Archives of real estate blog entries for January 01, 2009

Featured blog posts

By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION COMPROMISE SALE.  Jon Graham asks about relief for the military home owner who finds himself or herself in a negative equity situation and needs to sell.  The VA Compromise Sale is often the solution.  I've done several over the years and they are very much preferred over the conventional short sale or foreclosure.  Military owners do not usually have a choice when they receive orders to transfer.   Yet, if they purchased a home in the past several years, there is a good chance that they do not have sufficient equity to pay the cost of sale, part of which is usually a real estate commission.  Yes, agents do expect to be paid when handling the sale of any property. WHAT THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION DOES FOR THE MILITARY BUYER ALSO APPLIES TO FORMER MILITARY HOM...
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By Jeff Belonger, The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans
( Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc)
    The government is handing out money as a long term loan.  Take advantage of this!!!   The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 produced the 7500 tax credit for First Time Homebuyers. In this case, to be eligible for the tax credit, a first time homebuyer is defined as : someone who had not owned a home from July 2, 2005, through July 1, 2008. In order to become eligible, you have to buy your home after April 8, 2008, and before July 1, 2009. I will go over some of the other guidelines later.     When it comes to buying a home, you can't borrower money to use as a down payment or for closing costs. And you can get county or state assistance under certain programs or grants, to use for your new home purchase. But when it comes to FHA loans, you can actually get 100% gift monies f...
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By Brian Brady, 858-699-4590
(Matthews Capital Markets)
I received a question from a REALTOR today, who read: A Realtor's Guide to "PMI & Short Sales" Let's call her Susan.  She explains: I have done several successful short sales in my career but recently felt the "sting" of the bank claiming they will submit our current offer on the table for approval... providing the seller agree to sign a note to the PMI company for 15K for 10 years at $125.00 a month. If he refuses they claim the short sale will be denied. The outstanding loan balance is 132,000Offer amount 117,500Offer amount will net the bank 104,980BPO 119,000My seller is refusing to sign such note and sees no alternative except to file bankruptcy. In your experience, what are my chances or choices If can get the bank to agree to a lesser amount of say.....half of what they are askin...
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By Gary Woltal, Assoc. Broker Realtor SFR Dallas Ft. Worth
(Keller Williams Realty)
Do you believe this? 2009 Will Be Your Best Year Ever. In Business. In Relationships. In Self-Development. Why doubt this? There is at your fingertips unlimited abundance. It has ALWAYS been there. You have your individual strengths. You have the resources of trusted others who will share with you on your team that you can tap into. You just have to get rid of any limiting beliefs and fear that is stopping you from starting. Then, you get into ACTION. You lead. You make things happen. You INITIATE!!! This perception of WHO you are is so important to get it right. It means everything in the world as far as your performance, your success, of where you want to go in life. Think you are confident, you are confident. Practice. Practice. Practice. The old phrase fake it till you make it is so...
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By Misty Lackie, Real Estate Advertising
(Go Smart Solutions, LLC)
It can sometimes be overwhelming and time consuming to keep up with your web presence. Do you know if others are talking about you on the different social networks and blogs? Are you engaging in these discussions about “you”? These discussions may be not even be negative but instead may be a simple mention or even praise. If it is a negative comment or discussion are you there to defend yourself in a timely manner? If it is positive are you there to give your thanks? SETUP GOOGLE ALERTSOkay so now you may be asking yourself “How the heck do I monitor all that is being said about me on the huge web space?” The easiest way I have found is Google Alerts can setup alerts that monitor your name, your company, etc. You can choose to have these alerts sent to y...
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By Renae Bolton, I'm your Professional Real Estate Marketing VA!
(Marketing 4 Realtors)
As those of you who know me and/or read my blogs know, I strenuously promote niche marketing.  As a fledgling Virtual Assistant back in 1995, I dabbled in just about everything.  I provided really, really general assistance to a large variety of clients.  For some unknown reason, I was never able to really get a good return on my marketing and advertising investments.  As a result, I really struggled in the beginning. In 2001, I decided to focus solely on real estate professionals.  When I did that, my whole world changed (for the better)!  It was so much easier target my marketing to the specific people I wanted to reach.  It was so much easier to grow in my chosen niche as far as what type of classes I needed to take as well as what types of certifications to secure.  These only added...
