coach katerina: From TikTok to the Garden: The Lives of Those Proving 90 is the New 40 - 09/21/23 02:39 PM
I just read a story about a woman in Chicago who just turned 100 years old and didn’t retire from her job until she was 99 year old. She said the reason she never retired was because she loved what she was doing at her job, felt needed and appreciated.
In an era where age is increasingly seen as just a number, the traditional stereotypes associated with the elderly are being shattered. Today's octogenarians, nonagenarians, and centenarians are not just reminiscing about the past; they're actively shaping the present and future.
From the courtroom to the comedy stage, from TikTok to the golf … (19 comments)

coach katerina: Quote of the Day | February 22, 2018 - 02/21/18 04:29 PM
“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” ✨✅
Teamwork makes the dream work. Work with an amazing team today! Let us take over your repeated tasks so you can focus more on what matters most to your business. 💼⏱💻 Text Katerina Gasset at 561-502-1577 today! #GIDFMTeam #GIDFM #DelegateYourTasks

coach katerina: Quote of the Day | Get It Done For Me - 01/18/18 06:49 AM
“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” ✨✅
Free up your time so you can focus more on your business and let us take over your repeated tasks that you know you are supposed to be delegating. 💼⏱💻 Text Katerina Gasset at 561-502-1577 today! #GIDFMTeam #GIDFM #DelegateYourTasks

coach katerina: Fast Track SEO Live Webinars Start on June 23 - 06/12/15 05:36 AM
Fast Track SEO is going to start on June 23 with the live webinar sessions. 
We will have live Q & A sessions after each of the live webinar sessions so make sure you are on computer with a headset if you want to ask your questions. If not, you can type them into the chat box and question box. 
We only have a few more spaces available so you want to make sure go and sign up now.
Hopefully you have watched the 3 free video trainings I created for you. If not, you can go and watch them here now:
If you … (5 comments)

coach katerina: Real Estate Best Practices SEO - 06/01/15 10:34 AM
Real Estate Best Practices SEO
There are many different opinions on the SEO streets about how to apply your SEO to your real estate websites and blogs.   
There are some SEO steps that are universal which all agree are important:
Know your keywords
Write great content
Use on page SEO
a) Use your keywords in your title tag
b) Write a compelling description tag ( this is what people will compel people to click on)
c) Add at least one image to your post or page
d) Add alt 1 and alt 2 tags to your images
Be careful to NOT over use your keywords

coach katerina: Fast Track SEO Free Video Trainings are Live - 05/20/15 09:50 AM
Fast Track SEO Free Video Trainings are Live
Did you get your #FastTrackSEO training videos?
My iphone text is buzzing with texts about what people are learning from my video trainings!
My email inbox is full of replies and compliments about the value people are getting from my video trainings!
This is SOO exciting!!!! I am so happy that my time and effort to help others get their SEO on is really being not just appreciated but used as well!
Here are some comments coming in:

Go here to get your free training videos:
There are 2 videos live right now just … (4 comments)

coach katerina: Fast Track SEO Free Training Video is Live Now! - 05/13/15 04:36 AM
Fast Track SEO Free Training Video #1  is Live Now!
Here you go! There will be a total of 3 free video trainings before we launch the course. Make sure you get in on all 3 of them.
Here is the link to the first of your free trainings in our pre-launch of #FastTrackSEO:
You don't want to miss this free training.  This free training will no longer be available after May 25th so hurry and go watch it now!
This free training for the pre-launch of Fast Track SEO is on: Take your listings back.
How do you rank on page one when the ZTR's control … (3 comments)

coach katerina: Early Bird Notifications for Fast Track SEO - just a quick note - 05/11/15 08:31 AM
Just a quick note to let you know that the Early Bird notifications for #FastTrackSEO is shutting down in 4 days. 
I don't want you to miss out on being first in line for Fast Track SEO when it launches on May 26, 2015.  
The Early Bird list is shutting down on Friday May 15th. 
Here is the link in case you are not on the list yet:
You don't want to miss out because I can only take 200 members in Fast Track SEO since I will be teaching the webinars live and want to make sure I have time to answer all … (4 comments)

coach katerina: Real Estate SEO Best Practices: Your Questions Answered! - 05/04/15 11:03 AM
Real Estate SEO Best Practices: Your Questions Answered! 
Your Biggest SEO and Branding Questions Answered 
The survey results are in. Thank you for helping out with submitting your biggest questions about your Search Engine Optimization for REALTORS® and small business owners. 
As I am putting together Fast Track SEO for you I wanted to make sure that ALL your important questions get answered. 
In case you did not get to submit your question there are still a few more days for you to do so. But wait until you finish reading this blog post. There are important SEO lessons in this post. 
Go to:
And submit the … (9 comments)

coach katerina: #Fast Track SEO: Special Rates for Early Bird Notification members - 04/30/15 09:02 AM
#FastTrackSEO: Special Rates for Early Bird Notification members 
Be one of the first 50 people to sign up for Fast Track SEO when it launches towards the end of May and receive a $500 discount! 
Be one of the first 100 people to sign up for Fast Track SEO when it launches and you will be entered into a drawing for a one hour strategy session, one on one with me, valued at $600. 
Make sure you are one of the ONLY 200 people who will be in Fast Track SEO live webinars and live Q & A sessions. Yes, we will record the … (2 comments)

