Archives of real estate blog entries for September 01, 2010

Featured blog posts

By The Somers Team, Delivering Real Estate Happiness
(The Somers Team at KW Philadelphia)
REM sang it and now we are singing it too. "It's the end of the world as we know it." Of course, we are talking about the end of the Real Estate market. But hasn't that been the hit song sung by CNBC and the news headliners for the last 2 years? So what is the reason for the end of the world this time? Let's recap. On August 24th it certainly seemed as if the housing market was falling apart at the seams when the National Association of Realtors (NAR) announced the sales forecast for the 2010 year fell short. Sales of previously owned homes fell 27.2% in July as compared to June.  That is like saying if 200 homes sold in the month of June then only 146 home sold in July. So why was that such a shocker to the analysts? Did they forget that the 8,000 Tax incentive's Rule #1 was that Buyer...
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By Charita Cadenhead, Serving Jefferson and Shelby Counties (Alabama)
(eXp Realty)
BDAMB from BHAM's Weekly Top Tips for Active Rain Newbies (30DC9) With so much going on in the Rain, newcomers are often torn between writing about their experiences, understanding SEO, reading post and commenting.  But before you can do any of that, you've got to figure out the logistics of the AR blogging Platform. I highlighted the Top Tips from the post of other members so far this week as a way for Newbies (and some Oldbies as Karen Anne Stone calls them) to get acclaimated to ActiveRain.   This should ease the feeling of being so overwhelmed.  Now you've got purpose:  learn the neighbor before you jump right in with no purpose at all. These tips should help defuse some of the angst before you attempt to leap into the shark pool.  Consider these post sort of like warm up exercises ...
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By Patricia Kennedy, Home in the Capital
(RLAH Real Estate)
Sometime back in the late 1980's, Jim Weichert bought Shannon & Luchs, the company where I began my real estate career, and I stayed on for about a year after the change.  And I have to give Mr. Weichert a lot of credit for teaching me two important things.  One was how to do a successful Open House.  The second was the importance of good follow up after the Open House was over. For those of you who aren't familiar with Weichert Realtors, they are known for yellow signs.  And these signs are not just yellow.  They are pretty gaudy.  They sort of attract bugs at night.  Same with the Open House arrows he issued to us all immediately. For those of us who thought this particular shade of yellow to be, well, sort of Non-U, he explained that, when you are trying to sell a listing at an Open ...
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By Lew Corcoran, Real Estate Agent, Home Stager, & Photographer
(Better Living Real Estate, LLC)
The Trend in Home Sales in New Bedford MA - Improving, or...? Home prices in New Bedford on average are falling - but just slightly - and appear to be stabilizing! Home prices have fallen 1.0% since July of 2009. The current average listing price of homes for sale in New Bedford MA is $206,854, down just 1.1% from a month ago. Compare this to the current median sales price of $158,424 - where half of sales are above this amount and half below it. 2 and 3 bedroom homes are selling for less while prices of 4 bedroom homes are increasing. Prices of 2 bedroom homes are down 2.3% while prices of 3 bedroom homes are down 4.0% from year ago levels. However, 4 bedroom homes are up 16.3%. Below is a chart of the trend of median prices of homes for sale in New Bedford MA over the past 5 years thr...
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By Carla Muss-Jacobs, RETIRED
(RETIRED / State License is Inactive)
After reading Donne Knudsen's post: It's a Home Not a Piece of Stock I had a thought.  And that is:  A Home is where you LIVE! When we reach the age of majority, there is a time when we all fly from the nest.  When first starting out, we might call home a dorm room at college, or home might be an apartment with roommates.  But it's home . . . We cross another threshold -- we rent an apartment or house.  And here's the rub . . . if we're not going to live in Mom's basement for the rest of our lives, there are two -- ONLY TWO -- options of paying for the roof over our head (i.e., home). PAY RENT ~ or ~ PAY a MORTGAGE That's it!  I bought my first home when I was 19.  I married (young) and my then (now ex) husband had been in the Army, and had VA benefits.  We made use of the no-down loan ...
