Archives of real estate blog entries for June 01, 2010

Featured blog posts

By Brad Andersohn, ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
(Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp)
How To Brand Yourself an Expert and Build a Six-Figure Real Estate Business It's not very often that I get to Host an event with a TV Celebrity Star, in fact I can honestly say that I never have.  So if you sense a bit of excitement from me in this post, or a tad of elation here, well then Gosh Darn-it, it's because I am TOTALLY STOKED about sharing this announcement!!  I'm truly honored to share a very special guest we have coming to ActiveRain and ARU this week.  Now I must admit right out the gate, I have watched the program in the past, but was never really a fan until these last couple of seasons where I actually knew some of the people who were on the show or interviewing and auditioning to "Get Hired!" This Thursday I am so excited to announce that we have Kendra Todd coming to A...
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By Maureen McCabe, Columbus Ohio Real Estate
(HER Realtors)
Did you wanna be a REALTOR* growing up? Or a real estate agent?  Did you know what a real estate agent was when you were a kid? Karen Rice's bio on her  Wand'ring through Wayne & Pike County, PA  - Northeast PA real estate & info site: "As a kid, my dreams were fairly common: a teacher, an actress, or a cruise director (call it my Love Boat phase.) For a while, my crush on Erik Estrada made me consider joining CHP upon graduation. I remember breaking a cheap metal towel bar while doing my Bionic Woman impersonation. I don’t think I ever thought of being a real estate agent…"  Karen's bio is pretty creative. Karen grew up some and her bio tells about what she was when she first grew up and how she became a real estate agent. Did you wanna be a REALTOR* growing up?  What did you want to b...
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By Brad Andersohn, ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
(Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp)
Today we launched a new button on ActiveRain.  The "Suggest Feature" button.   With the volume of great content and fantastic Blog posts being submitted daily from our RainMakers, we have created a new and powerful tool that allows members of the community to make suggestions for posts and articles they feel should be featured on our home page. This is a very powerful new tool, and with great power, comes great responsibility.  :-)  It is similar to the new Facebook "LIKE" button that we recently added. As long as I can remember, the controversy of what does, and does not get featured has seemed a mystery or at best, a guess.  ActiveRain's moderators have done a fabulous job in my opinion of sifting through the thousands of daily posts that go up on our network.  It is a very difficult ...
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By Matt Stigliano
(Kimberly Howell Properties (210) 646-HOME)
Help find Kelsey Ray. Reward for information on the whereabouts of Kelsey Ray from Western Montana; 16 years of age, 5’6” tall, and approximately 115 pounds. Last seen in the Seattle area. REWARD FOR INFORMATION. Kelsey Ray was last seen with Kegan Salter, a felony fugitive; 18 years of age and 5’5” tall. Please contact the Mineral County Police Department (Montana) at (406) 822-3555 or (406) 544-3098 with any information. Please send this to anyone you think might be able to help. Many of us in the real estate industry know Monica Ray through social media networks and I'd love to know that someone out there has some information that could help her. I can only imagine what she's going through right now. Her daughter is missing and she is reaching out to everyone she knows for any help t...
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By Randy Ostrander, Real Estate Broker, Serving Big Rapids and West Central MI
(Lake and Lodge Realty LLC )
Rate Yourself All finger pointing aside, how would you rate yourself if you had to deal with you? Would you be as impatient with yourself as you are with others. Probably not. Mainly because you know there are reasons when you make an occasional oops. When you take a listing do you go out of your way to make sure the seller knows the realities of the market? Do you help them plan ahead for trouble free showings? What to do with pets, clutter short notice showings? Are your contact's info up to date? Do you explain that it may be a one shot deal and every chance to sell should be dealt with like the last chance? Or do you take a few pictures, write a description, throw it on a MLS and go about life hoping it is on auto-agent? As a buyers agent have you explained how hard it is for a work...
