blogging on activerain: Zoom Call 9.19.23 Dorie Dillard Dominating Your Neighborhood - 09/21/23 07:52 AM
Zoom Call  9.19.23 Dorie Dillard Dominating Your Neighborhood
The Zoom Call this week was presented by Dorie Dillard and was a how to on dominate your neighborhood or market area.
Her frequent posts are focused on the Canyon Creek subdivision of Austin TX. This is a pattern that was developed over a period of years and hard work to become recognized.
She started by offering up the uniqueness of our business, as we get to choose our partners, or collaborators. 
She acknowledged other ActiveRain members that dominate their market, and the manner in which they do same. Ours is a business that constantly changes and … (20 comments)

blogging on activerain: Learning From the Bumps of Life - 08/31/23 10:10 AM
Learning From the Bumps of Life
The ActiveRain Challenge this month is to offer examples in our personal and professional lives of a learning experience and how we used it to better our lives.  There is no question that we have all had little bumps along the pathway of our lives, that were experiences that offer learning and a drive to improve and not hit that hill again.
Family First 
I am no exception to that, as I was taught early on by my parents that family always comes first. It should be a simple lesson to learn and yet some people will fail … (26 comments)

blogging on activerain: Friday Flags A Quick Look in Bloomfield CT - 08/25/23 11:02 AM
Friday Flags  A Quick Look in Bloomfield CT
Each week I find myself casually seeking out businesses that have a flagpole in front of their entrance.  Such was the case this week as I was driving though an industrial campus and saw an opportunity.
From a distance, it wasn't doing very much, but I parked and walked a little closer, hoping a gust of wind with lift it higher.
And then I got my opportunity.
It looked beautiful and I appreciated the winds for the breeze. 
For anyone interested, this is the Met Life building. At least this insurance company understands where they are located.
Friday Flags … (15 comments)

blogging on activerain: Zoom Call 8.15.23 Debe Maxwell Dealing with Inflation in Life and Business - 08/16/23 05:36 AM
Zoom Call 8.15.23 Debe Maxwell  Dealing with Inflation in Life and Business
The Zoom call this week was an open forum with attendees offering their insight om how they and their clients are dealing with the higher costs of goods and services as well as rising interest rates.
Debe Maxwell was the moderator, filling in for Carol Williams.. The scramble is on with texts, emails and phone calls with all manner of people phoning to put a hook into unsuspecting consumers for something that they most likely don't need.
Across the nation, people are seeing a cutback in recreation due to the rising costs. … (21 comments)

blogging on activerain: Why Exceptional Doesn't Work for Me - 07/28/23 10:54 AM
Why Exceptional Doesn't Work for Me
The Challenge this month on ActiveRain is to write a post on why we are exceptional. I find it a bit put offing to want to define myself as exceptional in anything I may do. That's not to say I lack confidence, I just don't want to be so self-assured that it affects my performance.
Would I want to be considered as highly qualified and maybe at times even better than that? Of course, but to start off a day thinking I am already captain of my universe gives me nothing to strive to improve, and that … (46 comments)

blogging on activerain: Zoom Call 7.25.23 Ricki McCallum Writing Your Own Book - 07/27/23 08:10 AM
Ricki McCallum Writing Your Own Book
The Zoom call for the week was presented by Ricki McCallum, a real estate professional of over 40 years of experience.
As she described it, everyone has a book within them. It is a matter of finding the time and getting the confidence to start it that is the hardest.
As she stated she retired in 2017, as it as time. Her husband encouraged her to follow her interest in writing. She knew nothing about writing, nor did she know any writers.  She decided to just jump in.
Finally a Broker was her first book. It was something that … (21 comments)

blogging on activerain: Friday Flags at a Colchester Recreation Field - 07/21/23 07:39 AM
Friday Flags at a Colchester Recreation Field
I was with my grandson earlier this week on the way to a driving range so I can instruct him on the basics of golf. I am trying to give him an appreciation for the game and maybe someday he will get at least the tiny interest and want to get into it more.
He does call me to remind me of our day to play so that is a positive.
On the way to the range, I spotted a flag waving near a baseball field.
With the flag so prominent at the ballpark, I would like to … (15 comments)

