Archives of real estate blog entries for March 01, 2007

Featured blog posts

By Desiree Daniels
(RE/MAX Tri County)
Have agents gotten lazy or is this the Trend I am just not following.   I've always been know as a "rebel" but this is one horse I am not riding.I have to say my disappointment in the real estate community here in Soprano land has been disappointing at best.      I have am the team leader with 4 buyers agents that work for me.  What this means is I rarely show homes.  But lately do to some scheduling difficulties I have been.   What is with agents claiming to be professionals and not doing what I thought was OUR job?   Is it just me.   I am showing homes there's no profile sheets at the property.. if there is anything its a print out from the MLS at best.  Isn't it our job to market the home and make sure the appropriate information is ready for a "quick grab" when the agent and clients...
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Yesterday I was working at my desk trying to refine my power point presentation and figure out how to send it via email so it was easy and quick to download.  The phone was ringing off the hook about all the ads I had placed, the i-net directory listings I had subscribed too and, well you all know how it goes when you are really, really trying to concentrate on something and keep getting interrupted!  So, the phone rings again.  It is a new customer who found me in the directory listing I had just done the day before.  She was in a crunch situation and ,I mean a crunch, situation to get the house staged tomorrow for a Tuesday open house for realtors.  That means, THE WEEKEND, and we are supposed to have a frog-drowner weekend storm. I've told everyone who thinks I ought to be a realtor ...
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By Justin Smith
(Christian Real Estate Network & SpeakMyLanguage)
Man, we sure have come a long way in just a few short years… If you are familiar with the Wayback Machine, then you know how addictive it can be. I thought it would be fun to take a look at some old real estate websites… — February 9th, 2006 (Zillow officially opens it’s doors to the public. Back then, they claimed 60 million homes, now they claim 67 million. In one year’s time this company has turned the real estate industry upside down in controversy, and has spearheaded much of real estate’s web 2.0 growth.) — January 2nd, 1997 (Before it changed owners a few times) — April 28th 2006 (Before ActiveRain became a huge blogging community for real estate professionals, it was a lead generating service.)  ... Read the rest of the article, and t...
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By Bryce Mohan
(Bryce Mohan Photography)
  Today's article is going to cover Dynamic Range Let me kick this off by explaining that you own two of the best cameras in the world, not only are they vastly superior in every way to any camera in existence but they don't cost a cent (though they can be dang hard to replace). I'm talking about your eyes of course. The human eye can see a tremendous range between light and dark (in photographic terms this is called highlight and shadow). The total tones available between the highlight and shadow is called the dynamic range. Unfortunately the best cameras money can buy can only see about 11 or 12 stops of light between the darkest point and the brightest point. This means your camera simply cannot reproduce the range of light and dark that you are seeing. If you are using a consumer po...
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By George Tallabas, Idaho Real Estate
(RE/MAX Advantage)
Many Realtors over the years have come into the business and looked at real estate as a way to make money and looked at it as numbers.  "I have to have take many listings" and "I have to make this many sales" and "I have to have this many closings".  They have charts in their office that tracks the number of listings each month and the number of sales and closings each month.While this is good and fine and is part of having a business plan and road map to build your business, it is important to remember that real estate isn't a big transaction, it's a relationship built on trust and respect.Listings are someone's home- This is the place they call home and where memories were created.  Let's make sure and give them the respect they deserve.  Let's present them with a market analysis and ...
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By Robert Hammerstein -, Bergen County NJ Real Estate
(Christie's International Real Estate )
Connections are the key!  Who Are Your Connections?  Well that could be a two fold answer that the members of Active Rain are beginning to understand more and more as we grow in numbers.  Today, I read Colleen Kulikowski's post on spotlighting new members to the Active Rain Network.  This is just one of the many Keys to how we, as Real Estate Professionals make Connections.  The key to making Connections is not just who you know but how you reach out to them.  Your connections could be viewed as any of the following:Your Past Client BaseYour Current Customers or ClientsYour Professional PeersYour Professional AssociationsThe Friendships and Bonds you form on the Active Rain NetworkWe tap into so many resources when we are connecting to others in the business world.  When I think of the ...
