualified to purchase their home. Obviously the pre-approval letter from Bank of America presented to my Tulsa home sellers along with the offer was not worth the paper it was written on. And we find out three days before closing that our Buyer does not meet all of the bank’s underwriting requirements? Really, the earnest money provided is not sufficient. In this case, we have already made all requested repairs and removed all staging furniture. Our listing has been off the market for over a month and it’s impossible to quantify ...
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By Larry Bettag, Vice-President of National Production
(Cherry Creek Mortgage Illinois Residential Mortgage License LMB #0005759 Cherry Creek Mortgage NMLS #: 3001)
As posted in the Washington Examiner....    In the Washington Post, former White House counsel C. Boyden Gray recently argued that the sweeping Dodd-Frank financial "reform" law passed last summer is unconstitutional, since it gives the government virtually unchecked power to seize financial firms that supposedly might fail, and to legislate through regulation.  For example, under Dodd-Frank, " The Treasury can petition federal district courts to seize not only banks that enjoy government support but any non-bank financial institution that the government thinks is in danger of default and could, in turn, pose a risk to U.S. financial stability. If the entity...
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By Gerry Michaels, GettysburgGerry Social Meida
(Glasswork Media Arts)
I am Going Back to a Rotary Phone I was thinking the other day. With all this technology coming at us at 100mph, could a business survive or even thrive without technology. Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign I see that Activerain is having a sign contest, do we really need signs these days? That is a pretty old fashioned concept, we are pretty much putting a picture of a sign on an Internet site, that is kinda dumb. Yes but what about all those that pass by and call you from the number on the sign, I don't think so. I will admit that I have had clients call me and want to get them info on a home they saw with a sign out front. However, more often than not, usually it goes down something like this, "hey look theres a for sale sign on that house, we didn't see that one on the Internet". I w...
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By Kerrie La Guardia, Let it Rain!
(ActiveRain, Community Manager)
Hello Houseble!!  Hahahaha....we got some of you with that one!  Come on, we had's April Fool's Day! I'll tell you what's not a joke though....the success of our members!  The absolutely undeniable fruitful success of the Kings and Queens of ActiveRain.  Just check out a few of them below.  They have removed their crowns so as to not stand out too much! We'll be leaving this weekend for beautiful Atlantic City.  We're kicking off our 2011 RainCamp Tour on Monday.  I.  Can't.  Wait!!! If you have yet to write your own success story, I urge you to do so.  Simply go to your profile page and click "edit" located next to My Profile (edit). Scroll down until you see the spot designated for your ActiveRain Success Story.  Keep in mind this will not show on your AR profile but will be a...
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By Steven Graham, Coach, ePs, Director of Training
The Arcadia Association of Realtors ® Tech Committee will be holding the 15th Annual Realtor Business & Tech Expo on April 12th 2011 at the Santa Anita Park Racetrack in Arcadia CA from 9 am to 3pm pacific.  It will be a great opportunity for networking, so bring lots of business cards. There will be lots of prizes and give-aways, including an iPad2 and some gear from our friends at Kodak. There will even be a beer, wine, and cheese social with a live band from 3-5pm. I met Ryan Asao, the 2011 President Elect of the Arcadia Association of Realtors , at the Keller Williams(R) Family Reunion in Anaheim CA. He was very excited about ActiveRain and what blogging here can do for agents who want to have a stronger online presence. We spoke at great length about the benefits of blogging and ot...
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By Melissa Zavala, Broker, Escondido Real Estate, San Diego County
(Broadpoint Properties)
  A few days ago, I read an article in the Los Angeles Times that discussed a proposed settlement that would force certain lending institutions to permit short sales for delinquent homeowners. After a little bit of  further research, I found out that the meeting written about in the Times article was a meeting of government types and bank mucky mucks that took place on March 30th—as a result of the great robo-signing debacle of 2010. You recall the robo-signing debacle, don’t you? Banks (most notably, GMAC) were accused of signing off on hundreds of thousands of foreclosures without confirming the validity of the debt. As a result of this issue, GMAC, Chase, and Bank of America spent some time reviewing and re-evaluating their internal processes. No disrespect to the journalists who wro...
