Archives of real estate blog entries for July 01, 2009

Featured blog posts

By Daniel Rothamel, Daniel Rothamel
(Strong Team REALTORS)
Hey everybody, I'm Daniel!  Some of you may know me as The Real Estate Zebra, and some of you may know me as the Community Manager for Inman News.  Many of you don't know me at all, but I'm hoping I can change that. . .   A little bit of my ActiveRain story I joined ActiveRain way back when.  Honestly, I don't remember exactly when, but it was a few years ago.  I joined when I first started blogging.  Honestly, I joined, wrote like 1 or 2 posts, and then never came back because I started working on my own site.   After I left, though, I started getting to know a lot of the folks who not only run ActiveRain, but a lot of the really cool Rainers who hang out here.  So, I think it is about time that I go walking in the rain a lot more often. . .   Why I'm here Here's the deal-- I'll be wri...
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By Sara Bonert, Real Estate Internet Marketing
To my pleasure, I opened my Tweet Deck this morning and saw this Tweet from @TeriLussier: This sparked my curiosity as to what is an "awesomest zillow profile" looks like, so off i went to see Teri's profile.  I posted it below, or you can follow the link to Teri's profile. The first thing you'll notice is that is visually appealing and full of good content.  Great, if someone goes directly to her page.  But how do people get to this page and cause such a Tweet to be written? Notice all the rich keywords.  What you can't see is that all these links and keywords are "followed", meaning that sites like Google and Yahoo see them and index them.  This helps people find Teri when using a search engine.  The words you highlight and link matter to Google.  So linking "click here" isn't doing y...
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By Wendy Rulnick, "It's Wendy... It's Sold!"
(Rulnick Realty, Inc.)
  Today I was talking with a title agent in my Destin Florida market who handles short sale negotiations for agents.   He lamented that he had two contracts recently fall apart, with buyers walking. “Why?” I asked. “ Well, the agents don’t have the seller sign the contract, so it is just an offer.   There is nothing to hold them.” “Stop doing that!” I told him, “I would never send an ‘offer’ in to a short sale lender.”  Which brings me to my point- " How can you increase the chances of your buyer “walking” from a short sale?"   Just follow these tips:  1.     Don’t have the seller sign the contract. Then it is not a contract, just an offer, and the buyer can bail without repercussion.    2.     Never ask for an earnest money deposit.   Why ask the buyer to put anything on the line to s...
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In the latest sign that Washington has been behind the curve on this housing crisis, the FHFA announced today that they are finally changing their original refinance blueprint (Home Affordable Refinance Program, HARP) and are now authorizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to include refinance LTV's of up to 125%, up from the 105% that the original plan had been based on. This action is a result of the plan's initial failure in recognizing just how many homes are actually underwater and were unable to qualify for the 105% LTV.  According to Moody's, there is an estimated 15.4 million homes that are worth less than what is owed.  This number is only going to continue to grow as a result of the ongoing supply and demand imbalance for real estate. It is these types of economic lapses by the Oba...
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By Lynda Hester
(Prudential Georgia Realty - Rabun County, Ga.)
It's time to make a plan about where your family will view the 4th of July fireworks in Rabun County.  There are several good choices - in a boat on Lake Burton or Lake Rabun, on the grassy lawn in front of the Rabun Gap-Nachoochee School campus are three of the best. The fireworks in Rabun Gap are shot from the Dillard House property and can be seen from a 1/2 mile long stretch of Highway 441.  Parking is allowed on the sides of the road, but get there early to get a good parking space up front.  Or, take a blanket and a picnic basket and have a 4th of July dinner while waiting for darkness to fall and the fireworks show to begin.  It is entertaining watching the families who gather on the campus lawn.  Little children tumble and twirl holding sparklers and chasing fireflies.  It's qui...
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There are A LOT of real estate professionals using Twitter.  There are some great people I've met on Twitter that always give more than they receive and some not-so-great people that broadcast and whine like it's going out of style.  Trust me... it's out of style.  Below are 10 Ways Not to Promote Your Real Estate Career or Your Listings on Twitter... paired with some alternative approaches. 1.  Tweet Your Lisitings More Than Once a Week Your followers want something useful out of you.  Your a real estate professional, tweeting your listings using Tweetlister or doing it manually is fine... in moderation.  Tweeting each of your 5-50 listings more than once a week is just plain broadcasting and plain wrong. You CAN mention your listing and link to it's property tour, video, or website i...