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By Amanda Evans, Real Estate Broker - Fort Worth Texas
(DFW Living)
If you are on the phone with me and suddenly discover that you are talking to dead air then one of two things just happened.  1.  The call was dropped due to a weak cell signal. 2.  The call was dropped because I just knew you were about to say something you'd regret. Mary Lou is an incredibly nice lady with a nose for things that just smell bad.  When we first met, she told me how she'd worked recently with another agent that she terminated the business arrangement with because MAry Lou didn't feel like the agent was looking out for her best interests.  Apparently there were issues that arose out of being told and even signing off on one thing but getting different results.    There was no doubt in my mind that in working with her, I'd want to make sure that everything we discussed wou...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
 This is the scene that greeted me at 4:45 Sat. Morning.   I had already boated 2 Bass and took a second to  to take this picture.  I was still the only boat in site.  HEAVEN!!! The 3rd Bass of the morning was  very nice 18 incher.  I had caught a lot of Bass last year but none this big to my disappointment.  This Bass weighed in at 3.5 pounds.  Back into the water it went to produce a catch for  me some years in the future. The morning was perfect at almost 50 degrees when I launched the boat.  By the time I caught my 10th Bass it was already near 60. This Bass was the largest of all.  19 1/4 inches and 4+ pounds...My biggest to date.  All in all the fishing was great and the catching wasn't far behind.  I caught 20 Bass in just over 4 hours and lost about 5-6 more.   I hope this satis...
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By John Elwell, You Deserve a Full-Time Agent, Not Reduced Results
(CENTURY 21 Bill Nye Realty, Inc.)
A while back, I received a call from some buyers who wanted to look at mobile homes in the Colony Hills Subdivision, just outside of Zephyrhills, Florida. They wanted to stay between $70,000 to $80,000. It so happened that there were 4 homes on the market in that subdivision. All pretty similar in size, age, lot size, bedrooms and baths. So on Friday afternoon we went on a tour of all 4 of these homes. Let's see which one got the buyers interested. HOME 1 - It had actually just had its priced dropped so it was $67,000. Less than the range the buyers were looking for. It had had a new roof installed in the spring of 2007, but otherwise had had very little updating done. It would need some cleaning, new flooring and painting throughout. Also the heat/air-conditioning unit was probably ov...
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By Mike Jones, Mike Jones NMLS 223495
(SUNSTREET MORTGAGE, LLC (BK-0907366, NMLS 145171) )
My Darlin' and I planted this Octopus Agave five years ago.  It was perhaps 18" high and about 2' across.  It's been featured in many of my blog posts~most recently in National Geographic Comes To The Joneses Back Yard with the big rattlesnake and that unfortunate rabbit.  (See Comment # 20 in that post.  The rattlesnake chose this agave as his dining area.) Back in the middle of March, it began sprouting a stalk.  Within a week or so, that stalk reached a height of three feet (top left photo.)  Before Ginny left for New Jersey (the week before Easter,) I took the photo at the bottom right.  Ginny is five feet tall. We came back two weeks later, and by the beginning of May, the stalk was higher than the house by quite a bit, and I took the bottom left photo. Then, toward the middle of ...
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By Kristen Correa, Broker, I love coffee & real estate. I am out of coffee!
(Kristen Correa Real Estate & Reedy Creek Realty Services)
Today I watched a video on home trends filmed at the 2010 International Builders Show. I confess, you may not want to click it -- it's the type that reminds me of Charlie Brown's teacher. With HGTV, why did I click that? Way too press conference-ee for most of our taste. Nonetheless, I'm really glad I did. The info is good to know although the delivery is far from the bells and whistles of Hollywood. To sum it up, reps from the National Association of Home Builders and Better Homes and Gardens both presented new construction statistics and consumer reports on expected home trends. This is a little bit of what they had to say. 5 New Home Trends in no particular order 1. The average home size is smaller. Wow. Did not guess that one. The average home size shrunk last year for the 1st time ...
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By Kevin Kauffman, Kevin Kauffman
(Group 4610 Network )
Kevin and Fred are fed up with banks trying to get more money even when the bank and buyer agree on the how much the house is worth. Why fight when we all agree? Mr. Negotiator – Keeping your cards so close to the vest causes you to loose more money, not collect more.  Fair market value, is fair market value. More on short sale counter offers
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By Therese VanderMeer, Realtor-Greater Grand Rapids, MI area communities
(Midwest Properties of MI - Grand Rapids)
This past weekend I was at a soccer tournament and was having a nice time chatting with a number of other parent's there.  One of them suddenly mentioned she had given my name and phone number to a friend of hers who needed to sell her home.  She had the home listed previously for $170,000.00 and couldn't understand why she had received no offers or even one showing during the time it had been listed.Her friend had spoken to another Realtor just this past week and he had told her that she would not be able to sell her home in her requested price range...that even last year this would have been very difficult and the market has continued to dip in pricing over time, so she is now looking for another REALTOR opinion as to the value of her home.As we continued to talk I learned this lady o...