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By Karen Dembsky, Atlanta Home Staging
(Peachtree Home Staging LLC, Home Staging in Atlanta, GA)
Was the first April Fool a FSBO?  After all, we all look forward to the Spring Market.   I believe the April Fool FSBO demonstrates the value of the many Real Estate professions! Here are the top ten indications that the first April Fool getting ready for the spring market was, in fact, a FSBO #10 -- I am not updating anything -- the buyer can do that! Brass and wallpaper are just fine!                       #9 -- Why should I have to finish all of the repairs?  Let the buyer get the repairs done.  They can finish it their way!                       #8 -- The carpet is fine!  They may like BLUE!  We like Blue!                         #7 -- If I take the curtains down from around the closets, I'll have to put up new closet doors.  The buyer can take it just the way it is!  It's always wo...
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Discouraged home sellers often ask me how their home can possibly compete against low-priced foreclosed properties in their neighborhood. My answer - the same way Neiman Marcus competes with Walmart.  They're really is no competition - just different products and different buyers.  There are different kinds of home buyers.  Sellers, you need to think about which kind you want to attract. Home buyers and sellers alike are frequently shocked when they learn the condition of many foreclosed properties. Dilapidated foreclosures often have major issues such as water damage, mold, broken windows and missing plumbing fixtures, just to name a few. Do you really think it's difficult to compete against this? If your house is LIVABLE, then you already have a distinct advantage. Of course I highly ...
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By Paul Slaybaugh, Scottsdale, AZ Real Estate
(Realty Executives)
Sergeant Druge cringed against the ungodly screeching that accompanied the last goblin to slink into the squad room. Its spiked, purple tail carved a shallow groove in the ceramic tile as it dragged limply behind. “Long night, DARTH666,” Druge asked, tapping the lectern in front of him with a serrated claw. A quick glance at the clock on the far wall confirmed the time as 5:02 AM TST. “Sorry, Sarge,” Darth replied as he found a seat. “Stumbled onto a new site last night.” “And,” Druge prompted under a raised red unibrow. “And I hit paydirt,” Darth confirmed. “Social media site for Realtors.” Deep, wet chortles and high-pitched cackles erupted in the squad room. “OMG,” a towering, grey-haired beast intoned from the back of the room. “Social media and Realtors? In the same place?” “Throw ...
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By ActiveRain Real Estate Network
It's been a long road baby with almost 5 years under our belts.  Our membership has surpassed 200,000 while maintaining the core values that this great platform was built upon. It is with great happiness and excitement that we announce to you the new name of ActiveRain. Houseble The name ActiveRain was something we kind of stumbled upon. Our CEO and Co-founder, Jonathan, always went by the moniker Rainmaker online in the late 90's. When we were thinking of launching ActiveRain, we went into Jon's domain names and ActiveRain seemed like a good fit. We are based in Seattle, and we hoped that in true Rainmaker fashion, our site would be a source of business for those who used it. We think that's been the case so far. So why change you ask? We wanted to find a name that would resonate with ...
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By Mojo Selling Solutions, Mojo Dialer and Real Estate Lead Services
(Mojo Selling Solutions)
It’s true. Every once in a while someone calls you and says, “Let’s talk.” They want to buy a house, sell a house, take out an insurance policy, invest in their future via the financial instruments you sell. But, no matter how good you are, how long you’ve been in the business, those calls are too few and far between to make a living at it. To succeed, in good times and bad, you’ve got to get up in the morning and start beating the bushes in search of those people who need your services but just don’t know it yet. You can get by using a manual lead management system you’ve devised especially for you—that organized chaos you call a filing system where only you know where everything is…sort of, most of the time. Or, you could do what the best brokers and agents do—implement a lead managem...
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Blog posts

By James Quarello, Connecticut Home Inspector
(JRV Home Inspection Services, LLC)
Spring has to be the time of year when Mother Nature turns a bit schizophrenic. The weather is one day bright, warm and sunny, winter seems to have finally skulked away for another year. The very next day turns dark, cold and dreary. Ominous black clouds dump wet spring snow over the bleak landscape. There is no other time of year when the earth looks as desolate. But among the moonscape tiny bursts of color begin to poke their vibrant faces from beneath the soil. Their winter slumber was long, their moment to dazzle short. A harbinger of spring.       James QuarelloConnecticut Home Inspector2010 - 2011 SNEC-ASHI PresidentNRSB #8SS0022JRV Home Inspection Services, LLC To find out more about our other high tech services we offer in Connecticut click on the links below: Learn more about o...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Small Maine land deals done years ago, put together on a kitchen table. Barnyard lawyering so to speak. Where you hold that tape end, or the heck with it, let me quickly pace off the dimensions. And legal descriptions in deeds for the title to that Maine property tied to one corner marked by a very large Elm tree. But that stately tall spiral chopped to its knees so to speak by a life threatening dose of Dutch Elm disease. Like a missing front tooth standing out. No longer helping in figuring out the lines in that description for a new out of state Maine land buyer. One not so familiar with the local history or community turf. So he's left scratching his head on where to build to be on the property he thinks he bought, owns. Every property in Maine is surveyed with a clear, concise desc...
