cyber security: Corporate Cyber Security Leadership Is Lacking, Survey Finds - 09/28/23 04:25 AM
With Cyber Security Awareness month set to kick off on October 1, a new survey finds that the boards of U.S. companies should pay attention. The Wall Street Journal reports that an analysis by software provider Diligent found 88% of companies listed on the S&P 500 have no directors who are cyber security experts.
The survey defined “experts” as those who had served as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or who had technology experience, including those who had previously held senior roles in technology. The survey also found that 52% of companies had at least one member of the Board of … (2 comments)

cyber security: When and How to Report a Cyber Attack Attempt - 09/14/23 04:39 AM
Should you report a cyber attack attempt? Even a small, seemingly insignificant one? The answer is almost always yes.
There are two reasons to report a cyber attack. The first is to show cyber criminals that you take security seriously. The second is to gain safety in numbers. The more people who are aware of current attacks and techniques, the harder it is for criminals to operate. Remember that hackers and fraudsters depend on their victims knowing little no nothing about their scams. Spread the word, and you help others defend themselves. When enough people fight back or ignore scam and hacking … (11 comments)

cyber security: Cyber Security Newsletter Hits 10,000 Subscriber Milestone - 07/20/23 11:26 AM
The cyber security newsletter from Protect Now Partner and Head of Training Robert Siciliano hit a milestone of 10,000! subscribers on LinkedIn on July 17, 2023. Subscriptions for the newsletter grew exponentially as the 10,000-reader threshold neared.
In addition to LinkedIn, the CSI Cyber Security Newsletter is available via email subscription, with past issues posted to the Protect Now Blog. Each issue highlights current cyber security news of interest to small- and mid-sized-business owners, including evolving threats, regulatory updates and practical advice to avoid cyber criminals, presented in language that non-technical web users can understand.
“Tremendous thanks to everyone who has subscribed, but … (5 comments)

cyber security: Lawsuits: A New Reason to Invest in Cyber Security - 05/24/23 09:35 AM
Lawsuits relating to cyber security incidents are on the rise, according to the 9th Annual Data Security Incident Response Report published by law firm BakerHostetler. For 2022, there were 42 lawsuits filed from 494 incidents that led to individual notifications, including 4 lawsuits filed in cases where fewer than 1,000 people were impacted by a data breach.
SecurityWeek noted that this represented a significant trend, as 2018 data from BakerHostetler showed just 4 lawsuits filed from 394 incidents reported to impacted users.
Why Are Cyber Security Lawsuits Increasing?Individuals and businesses are fed up with data breaches and the time and expense needed to … (7 comments)

cyber security: Security Appreciation: Cyber Security - 10/26/21 07:50 AM
Awareness; knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
Appreciation: a full understanding of a situation.
“My business has been hacked. Now what?” Here are the steps you should employ immediately.
Hire a Professional – When a business is hacked, it is entirely possible they were compromised because they did not employ technicians to prevent it in the first place. Therefore 3rd parties that specialize is security and breach mitigation should be contacted immediately. These IT security professionals specialize in prevention and containment. Their role proactively is to seek out vulnerabilities by utilizing vulnerability scanning software to seek out points of entry and patch those vulnerabilities prior to an … (7 comments)

cyber security: 8 Cyber Security Tips You Can Start Today to Keep Yourself Safe - 06/24/21 11:42 AM
These days, it seems like there is one data breach after another, and each time, they are being done by those who want to steal your identity. Thankfully, it is much easier than you probably think to keep your info safe. Here are some tips that you can start doing right now to put yourself in a position to fight this:
Take a Look at Your Accounts
Almost any account allows you to check the recent activity. Even Facebook, Google, and Twitter have this available. When you take a look at this, you can see every log in and authorization. If something looks … (15 comments)

cyber security: Protecting Your Company and Yourself from COVID-19 Hackers - 05/20/20 05:14 AM
Many people are asking how they can not only protect themselves, but also their organizations, from all of these COVID-19 hacks that are currently popping up.
As with any other phishing scam, vigilance is extremely important. We are certainly going to have to keep on our toes for months, or even years, as this fallout from the pandemic could be around for a long time.
You have to be suspicious of each and every unsolicited email, phone call, or text, especially if someone is looking for account or contact details, or they ask to share personal information. If you feel like information seekers … (5 comments)

