Archives of real estate blog entries for March 01, 2011

Featured blog posts

By Chris Canfield, Homes for Sale in Oro Valley and Tucson, Arizona
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
Is Big Brother Watching You? Well, I am pretty sure my big brother is not watching my blog; even my kids only check it out once in a while (and then get annoyed because we painted the hearth while they were away at college and they didn't get a say in the matter).  But you can be pretty sure your office manager or the president of your real estate firm is checking it out once in a while! However, with Google Alerts, you can be sure that others are keeping an eye on what you are saying!  When I got the opportunity to meet Alan Dalton when my company invited him and two other RisMedia people to come talk to us, I wrote a blog post about it.  RisMedia found it and mentioned my blog in their online newsletter. When I was working on writing a post in ActiveRain while updating a l...
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By Susan Goulding, Northern CA - Tracy & Mountain House Real Estate
(Crown Key Realty, Inc; Tracy & Mountain House Sales and Property Management)
Yesterday, my son officially left on his journey as an officer in the Air Force to take his "tour of duty" in Iraq and I'm a mess. Tears come unexpectedly,  I'm the calm one, the one who is 'tough', the one who doesn't wear her emotions on her sleeve...... I don't cry, rarely do. Tyler choose to attend the United State Air Force Academy instead of the UC Davis, UC Berkeley, San Diego State, etc, and by doing so he had a fabulous education.  Yet, this was no ordinary college that he left for.  He'd worked hard and was accepted at the USAFA. USAFA - United State Air Force Academy, the Air Force version of West Point. I wanted to beg him to attend UC San Diego, UC Davis, but this was not my decision, this was HIS and he chose the Air Force Academy.  No Student loans, a "free" education or ...
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By ActiveRain Real Estate Network
We can all remember the favorite gift we've ever been given. Many times, the price tag on a gift has little to do with how well it is received. It's the thought that counts, or at least that's what they tell us. If you've ever been on the receiving end of a really thoughful gift however, you know this cliche to be absolute fact. With each closing you have in the real estate business, you have a great opportunity to cement the relationship you've established with your client with the ever important closing gift. It's that custom welcome mat, inviting them into their new home, or the Kodak picture frame, preloaded with pictures from the closing that remind your client, "I'm going to treat the next person you refer to me just as good as I've treated you". The closing gift is an opportunity...
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By Cindy Edwards, CRS, GRI, PMN - Northeast Tennessee 423-677-6677
(RE/MAX Checkmate)
 Saturday I was on a listing appointment and when I walked in the house I was hit with this horrible smell. It seriously about knocked me over. (Okay, not really what you think-not to worry.) I had to say something to the owner, who had grown use to the stench.  She replied that their was a smell a couple weeks ago, but it was gone.  I informed her it was not gone, she was just use to it.  We searched the house together (she had no animals) pulled out drawers to see if maybe there was a dead mouse.  Nothing!  I told her she needed to get in touch with an exterminator or contractor to find out if something had died in her walls or crawl space before we could even consider marketing her home.  I got a call yesterday from the home owner.  She had hired an exterminator and guess what they f...
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By Allison Stewart, St. Cloud Fl Realtor, Osceola County Real Estate 407-616-9904
(St.Cloud Homes )
WHY LOOKING AT HOMES IN THE RAIN IS A GOOD IDEA.  House hunting for some people has replaced the National past time of baseball. Especially in regions like Kissimmee St. Cloud Fl, Where home prices are substantially lower than our west coast counter parts. But few people venture out when the weather turns rainy. They are missing the opportunity to look for four specific things. ODORS- Florida is famous for its high humidity. On rainy days odors will be more noticeable.  Particularly pet odors, even in vacant homes. Musty smelling mildew will also be more noticeable in the rain.   ROOF LEAKS- Distressed properties particularly foreclosure do not come with a seller's disclosure. As a result, we know very little about them or what potential problems they may have.  Why looking at homes  in...