Comments 72
I’ve been writing a bit over at Housingwatch about the recent news surrounding reasons behind housing market crash, viewed through the 20/20 hindsight lenses we all posses.  While this article was originally published on April 24th 2010 on my site at TheXbroker, I wanted to bring it to Active Rain too because I enjoy the comments and subsequent engagement so much.  I even stripped out all the 'colorful' language a.k.a. 'swear/cuss' words and any analogies that could be misconstrued as sexist, ageist, religiously biased, insensitive to animals or as not to incite any raucous exchanges, be they in the comments or in follow-up posts, between members who may be offended by such (at least for one post).  I would like people to focus on the relevant content of the entire artic...
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By Cherimie Crane
(Cherimie Crane & Associates)
Recently a fellow Realtor asked me a question that is becoming more and more common in my day to day encounters with professionals in the industry. She asked me, "How do you know how to blog?" It would be great if I had an impressive, technical, make me look smart kind of answer; I don't. It seems to me those who are hesitant to begin have the impression that it is something to fear. It really isn't. It may even be an emerging form of therapy. It could be a personal opinion; however, I find that my favorite bloggers write simply, truthfully, and in conversation style. There is an intimate connection between the blogger and those that read. I know many who blog to educate using a authoritative, lecture type approach and those who blog to inspire with a more encouraging tone. All bloggers...
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By Wayne Golliday
(Mobile Home Sales of Florida LLC)
We see these signs or signs like it all over town.  We know people who have gotten the letters in the mail that make all kinds of promises.  The kind of promises that a desperate person in foreclosure wants to hear.  People who are behind on their mortgage payments looking for some kind of miracle to save their homes.  I know as Realtors you are required by law to follow a certain set of ethical and legal practices or face stiff penalties.   These laws were of course enacted to protect the consumer on the single greatest purchase they will ever make.  It also assures the consumer that this Licensed Professional has had to meet a certain level of education in order to be licensed.  This of course if not the situation for Short Sale Predators. These Short Sale Predators can make any promi...
Comments 17
 The Enchanting Danish Village Of Solvang There is a lot to love in this wonderful American " Danish" village. From it's beautiful and consistent architectural influence to it's people and celebrations. This is no ordinary community by any stretch. Located  in the Santa Inez Valley about 30 miles north of Santa Barbara near the Mission Santa Inés, Solvang is indeed an enchanting village. It's European architecture ,thatched roofs, authentic Windmills and friendly family atmosphere is apparent the moment you come upon it. Solvang was founded in 1911 by a group of Danish Educators with the intent of building a Danish community and sustaining it's culture in a land away from Denmark's harsh winters. And to ensure that the culture survived through the generations, they built a Danish Folk s...
Comments 60
So many real estate professionals today are wondering, "How can I stay positive in today's market?" Like any discriminating real estate professional, you realize the value of a positive mental attitude. Here are some ways that you can create and maintain a positive mental attitude in today's market. 1. Avoid toxic people What does this mean? Who are the toxic people? Toxic people can be well-meaning people but when they talk to you, they are coming from a negative attitude about money, finances, and especially about the current real estate situation. They may be fellow real estate professionals who want to gather around the water cooler, they may be relatives who are just trying to protect you; they may even be friends and family. You will know if you've been around a toxic person, beca...
Comments 25
By Ross Quintana, Real E Smarter Real Estate Coach - 509-362-1966
(Real E Smarter)
Spokane Real Estate Expert - Ross Quintana   Hello Everyone, Most agents you ask will say they have a website or webpage, and they will put your home on it. So many sellers feel their listing has an internet presence, but this is not always true. By failing to ask the right questions when interviewing agents they end up assuming something that may not be true. Most agent confuse use of the internet with having an internet strategy. Just because you load a few photos of a home or have a virtual tour does not mean you have any internet strategy. An internet strategy is first about understanding the role of the internet in the current homebuying process and secondly, knowing exactly how home buyers are using it to shop for and purchase homes. Once you have a basic understanding of where bu...
