Archives of real estate blog entries for December 01, 2008

Featured blog posts

By Lisa Heindel, New Orleans Real Estate Broker
(Crescent City Living LLC)
Although there are fewer buyers actively looking for new homes between Thanksgiving and Christmas each year, it's important to remember that the key word here is fewer.  That doesn't mean that no one is looking!  In fact, buyers who are searching for a home during the traditional "slow" time are typically very motivated.  If they are involved in a relocation to the West Bank, you can bet that the holiday season doesn't put their home search on the back burner.  You have a wonderful opportunity to show your home at its sparkling best when decorated for the season...provided you follow a few tips: Subtle decorations are the most welcoming I know that you are proud of your collection of inflatable lawn decorations that took you years to amass.  But making your front yard look like the disp...
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ActiveRain has been admittedly a little extra 'wonky' lately.  Everyone has probably experienced the 'Proxy' (and a few other) errors, including HTML, widget and other outside application disfunctionalities. While it may seem like things are breaking down, in reality we're really beefing things up.  The programming architecture that AR primarily runs on recently underwent a pretty substantial upgrade.  In a nutshell, the version upgrade allows our programmers to work, implement and fix features and utilities much faster and easier than before.  It also places an emphasis on simplicity, security and stability, all vital for a bustling community such as AR to function properly. Alas, little bugs, glitches and other side-effects are inevitable (1 step back to take 4 steps forward)...also, ...
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(Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310)
Announcing a New Active Rain Group! Are you looking for a group home for your events?  This group is for you then!  My focus is on local events and the local real estate market and I'm always looking for a great group in which to post my "Fab Five Things to Do" posts.  So, here you can post your calendar of events, your announcements for activities, happenings or events specific to YOUR area!  I write alot of posts--at least one weekly, about regional events and now I have a 'home' for those posts.  Well, now you have one too! REMINDER:  Don't forget to select 'Localism' for your events and happenings posts so that you will have double exposure!         The moderators will be Linda Scanlan (left), Renee Burrows (right) and myself!  We are looking forward to your posts! Join the Area Eve...
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By Joel McDonald
(Joel McDonald --
I've got several friends who have tried out Twitter after I bugged them enough, but for the most part, they're still just not getting it.  If you're in that camp, I understand. I didn't "get it" at first either...  However, I'm guessing that's because most of your tweets are announcements about whether or not you chose to super-size your value meal, or what time you woke up this morning.  Furthermore -- you're probably only following a small handful of people who you already know, and they don't yet get it either.  Don't get me wrong -- those kind of tweets are perfectly fine, but if they're all that you have in your arsenal, you'll never get out of the "I don't get Twitter" camp.  To get the most out of twitter, you're going to want to be more proactive and start interacting with other...
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By Kathy McGraw, Riverside County CA Real Estate
(CELLing Realty)
Monday Morning- Today is the International Day of the Child as well as World Aids Day. It is also a new day, to a new week, to a new month.  Normally I would have written something for either one of these days, but today I want to share my thoughts and hope with other people that might be having a hard time.  It's hard to believe that in 31 days we will start a New Year, but it is Just around the corner, and so many people need Hope that we can overcome the struggles that so many families are experiencing right now.  But how do you have Hope for tomorrow when you have to struggle with today?      Today I have been thinking of 2 different people that contacted me recently concerned with how they were going to make it.Believe me I know this feeling, and sometimes I really don't know why I...
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By Nick Van Assche, Owner/Broker of Sea Glass Properties
(Sea Glass Properties)
The E-Pro designation is a complete waste of money.  Yeah, I just went there. For many agents, the E-Pro designation is an “opportunity” to learn about all of the ‘new’ tools available to agents. And sure it does live up to the promise of a bunch of new tools, but it is a waste of money. Think about it, you are on ActiveRain networking with some of the top agents in the Country. You can search blogs for many great new tools, and often find these things before anyone ever has a clue about them: Example:  I was one of the first agents to sign up for a free 1-800 number. Point2 agent has been out for 5 years. It was free for the last number of years (still free for 6 months). Point2 is one of the greatest tools available to agents.  In my opinion ActiveRain has far more conte...
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By Tina Maraj, Celebrating 30 Years of Real Estate Sales
(RE/MAX One)
Hello fellow Active Rainers.  I am proud to announce that just before Thanksgiving I closed a transaction on my 3rd Active Rain procured transaction this year! The power of the rain is truly awesome. I would like to thank all of you for assisting in spending thousands of hours writing an abundance of information for  the community! If you have not closed a deal from Active Rain yet, then I suggest examining your material. Content is everything. Express yourself in a positive way and potential clients will be impressed!