Comments 42
An important piece of advice that I give to all of the home sellers that I work with is … Study Your Competition!   Learn as much as you can about the other homes that are for sale in your area that are similar to yours in price, condition, location, amenities, etc. I assure you this will be a very eye-opening experience!   Studying what your competition has to offer will provide you with a great deal of information.  It will help you prioritize what you need to do to get your own house ready to sell.  It will help you determine your realistic asking price.  View properties online at websites like  Drive by these homes.  Visit open houses.  Ask you agent to arrange private showings if necessary.  Look carefully at your competition with what we call “buyers’ eyes”.  Be bruta...
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By Linda Humphrey, CRS, Broker/Owner HHC Realty
(Humphrey Home Connections Realty, Reno, Nevada)
I have some clients, really fun people, Dick and Jane. Dick and Jane are engaged to be married, and would like to buy a home together prior to the momentous event. Both of them own their own homes now free and clear, as well as an assortment of rental properties that they manage and maintain, so they are far from babes in the woods as far as real estate is concerned. After several years (yes, years) of forwarding them listings, something finally piques their interest. Their MUTUAL interest; there has been periodic individual piqueage that has occurred, but they agree on practically nothing. Jane wants a newer home in a nice neighborhood, and Dick adamantly refuses to be in a neighborhood with an HOA and especially HOA dues, etc. etc. So joyous day! Praise the Lord! They finally discover...
Comments 22
HUD has regrettably increased the annual mortgage insurance premium and soon will have succeeded in reducing the allowable seller concessions.  It's easy to know that this will have a big impact but it will actually change the lending landscape by dramatically decreasing FHA's presence in the marketplace and shifting loan volume to Fannie Mae and FreddieMac who share an uncertain future to say the least.  It will also shift loans to private mortgage insurers, most of whom are either financially anemic or are still reeling from the volatile markets of the last 2.5 years.  And it needn't be said that the private sector isn't ready, willing and able to jump into the residential housing lending market just yet.  In a time where tinkering with the housing market should be done delicately, th...
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By Frances C. Rokicki, Broker-Mentor,CRS
(Fran Rokicki Realty, LLC)
Many of us have attended different motivational seminars.  Most are helpful, some are a waste of your time.  Yesterday morning, I attended a half day event, that I wish, kept going! The people came from near and far.  It was held in Downtown Hartford.  Easy commute (the highway leads right to the location) and the parking was in the Convention Center.  Just a short walk to the Marriott Hotel, which is connected to the Convention Center.  It was a breeze, coming and going! As I rode up the escalator, from the beautiful lobby, I was amazed to see so many people!  Is it the market?  Is it the cost? (it was a free event)  Are people in our business seeking out help to keep their business alive in this market?  Probably, a little of each of these reasons.  I met old friends.  Realtors and ba...
Comments 8
By Loreena and Michael Yeo, Real Estate Agents
(3:16 team REALTY ~ Locally-owned Prosper TX Real Estate Co.)
Today 9/1/2010 is another great celebration day for me. Today, I found that my website, is finally on the 1st PAGE of GOOGLE. What a prouder moment is that I did it ALL by myself, without the help of any "Google" companies (can you imagine that???) This process began in April 2009 when I decided that a new website was due. I hired my web design company to do a complete custom site, one like none other, especially in the Frisco TX area. At the same time, I signed up for Katerina Gasset's SEO to the TOP webinar. It was a great 9-week class and I learnt ALOT! I would say that my knowledge about SEO was good prior to Katerina Gasset's class due to all the GREAT POST about SEO that I read on here. My first ever SEO teacher was the late Ms. Karen George but I didn't re...
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By Aaron Vaughn 830-358-0455
(Conifer Builders LLC)
For Sale By Owner | 5 Reasons To Avoid Selling Yourself | Austin, TX Yes, yes ... it's a real estate agent proclaiming that it is a BAD IDEA to try to sell your home without an agent. After your eyes stop rolling, please read on. I make some very strong points here. Example ... you live in a major subdivision where the builders are still building (even after all these years) and there are lots of homes for sale. But maybe you don't like it here. Maybe you're thinking about moving away and starting fresh with a new job and a new lease on life. Got to sell the home first, though. Don't want to be a landlord, and who could blame you. There seems to be a lot of traffic in your neighborhood, so maybe you think you can sell your home all by yourself. Don't need to spend all that money on a RE...