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By Amber Riviere
(Brown Bug, LLC)
Lately, I've been all over the place (physically, but mostly mentally).  This started not too long ago when I did something that went completely against my plan.  More importantly, it went against the grain, against who I am and what I want for my life and business.  I knew it almost immediately.  Funny thing was, I actually knew it before I even did it.  Yet, I did it anyway because of some crazy feeling of obligation or guilt.  For a second I was living "out of integrity," but this too seemed to elude me.  I mean, I knew something was off, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.  Then I picked up the book by Michael Port, Book Yourself Solid, to browse through it for the third or fourth time, and I came across this paragraph.Have you compromised yourself or watered yourself down in a...
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By Rich Schiffer, Referral Agent, e-PRO
I would like to see a development in the Groups Feature to allow for "Private Groups"  These would be by invitation only from the groups founder or moderators.I can see using this feature to have a private group for associates from a particular office, or any number of other groups that would want to discuss things in a blog format, visible to members of the group only, with control over who could join the group.  This seems to be a standard feature with networkign sites like myspace, aol, facebook, and others.Is there a reason AR hasn't gone this way?  Or am I not understanding the intention of the groups feature?
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By Susan Milner, Cape Coral Real Estate Broker, FloridaFutureAgents
(Florida Future Realty, Inc.)
Being in SW Florida, I hear concerns from people about Hurricanes from time to time. We usually end up discussing historical data, newest hurricane codes & then I typically go into 'natural disasters elsewhere'. Honestly, I cannot think of a single place to live that there won't be something weatherwise to concern yourself with. Basically it comes down to picking the ones that least annoy you, or maybe are least likely to kill you.Here are some I can think of: HurricanesTornadoesMudslidesBlizzardsFiresFloodsHeatWindEarthquakesI found an article put on USA Today that goes into more detail about these things.They also have a cool interactive map to show you where these natural disasters occur.So, what natural disasters do you have to explain in your area?Oh, I almost forget Florida is als...
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By Jeff Belonger, The FHA Expert - FHA Loans - FHA mortgages - USDA loans - VA Loans
( Social Media - Infinity Home Mortgage Company, Inc)
I live in a very quaint, humble, friendly town called Haddonfield, New Jersey. We have about 8 restaurants in a town with about 12,000 residents. About half of these restaurants are well-known in the Southern New Jersey area and I am getting to know them as the year goes on. Well, in the middle of last week, I decided to take someone to one of these restaurants. The restaurant that we visited was called Duo Italian Bistro. It happened to be a late dinner of about 7 pm and we were one of the last ones to leave. I had the pleasure of meeting one of the owners who came over to ask how our dinner was. As we were speaking, I had the opportunity of telling him what I do for a living. Imagine that, talk about perfect timing. He is actually looking to purchase a home in Charlotte, North Carolin...
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By Kay Van Kampen, Realtor®, Springfield Mo Real Estate
(RE/MAX Broker, RE/MAX)
  Each year for the past six years, I've worked the local Business Expo at the Ozark High School.  This is one of the greatest times to network with all the business vendors in the area.  This year is no excepion to my difficulty in figuring out what would be good promo items to give away.  I have the normal scratch pads, letter openers, refrigerator magnets, etc.  One of the best items I've found is magnetic screwdrivers.  A little costly, but everyone loves them. The Ozark High School allows the local Chamber of Commerce to hold the Business Expo in one of the great auditoriums of the school.  We usually have a very large turn out and each year the expo grows.  With Christian County being the fastest growing county in Missouri, small businesses are poping up on a daily basis.Anyone ha...
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By Matt LaClear
(Matt LaClear Enterprises)
Are you aware of the precise reason why people fail so often in their lives?Are you aware many people view you yourself as a failure?Certainly you can look through your own life and find a few areas you are failing at. No one is successful in everything they do. The number one reason I created was to create a free feeding center designed to help you overcome obstacles you may be facing in your life and help you to become the success you were created to become. And yes that does include teaching you how to make a buck or two online!So every once in a while you can cut me some slack if something I say or write to you offends you.  I do what I do to help you and to build you up. Not to tear you down.But before I can build you up I may first have to help you tear some...