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By Peg Silloway
(The Silloway Press)
  Do you make New Year's Resolutions? If you do, how does it work for you? I'm one of those who gave up after years of fine resolutions and less than fine implementations. Now, when pressed for a resolution, my favorite is, "I resolve to include dark chocolate in my diet regularly." This meets the requirements of being something that is good for me – we all know that dark chocolate is healthy, right? – and being a goal I can easily attain. For my writing, rather than make resolutions that don't have a chance ("I will write 500 words a day every day"), I prefer to list reminders – those things that I forget when deep in a project or feeling as if I haven't accomplished anything beyond being frustrated. Rather than "I will write every day" it will be "Do something for a writing project ev...
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By Elizabeth Cooper-Golden, Huntsville AL MLS
(Huntsville Alabama Real Estate, (@ Homes Realty Group))
What you focus on expands.  It's true!  If you can see it, if you can believe it, it's yours.  I BELIEVE this to be true.  I KNOW this from the bottom of my heart.  I am quite certain that the majority of us have encountered a few bumps in the road in 2008.  As with anything in life, bumps are good. They keep us focused.  My goals for 2009 are quite simple. They will work for anyone.                                                   Dream-an aspiration; goal; aim Dedicate-to devote wholly and earnestly Dare-to have the necessary courage or boldness Live-to experience or enjoy life Love-affectionate concern for the well-being of others Laugh-to express pleasure Learn-to acquire knowledge or skill Leave a Legacy-Something immaterial that is passed from one generation to another.          ...
Comments 48
By Paul Francis, Las Vegas Real Estate Agent - Summerlin Homes
(Francis Group Real Estate)
Honestly... I have not been around Active Rain too much lately.. and when I have been around my posts have been as equally intelectual as some of the posts I have seen. But today I did see some great posts that made me think and want to write something thoughtful. The AR e-mail hit my box with Kristal Kraft's "Should We Let Gloom and Doom Control our Destiny" which intrigued me so I clicked on through with the interesting study by Mr. Panarin. No surprise on the economic challenges taking place and the threat it means to our great country. Surprised on how the country is predicted to be broken up into several pieces controlled by foreign countries which I somewhat find ridiculous. However... considering who owns what, who relies on what and who this great country owes... it's really not...
Comments 38
By Keith Strawn,
( (Ballenger Realty))
I don't know many of us whom would want to see another year like 2008, but did we not all learn a thing or two from the year that was? I won't presume to speak for anyone else, but I can speak for myself when I say I got a measure of perspective from 2008.  1)  I learned from 2008 that my beautiful, understanding wife and my six healthy children are much more important than the number of sales I close. Money comes and goes, but I've only got one chance with these guys to the left. 2) I learned from 2008 that keeping an eye on the outgoing cash-flow is as important, if not more important, as the amount of the incoming cash-flow. 3) I learned from 2008 that there is genuine opportunity for personal growth and reflection in a terrible real estate market.  With all that in mind, I'm ready f...
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By Charles Buell, Seattle Home Inspector
(Charles Buell Inspections Inc.)
     That ActiveRain has a lot of features is a bit of an understatement.  It seems like they are always tweaking and adding new things.  Often these things are left for us to "discover" or not----other things are introduced with much fanfare.      However, recently something was "taken away" that I miss----the ability to see who is on the site and how many are on the site.  I don't even have a good reason for knowing this information----it was just fun.  For example I could check and see if Steve and Nutsy were on the site----and if they were I could go and throw some peanuts at them.      Another thing about the site, that has always been there as far as I know, but that I just never paid much attention to, is the link to "Associations."  It is located near the bottom of the list on ...