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By Jo Olson, Retired - HOMEFRONT Realty @ LAKE Roosevelt
Bremerton WA | Old Fashioned Fourth of July DATE: SATURDAY, JULY 4th, 2009 TIME: 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. EVENT: Old Fashioned Fourth of July PLACE: Fourth Street and Pacific Avenue, Bremerton ADMISSION: Free Once again the Downtown Bremerton Association is sponsoring a fun-filled downtown event.  What more could you ask for on the 4th of July except for something that reminds you of yesteryear and what a great place like the new revitalized Bremerton Downtown area.  Fourth Street Market will be open and provide vendors will all sorts of items from food, to crafts, to art.  The Aurora Valentinetti Puppet Museum will provide a Magician along with puppet making.  You might want to dress up in your "Uncle Sam" attire and have your photo taken by the Roving Photographer and if you need some v...
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By Brad Andersohn, ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
(Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp)
Fourth of July Weather is Calling for "Rains" Over Most US Cities The national weather and climate control at ActiveRain is forecasting HUGE Rainstorms all across the country via the ActiveRain Community and Network.  It's time to bring out your FireWORKS, or put them away.  Sorry, this post almost started off sounding like some type of warning news or a sad attempt at a press release.   ha-ha... Over the past few years, we have tracked an increase/spike in traffic, particularly over the Fourth of July Weekend.   We're looking for "Local Fourth of July" posts to feature over the next few days.  If you have any events, parties, fireworks, concerts etc. in your local areas, we need your posts.   We're looking for posts that are well written with hyper local content for your geographic are...
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By Jeremy Blanton, Myrtle Beach REALTOR®-
(Myrtle Beach Homes Blog)
"New client called me from co. website...I was the only one in my office w/my profile filled out!"  This was a quote that came through my twitter stream earlier today from my friend Kristina Cusick.  She was so thrilled to receive a new lead straight from her company website.  Why? Because she had taken 10 minutes to fill out her profile completely.  Each day as I navigate through ActiveRain I come across profiles of members that are left vacant.  Most do not even have a profile picture.  This saddens me because it sends off the impression that either they are incompetent and do not know how to complete the profile, or the member is just too lazy to take time and fill it out. On twitter, I see friends say all the time, "If you don't have an avatar, I am not following you!"  The main rea...
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By Stanton Homes, Design/Build Custom Home Builder in North Carolina
(Stanton Homes - New Home Builder)
Fourth of July Free Events Apex Olde Fashioned 4th of July Looking for 2011 4th of July? Click Here! The Annual Apex Old Fashioned 4th of July will be held in Downtown Apex on Saturday, July 4th, 2009 9am - 1pm Lots of free fun for the whole family, including free games, inflatables, music, and a parade. Sponsered by the Apex Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department. The patriotic fun includes Carnival Games Cake Walk Inflatable Slides and Obstacle Courses Climbing Wall Giant Slide Clowns Jugglers Karaoke by Skid Rowe Uncle Sam's Parade of Wheels starts at Noon! Kids - Decorate your bike, wagon, scooter, or anything non-motorized and participate in Uncle Sam's Parade of Wheels. Just show up at least 15 minutes prior to start of the parade at noon at the Corner of Chatham and...
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By Jason Crouch, Broker - Austin Texas Real Estate (512-796-7653)
(Austin Texas Homes, LLC)
After a few days of judging, I am happy to announce the winners of the "Local Video" contest that we were running from June 1st - June 23rd.  Here's the original announcement in case you missed it: How To Get Some Easy Bonus Points on ActiveRain - Local Video Contest Announcement We had a great turnout, with about 40 entries overall.  Frankly, this was one of the most difficult contests to judge that I have been a part of on AR.  Thanks very much to the other judges: Lesley Lambert Debe Maxwell Carolyn Tann-Starr Richard Weisser   Without further ado, here are the winners! Irene Kennedy - 1st Place - 5000 Bonus Points! Fascinating, FREE Family Fun - FOSSILS in Hamburg, NJ Irene was one of the only contestants to appear in front of the camera in her entry, which went a long way with the ...
