blogging for business: Why Exceptional Doesn't Work for Me - 07/28/23 10:54 AM
Why Exceptional Doesn't Work for Me
The Challenge this month on ActiveRain is to write a post on why we are exceptional. I find it a bit put offing to want to define myself as exceptional in anything I may do. That's not to say I lack confidence, I just don't want to be so self-assured that it affects my performance.
Would I want to be considered as highly qualified and maybe at times even better than that? Of course, but to start off a day thinking I am already captain of my universe gives me nothing to strive to improve, and that … (46 comments)

blogging for business: Zoom Call 7.11.23 Margaret Rome Getting Unique Homes Sold On The Radio - 07/13/23 08:13 AM
Zoom Call 7.11.23 Margaret Rome Getting Unique Homes Sold On The Radio
The Zoom call this week was special as it was done by Margaret Rome, and the presentation was done exactly as she does her Radio program, unscripted. 
As she started her presentation, I was immediately reminded of the sitcom. Frasier, on which a psychiatrist waited for the first call to set the tone of the program. Unlike that sitcom, Margaret has no assistant and if she doesn't speak, there is dead-air, and she must fill the void until her next commercial break. She gets 3 pauses over the hour.
She also stressed … (27 comments)

blogging for business: AI is a Force That will Change Much - 06/24/23 09:03 AM
AI is a Force That will Change Much
Technology can be viewed as a boon to mankind, but also can be a force that should be feared.  Throughout the latter part of the 19th and all of 20th century, every advancement that was made to make life better carried a great deal of skepticism.  Electricity in homes, automobiles, airplanes, all were looked at with doubt as they seemed so alien to the then way of life.
The onset of computers in the home evolved from the advent of the Internet, and the technological advances seemed to burst forth with almost every new day.
We … (20 comments)

blogging for business: Zoom Call 6.13.23 Debe Maxwell Lessons Learned from Transactions and Life - 06/15/23 07:54 AM
Debe Maxwell Lessons Learned from Transactions and Life
The Zoom call this week was another interaction call chaired by Debe Maxwell. 
Attendees were invited to offer their experiences in real estate transactions they have worked that left memories that may not have been the most cheerful.
Margaret Rome started the call with a story on having a condo for sale that had contingency dates set by the buyer that also was selling their home.  The contract dates passed with no action by that buyer or their agent, so she put the condo back on market.
She quickly got a new buyer, and it went through … (16 comments)

blogging for business: I Don't Have Any Hot Water - 04/10/23 08:46 AM
I Don't Have Any Hot Water
I received an early morning phone call from a distressed young lady. She identified herself as a new tenant in a condo. I asked her where the condo we located and she told me, which brought an image to mind.
I have no hot water she sobbed. How do I get it?  I told her to look at the electrical panel and see if the breaker was on or off.
I also suggested that she look at the hot water heat after I told her where it might be located and see if it had a valve that … (19 comments)

blogging for business: Marching to a Successful Conclusion - 03/26/23 12:07 PM
Marching to a Successful Conclusion
It's March and for many it's the race to pick an elite team and crown them as the best of the best in College Basketball.  It is a long and hard road and it takes athleticism, luck and a lot of hard work to reach the pinnacle.  This is an event like no other and is watched worldwide. 
It is a team event that takes a lot of work. It starts with the coaching and their ability to select players that will blend and work together to a common goal. There is a lot of preparation behind the scenes … (21 comments)

blogging for business: Zoom Call with Brad Andersohn: Agent Goal Planner - 03/01/23 01:03 PM
Zoom Call with Brad Andersohn: Agent Goal Planner
The Zoom call this past week carried a lot of memories for those that have been in the system for while. Early RainCamps saw a speaker that would offer technical expertise on a number of topics and with a fast-paced delivery leave those that heard him mesmerized.
The Zoom call was very similar with the detail offered by Brad, as well as the detours he took most likely due to being back amongst people that knew him when.
No longer part of a brokerage and presumably enjoying his time off, he has offered to bring back … (19 comments)