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By Margaret Goss, Chicago's North Shore & Winnetka Real Estate
January 1, 2009. Do you have goals for the New Year?   If you do, are you a closet goal writer.   Do you secretly write them down and hide them away so no one sees them.  So no one ever knows if you've accomplished them, or at least made some headway.  It's easier that way:  "Ah heck!  I never write down goals - that's stupid," you say. Or "What's the use, I usually forget them by February."  But if your goals, hopes and aspirations are a secret, there is no accountability - especially to yourself.  Here's what happened last night, New Year's Eve, December 31, 2008.  I went out to dinner with my husband and daughter to our favorite Mexican restaurant in the Chicago area, Don Juan's in Edison Park.  But we are also new restauranteurs ourselves, and decided after dinner to go downtown and...
Comments 25
By Laura Monroe, Dir. of Industry Engagement & Social Media
(Inman News )
Happy New Year! As I reflect on all that we have accomplished on ActiveRain in 2008, I have to sit back in awe of the amount of growth in members, and in blogging talent! So much hard work has taken place in this challenging year and I have still learned so much and am anxious to learn more in 2009! With all the blogging-mania here on AR, don't let the awesome blog content you wrote in 2008 sit in the blogosphere! Re-organize it, summarize it, and FLAUNT it on your website in the form of new pages of content to target and attract your ideal clients! Not only will it refresh your website and give you more Google-Cred, you will be creating a library of sights, sounds and information for your potential business! I am sure that this year your blogs have provided great content to your reade...
Comments 51
By Linda Davis
(RE/MAX Home Team)
1.  In addition to their regular salary, the 100 paid bloggers of Active Rain (you know who you are) will receive a bonus equal to 2.87% of their point total in 2009. 2.  Rich Jacobson will announce a new channel on Active Rain called "Active Bashing".  This channel will be reserved for all complaints about Active Rain's point system. A monkey with a dart board will determine which posts will be featured in this channel. 3.  A new "females only" group will debut called the "We worship the ground Jeff Turner walks on" group. Other bald men cry while men with hair suddenly flock to this post. 4.  In spite of the economy, a new benchmark will be set in 2009 and an Active Rain Profile will be sold for $10,500.  The winning bidder will also receive a set of Ginzu Knives. 6.  After negotiati...
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By Myrl Jeffcoat, Greater Sacramento Realtor - Retired
It happened again this week.  An old friend called, to say she and her husband were having difficulties with their mortgage(s), and were a little upside down on their home.  They didn't quite know what to do about it.Real Estate Agents have increasingly seen this scenario - Homeowners who are in deep trouble because they either are in homes with mortgages, which are due to have their interest rate reset, or are in homes which are now worth considerably less than the amount owed on the mortgage(s).  Some folks no longer have their job to help make the payments.Still others have enjoyed the good-life, by taking up credit card company offers of 0% interest for a few months.  They had ultimately ran up those credit cards, while buying boats, vacation trailers, and other expensive toys.  Wh...
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Blog posts

By Rich Ferretti, ABR QSC Realtor/Broker, Charlotte NC Real Estate a
(Rich Ferretti Real Estate)
Happy New Year to all my friends at Active Rain. With 2008 behind us we can all look forward to a healthy and prosperous 2009. Let us give thanks to all our friends and family and look towards making this year the best ever. With the past doom and gloom we need to stay focused and reflect on the positive and project ourselves into this New Year. God Bless-Rich Ferretti-Charlotte North Carolina
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By Brian Block, Northern Virginia & D.C. Real Estate
(RE/MAX Allegiance, Managing Broker/Branch Vice President)
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Before looking ahead, it's important to take a look back at real estate sales for 2008.  At the start of 2008, inventory of homes on the market was very high and it certainly looked like home sales were going to be tough.  What we ended up with is a mixed bag.  In a few jurisdictions (Alexandria, Arlington) the volume of home sales was down significantly.  Yet in other areas, like Loudoun County and especially Prince William County, sales of homes were brisk and far exceeded the number of homes sold in 2007. Whether you are planning to sell your home in 2008 are are interested in purchasing a home this year (I know it's on some of your New Year's resolutions lists), it's necessary to understand some numbers -- the number of sales and the amount of inventory available.   ...
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By Johnny Sarkis, Quality of Service you can count on.