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By Missy Caulk, Savvy Realtor - Ann Arbor Real Estate
(Missy Caulk TEAM)
This morning I updated FireFox 3.5 for my browser. WOW It is faster You can download fonts Data is secure Nothing on the web, or cookies all the data can go away when you log off You can clear recent history from 2 hours, one day, a week whatever If you forget where you are you can just go back to your history Support for video is amazing Location surfing with maps Here is the video that says it better than I can. One thing I really like is when I want to go to another new tab, I no longer have to go to the File Menu. I just click on the + sign and a new tab opens up.(see screen shot)     *************************************************************************** Missy Caulk & Team can be reached at 734-216-2822 or email: Our TEAM of 6 buyer associates are available...
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By Paddy (Patricia) Pizappi, Real Estate Associate Broker Hudson Valley NY
(Better Homes and Gardens Rand Realty)
Dear Mr or Ms House Seller,I am a Buyer Representative.  My goal is to find the right house for my clients and in the process hopefully find a buyer who will want to buy the house you are selling.  I know that it is frustrating when I call for an appointment and you get all ready to show your home then I call and say that I need to cancel.  I am deeply aware of how exhausting it is for you.  Please understand that it is equally frustrating and disappointing to me to work hard preparing to show your home only to have my buyer client call to cancel or to tell me at the last minute that they no longer need to see the house that they put on their list because they have decided sight unseen that it will not do for them.  I also know that it is frustrating to you when I call through your agen...
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By Ken Cook, Content Marketer/Creator
(Content, coding, marketing, host.)
A good friend who has been in the business for many years asked a simple question of me today. It had mostly to do with credit score and what can be done. The answer was black and white - no room for gray - and his response was, "took the mortgage broker 3 months to figure that out. that's how long they tied up my listing!!!" I have always given the truth even when the response truly does sting. When you give someone the facts and they say, "I'll just go somewhere else" or "well MY lender can ...". What I want to say is, "oh shutup you nitwit idiot" (because I'm human) but instead I say, "Best to you I wish you all the luck." I can also tell you luck doesn't close loans. Neither do loan officers who lie to you, string you on and cost you time and resources. Not to mention end up pliffin...
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By Larry Bettag, Vice-President of National Production
(Cherry Creek Mortgage Illinois Residential Mortgage License LMB #0005759 Cherry Creek Mortgage NMLS #: 3001)
Write on!!!!! Looking for a way to create relationships?  Looking for a way to deepen your relationships?  Then write a note.  Writing is fast becoming a lost art.  The days of the handwritten note are so far gone that the recipient of a handwritten note almost calls 911 asking for someone to bring an oxygen tank to the reader. I remember when I went to a turning point retreat with Brian Buffini.  I heard two stories that blew me away.  The first revolved around George Bush, senior.  He said that he wrote notes daily as part of his daily discipline.  At one point he met some woman who was setting tables for a wedding event.  George had gotten there earlier and struck up a conversation with this woman.  They talked until the event was ready to start.  He asked a staffer for her name and ...
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Blog posts

By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
ON the Mackinaw bridge - This is one of my favorite pictures! Still going UP on the Bridge! Cabins along Highway 2 - Which is a very scenic drive! Appears they're working on the Cut River Bridge, as we had a detour along the way! It only added a few extra minutes to hours & hours of travel! There's a lot of history here! Imagine what it was like in 1859! This is Hancock from Houghton! All my pictures were taken from a moving vehicle! Most days, there is just not enough time in a day! Visit Michigan! Marilyn Harrell - Realtor - Century21 Smith-Miller, Inc. Gladwin County, Beaverton MI 48612 Hope you enjoy these scenic pictures of MICHIGAN!  
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By Monica Stanciu, Staged 2 Sell Solutions, Markham, ON
(Staged 2 Sell Solutions Inc.)
Most of the new Canadian homes have the garage attached to the house, in front. This was always an eye sore to me and whenever I have a consultation I recommend to paint the front door in a different colour than the garage. This is not taken very well by the home sellers as they have never seen something like this before . When I explain that having it painted in a different colour will make the door stand out, make the entrance to the house the focal point instead of the garage, home sellers tend to agree with me. Until I recommend the colour, which in most cases is BLACK... I wish I had photos of their puzzled faces when I show them paint chips.  Some of the home sellers trust me 100% and this is when I can bet on a success story later on, some of them agree to paint in any colour bu...
