Archives of real estate blog entries for January 01, 2008

Featured blog posts

Trends, "Green" Horizons, & Thanks, Active Rain    IF you are like me, a fast-track to real estate news and views is a big "Plus"- one "Plus" I've appreciated since I joined  Active Rain  back when there were just a few thousand members. Another "Plus"- connecting.  I love to "listen" to the authentic voices/opinions of our colleagues. Come to think of it, the various Groups at AR remind me of charrettes where conversations can turn into action- particularly conversations about the red-hot  and mighty "green scene".   There's a lot happening here at AR. Given this, when I was asked to write AR's 2007 (Green)Year in Review and highlight just 12 posts, I had to shake my head and exclaim, "This is going to be one major-challenging assignment!"    I mean, how would you go about finding jus...
Comments 61
By Jeff Belonger, The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans
( Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc)
2007 Mortgage Year in Review So many of us know that mortgages can be a dry and a boring subject for the most part. I will even admit this and I have been doing this for over 15 years. I sometimes thought I was one of the few that always had passion for what I did when it came to Mortgages. But after spending 15 months on Active Rain, it's been very pleasurable to talk to so many others that feel the same as I do. It's been refreshing. 2007 Overview : We have heard so many negative things in 2007 about the housing market, the mortgage meltdown, and business in general. Feedback? It's slow, bad, record foreclosures with many to come, property values dropping, and mortgage programs becoming hard to apply for or non-existent. The media has been a big player in all of this negative news re...
Comments 40
Do you have a business plan for the New Year? If you do already have a plan, would you like free feedback from practicing real estate professionals around North America? If you don't have one yet would you like some help getting started?If you answered yes to either of the last two questions please consider participating in AR's 2008 Open Source Business Planning day, being held this Friday.This Friday featured post positions will be reserved for blog posts by AR members that detail their 2008 business plans.  Instructions:1. Please tag your business plan posts: "2008 business plan". 2. Feel free to publish your business plan anytime between now and Friday.  Question and Answers:Q: Why is this being scheduled only three days away.  That is not enough time for me to create a business pla...
Comments 56
By Randy L. Prothero, Missouri REALTOR, (808) 384-5645
(eXp Realty)
                                                                  I was quite honored to be asked to participate in the 2007 year in review.  2007 is the first complete year for Active Rain.  It was a wonderful year and I look forward to being part of many more with Active Rain.Many of us find this forum to be such a terrific way of sharing knowledge with other top professionals in the real estate industry and a great way for the public to find us and check us out.Let's start with some of the 2007 events here on Active Rain that stood out in my mind:The First (?) ActiveRain Meme - Jay & Francy Thompson (This was actually posted the end of 2006, but had a huge impact on 2007)In January the Dashboard underwent a big change to try and improve participation and interest.  It also helped lev...
Comments 61
By Teresa Boardman
(Boardman Realty)
I did not have time to include Canada in this but will as soon as I have time.Active Rain is about member generated content.  Without the content there is no Active Rain.  I thought I would take a look at who we are and where we live.  The number in, or near each state represents the number of Active Rain members in those states.  The red numbers are to highlight the states that have more than 2000 members. Since membership varies from state to state the number of points needed to be number one in each state also varies.  Of the 63,000 + members only a small percentage participate by writing blog posts on a regular basis.  This is true with most social networks, about 1% of the members are active. I was asked to pick what I thought are the 12 best posts of 2007.  I can not do that becau...
Comments 60
By Laura Monroe, Dir. of Industry Engagement & Social Media
(Inman News )
 I've been asked by Jennifer Fivelsdal to provide a Year In Review for the Real Estate Virtual Assistant profession, and I couldn't be more honored! 2007 Has not only seen amazing growth for Active Rain, but the Real Estate Virtual Assistant category has been blessed with growth from about 30 VAs, to almost 600 now. I must say that I believe that ActiveRain is one of the most prominent platforms for bringing real estate professionals, and real estate SERVICE professionals together in a profound way. In the world of real estate where solicitations are a necessary evil, social networking in the form of blogging has been a priceless tool. There is not another venue where I have found comfort in getting to know individuals who might be future clients or referrals. Blogging has provided us a...
Comments 40
I was invited to write a Home Staging Year in Review by Jennifer Fivelsdal.  It was an honor to be included in this project. To will find all of the posts at the ActiveRain 2007 Year In Reviewgroup home - have fun reading this ambitious AR summary. A year ago there were only about 100 home stagers on Active Rain, today we are over 1600 strong. Active Rain has given us a voice in the real estate community and for this we are grateful.  The home staging industry is in its infancy and we are dedicated to changing the way homes are marketed and prepared for sale.  I think most home stagers would agree that partnering with real estate agents is an integral part of our industry and Active Rain has made those partnerships more accessible.  We are able to discuss staging and real estate with ag...