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By Bob Haywood,
(McGraw Realtors)
If you know me, you know that I am now in my fourth year of selling Real Estate.  I have blogged about my experiences in this crazy career since having found Active Rain way back in 2007.  I have shared challenges.  I have shared discoveries and I have shared high and low points. You probably have noticed that I haven't been around much lately.  It isn't because I don't like my fellow Active Rainers or AR, but rather because I burned myself out pretty good.  Yep, I flat out burned out to the point that I had nothing left to say. Let me tell you how I managed to burn myself out of blogging...and almost out of Real Estate. My first mistake was a classic.  I just did too much all the time without any downtime.  You've heard a million times to pace yourself.  And I've heard it too.  But in ...
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By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
FROM THE DESK OF MOTHER GOOGLE"NOW CHILDREN, SOME OF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PLAYING NICE.  SO WE HAVE SOME NEW RULES." FROM THE GOOGLE BLOG. Finding more high-quality sites in search 2/24/2011 06:50:00 PM Our goal is simple: to give people the most relevant answers to their queries as quickly as possible. This requires constant tuning of our algorithms, as new content-both good and bad-comes online all the time. More. . . . . LENN HAS PATIENCE (when there's no choice).  WE'LL WATCH AND WAIT.  How this update will affect real estate agents and others employed in the real estate industry is yet to be seen.  I've tested my site(s) extensively and can't see any difference in SERP for highly search key word phrases.  That said, I did pick up an additional 32 back links on  Howeve...
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By Greg Nino, Houston, Texas
(RE/MAX Compass)
A seller can expect one thing for sure while their home is on the market, people will use the bathroom. They'll go number one, number two and in some cases number three... and there's no doubt about it. This is why I always inform my sellers to ensure that bathrooms are adequately equipped with the bare essentials. But what about other scenarios? Do buyers throw themselves on the couch, lounge and even bed? I've heard of buyers opening drawers, refrigerators, cabinets, showers, closets, attics and even looking under the bed. And  yes, I've seen a buyer launch herself on a California King sized tempurpedic mattress. One of my friends told me that when his dad decided on a home that he liked that he and all his kids jumped in the pool - with their clothes on. Yee-Haw!   I feel like people...
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By Inna Hardison, Wordpress for Real Estate & Design, Print HaMedia Group
(ha media group)
I know some might say this horse zebra has been beaten to death.  I won’t venture into any details of the now infamous case of West Coast vs East Coast zebras, this isn’t about this.  But a post on the subject by Frances Flynn Thorsen got me thinking.  Frances brought up NAR’s code of ethics as it pertains (in her opinion) to so many vocal members of the NAR out to destroy the reputation of another NAR member.  What gets me about the post and some of the commentary there is the assumption of some blanket protection from bad press granted to any member of the NAR, at least with respect to that bad PR ever coming from other members.  I am not a legal scholar, nor would I call myself an expert on what NAR’s COE actually intended by those articles, but I always thought the only protection o...
Comments 64
Don’t be the Little Orphan Annie of the Broker Open House World   The broker open house for many listing agents is a great way to get their newly listed property out there to the real estate world. We all know the importance of having other agents see the property to increase the chance to match up the perfect buyer and the perfect home. From my experience over the past couple of years is that the main draw to the broker open house seems to be the lunch. Usually the listing agent will call upon their loan officer to orchestrate the lunch menu and pay for the food. We loan officers, being the suckers that we are for the attention of Realtors, we get the best sandwiches and salads hoping to make a good impression with the local agents. Now let’s thing about that; I’m hoping that my lunch ...