Comments 15
By Reuben Fine
(Fill-In-The-Blanks PDF Flyer Templates
I have been very active on RAIN the past few days, writing posts, responding to comments, and participating in blog discussions...  I think this community is great and I try to post very intelligent and insightful comments.But today, I noticed a few of my comments were "missing" from a few discussions???? (scratches head)Don't get me wrong, I'm all about deleting "spam" comments or totally irrelevant comments from discussions, but to flat out "DELETE" comments because it disagrees with your thesis or does not “push your agenda”? There was post the other day. It was a discussion regarding if Social Media was a “dead-end” or not… it was posted by a member who was in the business of SEO for agents. [I won’t mention who this member is, since that would be tacky ;)]It took-off that day and ...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
It has now been a month since the end of the Homebuyer Tax Credit and many of us are wondering how the market will react. For long-time readers of the Tallahassee Real Estate Blog, you know that I have predicted slower home sales, falling home values, but a rise in the “average” home price. On February 17th, 2009, the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act 2009 was passed, which included a new, temporary tax credit as an incentive for first-time homebuyers. With this bill, first-time homebuyers could qualify for up to $8,000 in a tax credit for the purchase of a principal residence. The credit would cover the time frame of January 1, 2009 through December 1, 2009. Later, it was determined that the housing stimulus was not so stimulating, so in November of 2009, the credit was expanded and...
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Blog posts

By AnnMarie Belair, Sterling Realty Belair, INC
(Real Estate Worcester County MA)
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By Pete Blondin
(ERA Teachers Inc)
The inventory of Condos for sale in Reston was about 100 homes active on the market as of 1 June 2010 with new contracts running at about 45 a month.  Consequently, the absorption rate for these homes is about 2.5 months worth on the market.  Condos sales have picked up in the Reston area. If you've been hanging back, this might be the moment to re-start your shopping.  Visit Available Homes at to view currently available condos in Reston Virginia.
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By Pete Blondin
(ERA Teachers Inc)
The inventory of Condos for sale in Herndon was 13 homes active on the market as of 1 June 2010.  Condos sales have really picked up in the Hernon area. They seem to fly off the market and average less than a month's worth of inventory so far this year.  If you've been hanging back, this might be the moment to re-start your shopping.  Visit Available Herndon Homes at  to view currently available condos in Herndon Virginia.  
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By Leesa Finley, RED Properties - Raleigh NC Real Estate
(RED Properties)
Wake Forest NC Parks and Recreation Offers Swim Lessons - Register NOW! Staring June 1, 2010, Wake Forest NC Parks and Recreation will opening registration for Swim Lessons.  These group lessons (minimum of 4, maximum of 8) are taught by certified Town Staff and offerred for several age groups.  There are classes for preschoolers (ages 3-5), Beginners (ages 6 and above) and Advanced Beginners.  Classes will be held Monday - Thursday for two weeks for 45 minutes per day.  (Various start times depending on the session you register for)  Several sessions are available this summer. Session I - June 21 - July 1 Session II - July 12 - July 22 Session III - July 26 - August 5 Session IV - August 9 - August 19 For a complete schedule of classes please visit the Wake Forest NC Parks and Recreati...
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By Pete Blondin
(ERA Teachers Inc)
The inventory of Lakefront  Community homes for sale in Reston was 30 homes active on the market as of 1 June 2010.  Direct Lakefront homes have been selling off at a faster rate than other homes in the Reston area. If you'd like to live on one of Reston's lakes ... This might be to moment to come out of for a look.  Visit Available Homes at to view currently available Lakefront Homes in Reston Virginia.
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By Gabe Sanders, Stuart Florida Real Estate
(Real Estate of Florida specializing in Martin County Residential Homes, Condos and Land Sales)
Quick and to the point accurate information to help a homeowner improve their curb appeal.   It's doesn't take much effort to freshen up your home's curb appeal. You can do a lot in just one afternoon and for less than $100.     1. Give your front door a shine by rubbing a thin layer of oil on it or applying a new coat of paint.2. Put a new welcome mat on the front stoop.3. Clean any cob webs off your porch lights and give them some sparkle.4. Put a pot of flowery plants by the front door.5. Trim overgrown front-yard foliage6. Place a few solar lanterns along the walkway to the door.7. Spread some fresh beauty bark on your plant beds. Sandy NelsonOlympia Realtor®, GRI, ASP, Built Green360-789-7505 ____________________________________________________________...
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By Olympus Executive Realty Inc., Home Of The Top Producers
(Olympus Executive Realty INC.)
FLORIDA PROPERTY INVESTMENT SEMINAR LONDON ONTARIO AREA CANADIAN BUYERS BEWARE!!! PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASING ANY PROPERTY IN ORLANDO! If you are a Canadian Investor looking to purchase properties in the Orlando area. You may just want to be aware of some things first. The seminars you are attending are very informative, they have been giving you some great information. Great facts with an amazing rate of return on your monthly investment. BUT YOU MAY BE PAYING TO MUCH!!! $20,000.00 - $60,000.00 TO MUCH!!! YES $20,000.00 - $60,000.00 more then you should be paying!!! If you are willing to do the research as you are now and have patience,   You may be able to acquire some great properties for half of what they are being offered at these seminars Great Investment Properties In The Orlan...