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By J. Philip Faranda, Broker-Owner
(J. Philip Faranda (J. Philip R.E. LLC) Westchester County NY)
OK, maybe Nietzsche is a little bit heavy for breakfast, but the theme of many blog posts I have read lately from my colleagues around the country is that this industry, which was never a walk in the park, is a real test of endurance, strength, and fortitude on both a physical and mental level. When I was on the college rowing team we had a race with Princeton University, which was a far higher calibre of program. They were Ivy League, which is the top of the heap in crew. We were a club. The race was at Carnegie Lake in Princeton, New Jersey, and we got pasted. This was not unexpected. What I recall even more vividly than the whooping we got was the message on the bright orange T-shirt every Princeton oarsman wore that day:  That Which Hurts Me Only Makes Me Stronger Our T-shirts said ...
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By Janice Sutton, Home Stager - Temecula Murrieta
(1st Stage Property Transformations )
NOT!  :) Ok so have you ever heard that Home Staging Doesn't Help Sell Homes or perhaps maybe you have said Home Staging will not work for my properties. Well, to be honest, after over 5 years in the Home Staging Business, I have heard those words again and again and again! Blah...blah...blah...blah...blah...... Who knew becoming a Professional Home Stager would be such an uphill battle.  When all I ever wanted to do was help Home Owners, Realtors, Investors market and SELL properties!! Well...its time I stand up for myself and my colleagues and let you all in a little secret that I and tons of other Professional Home Stagers know and that is..................... Home Staging Helps Sell Homes! The proof is in the pudding...I mean Home Staging!! :) Woooooo HooooOOOOO!  I am thrilled to l...
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By Shannon Lewis, Realtor, Broker - Champaign-Urbana, IL
(Beringer Realty)
The Value of a Market Report It’s been a few months now since I began writing real estate market reports for my local area. Now I do them on a weekly and monthly basis, keeping the weekly reports brief and expanding on the monthly ones. I realized as I was doing last week’s report, that I now have an entire collection of market reports for Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. Since I’ve been including the link to the previous week’s report at the bottom of each of these blogs, it is easy to pull up months-worth of these statistics side by side in tabs on a web page. And why is this significant (in my opinion)? Because you can then compare them and see TRENDS. Anyone, not just a real estate agent, can pull up these reports side by side and very quickly learn about the real estate market in this a...
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By Ann O'Connell
(Real estate agent at Oak Real Estate)
Was out previewing properties today, and was denied admittance to one home by these big guys.  I wasn't about to argue!  
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(Liberty Homes)
I look back at some of the members I 'grew up' with on ActiveRain and some of them have traveled on to other sites where I meet up with them to exchange status or chat a bit. We may meet back here again from time to time as well. Bottom line is that 'it all started with ActiveRain'. We learned and continue to learn. We grew and connected with one another. We exchanged ideas. We eventually became friends through our written words, a chat on the phone and so forth, in hopes that we may one day meet....face to face. Randy Prothero (fellow agent and dear friend of mine) or otherwise known as HAWAII RANDY and I met up with Candace Robinson this morning (she came for R and R from Gilbert Arizona) for a delightful breakfast mixed with conversation ranging from personal lives, real estate and j...
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By Bob Haywood,
(McGraw Realtors)
Dang you, Real Estate!  You keep getting in the way! We used to be such good friends, but then you left me after the tax credit expired.  You didn't call me up anymore to go see houses.  And you didn't want my expert advice about where to price your FSBO house.  And suddenly, I had a whole bunch of time on my hands!  I was actually getting home in time for dinner with Diane.  And she liked that. But you're a fickle one, Real Estate.  Just when I got used to being able to blog all day, you showed back up, wanting chunks of my time.  This is so not fair!  Now I barely have time to blog at all somedays.  And check this out.  I actually got to use my riding lawn mower this summer one time!  And then you came running back to me.  You call me over and over and over and leave messages.  You wa...