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By Terri Visser, CRS - 12 Years Selling Central Oregon Real Estate
(Desert Sky Real Estate, LLC)
Thanksgiving has barely passed and we just couldn't wait to usher in the Christmas Season! What better way than Redmond's annual Holiday Starlight Parade!  The parade, held in Downtown Redmond, Oregon, starts at dusk and is filled with beautifully lit entries of all shapes and sizes.  Even the horses had twinkle lights!  Although I've lived in Redmond for eight years, this is my first Starlight Parade and I must say it couldn't have been a better first.  The weather was unseasonably warm with only a light jacket needed.  And just in case you got a little chilly, many local merchants had hot chocolate ready and waiting. The parade started with a string of classic cars decorated for the season. American Red Cross Disaster Relief Mark's Auto Body - Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer A Year...
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By Teri Eckholm, REALTOR Serving Mpls/St Paul North & East Metro
(Boardman Realty)
Everyone knows that today is the day all computer lines will be buzzing with online shoppers trying to get the best deals on Christmas bargains from online retailers. Websites will be slow as millions surf the web to take advantage of discounted prices. So while millions are overloading shopping sites looking for deals on electronics and holiday gifts, now would be the perfect time to search out a great real estate deal.No I am not kidding. Real estate sites often have tons of widgets, photos and video links that can slow searches. But while others flock to save a few bucks, a savvy homebuyer can scout out a great deal by looking for a home to buy now. Not only are there bank owned properties, pre-foreclosures and short sales on the market, there are homes owned by families that have re...
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By Rich Jacobson, Your Kitsap County WA Real Estate Broker
(Fathom Realty West Sound)
Tomorrow, Tuesday December 2nd, at 11am, ActiveRain Community Builder, Brad Andersohn, and Yours Truly, will be hosting another episode of Rain Radio when our special guests will be the CEO of, Payam Zamani, CMO Brian Bowman, and Tom Young, Manager of Online Marketing. Most real estate professionals here on ActiveRain have fairly strong opinions about lead generation companies, some who have enjoyed good experiences, as well as those who have had not-so-good experiences. Now is your opportunity to actively engage in conversation with one of the company's who are aggressively guiding lead generation into the next century! For further details, check with Rain Radio
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By Cameron Wilson, The Short Guy - Murrieta,Temecula,Menifee Californ
(Labrum Real Estate)
 Since I Sometimes Feel like the Andy Rooney of Real Estate in the sense that if some of the old skool ways work and bring business why are we throwing them out the window. Sure we have many new ways to connect with clients but there are also some old ways that continue to work. Why not combine them and increase your business.  Did You ever See the Columbo Tv Series where Detective Columbo always got the information he needed to catch the bad guy but obtained the information in a non threatening manner. If you are too young to remember that show do yourself a favor and watch a few episodes and see how you can apply his principles to your Real Estate business.  Many Years ago I knocked on Doors to Introduce Myself to People and it was successful. I am not a big advocate of Farming door t...
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By Jesse Clifton
(Jesse Clifton & Associates)
Early last week a good friend, client and AMAZING photographer, Carol Falcetta, called to ask what my plans were for Saturday. With nothing more planned than playing with grandbabies and putting up Christmas decorations I agreed to undertake my first 'professional' gig as a photographer... and I'm using the term 'pro' very loosely, believe me. Saturday I had the opportunity... no, I had the privilege to take part in, to help record for posterity, the funeral of Battalion Chief Phillip Emerson Rounds funeral and procession. There are indeed angels among us. Chief Rounds devoted his life to his family, his profession, his community and country. He was, by all accounts, a wonderful husband of 39 years, adoring father and grandfather, friend and mentor to the hundreds of young men and women...
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By John Bethell
(John Bethell Title Company, Inc.)
No, we're not trying to be the boss of you, but at least 25 percent of our real estate closings involve a question of authority. That is, does each of the parties sitting in my closing room have the authority to complete their part of the transaction? If a party at a closing is an individual with a valid I.D. and isn't acting crazy, stoned or otherwise impaired, we assume that they can properly complete their end of the transaction. But often, a party to a closing is not an individual. It may be a corporation, a trust, or someone acting in a fiduciary capacity. What then? Well, our suspicious and untrusting title instincts kick in; we look them in the eye and slowly ask "show me your authority . . . please." Individual stockholders own corporations. Individuals grant power to trustees a...
