Archives of real estate blog entries for August 01, 2007

Featured blog posts

By Jeff Belonger, The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans
( Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc)
Ocean City, NJ July 1st - 7thFor the last 6 years, our family goes down to Ocean City, New Jersey for a week. I go down with my parents, my sister, her husband, and their 4 kids. Ocean City is a true family resort if you have never been. Location is so key when looking for a rental or a home to buy for your summer getaway. This year we were on 6th and Central which meant that we were inline with the beginning of the boardwalk which starts off with Gillian's Wonderland Pier. Even though 5 blocks away, it's a direct shot to the rides. Here is where they have rides for all ages, and even adults can enjoy themselves.Gillian's Wonderland Pier 6th Street & the Boardwalk 609-399-7082  Ocean City's beach stretches for a few miles. Ocean City is a barrier island with bridge connections to Upper...
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  On Sunday afternoons Steve and I like to get on our Shovel Head and go for a ride. We'll go to one of our favorite hangouts where we know there is good food, good people and cold drinks.           Our favorite is the White Eagle Lounge in Korona, about a 15 minute ride north on US 1 from where we live. We have a history there, Steve's is a lot longer then mine. (He has known the owners for years) Long story short it is where we met during Bike Week of 06. We'll still point out to each other where he was sitting when we were introduced.       This isn't your typical "biker bar". On any given weekend when you walk in you will find a table of men who just finished a round of golf at Plantation Bay. The gal that introduced me to Steve is the fiancée of the well loved, now retired County ...
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By Randy L. Prothero, Missouri REALTOR, (808) 384-5645
(eXp Realty)
I was a little tentative about taking the Accredited Buyer's Representative (ABR) classes.  I have my CRS the granddaddy of designations and felt the ABR may be a CRS light.  There were three things that changed my mind and helped me make the decision to go for my ABR and take the classes:The predatory practices of several agents in the area.Professionalism; is it professional to work with a client without clearly spelling out your relationship in writing?The need to demonstrate to the public that I take my business serious.I have resisted using buyer's agency contracts in my business for several reasons.  The number one reason was I like the ability to stop working with a client who I decide I do not want to work with.  Many of you out there understand why I feel that way.  Although mo...
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By Lola Audu, Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI ~Welcome Home!
(Lola Audu~Audu Real Estate~Grand Rapids, MI Real Estate)
 "I saw your article!"  That was the first words out of Kristin's mouth as she lowered me into the chair to put shampoo in my hair.  It had been about two weeks since I posted a blog about Sananda Hair Salon in Grand Rapids, Michigan and the excellent service provided by my hairdresser and the staff of the salon. I had tried to explain to Kristin and her boss what I would be doing to promote their business in appreciation for the care and attention they had applied to my tresses through the years.  But, I'm not sure they truly understood.  They had never visited a blog.What Kristin said next was amazing.  She said "I googled "Sananda Spa" and your article came up!  Now, it was my turn to be surprised.  I hadn't expected my post to index so quickly on the Search Engine.  Now she was shar...
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By Harold Watts, Palm Springs Real Estate Blog
(Teles Properties)
Do you remember the theme song for the TV show "Cheers"? The song went something like this:  "Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name."  Now don't laugh, I never was a good singer!!   If you don't remember the song, you were probably born after 1983 and don't get the TV Land channel in your area.  As my friends will tell you, I have got a mind for useless TV & movie trivia.     Anyhow, that theme song is the same feeling I get when I go to my favorite hangout, Palm Springs Koffi.Opened in 2002 as an 800 square foot store by owner John Abner, Koffi is now twice its original size and has become the place where everyone goes to start their day.  It is located at the Corridors Shopping Center, on the corner of Alejo & N. Palm Canyon Dr, at the beginning of Downtown Palm Spr...
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By Angie Vandenbergh, A Crye-Leike Blogger
(Crye-Leike, Realtors)
I remember buying my first home. I had a stack of MLS print out sheets that my agent had given me. I found those sheets difficult to decipher. There seemed to be so much to weed through just to figure out how many bedrooms and bathrooms the next house on the tour had. Then on top of that add all of the abbreviations so commonly used in real estate. Today I was reminded of this when I read the following property description:"Rnvt'd kit w/corian, cust cherry cabs, new gas cooktop. Hrdwd flrs dwn. 3BRs 2BAs dwn. New HVAC upstrs. 2BRs 1BA up plus gamerm. Fabulous yd w/brk patio wrought iron gates, irrigation sys. New dble glass paned frt doors"And then I saw this one...."SUPER KIT W/STAINLESS APPLS, GLAZED CABS & GRANITE, ADJ HEARTHRM+SUNRM. LUXURY MBR W/BLT-INS IN DRESSING AREA" And this.....