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By Sidney Kutchuk - Realty Works Temecula Kutchuk - Realty Works Temecula, Realty Works Temecula
(Realty Works Temecula)
Nobody likes the Ump or the Appraiser!  In the world of Real Estate and especially in a changing market like we are experiencing with home prices here in Southwest Riverside County, where home prices are going up and down, ever so slightly, like a ping pong ball.  Appraisers are getting a bad rap... Seller's feel the values of their homes are way too low, locking onto values of last fall when the First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit was in full swing and buyers were shopping for homes with an exuberance in order to take advantage of the credit before it expired.   Now that things have slowed down, just a little, from the frenzy of last year, and there is much inventory to view, and view and view.....Buyers are counting on values dropping way below what they were at their last low.   Buyers,...
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By Elliott S. Topkins, Massachusetts Real Estate and Title Atty
(Topkins &
Real estate attorneys, like other real estate professionals, are often accused of "flirting with the truth". What I mean by this is that because we have held ourselves out as experts in our field, we have the subconscious need to know everything. So when we are asked a question which we really do not know the answer to, we often guess and hide behind the fact that the other person will accept our response because of our status or position. I am not sure when I changed this approach, but I have, and "oh, what a difference it has made to me". At some point in time in my recent life, I realized that it was okay, maybe even refreshing, if I simply said "I don't know" when asked a question for which I did not have an answer borne of prior experience or knowledge. People can accept your cando...
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By Jim Paulson, Owner,Broker
(Progressive Realty (Boise Idaho)
For years, I have realized that lenders typically do not accept "partial payments" when a home owner is in foreclosure after the notice of default is served.  However, if they invoke the "assignment of rents" clause in many deeds of trust, isn't that effectively accepting partial payments?  If a lender doesn't want to accept the rent payment, what happens to it? I am starting to get a number of renters that are turning into buyers because they are tired of worrying if their home is going to get foreclosed on even if they are making their payments to their landlord. At least here in Boise, Idaho and the Treasure Valley, with the low mortgage rates, the first time home buyer programs, the grants, Neighborhood Stabilization programs, etc,. it is pretty easy to buy a home with less out of p...
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By Amy Hahn, Realtor/Broker - Crystal Coast, NC
(Pine Knoll Shores Realty)
Clawson's 1905 Restaurant & Pub, Beaufort, NC Yes, I know....Many of my post revolve around Restaurants and food, But A REALTORS® gotta eat!  Actually, Our coastal area offers so many wonderful Dining experiences, that I can't help myself.  One of my favorites is Clawson's 1905 Restaurant & Pub in Beaufort, NC.  Clawson's is located on Front Street across from the waterfront, and is also right next door to Island Traders's (One of my favorite places to shop).    At Clawson's 1905, the food is fabulous, the service is even better, and the atmosphere is warm, fun, and welcoming.  This past weekend, my sister and I took our mom to Clawson's to celebrate her birthday.  We ate every bite on our plates, and then we shared a piece of the best KeyLime Pie on the Crystal Coast.  Afterwards, we w...
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By TeamCHI - Complete Home Inspections, Inc., Home Inspectons - Nashville, TN area - 615.661.029
(Complete Home Inspections, Inc.)
Deadly Sins of Indoor Photography ~ Part 3…We all like to make a good impression and want to put our best foot forward. However; sometimes we stumble. Some mistakes are easily correctable, some we just can't overcome. As I had mentioned in an earlier post, indoor photography is the most challenging of all photo arenas, yet so many take a cavalier approach when taking/posting photos for their listings. My goal is not to teach you the mechanics, but to make you aware of the many sins that most novices make. Good photography can make or break your sale. Today, as promised, I conclude this series on Deadly Sins of Indoor photography. Sin #8: Neglecting Intangibles: Agents usually have the sellers sign the listing agreement in the comfort of their home. Being intent on getting the name on th...
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By Virginia Gardner, Realtor, Charlottesville, Serving Central Virginia
(Roy Wheeler Realty Co.)
There's nothing more important than connecting with a great lender before you start looking at houses.  A great lender can help you get a loan, get a good loan, and they will make sure the loan closes.   There are all sorts of mortgage myths running around out there... don't believe eveything you read.  Also don't assume you can't get financing; call me, and I'll help you find a great lender. Some mortgage myths... Myth --> "It's impossible to get low down payment loans."  Not true...  