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By Marian Goetzinger, Crystal Coast Real Estate NC
(Pine Knoll Shores Realty 252-422-9000)
How much is a tree worth?  I guess the answer is like the answer to: "how much is any property worth?"  It's worth what a willing and able buyer will pay.  I pose this question because of a comment my step-daughter made this week-end.  I was saying how much I love the tree in their back yard.  It is a huge old oak with branches sprawling all over the yard.  My two grandsons have swings and windchimes here and there and the deck is built to avoid any harm to the old tree.  A tree specialist has told them the tree is at least 100 years old.  The house and yard would not be the same place without that wonderful tree.  We slept in Brian's room on the second floor overlooking the back yard.  Upon waking the first morning I pulled up the blinds and was looking right at three squirrels playing...
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By Lola Audu, Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI ~Welcome Home!
(Lola Audu~Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI Real Estate)
Well over a decade ago, I read Michael Gerbers' famous book, 'The E-Myth.'  I am the daughter of two entrepreneurs and an entrepreneur myself.  I have lived through the 'technician syndrome' that Gerber described in which vast amounts of energy are siphoned from the entrepreneur who must run their business on a daily basis and subsequently becomes a slave to the work rather than the inspiration driving the company. So, when the idea of making a business 'Idiot Proof' was introduced during a professional real estate seminar, I was eager to embrace the method.  The process involved systematizing a business by breaking each action/segment into small, clearly defined steps.  The BENEFITS: a precisely written manual which ensured that anyone could replicate the same results every single time...
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Blog posts

By Sandy McAlpine, Search Lake Norman Homes For Sale - Lake Norman NC
Some words of wisdom for the day from Jane Herron!Don't spend major time with minor people.   If there are people in your life that continually disappoint you, break promises, stomp on your dreams, are too judgmental, have different values and don't have your back during difficult times...they are not a friend. To have a friend, be a friend. Sometimes in life as you grow, your friends will either grow or GO.  Surround yourself with people who reflect your values, goals interests and lifestyle. When I think of any of my successes, I am thankful to GOD from whom all blessings flow, and to my family and friends that enrich my life. Over the years my phone book has changed because I changed for the better. At first you think you're going to be alone, but after a while new people show up in ...
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By Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn, Author of Sell with Soul
(Sell with Soul)
I'll be interested to see the responses to this forthcoming brain dump... some of you will totally relate, while others will think I'm just a weirdo. I hate to prospect, in any way, shape or form. By "prospect" I'm not really referring to any particular method, strategy or activity, I just simply don't like drumming up business. I get no joy out of self-promotion, marketing or pursuing. I very much dislike the idea of spending any time at all worrying about where my next closing might come from. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE selling real estate. Or, perhaps I should say that I love MANAGING the process of the exchange of real estate. I love pricing homes, I love solving problems, I love creating home brochures, I love managing my Internet advertising, I love negotiating contracts and inspections...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
ANOTHER YEAR WITH NO HURRICANES IN BEAUFORT COUNTY!  So, what's new with that?  We haven't had a hurricane here in over 100 years but that doesn't mean it's not on our minds during the season.  The 2008 Hurricane Season ends today, December 1, 2008.  According to news reports, this was one of the most active seasons since 1944 with 16 storms formed and 8 hurricanes.  Five of those were classified as Category 3 or higher, meaning winds can be 130 miles per hour and major flooding occurs.  We did get some pretty significant rain storms this year but actually, we were pretty thankful for that.  Until next year------- Photo is courtesy of Island Packet and National Hurricane Center FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HILTON HEAD AND BLUFFTON REAL ESTATE, PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE.  I ALWAYS WELCOME YO...
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By Juliet Johnson, Jacksonville Photography & Digital Marketing
December 1 and most of are looking towards the end of the year, aren't we?  Bloggers seem, already, to be looking ahead to next year and have starting to talk about business plans.  Not me.  I'm reluctant to look terribly far ahead: #1 I don't like doing business plans - I stick to them with the same success as a diet or an exercise plan!   #2 - New Jersey's real estate market is predicted to be a blood bath in the first quarter of 09, with the bottom coming in 2nd and not much recovery until 010.  This from a prognosticator so well respected his prophesies become self-fulfilling.  (i.e. If the realty community all think that's what will happen, then it will.) Yet, one post in the Biz Plan vein struck a chord this morning.  From Kris Berg of San Diego, writing for Inman News - Making re...
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By Capt. Bob & Kelly Davies, Waterfront Experts
(Dalton Wade Real Estate Group)
This is a beautiful active community with a clubhouse, heated pool, shuffleboard and other amenities. The community is maintainence free, deed restricted and well kept. Located minutes away from some of the best beaches on the Gulf of Mexico. Just a short distance from Venice, Boca Grande and other area attractions. Being sold fully furnished and turn key down to the dishes and silverware. Just bring your suitcase and have fun!
