activerain challenges: Buying My First Home and Planting Roots - Literally - 04/28/23 04:17 PM
Buying My First Home and Planting Roots - Literally 
The year - 1980. The interest rate was 13-3/4% - and that was with great credit too! I really have no idea how I set out to find my first home but, I knew that I had to find something near the Lake. I graduated nursing school and had been working double shifts at the hospital every chance I could in order to save. My college roommates and I rented a 3-bedroom apartment near college, which also happened to be near the hospital.
With the 3 of us sharing expenses, I was able … (26 comments)

activerain challenges: What’s Love Got to do with It? Celebrate the Beauty of Your City in AR’s February 2023 Challenge - 01/31/23 09:42 PM
What’s Love Got to do with It? Celebrate the Beauty of Your City in AR’s February 2023 Challenge 
Do you have a deep love for your city? Do you take pride in its rich history, stunning architecture, bustling streets and diverse culture? Then it's time to showcase your passion for your city, town or neighborhood by participating in February’s City Love Challenge, “What I Love About My City”.
In this month’s challenge, you are invited to share your favorite things about your city - from its hidden gems to its iconic landmarks, favorite restaurants, historic communities - or whatever made you fall in … (74 comments)

activerain challenges: The Power of a Strong Online Presence: The #2 Best Marketing Practice for Real Estate Agents - 01/31/23 01:05 PM
The Power of a Strong Online Presence: The #2 Best Marketing Practice for Real Estate Agents 
I have rallied for years that working your sphere is the KEY to success in this industry. I’ve written countless posts on this over the years so, I decided to get off of my soapbox for Alex & Anna’s January 2023 Challenge this month!
So, with that, let’s dig into my #2…
In today's digital age, second only to working your sphere religiously, having a strong online presence is the next most crucial marketing practice for real estate agents. As I’m sure you are aware, a recent study … (16 comments)

activerain challenges: Thank Goodness for My ActiveRain Family  - 11/30/22 07:45 PM
Thank Goodness for My ActiveRain Family 
I want to say a BIG thank you to everyone who participated in this month's challenge. I read each and every one of your AMAZING entries and am so very thankful for each and every one of you. 
Some of you shared a 'silly' side of you, others were more serious and others, so deeply grateful that your posts brought tears to my eyes. I am thankful to each and every one of you for sharing you, your lives, your loves, your hearts with us this month. November is THE perfect month to publicly share how very … (29 comments)

activerain challenges: Gratefulness Week 1 - Thank Heaven for Little Boys - 11/06/22 11:40 AM
Gratefulness Week 1 - Thank Heaven for Little Boys 
Those who know me, know my family is the center of my life - second only to my faith! My boys are 18 months apart, now 33 & 34 and neither certainly are not 'little' any longer! Those boys have been the apples of my eye since the day they were each born.
Matthew is the oldest and he embodies everything an older child typically does - he's very independent and has the biggest heart of anyone I know. He's also incredibly confident as a young adult but, has not always been that way. It took … (17 comments)

activerain challenges: NOVEMBER 2022 THANKSGIVING GRATITUDE CHALLENGE - 11/01/22 10:30 AM
It’s that time of the year to hone in on those things for which we are ever-so grateful! 
With only a few weeks to go before Thanksgiving Day, it's time again to share our Gratitude posts so, let’s get right to our favorite challenge of the year! We are all so very blessed and now is the time to express our gratitude. An attitude of gratitude is contagious and should be shared. When you express your gratitude in this challenge, you will be rewarded with bonus points from ActiveRain as an expression of our gratitude for YOU!
Beginning Today, Tuesday, … (117 comments)

activerain challenges: ActiveRain’s Multitude of Benefits - 2022 - 10/31/22 12:55 PM
ActiveRain’s Multitude of Benefits - 2022 
I have been pondering this all month long - in fact, longer than that - since Carol Williams proposed this challenge! I wanted to share my #1 best story from the Rain but, there have been so many, I thought I would share ‘the best of the best.’
#1 - The Friendships = FamilyAs we so often say, ‘back in the day,’ things were different! We had a TON of very active members - I remember hijacking posts and talking for hours on the phone with groups of other members! RainCamps and meet-ups were frequent and FUN! … (21 comments)

