cyber security tips: Corporate Cyber Security Leadership Is Lacking, Survey Finds - 09/28/23 04:25 AM
With Cyber Security Awareness month set to kick off on October 1, a new survey finds that the boards of U.S. companies should pay attention. The Wall Street Journal reports that an analysis by software provider Diligent found 88% of companies listed on the S&P 500 have no directors who are cyber security experts.
The survey defined “experts” as those who had served as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or who had technology experience, including those who had previously held senior roles in technology. The survey also found that 52% of companies had at least one member of the Board of … (2 comments)

cyber security tips: Security Appreciation: Cyber Security - 10/26/21 07:50 AM
Awareness; knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
Appreciation: a full understanding of a situation.
“My business has been hacked. Now what?” Here are the steps you should employ immediately.
Hire a Professional – When a business is hacked, it is entirely possible they were compromised because they did not employ technicians to prevent it in the first place. Therefore 3rd parties that specialize is security and breach mitigation should be contacted immediately. These IT security professionals specialize in prevention and containment. Their role proactively is to seek out vulnerabilities by utilizing vulnerability scanning software to seek out points of entry and patch those vulnerabilities prior to an … (7 comments)

cyber security tips: 8 Cyber Security Tips You Can Start Today to Keep Yourself Safe - 06/24/21 11:42 AM
These days, it seems like there is one data breach after another, and each time, they are being done by those who want to steal your identity. Thankfully, it is much easier than you probably think to keep your info safe. Here are some tips that you can start doing right now to put yourself in a position to fight this:
Take a Look at Your Accounts
Almost any account allows you to check the recent activity. Even Facebook, Google, and Twitter have this available. When you take a look at this, you can see every log in and authorization. If something looks … (15 comments)

Robert Siciliano, Realty Security and Identity Theft Expert Speaker ( Inc)

Robert Siciliano

Realty Security and Identity Theft Expert Speaker

Boston, MA

More about me… Inc

Address: PO Box 15145, Boston, MA, 02215

Office: (617) 329-1182




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