You can find low downpayment FHA loans,  and VA is 0%.  There are also some 100% USDA loans. Myth --> "It takes perfect credit to get a loan."  Talk to your lender! There is a relationship of better rates to better credit, but many issues on a credit report may be explained.  The way to know for sure is ...
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By The Somers Team, Delivering Real Estate Happiness
(The Somers Team at KW Philadelphia)
What Does Lady Gaga, Diamonds, And You Have In Common? Not sure? Then here is another riddle... What is stronger than steel, more valuable than gold, and more impressive than diamonds? Give up? INFLUENCE We've all felt the effects of influence on our lives. Remember that kid your mother warned you about when you were a teenager. Looking back now you probably agree, they were a "bad influence"on you. As adults in business, you may know it as SOI or "Sphere of Influence" and you've been taught to recognize your sphere as your friends, family, and colleagues, etc. No doubt, we live in a world dictated by a very diverse group of influencers from Obama to Lady Gaga to Sponge Bob Square Pants ! This year more than ever before, Chris and I have recognized our own place as influential people --...
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By Karen Fiddler, Broker/Owner, Orange County & Lake Arrowhead, CA (949)510-2395
(Karen Parsons-Fiddler, Broker 949-510-2395)
What are the steps you take when listing a home for sale? I bet you run comps.I imagine you visit the home and talk about assets and liabilities of the home.I would think you point out the busy street, high wires behind the home and street noise.I suppose you would discuss price.I assume you suggest decluttering, staging. You walk into the listing appointment and present yourself as a professional. You don't tell the seller "I'm going to take this listing, guess on price, and then wait for feedback to let us know what we should be doing to get it sold." Of course not. So if you are so insistent on feedback it's one of two thing: 1) you are not confident that you have the credibility with your seller and need feedback to make your point2) You are really trying to use feedback as an excus...
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By Connie Harvey, Realtor - Nashville TN Real Estate
(Pilkerton Realtors)
Blogging and Moving just don't play well together.     I can tell you this from experience. It all started 3 weeks ago when we received an offer on our house. The house we were living in. Sounds like a good thing, right? The complicated part was that we already had a contract on the house. Buyers #1 had a Home Sale Contingency with a 48 hour kick-out.  Because they really wanted the house,   Buyers #1 removed their contingency and agreed to close at the end of the month, a few weeks sooner than we expected. We had already started packing and moving things to the new house. It seemed simple enough, fill boxes move them. Fill boxes, move them.   In the 13 years we've lived in this house, my mother passed away and I have boxes of her "stuff", my grandmother passed away and I have boxes of ...
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By Barbara Todaro, Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team
(RE/MAX Executive Realty - Happily Retired )
I just read a post written by Gail Harris regarding listing agents and how they work for free, at times.  This happens when a homeowner refuses to drop the price for the listing agent but reduces the list price for the next agent in line.  We've all seen this happen, and there is a lesson to be learned here. It's the job of the listing agent to price the home properly, and if the seller is not willing to do that, it's nothing more than a "crap shoot" as to whether an offer is ever to be written on that property.  Listing property is not a day at the casino.  It's not a task of throwing the listing up against the wall with the attitude of "if it's sticky it will stick, and if it's not it will fall."  Paying real estate agents on retainer will not resolve the problem.   The only solution ...
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By Craig Daniels, Technology Instructor/Project Consultant
(Tech Training for You!)
Before we go too much further with video editing tasks, let's talk today about getting your video project set up properly. I want to cover a few concepts that will be helpful to consider. This is part 5 in the Video Class Series and that link will let you go back and catch up if you missed the previous classes. First of all, let's talk about file organization. When you upload the source files from your video camera, you need to have a logical and organized way to save the files. Usually, you will have some sort of main "videos" folder on your drive with subfolders that make sense to you. For me, I use dated folders, first of all a folder for the year, example 2011 and then a subfolder for the project. That may work for you too, or you may have a different way to organize, e.g. by video...