cyber security: Deepfakes and the Impact on Cybersecurity Now and in the Future - 06/25/19 05:35 AM
Can you believe what you see in a video? Most people say ‘yes,’ but the truth is, you no longer can. We all know that photos can be altered, but videos? Thanks to artificial intelligence, these, too, are being altered at a very quick rate.
These videos, known as “deepfakes,” are out there, and they are doing a number on cybersecurity. In fact, leaders in the cybersecurity sector are warning consumers that high tech video alteration is here, and it is very difficult to tell with the naked eye whether or not a video is real or fake.
Leaders in cybersecurity shared an … (4 comments)

cyber security: Want to be a Cybercriminal? Try Facebook - 05/02/19 09:26 AM
When you think of a cybercriminal, you probably picture someone in a black hoodie in a dark room on the dark web, but most cybercriminals are out there in plain sight, including on Facebook.
Talos, a cybersecurity firm, found that people can easily join Facebook groups, and then participate in cybercrime including buying and selling credit card info, obtaining spamming tools, or even getting account logins and passwords. All in all, these groups have almost 400,000 members.
Though that does sound like a lot, and it is a lot, you also have to remember that Facebook has about 2 billion users logging into … (8 comments)

cyber security: Study Shows Millennials Choose Convenience Over Security - 04/18/17 05:30 AM
To those of us consider Tom Cruise the movie star of our day or even Grunge as the music we grew up with, looking at millennials, and the way they view life, is fascinating. These “kids” or young adults, many are brilliant. They really do define “disruption”.
However, that doesn’t mean that this tech savvy generation is always right. In fact, a new study shows just the opposite when it comes to internet safety. Though, they can also teach us a few things and are definitely up to speed on the value of “authentication” (which leads to accountability).
Anyway…South by Southwest, or SXSW, … (2 comments)

cyber security: Bitdefender's BOX: All-in-one Cybersecurity from one App - 03/29/16 12:05 AM
Gee, if your home is connected to lots of different devices, doesn’t it make sense that your cybersecurity integrates all your connected devices? Meet the Bitdefender BOX, a network bulletproofing hardware cybersecurity tool for the home that embraces smart home protection focusing on the Internet of Things with remote device management offering next generation privacy protection.
BOX description:
One complete security solution for connected homes Sets up to a router Is controlled by the user’s mobile device and hence, can be controlled anywhere Everything is protected: not just your computer, but all of your connected devices, like your baby monitor, TV, thermostat, … (8 comments)

cyber security: Businesses struggling to keep up with latest wave of malware attacks - 02/28/16 09:46 PM
Companies have been struggling for years to keep cyber-attacks at bay. Cyberthieves are working faster than ever before to send out their malicious attacks, and it’s become increasingly difficult for companies to keep up.
CNN reports that almost one million malware strains are released every day. In 2014, more than 300 million new types of malicious software were created. In addition to new forms of malware, hackers continue to rely on tried and true bugs because many companies simply haven’t found a fix or haven’t updated their systems to mitigate the threats.
In almost 90% of these cases, the bugs have been around since … (0 comments)

cyber security: Scareware Scam almost snags Victim - 02/24/16 09:56 PM
Cybercriminals know that the best way to get their claws on the next victim is to appeal to their emotions, not logic.
There’s lots of scary things in life, and one is learning that your computer has been infected with a virus. If this happens, you’re now vulnerable to spending money on getting rid of the malware. The tactic of scaring users is called scareware.
A pop up tells you “Warning! Your Computer Has Been Infected with Malware!” The pop-up can be triggered by visiting an infected website or by making a bad click. The pop-up can’t be closed out, or if it … (47 comments)