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By Home Loan Search.Online
(Home Loan Search Online)
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates that as many as 9 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. This means that an identity is stolen every 3 seconds, costing the average victim nearly $4,000 and nearly 175 hours to straighten out their problems and their credit. How can you protect yourself from the dangers of identity theft? Here are some suggestions.Conduct a Credit Check-up - Visit to obtain a free credit report every 12 months. Review all three of your credit reports and look for any suspicious activity, unusual or inaccurate names or addresses, or any inquiries that were done without your knowledge. In many states, you may place a 90-day "Fraud Alert" on your credit report, which further restricts access to your credit in...
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By Barbara S. Duncan, GRI, e-PRO, Executive Broker, Searcy AR
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Once again, with REO properties you never know what or who you'll find. Walk softly and carry a big stick could be a good motto! Look who greeted me today at this new foreclosure property.  He was in the neighbor's yard doing a fine job of mowing the yard. The neighbor said he'd borrowed him from HIS neighbor hoping some of the overgrown  weeds and shrubs could be modified. I think that if he is a loaner, we could use him on this yard because even though it is in town it is a big yard. We really don't need this loaner to be a loner, however, and need to see if he has a few brothers and sisters to help him on this yard!! I think he was friendly but I didn't test him too closely.   
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By Shaun Rice
(Keller Williams Landmark)
ToursBronx Culture Trolley at Longwood Art Gallery/Hostos Community College450 Grand Concourse (at 149th St)South Bronx(718) 518-67285:30PM 6:30PM 7:30PMThis month's trolley makes stops at six different galleries, including Bruckner Gallery and Synthetic Zero Art Space, as well as a stop at the newly opened Tree Museum (see listing in Ongoing) along Grand Concourse. You can also browse the goods at Thrift World Antiques and at Books, News and Notes on Alexander Avenue. ComedyShrink's First Anniversary Show at Otto's Shrunken Head538 E 14th St (b/t Aves A and B)East Village/Manhattan(212) 228-22408PMSharon "Mama" Spell celebrates her first anniversary hosting local up-and-coming comics, like tonight's Emmy Rivera, DJ Hazard, Vicki Ferentinos, Colin Dempsey, Seth Madej, Mike Motz and Mich...
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By Jessie Wetzel
(RE/MAX Realty Affiliates)
Here's a beautiful carson valley scene!  Painted by my Uncle Jim!  Please enjoy!Wordless Wednesday Offering ... "Sierra Nevadas" By Jim Promessi Our brother-in-law is a wonderful artist.  His painting of the Sierra Nevadas. Is an excellent example of the beautiful area we call home!  Enjoy!     Sierra Nevadas Looking across the fertile Carson Valley in Northern Nevada. The Sierra Nevada range rises straight up from the valley floor. I was captivated by the distant cottonwood trees and lush green grasses up against the rust-tinted tullies. Contact Jim by email:
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By John M. Acaron, CMI, MRSA, Master Mold Inspector & Chief Mold Assessor
Garage doors are large, spring-supported doors. Garage door openers control the opening and closing of garage doors, either through a wall-mounted switch or a radio transmitter. Due to the strain that garage door components and openers regularly endure, they may become defective over time and need to be fixed or replaced. Defective components may create safety hazards as well as functional deficiencies to the garage door assembly. The following facts demonstrate the dangers posed by garage doors: Garage doors are typically among the heaviest moving objects in the home and are held under high tension. Injuries caused by garage doors account for approximately 20,000 emergency room visits annually, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. The majority of the injuries cause...
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By Karen Kruschka, - "My Experience Isn't Expensive - It's PRICELESS"
(RE/MAX Executives)
The church has not been completed and occupied by the congregation The Kruschka Team has 33 years full time experience in the Prince William County area.  We invite you to try our                                   NO REGISTRATION PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY HOME FINDER and then contact Karen and Art by Email or call us at 703-690-6569.  Put our  record of customer service, real estate experience and state-of-the-art technology to work for you in Alexandria, Arlington County, Fairfax County, Prince William County, Stafford County or the entire Northern Virginia Area.      