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By Matthew Naumann, Goose Creek, SC Real Estate Agent
(Exit Realty Charleston Group)
1217 Sumner Ave North Charleston, SC Click For Listing Website Click For Interactive e-Tour MLS# 2720980 $105,000 3 Bed, 1 Bath 1217 Sumner AveNorth Charleston SC, 29406 Matthew J. Naumann EXIT REALTY CHARLESTON GROUP 843-818-9898
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By Ray Wilson, NYS Licensed Home and Building Inspector
(Meticulous Home Inspection Corporation)
As a member of a national home inspector association (NAHI), I go to monthly continuing education meetings here on Long Island. We usually will have a guest speaker who is an expert in their field. A while back, we had a cesspool company do a presentation. It was very informative. One of the things our speaker talked about was a chemical called 'Rid-Ex' which is poured into various sinks and toilets in the house. This chemical contains enzymes that actually 'eat' and breakdown the solids in the cesspool. This will help keep your cespool working and releasing the effluent into the surrrounding soil. It is always a smart idea to have your system checked annually also. Why wait for a disaster to happen. We have all heard of very old cesspools collapsing, and this is no way to 'take a bath'...
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By Joe Jackson, Clintonville and Central Ohio Real Estate Expert
(Keller Williams Capital Partners Realty)
632 homes and condos sold in November 2008 in Franklin and Delaware county. The average list price was $166,848 while the average sold price was $154,588. Days on market was 96.   This compares to 1223  units sold in November 2007. the average list price was $181.097 while the average sold price was $173,962. Days on market was 101   So , the number of units sold was down 48.3%. the average sold price was down 11.4%
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
I continue to hear Realtors talk about their Buyers getting to the Closing Table and their Interest Rate is different from what they were originally told.  In a day where information is available at a click of a mouse button this should never happen.  Buyers need to take the time to educate themselves before they make the most expensive purchase that they have ever made in their lives.  If they do, or we who are helping them make that purchase provide them with the necessary advice, an Interest Rate change without their prior knowledge would never happen.  Let me explain why this should never happen. We have read many articles and blogs about how important it is for a Borrower to always get a Good Faith Estimate and Truth In Lending Statement.  Well equally important, if not even more i...
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By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
CHRISTMAS TREE FARMS AND STANDS IN LOUDOUN COUNTY, VIRGINIA  Bringing the Christmas Tree home is a tradition for many families during the holiday season.  Cutting your own is possible, but the best trees and those with good conformation and that decorate well, are often from Christmas Tree farms.                                        LOCATIONS IN LOUDOUN COUNTY FOR TREES FROM LOCAL CHRISTMAS TREE FARMS.  Badlands38828 Old Wheatland RdWaterford VA 20197540-882-3218 Country Loving Christmas Trees40830 Red Hill RdLeesburg VA 703-327-0643 Creekview Farm40236 New RoadAldie, Virginia 20105703-327-9230 Day Star Farm41374 Reservoir RdLeesburg VA 20175703-327-6603Lowelands Farm21344 Steptoe Hill RdMiddleburg VA 20117540-687-6923Vine and Branch38715 Rickard RdLovettsville VA 20180540-882-9658 Gr...
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By Matthew Naumann, Goose Creek, SC Real Estate Agent
(Exit Realty Charleston Group)
167 Mcmakin St Summerville, SC Click For Listing Website Click For Interactive e-Tour MLS# 2815432 $129,900 3 Bed, 2 Bath 167 Mcmakin StSummerville SC, 29483 Matthew J. Naumann EXIT REALTY CHARLESTON GROUP 843-818-9898
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By David Burrows, No Pressure, Just Seriously Devoted to Real Estate
(Classic Realty)
Buying a house can be a wonderful or not so wonderful experience. Through the years that I've been involved in Real Estate, I've met several individuals and couples who have phoned and later met with me that truly did not know, "How to Buy a House".  In fact, many people think it's simply about touring houses first and then doing whatever else is necessary to make the purchase happen. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Here in a simple format are several steps to follow to make your purchase happen. Send me an email or even phone me if you want me to elaborate more on each of these steps. 1)    Know your Credit Score - Click here to discover how2)   Find a lender and get your Pre-Approval - Here is an interesting article worth reading on this subject.3)   Find a Realtor® - You wil...