Comments 36
By Margaret Goss, Chicago's North Shore & Winnetka Real Estate
UPDATED 2022 Sweat the Small Stuff When Selling Your Winnetka Home I know that not all sellers want to do an all-out staging of their homes - they feel their homes are in good shape, show well, and are updated. So they go ahead and list their homes for sale but overlook the "small stuff." Those things that take little time or money to fix but are glaringly obvious to the potential buyer.Here's what I mean. These photos were taken during a Tuesday morning broker's tour of homes in the area. In otherwise nice homes, these flaws are out in the open yet cheap to fix - buyers will discount them because they show a lack of attention to detail. So they start wondering. "what else might be wrong with the house?"  Just a little paint, a little mortar and these issues can be cleared up in one we...
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Blog posts

By Barbara Jenness, St. Augustine FL Real Estate
(Barbara B. Jenness, P.A. - St. Augustine, FL)
2739 S Ponte Vedra Blvd PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL Oceanfront Lot - 100' wide across from Preserve-Broker/Owner .36 acres Vacant Land $530,000 Lot Size .36 acres DescriptionLeast expensive, Rare 100'-wide lot in S. Ponte Vedra on non-driving beach across from the Guana Preserve. Views possible of the Guana River from 3rd floor of home, providing waterviews on both sides of your home. High dune, nice lot without erosion. Owner is licensed real estate broker & listing broker. The Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (Guana) for canoeing, kayaking, hiking, biking and education center is just steps away. Located on Scenic & Historic A1A and A1A Scenic & Historic Coastal Byway, a National Scenic Byway with bike path from Vilano to Ponte Vedra. Location Features OceanfrontN...
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By Dave diCecco, Dave Sells Charlotte
(Helen Adams Realty)
You have had an experince happen in your life that has led you to need to sell your home.  You have realized that what you owe on the home is greater than the value of the home. Therefore you are considering doing a short sale with the bank that holds your mortgage. What can you do to successfully navigate the process?First, is immediately contact the lender who has your mortgage and request a short sale packagae.  Most lenders have a department that is set up to handle these situations when you call. Some will mail them out to you immediately, others will e-mail and some have them electronically online for you.  Once you receive the package, fill it out completely.Second, interview and hire a Realtor to handle the short sale marketing and selling of your home for you. I always recommen...
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By Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn, Author of Sell with Soul
(Sell with Soul)
Oops. A few weeks ago I promised to finish up a series I was doing on KLT - The Know, Like and Trust Principle which goes something like: "The more people who know you, like you and trust you, the more real estate you'll sell." In the first two segments of the series I talked about the KNOW and LIKE factors - you can read those here and here. But this third factor - the TRUST factor is probably the most important. Because even if a whole bunch of people KNOW you and a whole bunch of people LIKE you, they won't hire you or refer you if they don't TRUST you. And yes, it is possible to know and like someone and not fully trust them! By "TRUST," I'm not referring to whether or not the people who know and like you think you're an honorable sort of guy or gal. If they don't TRUST you from an ...
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By Stanley Stepak, Realtor - Avon Lake, Avon, Bay Village, Westlake,
(Howard Hanna - Avon Lake, OH)
As an Avon Lake coach people stop and ask me about what the age requirements are for soccer.  Here is what I pulled from the local web site.  If you need more information go to Avon Lake Recreation. Avon Lake Soccer Organization: About ALSO RecreationIntroductory soccer for the developing player. Registration begins in May and ends in July. The soccer season starts in the Fall and consists of 6 games in the Fall and 6 games in the Spring. Games are played at Learwood fields on Saturday, however makeups may be scheduled during the week. 1 practice per week during evening hours, with day and time determined by coach and field availability. Individual footskill training offered 3 times per season and is separate from practice. Divisions are divided by Micro, Rec and Co-ed Micro - birth dat...