(Keller Williams Professional)
Make a Smilebox greeting
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By Scott Guay, Associate Broker. Ocean City and Ocean Pines MD
(Berkshire Hathaway Home Services PenFed Realty)
         If you would like more information on Ocean Pines listings please   or give me a call @ 443-614-5676.   Information is from the multiple listing service and neither suggests nor infers Scott G. Guay or Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage participated as either the listing or cooperating agent or broker in the sale or purchase of the properties depicted.                   Scott G. Guay ABR, GRI, SHS, e-PROSales AssociateMD State LicensedOcean Pines OfficeColdwell Banker Residential Brokerage11204 Racetrack Rd, Suite 201Berlin, MD 21811Home Office: 410-641-6071Office Phone:  (410) 641-5700Fax:  (410) 208-1200Email: scott@oceancitywaterfront.comOn line at:    
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By Victoria Frieberg, @Realtor, Broker, ABR,CRS,TRC
(Rush Point Realty LLC)
Hey, 30 below tonite..piece of cake. More snow tonite, what the heck, more to bank the fish house with, holds the heat in when the wind whips up a 50 below windchill!  Some people run from their house to the car. Some people are stuck outside, and some people (on the news tonite) are enjoying their jobs down in the sewers below the metro cities, where it is warm!  They are interviewing the gravediggers in town, and proudly showing off that the ground (at least) is so warm that it steams when they dig a new grave.  Minnesotans are not always easy to amuse, maybe in the winter a little more than summer..but we are a very intelligent lot.  We put bells onto wheels to let us know when walleye bite the hooks dangling through hard water, we carry ice picks when we humans dangle through the ic...
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By Sharon Simms, St. Petersburg FL - CRS CIPS CLHMS RSPS
(Coastal Properties Group International - Christie's International)
      ALVA International, Inc. is the newest real estate company on Beach Drive and the new home of The Simms Team - serving your residential real estate needs in St Petersburg, Tampa Bay and international destinations as well. ALVA is located at 238 Beach Drive NE, in the heart of activity in downtown St Petersburg. It's just half a block down Beach from Parkshore Plaza (in the photo) and across from the Museum of Fine Arts. ALVA is just a couple trolley lengths from the Looper Trolley stop in front of Bruce Watters jewelers, the oldest existing retail establishment in St Petersburg, founded in 1905. ALVA International, Inc.238 Beach Drive NESt. Petersburg, Florida 33701 (727) 898-2582           (727) 898-ALVA
Comments 17
  There is something very unique that happens when you retain an interior designer.  They internalize your project and take a vested interest in the outcome unlike almost every other profession.  My team and I see every project, whether its a restaurant or a beach house, as an opportunity to transform our client's dreams into reality. A few principals for staging or designing a home: ∙ Strive for seamless integration of location, architecture, interiors, furniture and inhabitants ∙ Be emboldened by color and modern gestures but remain grounded with classical influences and practicality of lifestyle ∙ Playfully mix expensive objects with frugal finds, use refined materials, sophisticated color palettes and strong silhouettes $299 interior design packages at Home Staging i...
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By Jon Graham, CRS, ABR
(Keller Williams Realty Central Delaware)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! This Blog comes in the form of a question. Is there relief in this market for a military member who owes more on their home than what it is currently valued? Is a short sale possible or even advised if they plan on purchasing in the area they are being re-assigned? I do understand that short sales hurt your credit but not nearly as bad as a foreclosure. Here's the scenario: Joe The Soldier (smile) purchased a home just 2 years ago that appraised for $400k plus which was the purchase amount. Joe received assignment orders to a location in another state. He wants to purchase in the area of his new assignment but has yet to sell his home because the values have drastically dropped over the past year. Joe isn't trying to make a killing, he just wants to break even or p...