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By Brian Brady, 858-699-4590
(Matthews Capital Markets)
Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry to the Carnival of The Economics of Real Estate.  We had over fifteen entries:All of the entries have a star next to then and can be read here.Notable entries from newcomers to the group include: Greg Swann with The Math of Real Estate Sales...  Michael Cook with How to Value Options in Real Estate  Karen George with Know Your Home Loan Basics Zero Down  Loans and Who Can Afford My Home? Irene Potter with 1st True Encounter With a Redfin Buyer Keith Gill posted MMA Type mortgage Accelerator programs and Negative Amort Option arms Old Econ Group Salts Posted:  Renee Burrows outlines her journey to wealth and analyzes the subprime fallout. David Podgursky  took solace in poor economic news and reviewed the theory of constraint. Janeanne Narrin ...
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By Brad Andersohn, ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
(Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp)
I just got another referral from Activerain today! I love you guys!! I signed up 6 days ago and already, it's changed my life, my business, my outlook on blogging, my placement on google searches, and my income. If you are not a part of this phenomenon, you just are missing the boat!I have told so many of my clients and my resources, they are all getting on the wagon.  I am teaching aclass on the 15th of March to share this awesome network with others. In 6 days, I have had over 51 people sign up, 3 referrals, 3 Featured headline posts, and found 3 people I had lost over time. WOW! INCREDIBLE!  I am proud to say that I am a member of the AR Real Estate Network.  I truly look forward to the unlimited possibilities that will be generated from AR!  My cyber door is always open to you. Than...
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By Monika McGillicuddy, Southern NH & the Seacoast Area
(Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Verani Realty)
I'm feeling nostalgic...don't really know why but I am. I've been a real estate professional for 22 years now.  I've been through many ups and downs...good markets and bad ones....been there... done that and got the T- shirt! Over the years I've seen many agents come and go...the lure of "easy" money and then the reality of having to really work hard to earn that easy money sets in and poof their gone! Years ago I once trained an agent who after sitting through 2 weeks of our company's new agent training program thought he knew it all. I thought to myself...I'll give him a month. His first customer did him in...he showed her four houses and refused to show her more...he thought she should just buy one of the four he showed her and she should be grateful that he had taken the time to sh...
Comments 31
Hello ActiveRainers, allows you to embed an almost real-time, animated widget (webpage component) of the latest real estate blog posts into your website. Blog posts are collected from all over the web including ActiveRain and added to FeedPot within minutes or seconds from the time they are posted.You can see in action here.And here is the code to embed it into your site.It is similar to a stock or news tickers, but gathers the collecting wisdom of real estate professionals for yours and your visitors' entertainment....While writing this post, I got notified of the following articles, which I would have never found otherwise among the thousands of posts regular information portals aggregate:A View from The Lanai Building BlocksLet me know what you think about Feed...
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By Robert Ratliff, RE/MAX Realtor Las Vegas
(Ratliff Realty Group RE/MAX Las Vegas)
Are you dreaming of painting a graffiti on your rival blog ?? Your dreams have already come true !! Now Netdisaster gives you a chance to do so. You can draw graffiti, throw some nukes, tomatoes, paintballs or even drop some worms, dinosaurs, aliens, snail and flies and much much more modes of destruction.Just go to and pick you rivals target URL and select the mode of destruction. Have fun !!PS: If your looking forward to throw some tomatoes on my blog, click this link.
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By Toby Barnett, Toby Barnett
(KW North Sound)
As I spend more and more time on ActiveRain I wonder who is in control of featuring posts. This is not a rant of why my posts aren't being featured but the ever decreasing quality and un originality of posts that appear on the homepage. There seems to be no quality control over the posts and some to seem blantent advertisements of services and websites.My knowledge has led me to believe that the ActiveRain gang has employed (for lack of a better word) people to help feature posts. This is a good thing IMO because it frees their time for more important aspects of the network. But of of late I have seen posts that are just plain bad, poor and that haven't had any intellectual thought put into them. I mean, is there a minimum character or word requirement for a feature? If not then I'll st...
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Blog posts

By Christina Ethridge
(The North Idaho Dream Team powered by SKE Realty Group)
Is anyone using this?  Has anyone used this?  I am the web person and it's up to me to implement it - has anyone found it useful?  Does it automatically assign an action plan the minute the lead is imputted as well?  Can you use multiple weblinks - ie, one page is a certain type of lead (by the form they filled out) - another page is another type of lead?TIA! 