blogging for business: Zoom Call 1.31.23 Brenda Mayette Saratoga Springs, NY Architecture - 02/01/23 05:11 PM
Brenda Mayette Saratoga Springs, NY Architecture
The Zoom call this week was presented by Brenda Mayette, a seasoned agent working in Saratoga County in Upstate NY. She modestly identifies herself as an award-winning agent in her market area.
Brenda offered that the region encompasses the State Capitol at Albany, which is a 3-hour drive into Manhattan.
Saratoga County is the more popular area for people seeking homes as it is the gateway to Adirondack Park in this upstate region. With app a 3-hour drive, one can get to the mountains, down to New York City, or drive east to get to the ocean in … (29 comments)

blogging for business: Friday Flags A Waterbury CT Flag Waving Proudly - 01/27/23 06:00 AM
Friday Flags  A Waterbury CT Flag Waving Proudly
There is a cemetery directly across the street from our office.  There is a flag there, but it is sheltered by several large trees, so it is very seldom doing anything other than just on the pole.
Yesterday was a different story as the wind direction was perfect and my timing likewise.
I try to be observant while doing my routines, but I do not see many flags aside from residential properties. I wonder if the business owners would rather be in some other country.  I will keep a mental note of that when I look … (16 comments)

blogging for business: Real Estate Marketing Requires Full Contact - 01/21/23 08:24 AM
Real Estate Marketing Requires Full Contact
The business of real estate is not as simple as has appeared to be the last few years. Getting the attention of clients does requires more than just sticking a for sale sign on a lawn and waiting for the offers.
The business of real estate does require full contact in order to establish a firm foundation that will provide clients for years. The method of contact can be different and depending on the age of the target being chased.
Mailings For an audience of people at least 50 years old my efforts are expended with mailings. I have … (15 comments)

blogging for business: Zoom Call 1.10.23 Quorum Call What's Happening in Your Area - 01/11/23 06:46 AM
Quorum Call What's Happening in Your Area
The Zoom call this week was a state of the country regarding real estate. Rocky Dickerson moderated the call and started out the session and sought out someone from the call to offer their local market status.
Nick Vandekar, who's market is split between the Greater Philadelphia and northern Delaware areas started out with the observations that there is a significant decrease in new listings coming on in his area. Most MLS systems offer up a daily dashboard of activity and throughout the day it self-updates. 
This is based on the criteria established by the individual agent. … (13 comments)

blogging for business: Zoom Call 12.20.22 Ben Kinney : Tips on Selling Homes in This Market - 12/21/22 05:13 AM
Ben Kinney : Tips on Selling Homes in This Market
The Zoom call this week was presented by ActiveRain's own Ben Kinney. In addition to being owner of this platform, his roots are as a real estate agent and over the years his efforts have been more than successful. 
As all can see, there has been a shift in the market, and this will require a shift in business approach going into the new year.
Ben made his presentation with data obtained from his network and specifically data from Goldman-Sachs.
Everyone is aware of the inflation data that is being offered on a daily basis. … (33 comments)

blogging for business: Making Blogging Effective and Productive - 12/17/22 02:03 PM
Making Blogging Effective and Productive
The ActiveRain Challenge for December, hosted by Brian England  and Jeff Dowler, CRS is to offer up constructive posts that inform and at the same time provide guidance to avoid getting into legal issues.
Getting started blogging does take some effort as it can be an entirely new experience. Most people spend a lot of time on social media but the interactions there tend to be short statements and more as contributing to a conversation. A blog post, however, is meant to be an informative article intended to both enlighten the general audience and also to demonstrate the author's … (14 comments)

blogging for business: Zoom Call 12.13.22 Dick Betts Using Social Media to Grow Your Connections - 12/15/22 07:21 AM
Dick Betts:  Using Social Media to Grow Your Connections
The Zoom call this week was presented by Dick Betts, on his business generating activities with Facebook to be visible within the The Villages, adult town in Central FL.  This was a follow up presentation to his earlier Zoom call of Sept 13 in which he presented The Villages. 
Dick spent almost 20 years around real estate working as an instructor through NAR, and has only been an agent for a little over 2 years. Covid pushed him to get his license as he wasn't able to fly any more.
Living in the community of … (24 comments)