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By Ruthmarie Hicks
(Keller Williams NY Realty - 120 Bloomingdale Road #101, White Plains NY 10605)
After mentioning the special election in two previous  blogs – including one that embedded the mayoral debate , it would be anticlimactic not to mention the results. Election Results: The turnout was low – as was expected, but Tom Roach (D)  won a decisive victory  winning 52% of the vote with Bob Hyland (R ) winning 35% and Glenn Hockley (I)  taking in 15% of the vote. There were only 8700 ballets cast  in this special election – which is sad given the estimated population of over 57,000.  So that probably translates into something under  25% of the eligible voters turning out.  Given that this was a special election on an odd day, it would be hard to say that this was unexpected. But it underscores the potential for volatility that special elections for local offices tend to have.   ...
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By Mindy Kannon, Personal Chef and Nutrition Coach
(Chew Your Rope, LLC)
  Okay so I am going fluffy on you, but not really.  Yep our digestive and overall health is deeply affected by what we eat but are also by the stress we experience and how we choose to live our life. Humans have long ago developed the ability to respond to a stressful situation instantly, by preparing the body for "fight or flight." Under sudden stress, you will get a burst of exceptional strength and endurance, as your body pumps out stress hormones. Then…..Your heart speeds up Blood flow to your brain and muscles increases up to 400 percent Your digestion stops (so it doesn't use up energy that's needed elsewhere) Your muscle tension increases You breathe faster, to bring more oxygen to your muscles Really beneficial if you are being chased by an angry mob or have to lift a car off o...
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By Norm Werner, Helping the first time and every time
(Real Estate One)
After a brief respite at the end of last year, when things looked like they had stabilized and might be turning around, median home sale values in the Township of White Lake are again headed down and is inventory on the market. White Lake continues to suffer a high percentage of distressed home sales, with distressed sales making up almost 70% of all sales in March. So far this year, there have been 55 homes sell at an average SEV multiplier of 1.5992. That means that a White Lake home that the assessor says is worth $200,000 actually sold for an average of $159,920 or about 80% of what the assessor thinks it's worth on the market. Home sale prices also averaged about $75/Sq Ft, which isn't all that bad when compared with other local markets. White Lake is a fairly populous suburb and t...
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By Roy Kelley
Friday Orchids We have hundreds of orchid photographs from the March shows and sales. This group of pictures is from the Maryland Orchid Society Show and Sale at the Maryland Home and Garden Show at the Timonium Fairgrounds. If you enjoy orchids, this is the time of the year to see displays of every type and color that you could imagine. This weekend is a good time to visit Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square Pennsylvania to see the new Spring Exhibit.  Those that wish to purchase orchids should attend the Orchid Extravaganza orchid sale this weekend. Blue Poppies are in bloom now!   "Longwood's famed Blue Poppies are back! These elusive plants are usually found in Scotland, Alaska and the Himalayas, but you need only to travel to Longwood to see these show-stopping beauties."  www.longw...
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By Jim Paulson, Owner,Broker
(Progressive Realty (Boise Idaho)
Buying and selling a home is one of them most stressful things people go through even in simpler transactions.  Real estate happens because of change and many people don't deal well with change! If you look at the top ten list of stress inducing factors many of them are based on a change (i.e. change in jobs, family size, moving, financial change, etc.)  Many times each of these factors occur simultaneously during a real estate transaction! Some buyers and sellers don't recognize these stress factors and they react different than usual.  One of my roles as a Realtor is to recognize this and work through it.  A few weeks ago, one of my clients had a family medical issue pop up the day I was negotiating an offer.  They asked me to cancel my contract.  I knew they were overstressed and did...