activerain challenges: Cashing In Points for People - What ActiveRain is REALLY All About! - 07/29/22 10:15 PM
Cashing In Points for People - What ActiveRain is REALLY All About! 
I have always been enthralled with Anna Banana’s Point Store. I can’t remember how many years ago it began but, what a genius idea and what a delightful way to get an upbeat conversation between members - and sharing their creativity!
This month’s challenge has taken the Point Store creativity to a whole new level. We read one another’s posts on our respective areas, listen ‘in person’ on our ActiveRain ZOOM call presentations and even refer to many of our members in different areas. So, how cool to incorporate some … (36 comments)

activerain challenges: Ole Glory - How Blessed are We? - 06/12/22 10:20 PM
Ole Glory - How Blessed are We?Every day, we discuss the American Dream with our clients and every day, we see to it that our clients are given the white glove treatment in their quest to achieve their American Dream. 
This evening, my hubby and I had a conversation with a dear friend who is dealing with a life-threatening diagnosis as we sat on our dock watching the sunset. After our conversation with our friend, we sat there together, counting our blessings that we had also achieved the American dream. Thankfulness is so important to us but, we both realized that we … (15 comments)

activerain challenges: What ActiveRain Means to Me in Pictures - Okay, in a Few Words Too! - 04/30/22 09:10 PM
What ActiveRain Means to Me in Pictures - Okay, in a Few Words Too! 
Well, pictures - and words! I’m not even sure I have the words for how amazing this platform has been for me. It even feels ‘cold’ & sterile calling ActiveRain a platform - it’s become family for me!
For the past 15 years, my family has grown exponentially - through ActiveRain! It’s incredibly easy to share my gratitude for my ActiveRain  friends & family. From Jonathan and Bob to Brad Andersohn & Rich Jacobson, Ben Kinney & Jeff Turner, we learned from THE best in the business! 
I began on ActiveRain very … (42 comments)

activerain challenges: As the Internet Turns - Things Gained and Lost to the Internet - 01/31/22 10:42 PM
As the Internet Turns - Things Gained and Lost to the Internet 
I believe Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist’s post this month was the first one I read and she hit so many nails on the head, taking me a trip down Memory Lane! Remembering my first computer (Commodore 64) and how incredibly ‘cool’ that thing was, I was reminded about how darned fast my MacBook Pro is and how the information at our fingertips is unbelievably unlimited now. The Internet has changed our business and personal life in many, many ways...
We have lost a lot of face-to-face interaction due … (26 comments)

activerain challenges: I Couldn’t Love What I Do More, BUT… - 12/31/21 06:58 PM
I Couldn’t Love What I Do More, BUT… 
My challenge is a unique one - one for which I couldn’t be more grateful to have to resolve. Mid-year, 2021, I accepted the position of managing broker in one of Charlotte’s most productive brokerages. As you can see from the recent “List” from the Business Journal, our agents out-sell the masses - almost twice what the brokerage ranked 1st does (calculating total sales / total licensed). A LOT of sales cross my desk and many of the agents with whom I work are in the top 1% of selling agents in our area. … (30 comments)

activerain challenges: Ringing & Singing in the Rain - A Call with Nick Vandekar - 12/31/21 06:23 PM
Ringing & Singing in the Rain - A Call with Nick Vandekar, 610-203-4543  
So, we didn't call it 'ringing & singing' this year but, I've always loved the ringing & singing challenge each January! A huge thank you to Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist for her inspiration in this month's challenge. How fun is it to phone someone that you've gotten to know here in the Rain and spend time talking to them like they were old friends from years ago?!

This call was no different and let me tell you, as always, Nick answers his phone! You know, there has been … (15 comments)

activerain challenges: Miracle Closing 2021 - 12/26/21 03:26 PM
Miracle Closing 2021 
I’m loving reading the posts entered in the challenge Andrea Bedard  & Carol Williams are hosting this month (Miracles & Scares) - thank you both SO very much!  When I read the post describing the challenge, I KNEW exactly what I was going to write about. Thoughts and pen-to-paper are, however, two totally different things! 
I accepted a challenge in 2021 to be the managing broker of one of Charlotte’s busiest offices. Our office houses nearly 100 agents, most of whom are consistently in Charlotte’s top 1% and they are truly the sharpest of the sharpest agents in the Charlotte … (39 comments)