blogging on activerain: Zoom Call 7.18.23 Nick Vandekar Walking the Camino De Santiago - 07/20/23 08:39 AM
Zoom Call  7.18.23  Nick Vandekar  Walking the Camino De Santiago
The presentation this week by Nick Vandekar was his personal recount of the pilgrimage he took walking the path of St. James through Portugal and Spain to get to Santiago de Compostela.
He was introduced to the Camino through a movie he had seen, titled The Way.  It spoke to him as he was at a stage of life where his issues seemed to be reaching crisis point. His then wife set up his travels to Lisbon so that he could start his pilgrimage. 
It was 2018, and his real estate business was well … (26 comments)

blogging on activerain: Perception Vs Reality - 07/16/23 09:10 AM
Perception Vs Reality
I saw a series of photos on a site and appreciated the care that was taken to get that perfect shot. It was obvious that in each instance the photographer had skills that not only allowed him or her to see the shot, but also to get it right.
Was it just a matter of a single photo, like capturing a rainbow before it vaporizes, or was it a matter of many attempts to capture the perfect angle and timing?
Take the photos of the girl with the flick of the head to capture that arc.
How many times did the young … (20 comments)

blogging on activerain: Zoom Call 6.27.23 Jim Paulson Maximizing Credit Card Bonuses - 06/29/23 05:11 AM
Jim Paulson Maximizing Credit Card Bonuses
The Zoom call this week was presented by Jim Paulson, and it was about his experiences with using credit cards for more than just an easy way to make a purchase.
Credit card companies are very competitive and when one considers the monthly interest rate on unpaid balances, it is understandable. A credit card purchase is a short-term loan, and the banks that issue the cards, make next to nothing in profit with people that pay their monthly balances in full.
As many more responsible people will do, he had no credit cards and chose to pay his … (14 comments)

blogging on activerain: AI is a Force That will Change Much - 06/24/23 09:03 AM
AI is a Force That will Change Much
Technology can be viewed as a boon to mankind, but also can be a force that should be feared.  Throughout the latter part of the 19th and all of 20th century, every advancement that was made to make life better carried a great deal of skepticism.  Electricity in homes, automobiles, airplanes, all were looked at with doubt as they seemed so alien to the then way of life.
The onset of computers in the home evolved from the advent of the Internet, and the technological advances seemed to burst forth with almost every new day.
We … (20 comments)

blogging on activerain: Zoom Call 6.13.23 Debe Maxwell Lessons Learned from Transactions and Life - 06/15/23 07:54 AM
Debe Maxwell Lessons Learned from Transactions and Life
The Zoom call this week was another interaction call chaired by Debe Maxwell. 
Attendees were invited to offer their experiences in real estate transactions they have worked that left memories that may not have been the most cheerful.
Margaret Rome started the call with a story on having a condo for sale that had contingency dates set by the buyer that also was selling their home.  The contract dates passed with no action by that buyer or their agent, so she put the condo back on market.
She quickly got a new buyer, and it went through … (16 comments)

blogging on activerain: Zoom Call 6.06.23 Craig Daniels  Tech Smorgasbord - 06/09/23 05:29 AM
Zoom Call 6.06.23 Craig Daniels  Tech Smorgasbord
The Zoom call this week was a learning lesson with Craig Daniels on using Excel spreadsheets. He initiated the tutorial by preparing a list of attendees with names only and offered a link to straw poll where one could get details on using spreadsheets.  
This was essentially a poll to determine people's familiarity with using spread sheets.
Spread sheets are a useful tool for assembling data. People are familiar with the terminology of spread sheets and also Google sheets. Google sheets are kept online and spread sheets can be kept in document files to be added to … (17 comments)

blogging on activerain: Friday Flags in Prospect CT June 2023+ - 06/02/23 07:07 AM
Friday Flags in Prospect CT June 2023+
While sitting at the computer reading the blogs this morning, I realized that I didn't have a flag to post for Friday. Not a problem, as I only had to look out the window to see a possibility.
To the left of the front stoop is the UConn banner. I am a 1971 graduate and proud of the school and the teams. It is standing atop the red dwarf maple that adorns the right side of the stoop.
On the opposite side of the front porch is our country's flag. It is always out there, no disrespect … (15 comments)