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By Matthew Naumann, Goose Creek, SC Real Estate Agent
(Exit Realty Charleston Group)
182 Darcy Avenue Goose Creek, SC Click For Listing Website Click For Interactive e-Tour MLS# 2807021 $219,900 4 Bed, 3 full 1 half Bath 182 Darcy AvenueGoose Creek SC, 29445 Matthew J. Naumann EXIT REALTY CHARLESTON GROUP 843-818-9898
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By Joseph Santini, Luxury Waterfront Expert
(Mizner Grande Realty - Boca Raton, Florida Waterfront Expert)
Well here we are in November 2008 and we have just completed the third year without a hurricane. This is just great news as so many people were convinced that we were sure to take a hit every year for years to come.  We should continue to make our homes hurricane resistant and properly insure our homes and realize that storms can hit but it sure is nice to know that taking a hurricane hit in South Florida is the exception not the rule.
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By Matthew Naumann, Goose Creek, SC Real Estate Agent
(Exit Realty Charleston Group)
189 Darcy Avenue Goose Creek, SC Click For Listing Website Click For Interactive e-Tour MLS# 2811841 $178,900 3 Bed, 1 Bath 189 Darcy AvenueGoose Creek SC, 29445 Matthew J. Naumann EXIT REALTY CHARLESTON GROUP 843-818-9898
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By Jim Crawford, Jim Crawford Broker Associate Fredericksburg VA
(Long & Foster)
Since we run an Internet referral business it is interesting to see what happens in slow times.  Many agents will tell you that they area really slow right now, and that they have never seen it this slow in all the years they have been in real estate, yada, yada Ad nauseam...   They are looking for leads desperately.  So why is it when you have a good lead to hand out everyone is too busy?  The excuses are endless.   The fact is that they have retired from real estate and they are the only ones that do not know it!  They brag about the new company where they are hanging thier license for $40 a month that has amassed 2000 agents and yet as a company... does absolutely no production. To me that sounds more like and adult day care facility.  Keep in mind that I only ask 25% referral fee, a...
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By Eric Reid
(Renaissance Realty Group of Keller Williams Atlanta Partners)
Foreclosure Homes For Sale In Georgia Fulton, North Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, County Georgia. Cities of Decatur, Tucker, Stone Mountain, Lithonia, Duluth, Buford, Lawrenceville, Dacula, Grayson, Snellville, Loganville, Suwanee, Norcross, Winder, DECEMBER 1 2008 This list is updated daily with Homes added to MLS in the last 24 hours Due to the nature of Foreclosure Homes and Short Sale Home, Buyers should act quickly ! For all Your Real Estate Needs Call !  Eric Reid, Managing Broker Renaissance Realty Group Inc.Office: 404-921-2067 x 102 Fax: 770-513-4443  Short Sale list click here  Foreclosure list click here
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By Matthew Rosov, Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist
(Amerisave Mortgage Corporation)
Here are the daily thoughts on floating or locking if you are asked by your clients.  Video Version - As always - consult your favorite mortgage professional who will be able to offer the best advice for YOUR unique situation.  Industrial Index will be released at 10 AM.  This is a major indicator in the health of the manufacturing sector. Continued weakness in all sectors caused global markets to fall again today with anticipation of another weak day on Wall Street.  Technically speaking - the FNMA 5.5% 30 year bond is approaching the 3 year high - a major resistance level.  The bond is currently deep in overbought territory.  Significant news will have to occur to push past this major ceiling. I am recommending to   LOCK your mortgage rate.  ...
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By Dave Edwards
(Dave Edwards Realty)
This information is deemed accurate from 1/1/08 to 12/1/08. Thornhill subdivision market data: Average Sold Price $292,875 Average Days on Market 105 Average dollar per total finished square foot: $103 When its time to buy or sell real estate you need to call a professional. We know the market!! Call Dave Edwards at (864) 275-7250. Email: We are realtors with the best real estate company in Greenville-Keller Williams Realty.
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By Rosanna Hudson
(Texas Sold Team Realty, LLC)
Holiday season is in the air. Below is a list of the happenings in the area. Nothing better to get you in the "Spirit" than an good tree lighting and parade of lights. If you haven't ever seen one you really need to go just for the experience. You will walk away singing carols and ready to hit the mall to finish or start your holiday shopping! Nov. 14 - Jan. 3 - ICE! and Lone Star Christmas (Grapevine)Nov. 22 - Jan. 4 - The Trains at North Park (Dallas)Nov. 28 - Jan. 4 - Holiday in the Park (Six Flags in Arlington)Saturday, Nov. 22 - 3:00 to 9:00 pm Home For the Holidays (Southlake Town Square)Tree lighting at 6:30 pmSaturday, Nov. 22 - 24 - www.SouthlakeFestivalofTrees.comFriday, Nov. 28 - FW Sundance Square2:00 to 5:30 pm - Holiday Fun Zone6:00 to 8:00 pm - Parade of Lights and Tree ...
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