coach katerina: RealBird Webinar REPLAY - Did you miss the RealBird webinar? - 04/28/15 04:59 AM
RealBird Webinar Replay- Did you miss the RealBird webinar? 
We had an awesome turnout with almost 300 people registered for the webinar on a busy spring morning!
In case you registered but could not make the webinar- Gabe sent you all the recording via email. So check it out. 
If you did not register you can still have one last chance to watch the replay of the webinar. 
Go here:
This webinar is sure one you don't want to miss if you are interested in taking back your listings and marketing on the internet for sellers and buyers. 
Learn how to … (7 comments)

coach katerina: Not Mobile Friendly Today? Quick Fix to Pass the Google Test | What's It All About? - 04/21/15 03:07 AM
It's April 21st today. Unless you've been living under a rock, you know today is the day that Google's Mobile Algorithm sets in. 
Actually, there has already been movement in the SERPS for a couple of months now regarding Mobile Friendly sites. 
First of all, it is NOT the end of the world. So if you are panicking because your site is still not mobile friendly, relax.    
There is a lot of "end of the world for your website" rumors and such all over the internet and on social media and landing in your email inbox. 
I am not diminishing the importance of being Mobile Friendly. I … (4 comments)

coach katerina: Podcast Channel: Digital Marketing Strategies - 04/14/15 10:01 AM
Podcast Channel: Digital Marketing Strategies 
Here is a current list of podcast episodes on my iTune channel for you convenience: 
How to Choose the Right Website for Your Target Market  So How Do I Get it all Done?  Take Back Your Listings- Real Estate SEO Finding Time Wasters and Savers   
You can easily subscribe to my itunes channel here: 
It is free to subscribe. You can choose to be notified of each new episode. 
My goal is to have 2 episodes each month. 
You can download my podcast to your iPhone iTunes app or on your iPad, Mac computers, PCs, and other devices. 
If you like … (14 comments)

coach katerina: Realbird Webinar- Guest Speaker- Katerina Gasset 2015 - 04/14/15 06:11 AM
RealBird Webinar- Guest Speaker- Katerina Gasset for April 22- 2015 at 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time 
I am going to be the guest speaker on the Realbird webinar on Wednesday April 22, 2015.     
#FastTrackSEO and #TakeYourListingsBack will be the highlights of this webinar.  Regaining control of your listings has never been more important, learn why and how you can take back your listings and then use smart SEO best practices to get more eyeballs on your listings using powerful tools like Realbird and social media.  You will discover the 5 Secrets to Success for syndicating your listings and getting listings from your online … (4 comments)

coach katerina: Join My Free Facebook Group: Digital Marketing Strategies - 04/02/15 02:16 AM
Join My Free Facebook Group: Digital Marketing Strategies
Click here to join now:
This is a closed group on Facebook.
You can set up notifications to be alerted when someone posts to the group.
We add posts about different Digital Marketing Strategies for Real Estate and other professionals.
You do need to request an invite. When you click on the group- it will tell you that.
It is much faster to post tips that only take one paragraph or so in a Facebook group than on a blog.
See you at the top!

coach katerina: When It Comes to Your Digital Marketing Strategy, Taking the First Step Can Make or Break You - 03/26/15 09:29 PM
The last few weeks have been busier than normal. What else is new, right? But really, it has been super busy. I've been working on creating a huge new project that has been keeping me up at night. Being busy is actually a good thing. I would rather be actively engaged in good causes than be bored or lazy. 
This project has been on my mind for a couple of years now but I did not know how exactly to put it all together.  I am so excited about this new project. 
The reason I'm so excited is this focuses … (4 comments)

coach katerina: What's Your Biggest Question About SEO and Digital Marketing - 03/18/15 01:57 AM
What's Your Biggest Question About SEO and Digital Marketing? 
If we had lunch together…
and you could only ask me your biggest question-
what would that be?
Go here to take this one question survey…

After you answer that one question head on over to
the early bird registration for #Fast Track SEO to the Top!
The link to the early bird registration will be on the survey monkey thank you page.
Because you are one of my subscribers you get … (8 comments)

coach katerina: How to Choose the Right Website for Your Target Market - 03/10/15 04:32 AM
How to Choose the Right Website for Your Target Market
Websites - What Kind of a Website Should I Get? 
What kind of website do you need to have? 
What kind of website do you want to have? 

Before you answer either of those questions the first step is to find out: 
Who is your avatar?  Who is your ideal client?  Who is your target market? What are they hungry for?   
The famous copywriter Gary Halbert would ask his students: 
"If you were to open a restaurant what would be the single most … (18 comments)

coach katerina: Google Sends Notices - Your Site is NOT Mobile Friendly - 03/03/15 01:28 AM
Google Webmaster Tools is sending out notices to let you know your website is not mobile-friendly. 
They ask you in the notice to follow the steps to make sure your website is mobile-friendly. 
If you do not make your website mobile-friendly Google will not have your website indexed for mobile search. 
What that means is that you will still be on the search engine for your keywords when people search from their desktop computers but you will not be visible to those same people if they search on their smart phones or iPads. 
Making your site mobile-friendly … (42 comments)

coach katerina: Real Estate Transaction Closing Rules and Forms Change on August 1, 2015 - 02/27/15 07:41 AM
Real Estate Transaction Closing Rules and Forms Change on August 1, 2015 
On August 1, 2015 the HUD1 and the Good Faith Estimate will no longer be used. There will be NO more HUD1 or Good Faith Estimate. 
This is important for real estate agents to understand and be able to also schedule closings taking the new changes into account. 
Don't get embarrassed by asking your buyer to get a Good Faith Estimate after August 2015:). 

The documents that will be replacing them are: 
1. New Loan Estimate 
2. New Closing Disclosure
The reason for these … (5 comments)





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