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According to an article at  titled "Organization Accused of Plumping Foreclosure Numbers for News Media and Congress" says that Realty Trac who is probably the leading provider for foreclosure information could be guilty of inflating the number of foreclosures.  It appears they do not count just one foreclosure per property.  If a property has more than one mortgage that files forclosure on a property they count each one as a separate foreclosure.  With all the combo loans done in the past few years that could mean a lot of extra foreclosures being reported.It's not like it's just the media that uses info from Realty Trac Congress is using these potentially inflated numbers too.I am not trying to understate that there is a problem with foreclosures beca...
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By Janet Guilbault, San Francisco Bay Area Direct Mortgage Lender
(Platinum Home Mortgage Company)
 "LOOK FOR STATED INCOME LOANS TO SALARIED BORROWERS TO BE SEVERELY RESTRICTED OR ELIMINATED."The above statement was written in my blog on June 1, 2007. Here we are on August 1, and as any mortgage broker will tell you, the above statement has come true in a big way. Stated income, so casually used by the mortgage industry (especially in California and other high priced areas) has become the scapegoat for all the ills of the mortgage industry, and is pretty much extinct for salaried borrowers. Restrictions are much tougher for self employed borrowers, and stated income loans could disappear altogether.Just like banks always do, an OVERREACTION is usually the only kind of ACTION that is taken to solve any problem. So hunker down, because until stated income stops being the villain of th...
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By Rick & Ines - Miami Beach Real Estate
(Majestic Properties)
This is a pet peeve of mine and no matter how many times I say it, I see it all over the place.  Would you make sure to close the toilet lid before taking a photograph of the bathroom!!!Seriously, the toilet should never be the focus of the photograph, but if it needs to appear, CLOSE THE LID!!Both Jeff Turner and Neal Bloom just posted pictures of toilet bowl interiors - "It's a man thing", they say.But I'm not only going to pick on Jeff and Neal - take a look at some pictures by RICK.    It is really is funny to think that once that bowl is exposed, that's all you want to look at, no matter what the bathroom has to offer, it could be marble it could be the latest and greatest designer finishes.....the eye will go directly in the bowl.  So please do me and your real estate customer a f...
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By Real Estate Tomato, Real Estate Website Design Done Beautifully
(Real Estate Tomato)
I am here in San Francisco at the Inman Bloggers Connect Conference, about to go on stage to discuss the topic of lead generation through real estate blogging.  The most important question, that I know we are about to be asked is: What makes a real estate blog generated lead different from a website generated lead? This article, which was written weeks ago, was saved specifically for today. How Does Real Estate Blogging Actually Generate Leads? Here on the Tomato, we've already pointed out a few times how ensuring that you have a clearly visible call to action (read: Home Search, Home Value Report) is a necessary element to acquiring leads through your real estate blogsite. 1. How To Generate Leads Through Real Estate Blogging2. Your Real Estate Blog Is Bait3. The Starbucks Mistake All...
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Blog posts

By Allison Stewart, St. Cloud Fl Realtor, Osceola County Real Estate 407-616-9904
(St.Cloud Homes )
 Buyers and Sellers and Sales a delicate balancing act. Have your expectations been met or are they teetering precariously as the year draws to a close?   Finding the right balance is an art. Have your goals remained on target or have they failed to amount to a hill of beans?  Has your business plan stayed on target or are you using it for a dart board?  It is possible to excel in the current market?Setting reasonable goals and putting forth the effort to achieve those goals will almost always pay off. Too often we fall into the failure trap by setting unrealisitic expectations and then succumb to the frustrations of failing to reach those goals. In turbulent times,  flexibility is essential to survival both mentally and financially. The current market is more of an endurance race than ...
