Real Estate Commercial Real Estate Software Reviews

If you think ActiveRain is a place only residential real estate agents hang out, think again. Many of your colleagues here work on the commercial side of the business, and share some of the same concerns as you: “Where do I go to read reviews of products I need to purchase for my business, without taking hours to dig through hundreds of websites?”

This little corner of ActiveRain is the answer to that question. Whether you sell mobile homes, luxury property or retail shopping centers, reviews of the products you need are right here.

Efficient and effective systems: something everyone in the real estate business needs. Anything that can help you get your job done quickly and efficiently is worth its weight in gold. What are some of those systems available to the commercial agent or broker?

We hear that Catalyst is a favorite when it comes to firms offering commercial information exchange services. Do you agree? How’s their CIE platform?

What about REA9’s contact management program and database system? If you have experience using this product, your commercial real estate colleagues would love to hear more about it.

You’ve seen the little signs on the counter at the convenience store next to the penny dish: “Got a penny? Leave a penny. Need a penny? Take a penny?” Consider this area of ActiveRain as our penny dish – take some information and please, feel free to leave some.

Ease Management
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