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By Sonny Landau
(St Louis Home Improvement and Painting Companies)
Some not worrying about paying mortgage By DAVID STREITFELD NEW YORK TIMES 06/01/2010 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — For Alex Pemberton and Susan Reboyras, foreclosure is becoming a way of life — something they did not want but are in no hurry to get out of. Foreclosure has allowed them to stabilize the family business. Go to Outback occasionally for a steak. Take their gas-guzzling airboat out for the weekend. Visit the Hard Rock Casino.  “Instead of the house dragging us down, it’s become a life raft,” said Pemberton, who stopped paying the mortgage on their house here last summer. “It’s really been a blessing.” A growing number of the people whose homes are in foreclosure are refusing to slink away in shame. They are fashioning a sort of homemade mortgage modification, one that brings their...
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By Loreena and Michael Yeo, Real Estate Agents
(3:16 team REALTY ~ Locally-owned Prosper TX Real Estate Co.)
I read many EDUCATION inspired posts today and I can't help but to share my fair share of story. As a matter of fact, it almost feel like it's my deep cry from my heart that my brother reads this post and somehow miraculously "wake up" from his 6-year sleep. Larry Bettag wrote about 10% Brain Power, 90% Ass Power. I found out that Larry - a long-time Active Rainer was a perfect C student when growing up. I would have never guess it from reading his blog. Long story short, he did end up with Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology. To sum up his post, his advice is to work on purpose. I think it's great advice. Ruthmarie Hicks wrote about 1 Part Inspiration + 1 Part Perspiration = Success in Business. Education teaches one how to persevere and how to synthesize data. She also followed thr...
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By George Damianos, Luxury Bahamas Estate Agent
(Damianos Sotheby's International Realty)
Paradise Island #5196 Sandyport #4487 Love Beach Walk #4252 Dodge Road #1756 Off Shirley Street #5385 East #5177 Eleuthera, Rock Sounds #4243 Eleuthera, Spanish Wells #5220
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By Pete Blondin
(ERA Teachers Inc)
The inventory of homes for sale in Reston's Town Center area was about 53 homes active on the market as of 1 June 2010. The available homes run the full spectrum of condos through townhomes from brand new to about 15 years in age.  Prices ranged from a low of about $200k to a high of $1 million.  Visit Available Homes at to view currently available Reston Town Center Homes.
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By George Damianos, Luxury Bahamas Estate Agent
(Damianos Sotheby's International Realty) Contact
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Are you looking for a home at a bargain price that could benefit from some loving care?   You might want to cast your eyes on the homes which are available as foreclosed or short sales in Reston Virginia ... I've put together a link to a list of homes which are offered by their owners for less than their current mortgages or have already been foreclosed by Lenders on the resale market on a 1st come,1st served basis.  You need a Realtor to show them and help you through the process ... And Yes, they've already factored in the Realtor cost so you can get the sort of help you'll need to land one of these bargains.  Visit and  look to the links at mid-page for Foreclosed and Short Sale Homes.
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Are you looking for a home at a bargain price that could benefit from some loving care?   You might want to cast your eyes on the homes which are available as foreclosed or short sales in Herndon Virginia ... I've put together a link to a list of homes which are offered by their owners for less than their current mortgages or have already been foreclosed by Lenders on the resale market on a 1st come,1st served basis.  You need a Realtor to show them and help you through the process ... And Yes, they've already factored in the Realtor cost so you can get the sort of help you'll need to land one of these bargains.  Visit and  look to the links at mid-page for Foreclosed and Short Sale Homes.
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By Elliott S. Topkins, Massachusetts Real Estate and Title Atty
(Topkins &
I must start out this post with a disclosure. I close mortgage loans for Fairway Independent Mortgage Company ("Fairway"). Adam Liptak, a Loan Officer at Fairway, is the President of the BNI Chapter of which I am a member. Adam and I are also friends. Having now told you the background, I would like to endorse Fairway as a reliable Lender, whose status is somewhere between the behemoths, Bank of America and Wells Fargo come to mind, and the small mortgage broker, who have no real authority to commit because they always need to check with "the investor" Fairway does its own underwriting and funds its own loans. They work closely with the Borrower to sort out what, if any, obstacles exist to obtaining a commitment and closing. They understand the meaning of "time-sensitive", and they are ...