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By Michael Hamby
(Champion Realty, Inc)
ANNAPOLIS, MD 1/1/09   The Hamby Real Estate Group, an affiliate of Champion Realty, Inc., has released its annual compilation of the 100 Top Real Estate Transactions of 2008. Details of the transactions are available at   Currently available are the Top 100 Transactions in: Maryland Anne Arundel County District of Columbia Northern Virginia The Entire D.C. Metropolitan Region   The transactions are broken down by State and are also available by City, County or Zip code by request.  Requests will take no longer than 1 hour to be returned.   Also Available are the 100 Most Expensive Properties Currently available for purchase   The Hamby Real Estate Group is a full service Real Estate Group affiliated with Champion Realty, Inc a Home Services of America co...
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By Jim Horn
(1st Continental Mortgage)
Martin County FHA Loans, Martin County FHA Mortgage, Minimal Down Payment and Closing Costs. •·      Down payment less than 3% of Sales Price •·      100% Financing options available •·      No reserves or required. •·      FHA regulated closing costs. •·      Seller can credit up to 6% of sales price towards buyers costs. Apply for a Martin County Florida FHA loan at
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By Tom Day, RE/MAX in Motion Pompano Beach & Greater Ft Lauder
(Waterfront Homes, Oceanside Condos,Investment Properties, Probate, REO. Covering Broward County)
Tom Day | Re/Max in Motion | 954-895-2431 1401 NE 43 Ct, Pompano Beach, FL BANK OWNED FORCLOSURE WITH POOL 3BR/2BA Single Family House offered at $79,900 Year Built 1957 Sq Footage 1,215 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 2 full, 0 partial Floors 1 Parking 4 Uncovered spaces Lot Size 7,000 sqft HOA/Maint $0 per month DESCRIPTION BANK OWNED FORECLOSURE. A VERY AFFORDABLE THREE BEDROOM HOME IN POMPANO BEACH HIGHLAND WITH A POOL. TWO FULL BATHS. BRICK PAVER DRIVEWAY AND DECK. PRIVATE FENCED IN YARD. see additional photos below PROPERTY FEATURES Central A/C Central heat Tile floor Dishwasher Refrigerator Stove/Oven Washer Dryer Swimming pool ADDITIONAL PHOTOS Seller contact info: Tom Day Re/Max in Motion 954-895-2431 For sale by agent/broker Equal Opportunity Housing Posted: Jan 1, 2009, 6:31am PST
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By Victoria Frieberg, @Realtor, Broker, ABR,CRS,TRC
(Rush Point Realty LLC)
1. Buy the extra large rolls of toilet paper that won't fit in the holder, then fall in the sink and get ruined! 2.Slurp my soup in New Jersey, where it is illegal. 3. Wear heels on my driveway when there is ice. 4. Forget to tell people who I love, that I love them...
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By Marty Remo, HV Home Team
(RE/MAX Benchmark- Marty Remo-CDPE, E-Pro)
$10,000 Cash Back! Newly Renovated 4 Bedroom Cape 2 Butler Terrace, Chester, NY 10918 View Map Newly Renovated 4 Bedroom, 2 Full Bath Cape Cod located in a highly desirable neighborhood. Features include: Hardwood floor, New Kitchen with Granite Countertops, Stainless Steel Appliances, New Bathrooms, Private Deck, Spacious Backyard, Home wired with Cat5 for Computers/Phones, etc. E-Z Commute (Less than 1/2 mile from Route 17), Close to Shopping, & much more! Marty Remo | Broker/Owner Main 845-738-8115 | Cell 845-656-2527 | Dir 845-738-8115 ext 222 | Email | Website
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By Michael Hamby
(Champion Realty, Inc)
ANNAPOLIS, MD 1/1/09   The Hamby Real Estate Group, an affiliate of Champion Realty, Inc., has released its annual compilation of the 100 Top Real Estate Transactions of 2008. Details of the transactions are available at   Currently available are the Top 100 Transactions in: Maryland Anne Arundel County District of Columbia Northern Virginia The Entire D.C. Metropolitan Region   The transactions are broken down by State and are also available by City, County or Zip code by request.  Requests will take no longer than 1 hour to be returned.   Also Available are the 100 Most Expensive Properties Currently available for purchase   The Hamby Real Estate Group is a full service Real Estate Group affiliated with Champion Realty, Inc a Home Services of America co...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Great Article for 2009 Outlook.I love a good "Top Ten" post... and I love underdogs.  So, what could be better than a Top Ten post about the Underdogs for the new year.  Wow, that even tosses in the "New Yew's Prediction Post".  So, without further delay, here are my Top Ten Underdogs for 2009 10.  General Motors.  They used to be the biggest corporation in the world... and now they are burning through BILLIONS of dollars a month with NO hope in sight for actually turning a profit again.  The have massive labor cost issues, an uphill battle with the economy, a dealer network that is about 5 times too large, and WAY too expensive.  They need a cheerleader...  9.  Chrysler.  Ok, they aren't in as bad a shape as GM in the US... but they have almost no presence outside of the US.  They are ...