Comments 41
By Teri Eckholm, REALTOR Serving Mpls/St Paul North & East Metro
(Boardman Realty)
 2007 brought a changed real estate market to Minneapolis, St. Paul and the extended Twin Cities suburbs. Home sellers counted market time in months rather than days. Home buyers stayed hidden in the woodwork in the first six months of the year. Those who ventured out to open houses or showings with real estate agents were often confused by the smorgasbord of properties available. In every price range and most locations there were several OPTIONS. Town homes, single family, split levels, ramblers, two stories, remodels, foreclosures, short sales and new construction.As a Realtor serving Anoka County, Ham Lake and communities in the Forest Lake School District, I keep a close eye on the Twin Cities real estate market. During the last few months of the year, I noticed bit of a change in t...
Comments 41
By Brian Brady, 858-699-4590
(Matthews Capital Markets)
Happy New Year, Active Rain.Are you a working REALTOR who is not getting the desired results?  Worried about your future in this industry?Listen to this five-part, three hour podcast series with mega producing REALTOR, Russell Shaw:Part OnePart TwoPart ThreePart Four Part Five The poster is from a success seminar, Russell hosted and I attended, in Phoenix last Spring.  Some thirty people listened to Russ give practical information from his years of experience as Arizona's top residential REALTOR.The podcasts are free.  Nobody will try to sell you anything.   
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Blog posts

By Joel Schmidt, Where a Fresh Approach is Key!
(Re/Max Platinum)
This has been a great 2 weeks of activerain for me.. I just began learning seo and how to use the proper keywords (so basically a novice) and I checked this morning and I am respectively number 17 and 18 on google, for FREE! This can only get better!!I want to wish everyone a happy new year and remind you to make your 2008 goals high and add them to a vision board for visual clarity as to what your goals are. Every day do the things that will get you ONE step closer to what you want to achieve. Baby steps will get you there. One at a time..  
Comments 7
By Marey Hoeppner, Your Success Is Our Goal!
 Just wanted to say Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that a this year brings you more love and happiness and much more success. Since I started here on AR, every one has been so friendly and kind. Love hearing your comments on what I write, makes me smile knowing you took the time to stop and read what I had to say. I love reading all of your posts, some are funny, heartfelt and loving, business ideas and thoughts, success stories, they are all just great, keep it up! I look forward to getting to know you all more this year, so I just want to thank you all for allowing me to express myself here in the Rain and welcoming me with open arms!  It's time to start preparing to hit our New Year Resolutions and our goals! Although I think I have to get a little organized first, I know my lis...
Comments 4
By Susan Milner, Cape Coral Real Estate Broker, FloridaFutureAgents
(Florida Future Realty, Inc.)
Welcome to 2008 ...this year will be great. Whether you are going to continue in your current career or start a new one, have a plan. I really can't believe that so many people conduct their business without one. I have written a business plan each year since I got started in real estate.  I've learned a thing or two each year about how to create this plan. Last year for instance, I failed to break down my daily activities & ended up NOT making my goals for the year. The decline in the real estate market certainly didn't assist me much but I still could have met my goals with better planning. I still closed quite a few transactions in comparison to others but to me it wasn't enough. In previous years I had my time scheduled down to day to day tasks & achieved much more in way of goals. ...
Comments 6
By BILL CHERRY, Broker & Wealth Coach
(Bill Cherry, Realtor)
I don't know about you, but I'm tired of mega-banks. For the regular mom and pop account holders like Patty and me, they are totally out of control, and have been since banking deregulation came into affect. (What I am getting ready to post, however, has nothing to do with my personal bank accounts or banking habits.)You might be interested to know that Wells Fargo CEO Dick Kovacevich earned roughly $33.6 million in 2003. He also got stock options worth an estimated $24.6 million.  And you'll probably find that his compensation package wasn't much different that that paid by Bank of America to its chairman.Make out like Mr. Kovacevich hasn't gotten a salary raise or any more stock options since 2003. In fact, pretend that in 2007 he was just paid his salary; no stock options.  That mean...
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By Carolyn A. Rzaca, Broker Associate, GRI,SRS,TRC
OH!  What A Wonderful Way To Welcome In 2008!  In the warm weather, on the beach with friends, listening to the sound of the waves and watching fantastic fireworks from a historical pier.  This is how I spent my New Year's Eve in Naples, Florida.  I though I would share a few shots of the those wonderful fireworks with my ActiveRain family.  "Happy New Year" from EliteOne Fine Properties. 