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By Dwayne West, Canton Georgia Real Estate
(Atlanta Real Estate)
How to improve your kitchen.When prospective buyers view your home, theyll pay particular attention to your kitchen and bathrooms. Before you list your home, make sure youre one step ahead by giving the kitchen and baths a detailed grooming. You???ll want to contact a professional to arrange for any necessary major repairs, but there???s a lot you can do yourself to brighten up the most used places in the house.Chipped ceramic, stained porcelain, and/or corroded faucets are sure to catch the buyers eye. Replace the faucets and fixtures if necessary.Repaint the walls and ceilings, and replace wallpaper for a bright, fresh look. Stay neutral, and avoid trendy or bright colors.Mini-blinds should be taken down and cleaned and curtains should be laundered and pressed.Clean all the kitchen ap...
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By Dwayne West, Canton Georgia Real Estate
(Atlanta Real Estate)
As the kids go back to school and the weather changes, we offer these important reminders for a safer fall season for back-to-school. If your child comes home from school before you get home from work, instruct him or her to never open the door to a stranger or let a phone caller know he or she is home alone. Also, make sure your child knows the code for your security system, so that his or her departure or arrival won't set off the alarm.For HalloweenLeave a light on at the front door, and sweep your walkway clear of dead leaves or debris which might cause your guests to slip. Also, remove hoses and sprinklers from the lawn - children don't always use the sidewalk! Use battery-powered lights instead of candles for jack-o'-lanterns. And keep your jack-o'-lantern clear of people's paths....
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By Lori Lincoln And Associates, Top Agent Taunton,Dighton Rehoboth &more
(Top Agent Serving Dighton Taunton, Rehoboth and more!)
If you are facing foreclosure, you may have recourse especially if you are a victim of predatory lending. Devol Patrick, the govenor of Massachusetts has declared a moretoreum on foreclosures on primary residences in MA.     He is urging banks to rework loans and/ or work with the homeowners to stop them from losing their homes.   There is  also an organization in Boston that assists homeowners who are at risk. Go to all of your options. Communicate with the bankFind a good attorneyYou may be able to stop the foreclosure, at least temporarily, put your home on the market, and move on with your life
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By Dwayne West, Canton Georgia Real Estate
(Atlanta Real Estate)
An Atlanta Real Estate, Cumming Georgia Real Estate or Lake Lanier Real Estate or Alpharetta real estate, or any of the surrounding metro Atlanta  homes is usually the largest single investment any of us will ever make. When you purchase a home, you will purchase several types of insurance coverage to protect your home and personal property. Homeowners or hazard insurance protects against loss from fire, theft, or wind damage. Flood insurance protects against rising water. And a unique coverage known as title insurance protects against hidden title hazards that may threaten your financial investment in your home.Title Insurance is not as well understood as other types of home insurance, but it is just as important. You see, when purchasing a home, instead of purchasing the actual buildi...
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By Leslie Godbold, Motivation Speaker, Radio host "Positively Living"
(WZGM AM1350 Independent Asheville Radio)
When I started Active Rain I was thrilled and quickly got addicted. Everyone was helpful, friendly and always had that dose of encouragement.After a few weeks I noticed people commenting but not blogging. I would look at a new -to- me blogger and see that they had been very active blogging but then slowed down to comments? Were they bored? Ran out of the staging passion?We join Active Rain to learn ,network ,meet fellow stagers and to make our business thrive. Well it happens.Normally we are all busy but we have one day a week set aside for bookkeeping and taxes, scheduling, client contact, marketing and the first thing we want to do on that day ( and admit it EVERY DAY) is AR blog and read. But every so often your business starts running full full force, I am talking 6 to 7 days a week...
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By Sybil Holcomb
(Ayres Realty)
.I just closed a home last week for a first time home-buyer that was a personal referral to me from a previous client.  This couple was young with one small child and they started out telling me of some issues they had with credit etc.After putting them in touch with a lender and the lender tells me everything should be fine just a couple little things, we proceeded to write a contract on a home we found on our 2nd trip out.  Well I keep waiting, and waiting to get that phone call that let's me know we start our hurdle jumping.  IT NEVER CAME.  WHY?Because this young couple, having gotten in some serious debt with 1)youth, 2) a preemie baby that required a lot of hospital care, had moved in with her parents and proceeded to pay off debts, save and scrimp on every part of their life that...
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By Lori Lincoln And Associates, Top Agent Taunton,Dighton Rehoboth &more
(Top Agent Serving Dighton Taunton, Rehoboth and more!)