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By Richard Iarossi, Crofton MD Real Estate, Annapolis MD Real Estate
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
Richard Iarossi, REALTOR®Long and Foster® Real Estate, Inc.Crofton, MD 21114410-451-6255 Office443-995-9595 CellWeb: http://www.RichSellsHomes.comeMail: Annapolis MD Real Estate SpecialistBowie MD Real Estate SpecialistCrofton MD Real Estate Specialist ©2009 - RichSellsHomes, All Rights Reserved All photos and written content were produced by Richard Iarossi. Copyright 2009 - All Rights Reserved. This content may not be reproduced or reprinted, except for Active Rain Re-blogging, without express written permission of Richard Iarossi, REALTOR®, Long and Foster® Real Estate, Inc., Crofton, MD.
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By Margaret Woda, Maryland Real Estate & Military Relocation
(Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc.)
From the National Mall in Washington, D.C. to the Baltimore Harbour, from Bowie to Fort Meade and Annapolis, Crofton residents have many options for celebrating July 4 beyond their back yard picnics: BOWIE BAYSOX STADIUMFriday, July 3  Fireworks Immediately following the 6:15 p.m. game against the Akron Aeros FIREWORKS CRUISEFriday, July 3, 7:30 - 10:30 p.m.($40 Adults / $20 Children 3-11 / 2 & under free. Reservations Required).410-268-7601 X111 ALLEN POND, BowieSaturday, July 4, 3-10:30 p.m.Entertainment, food and fireworks PACA HOUSE & GARDEN, AnnapolisSaturday, July 4, 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. Naturalization Ceremony10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Open HouseWilliam Paca House and Garden, 186 Prince George Street, Annapolis ANNAPOLIS HISTORIC DISTRICTSaturday, July 4Parade 6 p.m.  Concert by the USN...
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By Tim Maitski, Truth, Excellence and a Good Deal
(Atlanta Communities Real Estate Brokerage)
The recent events in Honduras made me do a little research on what is actually going on down there.  There's something very strange going on when Hugo Chaves, Fidel Castro, the UN and the US all are coming down against what they are calling a "military coup".  If you just read the headlines and listen to Obama, you would think that it's the same old military takeover going on in a banana republic. Here is a good news report that gives more details than the standard talking points I've been hearing from Obama and others. From what I have pieced together, it's almost the complete opposite.  The only reason the military is involved is because the President of Honduras refused to listen to the Honduras Congress and the Supreme Court.  Honduras has a constitution which allows elections every...
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By Myrl Jeffcoat, Greater Sacramento Realtor - Retired
I take pictures for the purpose of remembering fond times.  I do not impose copyright restrictions on this photo, so you may feel free to use, or distribute as you wish.  However, should you need a Real Estate Professional in the Greater Sacramento area, I hope that you will contact me by email or by visiting my website - Thank You!
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By Chip Jefferson
(Gibbs Realty and Auction Company)
Bears in Lexington SC...oh my! Yesterday a young bear was spotted a mile or so from my home. This is right on the shores of Lake Murray in Lexington South Carolina near downtown and city limits. It is unusual to see a bear in the midlands of South Carolina as its not really there range. Bear sightings have increased over the last few years as it seems the population is growing. SCDNR Say's this is the time of year Mother Bears chase off the cubs to start a new life. And the cubs wonder about to find there own home range. I will think twice if my children say they have seen something in the woods from now on. Bears in Lexington South Carolina? Oh My! full article here brought to you by Laura Jefferson Aquire Real Estate team, Lexington South Carolina  
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I work with a LOT of small businesses and independent entrepreneurs, and all too often I find that the biggest challenge that they have isn't just "needing more business". Yes, that appears to be the challenge but, the business is out there! The challenge is leveraging their time & money in the best ways to GET it! More often than not, when you ask them "how are you letting people know that you WANT more business? they either have no answer, or a bad one!" The owner of the Brick & Mortar Business waits for people to come in. "I'm here!" That's it! Because "I'm here" they expect people to come in! It's no different online. That website sits there "I'm here!" and expects people to find them. Do you know how many websites are out there???? You expect people to just "know"!?! Think about t...