Comments 8
By Virginia Tatseos
Traditionally New Years Day I turn up the radio and listen to the Christmas music and say good bye to my decorations.This is my dining room buffet and all of my decorations.Simple and enjoyableWhen my mother passed a few years ago, the family divided up her village set.I have Victoria Station and a few other pieces that are special to me      As you can tell it's a little cluttered and not 'staged' at all.       This tree was purchased a few years ago at a WCR chapter auction.  I thought it was perfect with my village set.             Today they all get packed up for another year. We didn't go out last night to celebrate the coming of the New Year.  We haven't done that in about 15 years.  We stay home pop open a bottle of champagne and toast in the New Year.  This morning we woke to a ...
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By Bill Arce, Real Estate, Latino
The successful marriage of content and digital technology is expected to play a major role in reaching niche groups in 2008. For marketers, that means knowing the cultural nuances, identifying specific consumer preferences and understanding the significance that the Internet and mobile devices play in the lifestyles of the diverse audiences they are trying to reach.  Full Story
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By Simon Conway
(Orlando Area Real Estate Services)
Just thought I'd take a few moments to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I know some of you have had a tough 2007 and now that's over with, perhaps it's time to greet the new year with a new and positive attitude.My 2007 was certainly filled with some challenges. I had back surgery which went well, but the hospital made a real good effort to kill me after it was over. I was down for three months instead of two weeks and that was not easy. But I never lost the smile on my face or the song in my heart and I have had a good year.I have made many friends on here and found many people I would be happy to refer work to. I look forward to both giving and receiving referrals in the coming 12 months.So I planned on keeping this short and for once I will stick to my plan. I wish you all a happy, he...
Comments 21
By Renee Stengel, Westchester County
(Houlihan Lawrence, Associate Broker)
                                                                                       Have you ever noticed that real estate is like a revolving door?  I am sure that is because it is not as easy as it looks.  Today's  agents must be  knowledgeable about communities, laws of agency, proficient about filling out endless amount of forms, be a social worker,  able to juggle many different tasks all while living their own life.  So it is not a wonder why many agents drop out.  Guess the rest of us are just lion hearted!         The real estate market normally has it's ups and down today's market as the highlighted article points out, "The Perfect Storm."  Challenges come and go but I believe this market presents an opportunity for winning.          Read, "Is Your Life And Real Estate Caree...
Comments 8
By Paula Hathaway, REALTOR, LBA, ...A Local Expert in all The Hamptons
(Douglas Elliman Real Estate)
Here's to a very Happy New Year and may all of your needs be met; may you walk with the wind always at your back and may the sun shine upon you every day to bring the joy and happiness you deserve!Bless you all for being so wonderful to me in the short time I have been a member here. It is quite remarkable to me that the internet, with all the negatives that it can produce, is also the conduit of great creative interactions between people and can be such a healthy, vibrant source of grace, wisdom and fun!Thank you all!!!
Comments 7
By Steve Baker, Broker-in-Charge, Master List Realty, LLC
(Master List Realty, LLC)
Despite the intense emotional involvement most buyer's have when searching for their next home, a more intelligent approach is to view this as an investment.  I encourage my buyers to employ an exit strategy as they look for that special home.  Structure your purchase with the thought of selling it some years later.  How well you buy it will dictate your gain when you sell it.  Plan your exit strategy now and you will be well served in several years.
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By Gary McAdams
(GMAC Schwartz Property Sales)
The Florida Keys lost some great members of our community in 2007.  Let's all take a moment to keep them in our thoughts.Final goodbyes in 2007Final goodbyes in 2007 Capt. Outrageous, artist and mayoral candidate Norman Artman, former Citizen owner Sandy Sprunt, Audubon Society Charlie Ramos, former state representative Miss Ellen Sanchez, Bahama Village music program Barbara Hersey, widow of author John Hersey Bill Sellers, philanthropist Bill Ford, environmentalist Denys Fitzpatrick, performer Derek Parker, CFO of KeysCaribbean Resorts Evilio Villareal, 27-year veteran, Key West Police Department Robin Tanner, Monroe County sheriff's deputy
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By John Walters, Licensed in Louisiana
(Frank Rubi Real Estate)
Finally woke up this morning after a wild night.  Hope everyone had at least as much fun as I did.  Going to the Sugar Bowl tonight, cant wait.  Back to work tomorrow, oh well keep me out of trouble.Here goes, my predictions for this year.1) Housing downturn lasts throughout year.2) Republicans still control white house3) Stagflation becomes FEDS main target4) Troop pullout begins in Iraq5) Stock market goes nowhere.6) Dallas wins Super Bowl7) Realtors will have to work hard again for sales.