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By Jerri McCombs, Broker/Owner, Hendersonville Living
(Dogwood Real Estate Services)
Jackson Park Recognized as a Certified Forest Landbird Legacy Habitat by: Tim Hopkin, Parks & Recreation Director for Henderson County North Carolina In January Jackson Park was recognized as a Certified Forest Landbird Legacy Habitat. In 2010 Henderson County Parks and Recreation partnered with the Forest Landbird Legacy Program (FLLP) which provides technical assistance and funding to improve valuable habitats for migratory birds. Jackson Park is part of the North Carolina Birding Trail system and is heavily used by bird watchers. In November of 2010, Tim Hopkin, Henderson County Parks and Recreation Director, and his staff completed work on a FLLP contract for invasive species control within the park. The Parks and Recreation Staff of Henderson County worked with Kelly Hughes, Stewar...
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By Cindy Marchant, "Cindy in Indy" , Realtor, Fishers Real Estate
(Keller Williams Indy NE 317-290-7775
We think one of the challenges in 2010 for getting transactions to the closing table were the appraisals.   Similar to lending where you just had to breathe to get a loan going 180 degrees where you are now required to give your first born; the appraisal process has also gone 180 with the creation of HVCC (or Havoc as Realtors refer to it).  HVCC was introduced in March of 2010 touting sound appraisals that would be free of bias and influence.   Of course, it introduced another layer of bureaucracy with the creation of AMC (Appraisal Management Company) that now oversees the appraisal process.  As a result, appraisals have come in late, lacking applicable data and lower than sale price values. Here are the Top 6 problems our group identified: 1.       Increased cost to the buyer as now ...
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By Andrea Swiedler, Realtor, Southern Litchfield County CT
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties)
"Preferred Brokers" with BofA.... Yes, icing on my cow pie cake... Yesterday I got a Google alert for "New Milford CT Real Estate" with a link to a Bank of America real estate search. I clicked the link, I admit I had to do a little searching around because the link as it came to me didn't exist, but I found it. BofA allows people to search for homes through their website! Of course there is a tab for BofA foreclosures, in my area it provided no results for foreclosures, but in searching for a home there were many. Apparently they have "Preferred Brokers" who provide the IDX feed. The "preferred broker" is from out of the area. Way out of the area.... The first search results note in the box "Broker Reciprocity". When you click on the home there is no information that states who the lis...
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By Donald Horne, Team Success Listing LLC
Tawas Bay has been selected for the site of the 2012 North American Championship Regatta for the j22 class of sailboats. Hosted by theTawas Bay Yacht Club (TBYC), the championship will be held September 11-14, 2012. The j22 North American championships are held every 2 years on even years and alternate years with the j22 World Championships. The 2011 World Championship is scheduled for October 9-15 at New Orleans, LA. A TBYC officer who is the 2012 j22 North American Championship Regatta co-chair, wants this to be a win-win for the (sailboat) class, town and state.references: john morris, iosco news,
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(Field Realty - Broker/Owner)
17A Louis Ave. Menands, NY 12204 Menands Townhouse NEW to the MARKET! 2BR, 1.5 Bath (ENDUNIT) townhouse in a convenient locale right off 787 & mins from downtown Albany! Newer roof/furnace, tiled entryway, hrdwds a deck & more! Call The Field Team Today 518.871.9422! Interior Features: Appliances, Central Air, Forced Air, Walk-In Closet, Main Floor Bathroom, Dining Room, Hardwood Floors. Exterior Features: Deck/Patio, End Unit Lot . Custom Features: Private Lot : End unit townhouse w/ deck & nice side yard Layout : Open space from living room to dining rm & kitchen Price: $125,000 Type: Condo/Townhouse for Sale Floors: Multiple Parking/Garage: 1 Bedrooms: 2 Baths:1 Half Baths:1 Square Feet: 1100 Year Built: 1989 MLS #: 201112966 For more information contact: Keller...