Many of you have worked with homeowners who have had a listing expire.  I personally work them faithfully. I am finding that the challenge lately is not getting the listing. It's battling the Days on Market. So I take the listing, reduce the price ( in most cases), give it my all in terms of marketing, communicating with the seller, prospecting for showings etc..BUT..In a buyers mind, when the listing is just sitting there for 6 months, a year or more, with 3-4 different agents, the buyers seem to think there is something wrong with the house,even if the price has been reduced.If the homeowner re-lists right away, the DOM doesn't go away. Do you advise the homeowner to wait 3 months so the DOM dissappears? I've tried this before, only to see that another agent listed the property.Any op...
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By Diane Velikis, Luzerne County Real Estate
(Coldwell & Banker Busch Real Estate)
                                                                                      LUZERNE COUNTY SOUNDING BOARD         Hi I'm Diane Velikis the grandmother, wife, and owner of Sinbad the Rotwieler, and you guessed it Realtor. For more about Real Estate refer to my web site @ Luzerne County House Hunter. Enough about me. This is a Sounding Board for all of Luzerne County. Do you have something interesting about your nieghboorhood you would like to discuss? Local politics your passion? Ladies do you have a secret family recipe that you would like to share? How about photo's of your area? What ever you would like to discuss I welcome your opinion at this gathering. All I ask is that you do not use profanity, and no spam.                                             Enjoy Enjoy The Grea...
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By Suburban Chicago Illinois Real Estate
(Suburban Village Realty)
There are over 150 floor plans for age restricted communities in Chicagoland and many of these new "Active Adult" communities are doing pretty well in sales.  Active Adult communities are nothing new and their popularity soared in areas like Phoenix and Las Vegas especially with the many popular Del Webb communities such as Sun City Summerlin and Anthem County Club in Las Vegas.  Trade off to live in one of these communities?  Moving out of Chicago away from family and friends.  As the baby boomer generation continues to age, it only makes sense for new Chicago home builders to bring the "Active Adult" concept to the metropolitan Chicago area.  These communities can be very appealing to the empty nester's looking to downsize and be around active adults with many community amenities such...
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I live my dreams now.  I pursue my dreams and desires everyday.  I eliminate procrastination.  I do it now. Dreams are wonderful things.  You can make them whatever you want them to be.  The problem is that most people never take the time to figure out what it is they really want.Ask yourself the question, "What do I want?" The answer should be immediate, clear, and easily stated.  If not, you probably haven't devoted enough attention to discovering whatever it is that you truly want.I have created what I call a dream book.  It contains pictures, images, and statements that help me focus on what I really want to be, do and have.  The Law of Attraction reveals that what we focus on, we attract into our lives.What do you want to be?What do you want to do?What do you want to have?Figure ou...
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By John March, "Engage, connect, prosper" (Matt 6:33)
(Charisma Media Group, LLC)
"Walking along the beach of Lake Galilee, Jesus saw two brothers: Simon (later called Peter) and Andrew. They were fishing, throwing their nets into the lake. It was their regular work. Jesus said to them, "Come with me. I'll make a new kind of fisherman out of you. I'll show you how to catch men and women instead of perch and bass." They didn't ask questions, but simply dropped their nets and followed." (From The Message, Matthews Gospel Chapter 4 verses 18-20)From a tiny fishing village....The two prospects, went out and got a few more, that turned into 75 new takers and then 3000 and then millions of "believers" all over the world.Some Direct Response Marketing Lessons:Make Direct Contact: Jesus said to themInvite prospects  (Be a leader) : "Come with me."Create an interesting offer...