cyber security: Why Are Cyber Hucksters so successful? - 02/17/16 10:00 PM
Often, hucksters prey on the consumer’s desperation, which is why it’s no surprise that the No. 1 rip-off (at least between 2011 and 2012)) was bogus products promising weight loss.
VICE ( interviewed psychologist Maria Konnikova about how cyber cons are so successful—even with the most ridiculous sounding bait (Nigerian prince, anyone?).
The bait becomes more attractive when the target is receiving an influx of cyber attention. Sad to say, this trips up a person’s rationale, making them susceptible to the huckster’s plan.
Konnikova is quoted as stating, “Few things throw us off our game as much as so-called cognitive load: how taxed our … (2 comments)

cyber security: 2016 Information Security Predictions - 02/01/16 09:59 PM
No bones about it, 2016 is sure to see some spectacular, news-chomping data breaches, predicts many in infosec. If you thought 2015 was interesting, get your seatbelt and helmet on and prepare for lift off…
Wearable Devices
Cyber crooks don’t care what kind of data is in that little device strapped around your upper arm while you exercise, but they’ll want to target it as a passageway to your smartphone. Think of wearables as conduits to your personal life.
No doubt, assaults on firmware and hardware are sure to happen.
Not only will this kind of attack continue, but an offshoot of it—“I will infect … (3 comments)

cyber security: Nineways to shop safely on Cyber Monday - 11/23/15 09:47 PM
With Cyber Monday, you don’t have to camp outside in the cold overnight so you can be the first person busting through the doors like on Black Friday. But you still may get trampled to a pulpby cyber scammers waiting for their prey.
How can you avoid these predators?
You know that old mantra: If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Be highly suspicious of outrageously great deals, and also assume that e-mails that link to unbelievable savings are scams. You may think it won’t hurt to just “check it out,” but consider the possibility that simply clicking on … (1 comments)

cyber security: Infrastructures under attack - 11/10/15 10:22 PM
It’s been stated more than once that WWIII will most likely be cyber-based, such as dismantling a country’s entire infrastructure via cyber weapons. And don’t think for a moment this doesn’t mean murdering people.
A report at notes that foreign hackers have cracked into the U.S. Department of Energy’s networks 150 times; they’ve stolen blueprints and source code to our power grid as well. Some say they have the capability to shut down the U.S.
The article goes on to say that cyber warfare could result in death by the masses, e.g., water supply contamination of major cities, crashing airplanes by … (1 comments)

cyber security: Sales Staff Targeted by Cyber Criminals - 10/27/15 12:20 AM
Companies that cut corners by giving cybersecurity training only to their technical staff and the “big wigs” are throwing out the welcome mat to hackers. Cyber criminals know that the ripe fruit to pick is a company’s sales staff. Often, the sales personnel are clueless about the No. 1 way that hackers “get in”: the phishing e-mail. Salespeople are also vulnerable to falling for other lures generated by master hackers.
In a recent study, Intel Security urges businesses to train non-technical (including sales) employees. Sales personnel are at highest risk of making that wrong click because they have such frequent contact in … (3 comments)

cyber security: State sponsored Attacks big Problem - 09/29/15 11:24 PM
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management, an identity database, was attacked by hackers rather recently, and they hit the jackpot: More than 21 million federal workers are at risk of identity theft for perhaps the rest of their lives, reports an article on
The hackers from overseas now have security clearance documents for these employees that contain some very sensitive personal information. And nobody can take these documents away from the hackers.
That’s the problem with these centralized identity databases. It’s like all the loot is in one location, so that when the thieves strike, they get it all. And as the … (0 comments)

cyber security: Ins and Outs of Call Center Security - 09/23/15 12:03 AM
Companies that want to employ at-home workers for their call centers to save money and reduce the hassles of office space have to look at security considerations. In addition to thorough vetting of the agents and their equipment, organizations also need to ensure that the security is top-notch. A cloud-based contact center combats these issues. Here are some considerations:
Will it anger customers to have an agent who can’t speak clear English? Not only does poor speech of the employee drive some customers away, it also concerns customers who are accessing their data over seas.When choosing an outsourcer, organizations look for important … (1 comments)

Robert Siciliano, Realty Security and Identity Theft Expert Speaker ( Inc)

Robert Siciliano

Realty Security and Identity Theft Expert Speaker

Boston, MA

More about me… Inc

Address: PO Box 15145, Boston, MA, 02215

Office: (617) 329-1182




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