Comments 38
By Gary Woltal, Assoc. Broker Realtor SFR Dallas Ft. Worth
(Keller Williams Realty)
So you find yourself searching for houses on the Internet. You call some agent's names off signs in front of houses. You think you are a junior real estate agent. This stuff isn't hard. Print out a few pre-printed contract forms, do your own negotiation. What could go wrong? You should know there are     Reasons To Sign Up With A Buyers Agent. First off they know their stuff. Do you know if you are not represented you are called a Customer? Basically with not many specific services assigned to you by ANY agent. Yet with representation, you move to the highly prized CLIENT category with a lot of "good stuff" you now get. Some reasons to use a buyers agent: you get help formulating a negotiating strategy the negotiating strategy is NOT revealed to the seller you will be told if the curren...
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By Karen Fiddler, Broker/Owner, Orange County & Lake Arrowhead, CA (949)510-2395
(Karen Parsons-Fiddler, Broker 949-510-2395)
This is not a blog about commissions and retainer fees (and you know I'm completely AGAINST up front fees or set amounts). But as I read yet another blog today which mentioned that retainers "were the future" I thought about why I never felt the need for one. I have been a 100% commission sales person my entire working career in one way or another. I learned skills very early which taught me how to qualify prospects and spend my time wisely. I also learned how to analyze the time and cost of spending time with each prospect....this is critical. Do you have any idea how much money you are spending per closed sale? Gas? Time? How much are you willing to spend? I have several clients who have taken a long time to find the right home, but I have also categorized them early as being long-ter...
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By Lisa Orme, Broker/Realtor, ABR, CRS,GRI, PSCS, SFR, Notary Pu
(The Master's Key Realty LLC -Windsor, CT - HARTFORD COUNTY)
What do you think? Does your job as a real estate agent end at a successful closing of escrow? The buyer has done their walk-through before the sale, the paperwork is all finalized, the buyer has their keys, and everyone leaves the closing with big smiles on their faces; most of the time, anyways. We all know not ever closing is as smooth as we'd like them all to be. But you've gotten through it and it's done, right? Now is the time that you have an opportunity to stand apart from the crowd and create a client for life!   Do you know your buyer's immediate plans after the closing?  Are they moving right in? Are they fixing up, cleaning and re-painting first?  When is moving day?  Do they have all the help they need? Here are eight things I like to do - Why eight?  8 is the number of "ne...
Comments 45
By Melissa Zavala, Broker, Escondido Real Estate, San Diego County
(Broadpoint Properties)
Buying a Short Sale I love the 99¢ Only Store. Have you ever been there? I guess that they have them all over. When I was in Mexico in June, I even saw that they have their own version of the store. I love the fact that you can fill up your shopping cart with things that you may need (and you may not need) and the whole thing will never cost more than about forty dollars. When my kids were a little bit younger, I would take them there for a special treat and tell them that they could select three things-anything that they wanted (rated G, of course). Wow! Am I ever a big spender! You can always get a deal at the 99¢ Only Store. But, can you always get a good deal when buying a short sale? The answer is, quite simply, no. In 2007, the market took a huge dive. Banks were nowhere near prep...
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By Anna "Banana" Kruchten, 602-380-4886
(HomeSmart Real Estate )
Prospecting made Easier - Follow the 3 C'sProspecting is a subject that most agents read about and then maybe do a few things as suggested - or not.  Lately their seem to be quite a few agents complaining about the 'market', the 'economy' or whatever story they're telling themselves to be true.   So they stop doing the things they know they should be doing to prospect and they buy into their 'oh whoa is me' story.So we all know what good ole Dr Phil says, How's that Working for You"?  And here's what I say Oh - it's not working?  So why keep doing it then?  What are you getting out of doing stuff that isn't working? And other variations of the same question.  But seriously......Why not change your mind, get busy and do the stuff you know has worked in the past?Prospecting made Easier - ...
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Blog posts

By Pam Joffe
(Solaris Realty)
Looking for a home, townhome  or condo in in Tampa Bay ? To look for homes on MLX in the Tampa Bay and Pinellas area go to my website by clicking on  Tampa Homes. Westpark Preserve is a maintenance-free townhome just minutes from prestigious Westchase shopping areas. This Pulte built townhome complex is gated with many of the homes on conservation lots. Residents will love this secure, fully-maintained neighborhood with lush landscaping and a resort style pool and covered cabana.  The homes are two and three bedroom units with one and two car garages. Westpark Preserve has an outstanding location, just minutes from  the Veterans Expressway!  West Park Preseve has access to community pools,tennis, golf, park, playgrounds, and A-rated schools.  It is close to Citrus Park Mall, airport and...