blogging on activerain: Zoom Call with Carol Williams Knowing When It's Time to Retire - 05/31/23 06:20 PM
Zoom Call with Carol Williams  Knowing When It's Time to Retire
The Zoom call this week was presented by Carol Williams and was a combination of preparing for retirement. and adapting to the situations that life presents as well.
As Carol described her transition it was thrust upon her to attend to her ailing husband.  With the pause, she essentially was away from the day-to-day operation of her businesses for over 18 months and during that period, she eased herself away from the day to day and as she had 2 separate business entities, she had a ready brand looking to acquire her … (26 comments)

blogging on activerain: Friday Flags A Memorial in Oakville CT, 06779 - 05/26/23 05:14 AM
Friday Flags A Memorial in Oakville CT
Our jobs are dependent on our driving round to see house with our clients. In doing so we pass so many places that can carry a memory or excite a new one.
While making my weekly stop to one of my vacant listings, I pass a corner site that is currently a brownfield, but at one time was a large manufacturing space. employing many people around the clock.
While the space is fenced off and just an expanse of green, on the front corner, stands a memorial that is an honor roll:
Dedicated to the Honor and Sacrifice … (14 comments)

blogging on activerain: Zoom Call  5.23.23 ADU'S Gaining Acceptance in the Market  - 05/25/23 05:44 AM
Zoom Call  5.23.23 ADU'S Gaining Acceptance in the Market 
The zoom call for the week of 5.23 was a continuation of the previous week and was presented by Lenska Bracknell, a key employee of the Crest Backyard Homes Co.
ADU's is currently enjoying a large market acceptance as people look for investments or to improve their values for rental units. 
An ADU has a variety of names that it has acquired over the years. Its most factual name is one of additional living space with individual conveniences.
Its additional value is that of being close to the main dwelling, offering security for the elderly family … (19 comments)

blogging on activerain: Zoom Call 5.16.23 John Arendsen Accessory Dwelling Units - 05/18/23 07:44 AM
John Arendsen  Accessory Dwelling Units
John Arendsen was the speaker for this week's Zoom call. As founder and owner of Crest Backyard Homes, he gave a presentation that explained the nature of the modules he builds as well as its advantages.
For Multi-generational families, an Accessory Dwelling Unit, ADU offers convenience and serves to keep the family close and still offer independence.
His company is very much a regional operation staying close to His San Diego area. This is predominately as the efficiency of his operation is maintained by contractors that he knows to perform their jobs well and be cost effective. If he … (23 comments)

blogging on activerain: Zoom Call 5.09.23 William Piotrowski What Types of Mortgages are Currently Popular - 05/11/23 07:14 AM
William Piotrowski What Types of Mortgages are Currently Popular
The Zoom call this week was presented by William Piotrowski a  Branch Manager and loan officer for Diamond Residential Mortgage.  As such, with the coverage his company enjoys, he offered up information on the state of loans in the current market.
FHA loans are a popular product, at least through the first quarter of the new year enjoying a jump from 8.4% to 11.7%. This represented the largest increase in loans since 2007. While it is still lower than people would like to see it still represents a significant appreciation. Sellers seem to be … (11 comments)

blogging on activerain: Friday Flags in Terryville CT 5.05.23 - 05/05/23 09:44 AM
Friday Flags in Terryville CT  5.05.23
I was on my way to an appointment this morning and as I had a few minutes to spare wanted to stop and grab the photo.
In front of a fast-food restaurant was a flag billowing in the breeze.
The curiosity of Ray Kroc to learn why a small restaurant in CA would need several multi milk shake mixers led to the establishment of the fast-food giant that is now all over the world.
This morning I just needed the picture of this flag and may go back another day as everyone knows their fries are the best.
Friday Flags … (14 comments)

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754, Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally (Mapleridge Realty,  CT 203-206-0754  )

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754

Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally

Waterbury, CT

More about me…

Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754

Address: Prospect, Cheshire, Wolcott, Waterbury, Naugatuck, Middlebury, Watertown, Southington,Thomaston, Plantsville, CT, 06479

Office: 203-758-6440

Mobile: 203-206-0754

Ed Silva is a licensed Broker serving the Central Connecticut area from the Waterbury CT Real Estate Office. He serves both sellers and buyers and also is an experienced agent for short sales. If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share my marketing success package with you. My marketing reaches all the major listing sites with prime positions on the largest. I'd would appreciate the opportunity love to help you buy or sell in the Central Connecticut area.




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