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By Linda Scanlan
(A Fan of AR)
I was looking at the 24 hour market watch on our MLS in Ft. Worth and noticed that the new listings and solds were near each other in number. Do you think this indicates a steady market? Then I noticed the expired listings and the inactive combined were much higher in number. Is this happening in your area as well? It seems that  the new listings and solds are cancelled out by the expireds and inactives.Maybe I'm looking at this wrong and should think that the new listings are being sold, but the expireds and inactives concern me.Maybe it shouldn't. Look at all the business it could bring me!  24-Hour Market WatchNew Listings227  Back on Market58  Price Increases23  Price Reductions174  Contingents67  Pendings108  Solds219  Expireds273  Inactives114  
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The inventory of single family detached homes for sale in Reston was about 100 homes active on the market as of the 1st of August 2007 with new contracts running about 20 a month.  Consequently, the absorbtion rate for these homes is about 5 months on the market.  Comparing the closed prices to the original list prices year-to-date ... Closing prices average about 6% below original list prices.  Like to see currently available Single Family homes in Reston ... visit  
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By Randy Chapman
(Randy J. Chapman FL Lic. Real Estate Broker)
In early June during a mandated Special Session both houses of the Florida State Legislature overwhelmingly passed short term property tax relief for 2007 and an amendment for long term relief to be voted on in January 2008 at the same time as the Presidential Primary. The bill offers immediate short term property tax relief by rolling back property taxes to 2006 levels and then imposing a property tax reduction of up to nine percent based on the increased revenue counties collected the past several years. In short, the Florida counties that had the greatest increase in tax revenue have  to cut back the most. Information regarding this will be in another blog shortly. In Indian River County, one of the counties I work, the estimated immediate reduction would be five percent. In St. Luc...
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By Maureen McCabe, Columbus Ohio Real Estate
(HER Realtors)
Where's Mr. Roger's when you need him?  Of course Mr. Rogers died a few years ago, may he rest in peace. Neighborhood from  "neigh·bor·hood(nbr-hd)n.1. A district or area with distinctive characteristics: a neighborhood of fine homes; an ethnic neighborhood.2. The people who live near one another or in a particular district or area: The noise upset the entire neighborhood.3. The surrounding area; vicinity: happened to be in the neighborhood.4. Informal Approximate amount or range: in the neighborhood of five million dollars.5. Friendliness appropriate to a neighbor: a feeling of neighborhood.6. Mathematics The set of points surrounding a specified point, each of which is within a certain, usually small distance from the specified point." One of my least favorite p...
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By Maggie Dokic | Miami, FL | 888.883.8509 X101, GREEN, CDPE, SFR, Pinecrest | Palmetto Bay |
(eXp Realty LLC)
As I prepared to close up the Open House on Sunday a few teenagers showed up.  I welcomed them in and thought it was odd that they had no adults with them.  An Open House isn't the usual teenage draw. The property is a builder's model and I invited them to look around.  The girls were all giggly and the boy just followed along as if he had no choice in the matter. When they finished looking at the house they gravitated over to where I had my marketing materials and looked at them as one girl in particular asked me questions about becoming a Realtor.  I kept wondering where all this was going and then realized by her responses that she was genuinely interested! She asked a ton of questions.  How long does it take to become a salesperson?  Where does one go for the classes?  How old does...
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By Pete Blondin
(ERA Teachers Inc)
The inventory of townhomes for sale in Reston was about 170 homes active on the market as of the 1st of August 2007 with new contracts running about 55 a month.  Consequently, the absorbtion rate for these homes is about 3 months on the market.  Comparing the closed prices to the original list prices year-to-date ... Closing prices average about 4% below original list prices.  Like to see currently available Townhomes in Reston ... visit
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By Leon Austin, Colorado Springs Mobile Notary
(Mobile Notary Services)
Yes. Without a doubt. At some point in our career we will find ourselves in a situation where the knowledge of a foreign language will be very helpful. And in some cases, necessary.Knowing a foreign language not only expands your horizons, it expands your business opportunities.  The more proficient you are in a language, the more you will be able to do with it.  In the beginning you may want to simply have a reading knowledge of a language.  This can be done with the aid of a good dictionary, and a knowledge of the grammar. It's one of the skills that lends itself best to self-study. This skill alone will enable you to do a lot more with your notary commission.  At some point you will want to be able to converse in a foreign language: have the ability to speak the language, and underst...
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By Gary Nelson, REALTOR , CRS, CDPE, e-Pro, GRI
(RE\MAX Components)
Cecil County continues this month with a steady supply of homes, below are the report for the month of July 2007:Total Active:     958Total under contract:    167Total Sold:    69Total Withdrawn/Expired:    112The numbers has not changed all that much in Cecil County, there are less homes available today than there were in June; but the amount is not even noticable.  We still see some movement, though as with other places in the state; it is still slow.  Lets hope the economic reports for this week will help out with interest rates, which in turn might help out with buyers getting of the fence and make a move.Gary and Mary Nelson, REALTORLong and Foster Real Estate, Inc. 
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