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By Lea Haverstock, Tampa Bay Residential & Commercial Real Estate
(LE Real Estate Group)
Lea Elise Swartz | Beach & Luxury Realty, Inc | (727) 243-2000 6226 Kelly Rd, Tampa, FL CORP OWNED- SOUTH TAMPA HOME 1 house from BAYSHORE- Fixer upper or tear down 4BR/2BA Single Family House offered at $121,900 Year Built 1950 Sq Footage 2,368 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial Floors 1 Parking 2 Uncovered spaces Lot Size 10,920 sqft HOA/Maint $0 per month DESCRIPTION Acquired through deed in lieu of foreclosure. Fixer upper or perfect tear down to build your dream home on this 1/4 acre lot in South Tampa, one block from Bayshore. Needs TLC. Quick Sale available- Great opportunity to get a home in South Tampa! see additional photos below PROPERTY FEATURES - Central A/C - Fireplace - Tile floor - Family room - Living room - Dining room - Breakfast nook - Refrigerator - Stove/Oven ...
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By Monica Nunchuck, St. Augustine Buyer's Agent
(Florida Homes Realty & Mtg)
                                                St. Augustine Amphitheater Presents        Golden Dragon Acrobats performing "Cirque D'or"                                                 Click on picture to watch video                      You don't want to miss this amazing performance from the Golden Dragon Acrobats                                                           This is some serious talent! This weekend:Friday, September 03, 2010 - Saturday, September 04, 2010 Starts 7:30 pm  
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By Laurie C. Bailey-Gates, ABR, SFR
(Robert Paul Properties)
Getting ready for a long Labor Day Weekend on Cape Cod - batting down the hatches.  It has been awhile -1991 (Hurricane Bob) since we had a big one coming at us!! This blog is provided by Laurie Bailey-Gates, a Realtor with Virtual Homes Real Estate. Laurie can be reached via email at or by phone at 508-265-6722.    If you are thinking of buying or selling your home, contact me today! I will provide you with service, trust and the most advanced technology for today's market.  For a FREE no obligation home search tool sign up at my home search site.    
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By Valerie Zinger, Home Organizer
(House Proud Ottawa-Ontario-Canada)
  If your hot water tank is nearing the end of its life span, give serious consideration to having a tank less hot water heater installed.  The upside is the long range energy usage.  The downside is that it takes a smidgen longer for hot water to arrive at your tap.  New home builders install these as a builder's feature.  Why get dunked by the competition?     A few years ago clients of mine wanted to find homes with tank less water heaters.  I think I tried to find information in the web (just so I would recognized on if I saw it) but came up empty.  Less than three years later, a Buyer of mine bought a new build with a tank less heater.  Finally all my studying paid off when I described how it worked and how lucky she was to have this unit.  I commented on a blog by Charles Buell h...
Comments 16
By Pam Joffe
(Solaris Realty)
Looking for a home, townhome  or condo in in Tampa Bay ? To look for homes on MLX in the Tampa Bay and Pinellas area go to my website by clicking on  Tampa Homes. Westmont Oaks is a gated, maintenance free community.  Enjoy living in a community with a shady wooded entry with winding tree lined streets. It has an ideal  location where it is only minutes to Westchase, downtown Tampa, the airport, the Veteran's expressway, Honeymoon Island Beach, and downtown St. Pete.!  Enjoy all the features of a single family home but none of the 'fuss', The maintenance includes lawn care, roof, building exterior care, and basic cable!This well-maintained community is gated and has a heated community pool.  It is accessible on foot to a grocery store, drug store, and restaurants.  It is also walking di...