Comments 5
    Buyers, Sellers, Realtors and now Asset Managers all share different opinions on closing costs.  Buyers feel that the sellers should pay.  Sellers may be willing to help but don't want to pay everything.  Asset Managers have developed some policies that come from another market that have no relation to the market you are in.  Many Realtors have different opinions based on the last closing or what some person in there office explained 4 years ago.  Heck for that matter many loan officer can quote a good faith estimate accurately.  Setting the right expectation up front is crucial for repeat and referral business.  Why someone writes a contract without getting the figures is absurd.  There are no longer rules in place that say closing costs are 3% of the sales price.  3% of $60,000 is...
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By Steve Babbitt, Past President of the Rochester Realtors
(Babbitt Realty)
As we are heading into the summer months, I thought an update on our real estate activity would be good to broadcast.  I just received an update from NYSAR on how we are doing on the state level..  Here is an excerpt of that briefing: The New York State housing market posted sales gains for the third consecutive month, with an 11-percent increase in sales of existing single-family homes in May compared to April. The statewide median selling price of $189,000 in May was 1.9 percent higher than the $185,400 median recorded in April 2009, according to preliminary single-family sales data accumulated by NYSAR. To access complete May statistics, click here. The local Rochester market is trucking along with number of house sales slightly behind last year's numbers, but with prices higher than...
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By Shaun Rice
(Keller Williams Landmark)
A new month is upon us.  June seems to have flown by so quickly that I didn't even notice that Independence Day is almost here.  But looking back over the month, June 2009 has been one for the history books.... June 1- Air France Flight 447 disappears over the Atlantic Ocean near BrazilJune 1- General Motors files for bankruptcyJune 3- New Hampshire leagalizes same-sex marriageJune 4- 20th anniversary of the Massacre in Tiananmen Square in Hong KongJune 6- Palm Pre smartphone releasedJune 7- First gay pride festival held in Shanghai, ChinaJune 7- Tony Awards honors Billy Elliot The Musical & God of CarnageJune 8- Apple debuts the iPhone 3GS a the World Developers ConfrenceJune 12- Iran goes to the polls for its presidential election/Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is reelected and Mir-Hossein Mousa...
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By Andrea Swiedler, Realtor, Southern Litchfield County CT
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties)
Are you looking to buy a home or sell a home in the greater New Milford area? Please contact me or visit my website to find out more. Homes for sale, greater New Milford CT. Local area information, New Milford, Washington, Roxbury, Kent, Bridgewater, Sherman and Warren. Why you should be looking for a home here! © 2009 Andrea Swiedler. Unless otherwise noted, the content, both written and in pictures, is the property of Andrea Swiedler. If you wish to use something you see here, please email me ( with your request. Most likely I will oblige, with a link back to my original content as well as an acknowledgment. Although imitation is the highest form of flattery, please let me know before you decide to bestow this form of flattery on me! Thank you.
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By Jane Bartlett, Realtor, "Because You Deserve The Best!"
(Down Home Realty And Property Management LLC)
We have all heard as much as we want about the housing market being in the worse slump since the depression.  Most tend to believe everything we hear on the news.  Too bad we don't understand that the media broadcasts the negative news because that is what sells.  I know that real estate agents understand this and they also understand that the market is different in each area...sometimes varying a lot within just an hour's drive.  I am so pleased that ads are being run on TV stations and other venues to get the word out that all markets are not suffering so much.  I think this is helping to raise the confidence level of the consumer and that is what it will take to turn the industry around. Here in Wayne County, NC, we have been affected to some degree, however we are fortunate in that ...
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By Joe Manausa - Tallahassee, FL, Tallahassee Real Estate
(Joe Manausa Real Estate)
The year is half-way over and we’ve been tracking the market activity on a near-daily basis over at The Market Bulletin. With the summer buying season well on the way, the market is starting to see activity from buyers who are taking advantage of the First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit. We know this because are seeing sales increase in the price ranges most often purchased by First Time Homebuyers. Unfortunately, the rest of the market is not seeing a whole lot of vitality. Homes that are aggressively positioned in the market are doing quite well (we have one home that had 6 offers on it last week and we negotiated a contract at a price higher than what the seller was asking), but for the most part, the rest are stagnant. Today is real estate graph day … with 7 updated graphs of the Tallaha...
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