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By Sarah Cooper
(Real Estate Shows)
I'd like you to meet my dog Pepper.  Living with Pepper has been interesting, to say the least.  I first met Pepper when I was volunteering at our local animal shelter as a dog walker.  I called him Otto because he reminded me of an ottoman, long and low.  He's a Border Collie/Basset Hound mix, with a big dog body on very short, sturdy legs.  While I knew that walking the dogs, photographing them and putting their information online was helping, I didn't feel like it was "enough".  I wanted to SAVE somebody.  It couldn't be just any dog.  I needed one that was gentle enough not to hurt the older dog I already had.  I have two cats, so that would have to be considered, too.  He needed to love people.  He needed to be HOUSETRAINED.  I knew Pepper had a great personality, and when the shel...
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By Frank Helderle
(RE/MAX Best Choice)
We are going to be at The Marriott. We're inviting any and all Active Rain RE/MAX bloggers to stop by and say HI. Anytime between 3-5 on Sunday afternoon at the  Champions Sports Bar1-404-586-6908 American Open for lunch and dinner A lively atmosphere to enjoy American-style pub fare, sports TV and nightly entertainment  I think it is on the main level and we hope to see everyone. we can exchange business cards get to know one another and talk about AR. I like to know the agent I'm referring business to. See you Sunday. Have a great convention while in Atlanta. Please email me if you plan on stopping by.Frank J. Helderle"WE ALWAYS HAVE TIME FOR YOUR REFERRALS"
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By David Petrovich
(S.P.O.C.H. a 501c3 Charitable NP)
With tortoise-like pace, states are considering, then enacting legislation to curtail predatory lending,  and deceptive realty practices. California has strict criteria governing how "foreclosure consultants" conduct business with financially distressed homeowners.  Maryland's new laws and document recording systems seek to limit the extent to which speculative investors make front end profits at the expense of a distressed and possibly ill-informed seller.  On February 1, 2007, New York enacted the Home Equity Theft Protection Act.The key to the Act is to retroactively protect a homeowner who has conveyed a deed to a predator (or anyone later identified to be engaged in the practice of deed stealing or equity theft sometimes referred to as "creative real estate investing") who has made...
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By Steven Benedetto
(Drew Mortgage Associates)
Hi everyone- just wanted to drop by and say hello. IF you have any questions please feel free to conatct me!! My website is Care, Steve Benedetto
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By Teri Eckholm, REALTOR Serving Mpls/St Paul North & East Metro
(Boardman Realty)
2007 is a big year for Anoka County. It marks 150 years since it was officially formed. To honor this occassion, the Anoka County Historical Society is planning a big Sesquientennial Celebration. the scheduled events:Wagon Train20 Wagons and 50 head of livestock with travel across the county from Coon Lake to the Anoka County fairgrounds April 12-20 Photo History ExhibitsA traveling historical photo exhibit will be tour through each of the 21 communities in Anoka County.A stationary historical photo exhibit, Picturing Anoka County--150 Photos for 150 Years, will be on display through the end of the year at the Anoka County History Center in Anoka. Heritage Quilt Competition and ExhibitionIn conjunction with the Anoka county fair, the will be a special quilting competition with a 150th A...
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RealtyTrac released its January 2007 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report, which shows that 130,511 new foreclosure filings were reported during the month, an increase of 19 percent from the previous month and an increase of 25 percent from January 2006. The report also shows a national foreclosure rate of one new foreclosure filing for every 886 U.S. households. "January's foreclosure number represented the highest monthly number we've seen since we began issuing this report two years ago," said James J. Saccacio, chief executive officer of RealtyTrac. "The month-over-month increase is similar to what we saw last January, when foreclosures shot up 27 percent from the previous month; however, the year-over-year increase of 25 percent is well below the 45 percent annual increase we saw in Janu...
