activerain challenges 2023: ⏰ Timeliness is Next to Godliness and Other Life Lessons from Childhood - 08/29/23 04:35 PM
⏰ Timeliness is Next to Godliness and
Other Life Lessons from Childhood   
First of all, a HUGE thank you to Carol Williams and Anna "Banana" Kruchten for giving us all so much of their time hosting this month’s fun challenge. Reading the entries, I can say that I fit in with the majority of members whose life’s lessons began in early childhood…

In my experience, military families take discipline to a whole new level, compared to civilian families! Trust me, it's a game changer in how you approach life as my parents were no exception - they made us toe the line. … (61 comments)

activerain challenges 2023: The AI Home Maintenance Butler: Your HOME'S Personal Assistant - 06/27/23 03:01 PM
The AI Home Maintenance Butler: Your Home's Personal Assistant
Ray and I recently interviewed window washers for our home - inside and out. What a pleasure it was - NOT! As we were doing this, I realized that my DREAM would be not to ever have to deal with these tasks ever again. I immediately thought of Kat’s post and kept dreaming…

Welcome to the future, where the mundane tasks of home maintenance are seamlessly handled by advanced artificial intelligence systems. Imagine a world where your home takes care of itself, from scheduling repairs to finding the right vendors for the job to … (58 comments)

activerain challenges 2023: April’s Showers Brought Stunning May Flowers in Charlotte NC - 05/31/23 01:27 PM
April’s Showers Brought Stunning May Flowers in Charlotte NC 
We didn’t have a tremendous amount of rain in April but, certainly have had our share this month! The results have been gorgeous flowers everywhere you look in our beautiful city. 
This year’s landscape plan did include some annuals but, we continued to add to our perennials, little-by-little as we do each year. We’ve had deer since we’ve lived here - many of them - but, this year after planting my garden, they absolutely destroyed everything with the exception of the herbs and tomatoes!

They even began eating our Pansies and the Begonia that we … (10 comments)

activerain challenges 2023: MAY 2023 CHALLENGE - Shower Power: Flaunt Your Fabulous Blooms Brought to Life by April Showers! - 05/01/23 10:13 AM
MAY 2023 CHALLENGE - Shower Power: Flaunt Your Fabulous Blooms Brought to Life by April Showers! 
As the saying goes, "April showers bring May flowers." It's a reminder that springtime brings new growth and fresh blooms after the winter. 
Now that spring is in the air, we are excited about the promise of beautiful blossoms. As a nature enthusiast, I've been eagerly waiting for this time of year to witness the magic of blooming flowers. I've been keeping a close eye on my own garden too, looking so forward to May 1. In celebration of the day, I'm thrilled to announce this month’s … (82 comments)

activerain challenges 2023: March to a Solution - Selling Homes from the Street Just DOESN'T Happen - 03/31/23 08:31 AM
March to a Solution - Selling Homes from the Street Just DOESN'T Happen 
I thought of titling this, "Come to Jesus Meeting" or "Meeting of the Minds," but this was not really a meeting of the minds - it was 100% a come-to-Jesus meeting! I didn't want to offend anyone using that phrase - which I may, admittedly, use too often! LOL
Here is my last entry into March's challenge, hosted by Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist & Patricia Feager, MBA, CRS, GRI,MRP. What a wonderful challenge it has been and thank you both again for being such wonderful hostesses! 

In a not-so-busy … (21 comments)

activerain challenges 2023: March to a Solution - LISTEN to Your Lender! - 03/30/23 09:05 PM
March to a Solution - LISTEN to Your Lender! 
Marching to a solution...or not! My personal story goes like this... 
We were leaving a fabulous ranch + FROG to move into a home that we had custom built in our 'dream' location. We had enjoyed this home tremendously - being the 'water people' that we are, we loved our backyard pool, spa and fountains...and the full ranch floorplan was perfect for us. 
One of the agents (let's call her 'Sneaky Agent') in our office knew I was about to list my home but, I was waiting until we Closed on our new construction, got … (27 comments)

activerain challenges 2023: March to a Solution but, First, Speak with the Judge! - 03/26/23 11:44 AM
March to a Solution but, First, Speak with the Judge!A special thank you to Patricia Feager, MBA, CRS, GRI,MRP and Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist, for hosting March's AR challenge - March to a Solution. If you haven't participated, there's still time!

Here's my #1 and boy, is it ever a doozie!

Everyone who knows me knows that I am VERY by-the-books!  I've never even gotten a speeding ticket - in my LIFE! - I am very respectful of  'the law' - not sometimes but, ALWAYS!
I had a great listing that I spent considerable time helping the sellers prep and ultimately got it ready … (26 comments)

activerain challenges 2023: What’s Love Got to do with It? Celebrate the Beauty of Your City in AR’s February 2023 Challenge - 01/31/23 09:42 PM
What’s Love Got to do with It? Celebrate the Beauty of Your City in AR’s February 2023 Challenge 
Do you have a deep love for your city? Do you take pride in its rich history, stunning architecture, bustling streets and diverse culture? Then it's time to showcase your passion for your city, town or neighborhood by participating in February’s City Love Challenge, “What I Love About My City”.
In this month’s challenge, you are invited to share your favorite things about your city - from its hidden gems to its iconic landmarks, favorite restaurants, historic communities - or whatever made you fall in … (74 comments)

Debe Maxwell, CRS, The RIGHT CHARLOTTE REALTOR! (Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310)

Debe Maxwell, CRS


Charlotte, NC

More about me…

Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310

Address: 2108 South BLVD, Suite 116, DILWORTH/SOUTH END/WILMORE, Charlotte, NC, 28203

Office: (704) 491-3310

Mobile: (704) 491-3310

Call (704) 491-3310 or email

Author Bio: Debe Maxwell is a Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) in the Charlotte Metro region with a focus on the Charlotte luxury home market. My team of agents each have their own specialty areas, a benefit to anyone buying a home in Charlotte NC.

If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share our marketing success package with you. My homes sell faster and for more money and after all, isn't that what every seller wants?! We'd love to help you buy or sell in the Charlotte Metro region.



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