Comments 6
By Bobby Carroll, Clayton NC New Home Happiness Coordinator
(Jaclyn Smith Properties)
Here is my attempt to "go out on a limb" and predict what will be "hot' in real estate marketing. I'll even take a stab at what we can expect to see occur on the national scene in real estate for 2008 too.Interest rates will be at 6.5% by election time, then shoot upward to the 7.5% no matter who is elected. Of course by election time we will all be sick of political ads.The national real estate market will begin to slowly move in a more positive direction in the early fall. Personally I think predicting the national real estate market is about as useful as forecasting the national weather. Real estate is transacted on a local community level.With "Boomer Nation" ready to retire (the largest population segment in America), watch out for this market segment to turn loose their "millions"...
Comments 4
By Broker Nick, Broker Nick Relocation Broker Service
(South Florida Real Estate & Development, Inc.)
Here I am in sunny Key West vacationing for the Christmas and New Year's holiday. We all need some quiet and relaxing times in our wonderful business of real estate.While I was here I received two contract offers on property that was priced well below appraised value, and also these seller's have the "Have To Sell Now" attitude which makes my job alot easier to negotiate on behalf of my sellers.I presented the offers to the sellers'  and they gave me the counter offers and I promptly e faxed the counter offers. Thank God for faxes and email. We can do virtually everything without even being in the same county. This helps when we are vacationing, and just about every realtor I know was away for the holidays as well. This is definitely not the way I would present offers and counter offers...
Comments 4
Right now in the Real Estate industry there are some wonderful opportunities for buyers to gain great deals.  My husband Tom was discussing this with his hair stylist.  Tom wound up writing an offer for a property for she and her husband to purchase as income property.  Networking is necessary in our industry.  We need to work together to make things happen. 
Comments 3
I am looking for online websites that tailor to property management companies. There is countless websites that generate buy/sell leads for me, but I am not finding very many online resources to post property management information. Any ideas?  
Comments 9
By Lucky Lang, Marco Island & Naples Florida Real Estate
(Premiere Plus Realty Marco Island)
Market Statistics for Moline, Illinois Real Estate Sales in the entire MLS Statistics for: Class=RE,CO,RI,CM,LA AND Date Range=1/2007-12/2007 AND Area=43; As Of: 1/1/2008   Class Bedrooms Current Active Avg List Price Avg DOM All All 224 $153,492 96 RE All 149 $131,497 76 RE 0-2 48 $79,875 75 RE 3-4 95 $131,475 75 RE 5+ 6 $544,816 108 CO All 40 $207,455 152 CO 0-2 24 $167,391 89 CO 3-4 16 $267,550 245 CO 5+ 0 $0 0 RI All 12 $150,308 55 CM All 9 $249,866 150 LA All 14 $174,178 156 Class Bedrooms Total Listed Num Sold Pct Sold Avg List Price Sold Avg Sale Price Sold Sale Price/List Price Ratio Avg DOM Sold Avg List Price Unsold Pct Expired All All 956 483 50.52% $118,683 $114,057 96.10% 60 $150,872 38.49% RE All 731 415 56.77% $113,971 $109,775 96.32% 52 $136,021 31.60% RE 0-2 223 135 60...
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By Fran Gaspari, "The Title Man" - Title Insurance - PA & NJ
(Patriot Land Transfer, Inc.)
Happy New Year...Friends, Subscribers, Associates! My grandmother who was always an inspiration in my life taught us that behaviour was especially important on the first day of the new year, inasmuch as however we behaved on that day set the tone for the rest of the year!I don't know how much validity that adage has or whether it's just an old wives tale, but what harm could it do if we were to adhere to that old saw!We're always hearing admonitions to take one day at a time...well what better way to start the year than by putting our best foot forward!Jonathan, the big kahuna at AR, gave us some keys to having a successful blog...some simple but powerful tools to ponder and incorporate into our posts! One of his ideas was to use as few words as necessary to convey our thoughts. I think...
Comments 26
By Jay Burnham, The Coldwell Banker Guy
(Coldwell Banker)
As most of us know, video is rapidly becoming the most used medium for all kinds of marketing...Just look at what Google paid for YouTube.  And real estate marketing is about to jump to another level with video being the engine that will drive this new force.  Oh sure, video has been around for awhile with virtual tours and the like, but it's about to "ramp up" with applications like video email, for example.Recently, I posted a Personal Profile video on YouTube that is receiving a lot of attention.  It's always nice to be among those on the cutting edge because it keeps you alert and focused.  I can thank Allen Hainge and his CyberStars group for enabling me to be associated with top agents that are continually breaking new ground and finding better ways to service their clients and cu...
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