Ask An Ambassador: What Does Your Customer Want?

Real Estate Agent with Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305 SAL.2002007747

You can blog about ANYTHING (including those topics that most would say you shouldn't).  You can stick to one flavor or mix in a bit of everything.

You can write what YOU want to write or what THEY (your potential customers) are looking to find.

One gets comments (maybe), the other can gain you potential clients.

So how do you understand what your potential clients want?

You've got the answers to that question with past and current clients.

What did they need from you?

What questions did they ask you?

Now run that through the filter of what you uniquely can offer to potential clients that will attract the right kind of people to your business.

For the most part, we're all working from the same pool of available houses for sale, so how can we repackage that information to add value?

Explore a niche?

Develop long tail searches with umpteen variations that match what consumers want?

Delve into a topic (short sales?, first time home buyers) that you know people with specific needs seeking information?

Once you have a feel for what the public wants that you can turn into a good pipeline, filter further by the type of business you like to do and what makes good business sense.  E.g. I'd rather do fewer transactions at a 1.5+x median price for my market than many more transactions at a lower price point.  I might net more money at the lower price point, but the proportional work would be significantly higher and for an already crowded life, that's not best use of my time.

What comes out of the funnel is where to put the majority of your blogging focus, with the understanding that it's not a quick process and it takes effort to develop a significant amount of content that will get you found.  But the joy of this work?  Once it's established, it KEEPS working for you.  Blog posts and search pages I wrote years ago continue to generate leads to this day.  Leads that don't require paying 25% (or more) to some "referral" company.  100% yours.

So what do your customers want?

Until next Tuesday, just Ask An Ambassador if you need help,

Bill & Liz aka BLiz

Posted by

Serving Warren County Ohio & Adjacent Areas

The Liz Spear Team of Transaction Alliance
Elizabeth Spear, ABR, Ohio License SAL.2002007747

William (Bill) Spear, Ohio License SAL.2004011109  Kentucky 77938
Ask for us by name if you visit the office!

Bill Direct:  513-520-5305
Liz Direct: 513-265-3004     
Fax: 866-302-8418


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Comments (14)

Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Los Angeles Pasadena 818.516.4393

Hello Bill (and Liz too) - how is blogging success defined?   I am not sure the question is answered in your post but that's one of the lessons learned along the way for any marketing activity.   

People seem to like the elusive shiny objects.  You have given motivation to those looking for perspective (and maybe a lot more).   Happy Tuesday.  

Aug 22, 2023 10:22 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

I've seen many offers for the bright and shiny in this business over the years, even fallen for their allure on occasion.  What I've mostly found is that it's a willingness to do the grunt work for a sustainable period that establishes the foundation for future success. 

Aug 22, 2023 10:25 AM
Michael Jacobs

Bill - I have participated as well - isn't it an occupational hazard-of-sorts?  

Aug 22, 2023 02:08 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

Definitely some live and learn moments in this trade.

Aug 23, 2023 10:36 AM
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Coldwell Banker Realty ~ 512.750.6899 - Austin, TX
NW Austin ~ Canyon Creek and Spicewood/Balcones

Good evening Bill,

It's important to first decide what target audience you want to reach and they decide what they want from you. Once you have that figured out..hit it hard and consistently!

Aug 22, 2023 04:42 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

I've certainly learned some of the things they DON'T want from me over the years :)

Aug 23, 2023 10:37 AM
Anna "Banana" Kruchten
HomeSmart Real Estate - Phoenix, AZ

Hi Bill it's so tough for newbies in the business to know what direction to take with blogging or any other part of business without a strong mentor or broker to guide them.  They do get caught up in a lot of 'shiny' objects along the way. I know I got sucked into a few many years ago and that didn't work out well.  Your post is a great guide - excellent questions.

Aug 22, 2023 05:14 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

There's a lot of money to be made that counts on new agents not knowing how to make their own business.

Aug 23, 2023 10:37 AM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Well said Bill- If you listen, clients are telling you what they want to know. After that, be consistent with your posts!

Aug 22, 2023 05:53 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

Chances are what one wants to know, others do too.

Aug 23, 2023 10:37 AM
Peter Mohylsky, Beach Expert
PMI. Destin - Miramar Beach, FL
Call me at 850-517-7098

I think we agree that there is no quick and dirty answer to any questions.  It is a long term commitment and discipline that brings results.  

Aug 23, 2023 05:57 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

A lot of grunt work involved with successful blogging.