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By Janice Roosevelt, OICP ABR, ePRO,Ecobroker
( Keller Williams Brandywine Valley )
This is just priceless and I couldn't resist rebloggin. These guys are SO well-behaved wtih extraordinary table manners. Enjoy - get your giggle on! Have a terrifice weekend and thank you Jane Peters for posting this.There are a ton of these going around, but honestly, I couldn't resist. This one had me on the floor: Jane Peters, connecting you to the L.A. real estate scene Buying or selling real estate in Los Angeles can be an overwhelming process.  Contact Jane Peters, Los Angeles realtor specializing in absentee owners, out of town buyers, and those who need that extra attention, in order to make the transaction a smooth, trouble-free, and fun experience. Search Homes for Sale in Beverly HillsSearch Homes for Sale in BrentwoodSearch Homes for Sale in Culver CitySearch Homes for Sale ...
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By Fernando Herboso - Associate Broker MD, & VA, 301-246-0001 Serving Maryland, DC and Northern VA
(Maxus Realty Group of Samson Properties )
  Silver Spring Maryland ForeclosuresGet The Very Latest     Free List of Foreclosures    All Foreclosed Homes Just Listed on the Real Estate Market for Silver Spring Maryland - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE - NO CREDIT CARD NEEDEDTake a PEEK HERE . .SILVER SPRING MD FORECLOSURESInterested in purchasing REO's, HUD and/or bank owned property? Choose from thousands of REO's available in the city of Silver Spring  Maryland and its surrounding area.Simply click on the picture and . We will notify you of all new Foreclosure, Bank owned Property, REO listings in Montgomery County  and the surrounding areas that meet your criteria, absolutely free!For your knowledge and information , there are three types of websites that can give you a LIST OF FORECLOSURES One requiring you to pay a...
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By Judy Chapman
(Referral Network of Illinois LLC)
In Winnetka, the average sales price of residential homes over the last 12 months declined $167.0, or roughly 14%. This statistic may be hard to take in, but knowing what you’re up against as a homeseller is crucial to getting your house sold. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. ~George Santayana in “Reason in Common Sense” Cut to the chase Knowing that the value of your home is trickling away every minute of every single day that it’s on the market is difficult to absorb. But it’s far far better to know now than later. By understanding the real estate market is definitely not in recovery mode, you won’t have any illusions of what it will take to sell your house.     This data was provided by the Midwest Real Estate LLC (MRED) multiple listing service and inc...
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By Dorie Dillard Austin TX, NW Austin ~ Canyon Creek and Spicewood/Balcones
(Coldwell Banker Realty ~ 512.750.6899)
Coldwell Banker United 2010 Austin TX AwardsSunday, March 27th the Austin American Statesman ran the 2010 Awards for Coldwell Banker United Realtors.  2010 efforts were rewarded as Dorie & Gene Dillard received the Top Listing Team for theColdwell Banker United NW Austin Office.We have a fantastic and productive office and for the past 16 years have contributed significantly to its success.  Our NW office has enjoyed the #1 spot with Coldwell Banker Franchise Office in Texas for the past 10 years in our size office.If you're thinking of selling your home in NW Austin in the near future please give us a call to schedule an appointment.  We'd be honored to represent you on market and guide you through the process.Visit our website: or visit our interactive website we pr...
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By Dan Miller, Helping you Buy and Sell in Madison, Wisconsin
(RE/MAX Preferred, Madison, Wisconsin)
We measure the Dane County home and condo inventory on the last day of every month to gauge how the supply of real estate is trending over time. The good news for sellers is the Dane County combined home and condo inventory is down 15.5% from last year. Active home listings are down 11.3%. Active condo listings are down 23%. The good news on the supply side of the equation should be tempered by what is happening on the demand side. The pending budget cuts at the state and local levels will have a negative impact on home and condo sales this year. We won't be able to quantify the effect for a month or two, but already the impact on buyer activity is noticeable and real. For the latest inventory trends you can view how active listings and months of supply have changed over time on either ...
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By Joe Kendall Broker, It's Always best to talk to "Broker Joe"
(Keller Williams Elite Realty )
  Here is your chance to purchase a outstanding well maintained custom build waterfront home in Cape Coral Florida at a HAFA Bank Approved Price! This 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath home is located on intersecting canals with over 300 of concrete seawall and boat dock! The great fishing is awaiting you! Amenities include a great open floor plan, huge master suite, title through-out, vaulted ceilings, and is designed for the person who like to entertain family and friends! Call Joe Kendall today at 239-560-0726 to schedule your very own personalized showing.   Enjoying evenings right here on The dock with "Western Exposure" where the "Nightly Sunsets Are Amazing!   View Larger Map
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By Josh Millar, President at
(The Ibis Network)
If your idea of social networking involves a handshake and a business card, it’s time to upgrade your marketing efforts. The surging popularity of social-media sites has changed the way businesses interact with their customer base and market their services. Increasingly, businesses turn to blogs and sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to generate leads, gain exposure, and brand their business. And recent surveys show social media’s use is expanding, along with its effectiveness. Here are the top three business benefits of social-media marketing … Exposure: According to the 2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 85 percent of surveyed businesses said their social-media efforts had generated additional exposure for their business and led to improved web traffic. In a separat...