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By Maureen McCabe, Columbus Ohio Real Estate
(HER Realtors)
pssst  Curbside Info hits Columbus Today You'll start hearing Real Living HER (previously known as HER Realtors) advertising "Curbside" soon... today? Curbside Info from HER is rolling out today.    We had the HER Realtors Hotline back in 1990's... I wish I had an old advertisement for the HER Hotline.* HER Realtors Hotline was a recording about the property.  Technology of the 1990s. Curbside Info is more than just a recording about a property but you can "do it" from your phone no matter if your phone is a smart phone... Droid, iPhone, Blackberry or just the cell phone you know and love and know how to use. Call for information on a house on Curbside Info. You know  bedrooms, bathrooms, square footage, amenities.  Want to know about financing?  Want to see the house? You can send you...
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By Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573, Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker
Hardwood floors, tiled bathroom, sunshine beaming in the picture windows of this Maine home surrounded by protective boundary tree lines. Tucked away on a quiet side street. The three car capacity garage with work shop is a show stopper too. But priced in the $80's, that's what really steals the act. Watch the Maine home video. This Maine home with paved drive and extra parking, wrapped in vinyl comes with all four major appliances. Ones with low mileage and all in place. Quick occupancy and ready to move right in to if the timing is right on your end for the relocation, retirement or just cross town real estate transition. Maine, big state, friendly people, we don't lock doors because no need to! Let's discuss your home, any Maine real estate property needs! Call, email. text, smoke si...
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By The Somers Team, Delivering Real Estate Happiness
(The Somers Team at KW Philadelphia)
What Does Lady Gaga, Diamonds, And You Have In Common? Not sure? Then here is another riddle... What is stronger than steel, more valuable than gold, and more impressive than diamonds? Give up? INFLUENCE We've all felt the effects of influence on our lives. Remember that kid your mother warned you about when you were a teenager. Looking back now you probably agree, they were a "bad influence"on you. As adults in business, you may know it as SOI or "Sphere of Influence" and you've been taught to recognize your sphere as your friends, family, and colleagues, etc. No doubt, we live in a world dictated by a very diverse group of influencers from Obama to Lady Gaga to Sponge Bob Square Pants ! This year more than ever before, Chris and I have recognized our own place as influential people --...
Comments 13
By Clint Mckie, Desert Sun Home, Comm. Inspection 1-575-706-5586
(Desert Sun Home, commercial Inspections)
I took some pictures at an inspection yesterday and the camera was set for a larger size than I can down load to the report. I need some advice on how to re size the pictures for the report. I need them A.S.A.P. This report is for a very valuable client and he is waiting. I need help, Now. Can anyone help me? Clint McKie
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By Melissa Juarez
(Massachusetts Buyers Broker Agency, LLC)
Wakefield, MA is located a mere 12 miles north of Boston.  Wakefield has a great small town feel.  It is also a smart choice if you commute to work, as there are two commuter train stops in town.  Wakefield encompasses an area of approximately 8 square miles and has two lakes located in the center of town: Crystal Lake and Lake Quannapowitt. Crystal Lake is used as a reservoir for some of the town's drinking water. Lake Quannapowitt is used for a wide variety of recreational activities, including boating, windsurfing and fishing, and is the primary source of the Saugus river.  When the weather is warmer, the paths surrounding Lake Quannapowitt burst with runners, walkers and cyclists.  One of my favorite pastimes is taking early evening walks around the lake. This time of year Wakefield...
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By Lina Robertson, REALTOR® Serving Springfield, Nixa and Ozark, MO
(AMAX Real Estate)
"Current Listings"Create a free slideshow with Picnik!