blogging for business: Zoom Call 12.06.22 Brian Traichel Mastering LinkedIn for Real Estate - 12/08/22 02:02 PM
Brian Traichel Mastering LinkedIn for Real Estate
This week's Zoom call was presented by Brian Traichel, and was packed and enlightening for the way LinkedIn's potential can be used to help grow our real estate business.  Over the expanse of his presentation he opened up the pages of his LinkedIn site and explained in detail how certain elements of the site should be modified and blocked to allow each to get maximum exposure and minimize the possibility of being hacked.  
Brian has focused his attentions on LinkedIn since 2008, but joined in 2006. He started out by farming LinkedIn as a source for … (20 comments)

blogging for business: Zoom Call 10.25.22 Nick Vandekar Using Social Media to Develop New Business - 10/27/22 10:16 AM
Using Social Media to Develop New Business
The Zoom call of October 25 was presented by Nick Vandekar, who offered his insights and successes in using social media to develop new business and in particular in new areas.
Being a transplanted Britisher, and new to real estate when he did relocate, it was important for him to develop his social media skills in order to generate the business he wanted. It is also high on his priorities as he is getting married and had bought a house that is outside his current market area.
As he offered, many are familiar with social media and … (20 comments)

blogging for business: Blogging is Not a Sprint, It's a Marathon - 10/25/22 06:51 AM
Blogging is Not a Sprint, It's a Marathon
There is a Challenge for October hosted by Carol Williams, Aura Alex and Leanne Smith to offer insights as to our blogging success stories. I would venture that better than 80% of the current members are still waiting for their first real business call from their blog and have great disappointment that they didn't get immediate results from their first efforts.
My secondary title: Aesop would have Been a Great Blogger, carries a clue.
A successful blog is developed over a period of time with content that educates and imparts knowledge to a reader that the … (24 comments)

blogging for business: Zoom Call 10.04.22 Blogging Success Stories Open Discussion - 10/04/22 10:52 AM
Blogging Success Stories  Open Discussion
The theme of the Zoom call this week was in line with the October Challenge to offer up our Blogging Success Stories. This Challenge may find more significance with members that have been well before the changes in ownership turned our SEO into chaos. However, there are success stores out there and just maybe a few of the tales from those that spoke may inspire or remind others to take part in the challenge.
Debe Maxwell was the moderator on the call and offered up the floor to all that wanted to participate.
Jeff Dowler started up with his … (22 comments)

blogging for business: Zoom Call 9.27.22 Leanne Smith Ranches to RV's - 09/27/22 10:45 AM
 Leanne Smith  Ranches to RV's
The Zoom call of September 27 was presented by Leanne Smith, an ActiveRain member from Kingsman, AZ the High Desert in NW Arizona. This is the Mohave Desert and can get hot and dry.  It is also extremely picturesque and is sought by people looking for the beauty and simplicity of the desert, yet still retain some conveniences.
As many people choose to travel for their vacations, there are 2 ways in the desert to vacation with an RV: within a park, or on a plot of land that one owns.
Kingman AZ is in Mojave county and is … (15 comments)

blogging for business: Zoom Call 8.30.22 Pat Starnes Flip That House - 09/01/22 06:12 AM
Zoom Call  8.30.22 Pat Starnes Flip That House
ActiveRain member, Pat Starnes from Brandon, MS and Front Gate Realty was the presenter this week and offered her story as to how she became a flipper and what has worked to make her successful.
She offered up a brief synopsis of her entry into the business of flipping as a second step to her entry into the market as an investor looking to create a portfolio of rental properties that would eventually be her retirement portfolio.  This was altered when hurricane Katrina tore through the gulf states and holding real taste long-term didn't seem … (24 comments)

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754, Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally (Mapleridge Realty,  CT 203-206-0754  )

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754

Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally

Waterbury, CT

More about me…

Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754

Address: Prospect, Cheshire, Wolcott, Waterbury, Naugatuck, Middlebury, Watertown, Southington,Thomaston, Plantsville, CT, 06479

Office: 203-758-6440

Mobile: 203-206-0754

Ed Silva is a licensed Broker serving the Central Connecticut area from the Waterbury CT Real Estate Office. He serves both sellers and buyers and also is an experienced agent for short sales. If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share my marketing success package with you. My marketing reaches all the major listing sites with prime positions on the largest. I'd would appreciate the opportunity love to help you buy or sell in the Central Connecticut area.




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