Aug 23, 2023 10:38 AM
Brian England
Ambrose Realty Management LLC - Gilbert, AZ
MBA, GRI, REALTOR® Real Estate in East Valley AZ

I don't worry too much these days about what "THEY" think, haha.  "THEY" usually lead me down the wrong path anyways.

Aug 23, 2023 06:02 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

AC/DC or Led Zeppelin, highways and stairways.

Aug 23, 2023 10:38 AM
Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island - Locust Valley, NY
Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher

I think there are those times when you do a little experimental post and see what happens and go from there, but I never postsomething that doesn’t work more than maybe once, you know?

Aug 23, 2023 07:34 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

Nothing wrong with experimentation, especially when you can track results.

Aug 23, 2023 10:39 AM
Jeff Dowler, CRS
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
The Southern California Relocation Dude


Writing about what is of interest to our target audience certainly makes the most sense if growing your business is the plan. Emails, texts, notes and conversations provide a wealth of material for blog posts.


Aug 23, 2023 12:44 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

I know some have different purposes for their blog, for us now, it's AAA posts.  Prior to that, we'd migrated to about 90% business related.  I never lacked for ideas, just time to write.

Aug 24, 2023 05:44 AM
Marte Cliff
Marte Cliff Copywriting - Priest River, ID
Your real estate writer

First we have to know who they are - then we can do our homework and determine what they want! 

The trap to avoid is in thinking that they necessarily want what we want.

Aug 23, 2023 01:48 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

No doubt, what I enjoy writing more is NOT the posts that attract consumer calls, so I had to maintain the discipline to write what worked.

Aug 24, 2023 05:45 AM
Kat Palmiotti
406-270-3667,, Broker/REALTOR® - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

Providing something of value to whoever (whomever?) we are writing for is key to being read. I had to address the grammatical correctness of this comment since I followed Marte!

By the way do you have a new map ready for your AR posts to be used after you are in your next location? :-)

Aug 24, 2023 04:52 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

I'm not going to need a map for the new area, no WV license in my plans.  I'll refer out Ohio business.  The new location is such you'd almost need to license in WV, MD and VA to serve the local area, and for the mountain community itself, there are a couple of well-established agents who already dominate the business there.

After almost 20 years of dual career, I'm ready to pare down to one :)

Aug 24, 2023 05:47 AM
Kat Palmiotti

That's wonderful news Liz and Bill Spear 

Aug 24, 2023 07:32 AM
Sam Shueh
(408) 425-1601 - San Jose, CA
mba, cdpe, reopro, pe

Most want something close to nothing.  My money manager of 10 years called asked for housing as she got way too many people in her house.  I gave her some new listings on a romote CA beach neighborhood.  She mentioned her realtor showed her that one already.  Realtor?  I am your client and I thought I am the realtor.  I am pulling the funds out and may withdraw all soon. 

Aug 24, 2023 05:30 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

Sam, always people out there that think having more than one agent working for them is a good thing, when it's not.

Aug 24, 2023 05:48 AM
Paddy Deighan MBA JD PhD - Vail, CO
Paddy Deighan J.D. Ph.D

I loved this post… I watch HGTV and every buyer wants more than the budget allows and they don’t want to compromise!

Aug 24, 2023 09:28 PM
Liz and Bill Spear

We're finding ourselves doing some of the same things as we plan for our next house.  We've had a few cases where we've gone "nope, that's just TOO much", but other things we've agreed to push our budget up to get what we want for what is planned to be our last ever home. 

Aug 25, 2023 05:40 AM
Dr. Paula McDonald
Beam & Branch Realty - Granbury, TX
Granbury, TX 936-203-0279

You always provide great, sound, and sage advice. By the way, how are your honey bees doing?

Aug 25, 2023 07:39 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

Bees all seem to be doing fine, busy prepping their stores for winter.  We harvested 4 gallons of honey about a month ago, anything else will be left for them to get through the coming cold months.

Aug 26, 2023 05:49 AM
Leanne Smith
Dirt Road Real Estate - Golden Valley, AZ
Relocation to NW AZ with elbow room & more freedom

Often our customers do not know what they want.  Often it is the photos or the headlines that motivate them to click.  Years ago I wrote on post an innocuous  LinkedIn about Culver Military Academy and gained 3 coaching clients.

Aug 25, 2023 11:30 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

You just never know how "one off" type posts will perform!

Aug 26, 2023 12:18 PM