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By Bruce Reichstein, FHA / VA One-Time Close Loans - Nationwide
VA refinancing loans are especially popular in a troubled economy, and with good reason. Many VA borrowers want to refinance their VA mortgages to get lower interest rates or lower payments, but those aren’t the only reasons to refinance a VA insured mortgage loan. Some people want to add improvements to the property to save money on utility bills or create a “greener” home. The VA Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loan offers borrowers the option to add energy-efficient improvements even with the stipulations in place that the IRRRL must result in a tangible benefit to the borrower. In some cases, extras added to an IRRRL may actually increase the monthly mortgage payment. In such cases, the VA has additional requirements that must be fulfilled, according to the VA Lender’s Guide: “...
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By Josh Millar, President at
(The Ibis Network)
If your idea of social networking involves a handshake and a business card, it’s time to upgrade your marketing efforts. The surging popularity of social-media sites has changed the way businesses interact with their customer base and market their services. Increasingly, businesses turn to blogs and sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to generate leads, gain exposure, and brand their business. And recent surveys show social media’s use is expanding, along with its effectiveness. Here are the top three business benefits of social-media marketing … Exposure: According to the 2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 85 percent of surveyed businesses said their social-media efforts had generated additional exposure for their business and led to improved web traffic. In a separat...
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By Josh Millar, President at
(The Ibis Network)
If your idea of social networking involves a handshake and a business card, it’s time to upgrade your marketing efforts. The surging popularity of social-media sites has changed the way businesses interact with their customer base and market their services. Increasingly, businesses turn to blogs and sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to generate leads, gain exposure, and brand their business. And recent surveys show social media’s use is expanding, along with its effectiveness. Here are the top three business benefits of social-media marketing … Exposure: According to the 2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 85 percent of surveyed businesses said their social-media efforts had generated additional exposure for their business and led to improved web traffic. In a separat...
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By Bruce Reichstein, FHA / VA One-Time Close Loans - Nationwide
VA rules do not allow the borrower to receive cash back on a VA Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loan. The purpose of IRRRLs is to lower a borrower’s interest rate, monthly payment or other “tangible net benefits” as described by the VA rules for IRRRLs. But there are instances where an exception can be made–not because of any loopholes in the system that would allow the borrower to get actual loan proceeds for personal use, but as a correction for overpayment, math errors or prior payments made by the borrower. According to the VA,”In a limited number of situations, the borrower may receive cash at closing.  Some examples of situations in which VA does not object to the borrower receiving cash are…changes in final pay-off figures, up-front fees paid for the appraisal and/or credit ...
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By Josh Millar, President at
(The Ibis Network)
If your idea of social networking involves a handshake and a business card, it’s time to upgrade your marketing efforts. The surging popularity of social-media sites has changed the way businesses interact with their customer base and market their services. Increasingly, businesses turn to blogs and sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to generate leads, gain exposure, and brand their business. And recent surveys show social media’s use is expanding, along with its effectiveness. Here are the top three business benefits of social-media marketing … Exposure: According to the 2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 85 percent of surveyed businesses said their social-media efforts had generated additional exposure for their business and led to improved web traffic. In a separat...
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By Gabe Sanders, Stuart Florida Real Estate
(Real Estate of Florida specializing in Martin County Residential Homes, Condos and Land Sales)
Windemere Pool Home for Sale in Jensen Beach – Price Reduced   Beautifully updated custom Pulte built home in a prime Jensen Beach location. Featuring a spacious open plan with 3 Bedrooms and 2 Baths, large 2 car garage on a small cul-de-sac street. There’s a large fenced back yard with pool and covered patio that’s perfect for entertaining or play. A chef’s kitchen that features granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances. High ceilings and lot’s of light from ample windows. Just off the back yard is a small lake that you can enjoy for bird watching or fishing, or take your canoe out for a paddle. This excellent community boasts an ‘A’ rated school system with both the elementary and high schools only a short bike ride away. Close to restaurants, shopping, and the beaches. Come...
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