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By Steve Shaw, e-PRO, Gulf Region Properties Team
(Keller Williams Realty)
Below you will find a table that contains the Market Activity report for August 31, 2010 activity in the Mobile AL Real Estate market according to the Mobile Association of Realtors MLS system. This information is derived daily directly from the local MLS System. For more free Mobile AL real estate information, reports, and statistics, please visit or . Please e-mail me or call 251-215-9382 if you would like additional information on any of the listings shown. Mobile AL Real Estate Market Snapshot 08/31/2010 Single Family Homes and Condominiums New Listings 37 Price Reductions 35 Price Increases 11 Back on Market 8 Pending Transactions 12 Sold Transactions 12 Withdrawn from the Market 10 Expired Transactions 20 NET GAI...
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By Wallace S. Gibson, CPM, LandlordWhisperer
(Gibson Management Group, Ltd.)
  I have a rental home that I REALLY want to put a tankless system in because it will free up one side of a closet in the 3rd bedroom....just waiting for the current tank to "die" to have the system changed.     If your hot water tank is nearing the end of its life span, give serious consideration to having a tank less hot water heater installed.  The upside is the long range energy usage.  The downside is that it takes a smidgen longer for hot water to arrive at your tap.  New home builders install these as a builder's feature.  Why get dunked by the competition?     A few years ago clients of mine wanted to find homes with tank less water heaters.  I think I tried to find information in the web (just so I would recognized on if I saw it) but came up empty.  Less than three years later...
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By Chrissy Doremus ~ US Inspect ~, Residential Property Inspections
(US Inspect)
U.S. Inspect inspectors are in new places every day. They can find themselves belly down in a rodent-infested crawl space one day, and catching a glimpse of spectacular displays of natural beauty the next. And when I'm lucky, some of those inspectors send me pictures of the wonderful places where they live and work so that I can share them here. This particular view belongs to a condo in Pompano Beach (Fort Lauderdale area) inspected by one of our Florida Inspectors, Jack Fuquay. Thanks to Jack for sharing it with all of us. Posted By: Chrissy Doremus, U.S. Inspect Blog
Comments 4
By Loreena and Michael Yeo, Real Estate Agents
(3:16 team REALTY ~ Locally-owned Prosper TX Real Estate Co.)
  Current conditions of Frisco TX homes for sale market:   The numbers are in and across the country, the front page news splashed all over stating that we just suffered the BIGGEST US Home Sales plunged over 25% in decades, reaching the lowest level since 1999. The National Association of Realtors further add that July 2010 will go down for the largest monthly drop in 4 decades (largest since  records have been kept). Reports show that the housing market has not been able to build momentum from the home buyers' tax credit offered by the Obama Administration. To add fuel to the fire, the New Homes Sales which came out 2 days later showed that it dropped 12.4 percent in July from a month earlier. So what does this mean to you as a Frisco TX home buyer or seller? First of all, real estate...
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By BILL CHERRY, Broker & Wealth Coach
(Bill Cherry, Realtor)
FHA is giving homeowners and buyers until October 4th, 2010 to lock in a low monthly mortgage insurance premium on new home loans to be financed by FHA. After October 4th, the monthly mortgage insurance premiums will increase by nearly 65%. Mortgage Insurance is a loan requirement of all FHA home loan borrowers. This increase will make a significant difference in a borrower's monthly home loan payments.  Currently, a buyer with a $200,000 loan pays less than $90.00 a month for the insurance.  After October 4th, a new buyer of an FHA mortgaged home will pay just shy of $150.00 for the same coverage. What does this mean for home buyers?A home buyer purchasing a $200,000 home using a $193,000 FHA mortgage before October 4 would pay an insurance premium of $88.46 per month. If the same home...
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By Jeanette Igoe, CIPS, GRI, TRC, SFR, e-PRO, CFS,
(Igoe Realty P.A.)
In an effort to help responsible homeowners who owe more on their mortgage than the value of their property, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provided new details about a refinance program it announced earlier this year that helps responsible homeowners who owe more on their mortgage than the value of their property. Starting Sept. 7, 2010, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) will offer certain "underwater" non-FHA borrowers a new FHA-insured mortgage. To qualify, an owner must be current on his existing mortgage, and his lender must agree to write off at least 10 percent of the unpaid principal on the first mortgage. "We're throwing a lifeline out to those families ... experiencing financial hardships because property values in their community have declin...