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By Teri Eckholm, REALTOR Serving Mpls/St Paul North & East Metro
(Boardman Realty)
Reality television home improvement shows are no doubt fun to watch. It is amazing to see a small room or entire home transformed into a show place. Some of the most unbelievable transformations are on children's rooms. They will take a theme like the racecars or princesses and make a child's dream come true. As a Realtor, my favorite part of the show Trading Places: Boys vs. Girls, is at the very end when the parents arrive to see the redecorated room for the first time. Whether there are ropes hanging from the ceiling, a psychedelic paint job or artificial grass on the floor, the reactions are priceless. Sure they are saying "awesome" for the television cameras, but are they really happy with the new rooms? As a parent, I know how quickly kids grow out of favorite toys, colors and act...
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By Vickie Kessinger
(Prudential Carolinas)
Experts say that properties advertised online and supported by at least six high-quality photos sell quicker than those using fewer. To boost your listings over the competition, consider these features when purchasing a digital camera: Panoramic pictures. Panoramic or stitched-together photos are a series of pictures that are joined together, either by using the camera's software, or software bought independently, to create one wide-angle shot. For example, by placing a camera on a tripod in the middle of the room, you can take a number of adjacent shots, stitch them together, and create a 360-degree view of the room. Image stabilization. Also called anti-shake technology, image stabilization lets you avoid blur while shooting in low-light situations. The camera uses either a gyroscope ...
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By Mike (Inspector Mike) Parks, Inspector Mike
(Inspector Mike)
Is your Home Inspector certified? While the State of Ohio has no regulations on Home Inspectors there are companies that do perform Home Inspections with certified personnel. One of the most important certifications is that of an Electrical Safety Inspector (ESI). ESI's have been certified since 1970. See 3783 ORC . From the City of Hilliard's website:   PLEASE REMEMBER; "The most dangerous wiring is the wiring that has never been looked at by a State Certified Electrical Inspector." Another is that of a Residential Building Inspector. This is a new certification as of 27 May 2006. See 3781 ORC . Prior to this date anyone could perform new construction inspections. This is a result of the new Residential Code of Ohio 2006 (RCO). There is now one standard for the entire state. Prior to t...
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By Bill O'Connell
(Peconic River Woodworking, LLC)
I didn't grow up in the woodworking business.  I came into the woodworking business from being a small business consultant.  That has given me a different perspective, a perspective of seeing things for the first time, dramatically rather than through a slowly evolving process.Although I always had an affinity for fine woodwork, I didn't really know what makes custom woodwork special.  I have learned that lesson and I am still saying, Wow!So what makes the difference between custom woodworking on the high end and stock cabinets you can buy in the home improvement store?  It's a lot to explain in a single installment, so I will break it up into easily digestible bites.When I see woodwork in a home, restaurant, or office one of the first things I look for are seams.  With custom woodworki...
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By Valerie Archer Belardo, Broker Owner
(REMAX at Home)
Besides using the panic alarm to find your car in a parking lot...     Put your car keys beside your bed at night. If you hear a noiseoutside your home or someone trying to get in your house, just press thepanic button for your car.   The alarm will be set off, and the horn will continue to sound untileither you turn it off or the car battery dies.      This tip came from a neighborhood watch coordinator.      Next time you come home for the night and you start to put your keysaway, think of this:   It's a security alarm system that you probably already have andrequires no installation. Test it!   It should go off from most everywhere inside your house and will keephonking until your battery runs down or until you reset it with thebutton on the key fob chain. It works if you park in you...
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By Valerie Archer Belardo, Broker Owner
(REMAX at Home)
A camera doesn't come for free. So, especially if you own a nice one, it's smart to take care of it. Here are some tips that apply to taking care of virtually any camera. They're mostly common sense. But take a look and see how many you routinely apply. •1.       Always put the camera strap around your neck WHENEVER taking pictures so if the camera slips, it doesn't drop on the ground. If it comes with only a short strap, hook a longer one to it. •2.       Never set the camera on a surface when there is a lower surface below it. Example: setting a camera on the back seat of a car where it can fall down onto the floor; set it on the floor to begin with. •3.       In a restaurant, set the camera in the center of the table. Never hang it on the back of the chair or leave it on the edge of ...