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By Lorrie Semler, REALTOR® in the Dallas area. Call/text 972-416-3417, Real Service. Real Results. Real Estate
(Texas Pride Realty Group Brokered by HomeSmart Stars)
Mario Canizares, Assistant City Manager for the Town of Addison, has accepted the position of Deputy City Manager in Coppell.  He will be starting with Coppell on January 8th. To thank him for his service in Addison, there will be a reception in his honor at Town Hall on Monday, January 5th from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. City Manager, Ron Whitehead, stated "Our mission was to create a growth opportunity that would allow Mario to be ready for this kind of move, but it is always difficult to let them go.  He is ready and he will do an excellent job for Coppell."
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By Michael Hamby
(Champion Realty, Inc)
ANNAPOLIS, MD 1/1/09   The Hamby Real Estate Group, an affiliate of Champion Realty, Inc., has released its annual compilation of the 100 Top Real Estate Transactions of 2008. Details of the transactions are available at   Currently available are the Top 100 Transactions in: Maryland Anne Arundel County District of Columbia Northern Virginia The Entire D.C. Metropolitan Region   The transactions are broken down by State and are also available by City, County or Zip code by request.  Requests will take no longer than 1 hour to be returned.   Also Available are the 100 Most Expensive Properties Currently available for purchase   The Hamby Real Estate Group is a full service Real Estate Group affiliated with Champion Realty, Inc a Home Services of America co...
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By Tony Grego, 317-663-4173 #1 Trade Association for Alternative Inv
(REISA - 317-663-4173)
    Hey Folks!      (Sorry about earlier today. I forgot to attached the video. My falut. Hey, first mistake of the year) Well, we made it. Welcome to January 1, 2009. Best wishes from my family and myself to your family and yourself for a happy and safe new year. Please check back often I hope to make you giggle in the morning. Give you some rate information mid-day and some helpful mortgage tips in the afternoon. Remember that these posts are for you. Let me know what you need or what you would like to see.   Kind regards, Tony Grego, CUML with Amerisave Your Place for Great Rates
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By Tia Stanley, ...focused on people & the places they love!
While playing in the rain, I ran across this blog that I found helpful about point accumulation and re-blogging, etc. There is so much content to choose from I decided to re-blog his post to increase the chances of other people reading it, (okay...for the points also). I hope you get as much from it as I did. I find that of all the social networking sites, I actually enjoy Active Rain the most.As a Marketing & Business Consultant, I love to deconstruct things to see what they are made of (there's that pesky preposition ending again, so I'm adding this parenthetical text). After all, deconstructing the human psyche and trying to determine what makes it tick, what makes it buy, what makes it sell, what makes it choose me over someone else, is simply fun. With apologies to the Beach Boys, ...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
It seems the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program has left struggling families to their struggles and become the troubled bank program. Now it is also being used for non banks. This cartoon by Clay Bennett appeared in the Chattanooga Time Free Press. It illustrates very well the reason for widespread frustration over the Treasury Department's use of the TARP funds passed in September by Congress.   The purpose of the TARP funds was to help address foreclosure problems. This purpose is clearly expressed in the program name - Troubled Asset Relief Program. The idea was to help financial markets with relief to struggling home owners. The federal government was to purchase troubled mortgages and work with the borrowers to rehabilitate the loans. At some point the rehabilitated mortgag...
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