activerain challenges: Grateful for a Repeat & Referral Business - ActiveRain Style! - 11/17/21 05:57 AM
Grateful for a Repeat & Referral Business - ActiveRain Style!100% of my business this year has been repeat and referral business. While I love my internet leads, I am so busy with 'known' business, I have been referring those out this year. This has also been a great year for referral business from my ActiveRain family. 
While I won't call the names of those who have sent wonderful clients my way or to whom I have sent referrals, I will share 3 unusual stories with you that happened this year, 2021. These are samples of just how wonderful this community is!
The first … (32 comments)

activerain challenges: Thanksgiving Challenge 2021 - 11/15/21 05:31 PM
Thanksgiving Challenge 2021 
Can you believe it? There are only 10 days until we will be celebrating Thanksgiving. This is certainly one of my favorite holidays of the year. Thanksgiving Day is different for everyone, depending upon where your family is located and the traditions which you celebrate. Of course, COVID restrictions are still in place in many areas. This being our second year of COVID concerns as well. 
Which leads me to this month’s challenge…
One thing we have in common is that we are all so incredibly blessed…hence this challenge. Beginning today and each day through Thanksgiving Day, write a post about something … (116 comments)

activerain challenges: June 2021 ActiveRain Challenge - Post-Pandemic, Let Freedom Ring! - 06/01/21 07:36 AM
June 2021 ActiveRain Challenge - Post-Pandemic, Let Freedom Ring!
WOW! I remember last June’s challenge, sharing our thoughts on ‘Rising Above the Pandemic,’ hosted by Carol Williams & Anna Banana Kruchten CRS, CRB, Phoenix Broker. All I can say is thank goodness we have moved past the state we were in one year ago! 
I know everyone is excited to have our freedoms back once again in most parts of the country. As we see airport traffic and tourism soar, more people dining out as many restaurants are opening back up in most parts of the country and of course, the best part, … (110 comments)

activerain challenges: ZOOM-califragilisticexpialidocious - JANUARY 2021 ActiveRain Challenge - 01/01/21 08:07 AM
ZOOM-califragilisticexpialidocious - JANUARY 2021 ActiveRain Challenge
Jeff Dowler, CRS   and I are very excited to present ActiveRain’s FIRST Challenge of 2021! The challenge is to enlist members to share our ZOOM excitement with other members who may not know how amazing this group is! 
One of the comments at our last ‘It’s a Wrap’ meeting for 2020 was that the breadth of topics was impressive. Another, that the social value of these ZOOM meetings has done so much for each of us. 
Why not share our enthusiasm with the masses? So, this month’s challenge will be to hold the hand of a member (OR … (114 comments)

activerain challenges: These are a few of my favorite things... - 12/30/20 09:55 PM
These are a few of my favorite things...
Each year, our trees are wrapped in shrink wrap and packed away until the next Thanksgiving. While I love that I don't have to hang all of the ornaments (one of our trees probably has hundreds of ornaments), I still have to straighten out the branches and touch many of the ornaments in the process.

Every single ornament has a story - there is even a story that goes with the simplest of ornaments! For a long time, we tried to keep the historic ornaments together, a patriotic section, a sporting corner, an area just … (17 comments)

activerain challenges: December Decorating Challenge - All About the Trees! - 12/30/20 06:44 AM
December Decorating Challenge - All About the Trees!
I am a big lover of the celebration of Christmas. As the song proclaims, it's the most wonderful time of the year! We love hosting holiday gatherings and for those, the house has to be decorated to the 9's!

I love having a tree in every room where guests will be. Have you ever noticed that people either stand around the food or the trees when you have a holiday party? Well, sure, they may go elsewhere but, the trees seem to be the 'draw' during celebrations. SO, the trees get my attention when it … (19 comments)

Debe Maxwell, CRS, The RIGHT CHARLOTTE REALTOR! (Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310)

Debe Maxwell, CRS


Charlotte, NC

More about me…

Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310

Address: 2108 South BLVD, Suite 116, DILWORTH/SOUTH END/WILMORE, Charlotte, NC, 28203

Office: (704) 491-3310

Mobile: (704) 491-3310

Call (704) 491-3310 or email

Author Bio: Debe Maxwell is a Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) in the Charlotte Metro region with a focus on the Charlotte luxury home market. My team of agents each have their own specialty areas, a benefit to anyone buying a home in Charlotte NC.

If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share our marketing success package with you. My homes sell faster and for more money and after all, isn't that what every seller wants?! We'd love to help you buy or sell in the Charlotte Metro region.



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