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By Caroline Chai
(RE/MAX Realty 100)
Ever wonder where is the most popular city for the rich to live in East San Gabriel Valley? The followings is a comparison chart of houses sold that are over 5000 sq ft from January 2010 to May 2010 in the area. City No. Sold Price Range Diamond Bar 7 $1.7M - $5.5M Walnut 3 $1.4M - $1.5M Claremont 3 $1.1M - $1.5M Hacienda Heights 2 $1.2M - $1.4M Chino Hills 2 $1.5M - $1.9M Whittier 2 $1.7M - $2.2M Rowland Heights 1 $1.7M Glendora 1 $1.5M All 7 properties sold in Diamond Bar are in the guard gated community of "The Country". It has the most expansive real estate and is the number one choice for the wealthy elite. Walnut and Claremont run 2nd with 3 properties sold in each city. With the new found wealth from China, about 40% of those transaction are sold all cash showing the financial st...
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By Jackie Connelly-Fornuff, "Moving at The Speed of YOU!"
(Douglas Elliman Real Estate in Babylon NY)
Lindenhurst NY Sold Homes Prices For 2008 Thru May 2010 2008 was a great year wasn't it? Sold prices decreased 7.57% in 2009 compared to 2008. Sold Prices decreased 5.48% through April 2010 compared to 2009. But, compared to April, 2010 sold home prices increased 1.02%. The average sold price last month was $292,000 Here is the chart for last month: The chart below represents sold prices in Lindenhurst for 2009: Recent Posts Regarding Lindenhurst, NY: Lindenhurst Homes That Sold Month Ending 4/30/10 Lindenhurst Homes Under Contract Month Ending 4/30/10 Lindenhurst Newly Listed Homes Month Ending 4/30/10 Lindenhurst Short Sale Market Report For 1st Quarter 2010 Lindenhurst - What A Great Place To Live, Work and Play! **All data is provided by the Mulitple Listing Service of Long Island**...
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By Miriam Bernstei
 Lot's of people use bikes to get around New Orleans. Mostly I see the kind of bikes that I had when I was a little girl with a basket on the handlebars rather than the slick racing kind of bikes.  I see bikes locked up on telephone poles, business gates, parking meters, fronts of restaurants.  The Young Leadership Council in New Orleans wants to encourage bike riding as a means of transportation and so they have started a project and are accepting donations to pay for bike racks.  These bike racks are starting to be seen all over New Orleans.  It says a lot about New Orleans that a group of young professionals has undertaken this project and are making great headway with donations coming in and racks being bought and installed by them.         " Where Ya' Rack? is not just another fee...
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By Laura & Peter Justinius, = Alert, Keen, Committed Real Estate Professionals
Naples FL Evening Report for 5/28/10 to 5/31/10 PROPERTIES ON NAVIGABLE WATERSReporting on activity seen in MLS over the past 24 hours in the NA01 thru NA08 areas of Naples, FL ... we watch the NEW LISTINGS, PENDING SALES and CLOSED SALES. This area runs from Bonita Beach Road south to the tip of Port Royal and west of US41.NEW LISTINGS: 6 ranging from $299,000 to $925,000PENDING SALES: 1 ranging from $750,000 to $750,000CLOSED SALES: 1 ranging from $135,000 to $135,000TOTAL INVENTORY: 838
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By Goran Jovanovic, Realtor,
(KW Elite)
  Goran Jovanovic | YOUR World Class Realty Team,Keller Williams Elite | 954-243-7570 4001 S OCEAN DR. # 11L, Aventura, FL ONLY A FEW FEET FROM THE OCEAN!, Sian's Best Deals, Real Estate, Hollywood, FL;   1BR/1+1BA Condo offered at $139,900 Year Built Unspecified Sq Footage 900 Bedrooms 1 Bathrooms 1 full, 1 partial Floors Unspecified Parking Unspecified Lot Size Unspecified HOA/Maint $876 per month DESCRIPTION 1 BED 1.5 BATHS HIGH RISE CONDO ON THE OCEAN, TILE & CARPET FLOORS, BALCONY AT SIAN IN HOLLYWOOD! THIS IS A FANNIE MAE HOMEPATH PROPERTY & IS APPROVED FOR HOMEPATH & HOMEPATH RENOVATION MORTGAGE FINANCING FOR AS LITTLE AS THREE PERCENT DOWN! NO SELLER DISCLOSURE WILL BE PROVIDED. THE INFORMATION IN THIS MLS IS NOT GUARANTEED BY THE SELLER OR THE LISTING ...
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