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By Janice Lipka
Shouldn't sellers have a "Bill Of Rights"?? ( A commitment to service signed by the broker)Some things to be expected by the sellers from their Real Estate Office:1. A sellers net sheet.2. Quality photos taken of their home inside and out, to be used for marketing.3. A comparable Market Analysis (CMA) based on home sales in their area, to be reviewed every month.4. Assistance in finding a home in another community or in another state.5. A Home protection plan for the seller that will transfer to a buyer for one year.6. Show home to qualified buyers only.7. Regular Open Houses.8. TO BE CONTACTED FREQUENTLY FOR UPDATES.9.  This BIll of Rights to be signed by the broker. If the broker can not remedy any of the issues not done in ten days the listing contract is to be voided.I am sure there...
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By Suzanne Willems
(Willems Realtors)
The answers to these questions will help you decide:1. How much equity do you have in your home? Look at your annual mortgage statement or call your lender to find out. Usually, you don't build up much equity in the first few years of paying a mortgage, but if you've owned your home for a number of years, you may have significant unrealized gains.2. Has your income increased enough to cover the extra mortgage costs and the costs of moving? 3. Is the neighborhood still a good one for your needs? For example, if you've had children, the quality of the schools may be more of a concern now than when you first purchased.4. Can you add on or remodel? If you have a large yard, there might be room to expand your home. If not, your options may be limited? Also, do you want to undertake the heada...
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By Mark Prete
(Templeton Mortgage)
The Mortgage industry has been given a black eye over the past few years.It is because many loan officers are un-educated in the products and services they are offering.I will provide customers and people with questions  correct answers to all mortgage questions.A home is the most important expense you will ever purchase.Don`t go in blind, be educated.Remember there are no stupid questions ,when learning something new.
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By Vickie Kessinger
(Prudential Carolinas)
A guy took his blond girlfriend to her first football game. They hadgreat seats right behind their team's bench.After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience."Oh, I really liked it," she replied, "especially the tight pants andall the big muscles. But I just couldn't understand why they were killingeach other over 25 cents."Dumbfounded, her date asked, "What do you mean?""Well, before the game started, they flipped a coin. One team got it andthen for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was, 'Get thequarterback! Get the quarterback!' I'm like Helloooooo? It's only 25 cents!!!!"
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By Ryan Hukill - Edmond, Realtor, Team Lead
(ShowMeOKC Real Estate Pros of KW Elite)
OK, so far, I've shown you what $100,000, $200,000, $300,000, $400,000, $500,000, $600,000, $700,000, and $800,000 will buy in the Edmond Real Estate market. Today, I'm showcasing an amazing home in NW Edmond, off Coffee Creek & Western.Here's what you get in Edmond, OK for around $900,000:This 4 bed, 4.5 bath 2-story brick home was built in 2002 on 5 wooded acres and has 5 living & 2 dining areas in 6010 square feet MOL. It has an outdoor kitchen w/ gas fire pit, a media room, a game room and tons of hardwood flooring. It also offers 3 fireplaces, a 4-car attached garage, a guest house, stamped concrete drive, beautiful landscaping, 2 outdoor patios, heavy composition shingle roof, and zoned gas heat w/ zoned electric cooling. The description on the OKC MLS reads as follows:Beautiful e...
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By Valerie Archer Belardo, Broker Owner
(REMAX at Home)
There are times when the economy is brisk and everyone feels confident about his or her prospects for the future. As a result, they spend money. People eat out more, buy new cars, and.......they buy new homes.Then, for one reason or another, the economy slows down. Companies lay off employees and consumers are more careful about where they spend money, perhaps saving more than usual. As a result, the economy decelerates even further. If it slows enough, we have a recession.During such a time, fewer people are buying homes. Even so, some homeowners find themselves in a situation where they must sell. Families grow beyond the capacity of the home, employees get relocated, and some may even find themselves unable to make their mortgage payment - perhaps because of a layoff in the family.Su...
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By Valerie Archer Belardo, Broker Owner
(REMAX at Home)
One problem with attempting to time your purchase to the business cycle is that no one can accurately predict the future. Another challenge is that interest rates are generally higher during a depressed market and income may not be keeping up. For that reason, fewer people can qualify for a home purchase than in more prosperous times.Why You Should Not WaitPlus, this strategy generally works best for first-time buyers. People who already have a home usually need to sell it in order to buy their next one. If a "move-up" buyer wants to buy a home during a depressed market, that means they usually have to sell one during the slow market, too. If a seller wants to sell his home to take advantage of a "hot" market when prices are fairly high, they generally have to buy their next home during...
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