Comments 1
 Searching For a Broward Florida Home is Easy with So you're thinking about buying a Broward home for sale? Start by searching for every Broward Home For Sale listed by every Broward Florida realtor. Everyday we receive phone calls and emails from people thinking that Broward homes aren't selling anymore and that is the farthest thing from the truth. Broward Homes are selling and Broward home buyers are busier then ever looking for great deals and it is really a great time to be buying Broward real estate here in Broward County Florida. Most Broward Florida find out quick that there is a lot of competition for the best Broward homes for Sale, so we recommend using a Broward Realtor that knows the Broward real estate market and can find the best de...
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By Cindy Jones, Pentagon, Fort Belvoir & Quantico Real Estate News
(Integrity Real Estate Group)
  There are times when I tour a property with a client and they say"what were they thinking" when they enter a living room painted bright pink (yes bright pink.).  If you are uncertain about what improvements to make in your home if you are going to sell in the near future call a local Realtor®.  We tour houses almost every day and know what WOW's the buyers and what doesn't.    Sometimes, making an improvement to your home could actually hurt you when you try to sell it.  Here are the top 10 home improvements that can make your home harder to sell:  1. Kitchen Renovation. Any renovation of a kitchen that is too taste-specific or extreme in design. For example, a kitchen equipped with a restaurant-level stove or multiple refrigerators may not appeal to the buyer who is a simple cook. Yo...
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By Jeffrey Richman, Creative Real Estate Specialist
(Immediate Home Solutions)
Here is some more added inspiration to get us through the day.  I thought it would be nice to help start our day off right.   Many of you are aware of the trials and tribulations that have befallen me over the last few years, including a near-death car accident that left me wheel chair bound for 7 months to a rare disease at the beginning of this summer that afflicts about 1 in 25 million. Each day gets a little better.  It's a hard road to move forward, but if it was easy, everyone would do it! "The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work."– Oprah Winfrey (1954) If you are able to know where you're going and you do it with conviction, ultimately, you'll get there!
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By Carol Ryniewicz, Broker / Owner - CT & MA
(CR Premier Properties LLC)
        Sunrise in Myrtle Beach last Christmas! Since we are from New England this was a beautiful change from our normal Christmas experience! 70 degrees and this view!      
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By Gita Bantwal, REALTOR,ABR,CRS,SRES,GRI - Bucks County & Philadel
(RE/MAX Centre Realtors)
I looked up the multiple listing for residential listings in Bensalem school district. There are 233 active listings. This does not include commercial, multi units, homes not listed etc and is subject to errors and omissions. 207 homes settled in last six months and 48 homes are pending settlement. 13 active listings are priced upto $100,000. The lowest price is for a mobile home for $12,500 in Top Ridge Trailer Park. If you would like information about the school district go to  If  you would like to look at homes call Gita at ReMax Centre 2153438200x124 or 215-275-8491  
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By Coldwell Banker Cutting Edge, "Your Proactive, Trusted Real Estate Advisor"
(Coldwell Banker Cutting Edge)
  302 Woodville Way in Rogue River Oregon closed 8/11/10 for $170,000, bank was owed over $289,000. This was a short sale in Southern Oregon with Wachovia.  They tossed out a curve ball and said they will no longer extend the foreclosure date and only gave me 3 days to close, fortunately I had a cash buyer and we got it done in 2, even my negotiator couldn't believe it closed. Any questions on Southern Oregon Short Sales, Jackson County Property, or any real estate related matters please give me a call.   Clason Whitney,CRS Owner/Principal of Coldwell Banker Pro West Real Estate in Medford Oregon. 541-840-6573
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By Jeanette Igoe, CIPS, GRI, TRC, SFR, e-PRO, CFS,
(Igoe Realty P.A.)
Fannie Mae launched a new website to help consumers understand their options when facing foreclosure and the possible loss of their home. Called , it outlines the choices available to homeowners struggling to make mortgage payments, and provides guidance on how they can contact and work with their mortgage company to find a backup plan. provides information in both English and Spanish. Features include: Interactive Options Finder helps homeowners identify options. Calculators help borrowers understand how many of the options would work in their situation, including calculations about refinance, repayment, forbearance, and modification. Videos feature real homeowners discussing how they received help; others feature housing counselors giving advice...
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