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By Lee & Pamela St. Peter, Making Connections to Success in Real Estate
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices YSU Realty: (919) 645-2522)
  Tuesday Brain Teaser Ahhh Tuesdays,Not too exciting of a day...  it’s just ~ Tuesday.  We hope you've seen some of our previous brain teasers, but in case this is the 1st... just a brief overview of what this is about.  We had so much fun with our Holiday Brain Teasers we thought maybe we could add a bit of pizazz to Tuesdays with another round of Brain Teasers for all you sharp tacs out there!  Every Tuesday we'll be putting out a new Brain Teaser.  Some you may have seen elsewhere and some might be new... the plan is to keep them going for as long as we can think of them or find new ones to add. Have fun, and be sure to check in on Tuesdays...Presenting the 5th of our Tuesdays series: Bring on your best guesses, and let’s see who’ll be the Sharpest Tac first...   Happy Tuesday!! *ru...
Comments 14
By Stephen Howell, Annapolis MD Homes For Sale 443-994-8043
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
Annapolis Maryland Market Snapshot I thought this morning (March 1, 2011) I'd take a quick snapshot of the local real estate market.  Here is what I found. There are 3,175 homes for sale today in Anne Arundel County with an Average List Price of $466,689 and an average of 159 Days-on-market.  Of those homes, 664 of those homes are in Annapolis with an Avearge List Price of $666,067 and an avearge of 155 Days-on-market.  There were 240 active foreclosure listings with an average asking price of $223,851 and an average of 71 Days-on-market.  And, there were 439 active short-sale listings with an aveage asking price of $294,666 and an average of 170 Days-on-market. In comparison, at the end of February 2009 there were 3,686 homes for sale in Anne Arundel County with an Average List Price o...
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By David Pylyp
(RE/MAX Realty Specialists Inc.,)
We recently received a call from an agent in Calgary, Alberta that had someone in Toronto who needed to deal with a house near Ossington and Dupont. (As an Accredited Senior Agent) We are often contacted by now, out of town, grown children who now reside elsewhere in Canada. This agent asked about my knowledge of west Toronto neighbourhoods, my proximity to the listing, sales history and experience, number of current listings in addition to number of years in real estate. I thought I had answered well and directed the Calgary agent to Google Homes west Toronto as a sampling of how I could market and present a property for sale. When I followed up the enquiry the referring agent told me they had assigned the business elsewhere as the other agent had sent a package by email; I needed to a...
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By Peter den Boer, MBA,GRI, Associate Broker, Realtor
(Atlanta Communities)
Can you believe how fast this year seems to be moving? Time does seem to fly. Time is certainly an interesting thing. If you set a task for sometime in the future, time slows to a crawl. But as soon as you come upon the date set for this task, time really takes off. Did you know that time is very important in Real Estate? When you contract to buy or sell a home, a hidden timer starts ticking. There are built in timers for your due diligence time period. There are timers for financial and appraisal contingencies. So what, you ask? Keeping up with all the timers is your Real Estate agents responsibility. If you were to miss a deadline set within your contract, nasty things can happen. You could lose your earnest money. You could lose a home sale! Time is very important in Real estate. So,...
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By Barbara-Jo Roberts Berberi, MA, PSA, TRC - Greater Clearwater Florida Residential Real Estate Professional, Palm Harbor, Dunedin, Clearwater, Safety Harbor
(Charles Rutenberg Realty)
Crystal Beach Florida has an adorable 3 bedroom 2 bath 2 car garage home for sale that comes with a fenced in backyard AND a pool! It is only 2 blocks away from Crystal Beach Park and the sparkling waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Who could possibly ask for more? This home is located on a dead-end street right, near the Pinellas Trail! With 1356 sqq ft of living space and a large fenced in backyard, this is the perfect new home for some lucky family! It could be you! Give me a call today to find out more.......oh, the asking price for being so close to the gulf is only $239,000! Come, make Crystal Beach your new home and find out why those that live here love it!    
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