cybersecurity: Corporate Cyber Security Leadership Is Lacking, Survey Finds - 09/28/23 04:25 AM
With Cyber Security Awareness month set to kick off on October 1, a new survey finds that the boards of U.S. companies should pay attention. The Wall Street Journal reports that an analysis by software provider Diligent found 88% of companies listed on the S&P 500 have no directors who are cyber security experts.
The survey defined “experts” as those who had served as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or who had technology experience, including those who had previously held senior roles in technology. The survey also found that 52% of companies had at least one member of the Board of … (2 comments)

cybersecurity: New National Cybersecurity Policy Is a Step, Not a Solution - 03/11/23 11:21 AM
The new National Cybersecurity Policy from the Biden Administration holds lofty ideas, but little that is actionable. As reported by The New York Times, the policy, unveiled on March 2, seeks to push greater responsibility for cyber attacks and data breaches toward those who own, operate or use online infrastructure. The policy also outlines a formal strategy for the United States Government to take action against professional cyber criminals and state-sponsored hackers.
With regard to national standards, the new cybersecurity policy is a long-overdue step in the right direction. One of the greatest challenges in convincing organizations to adopt stronger cyber security … (3 comments)

cybersecurity: Let's Be Honest About SMB Cybersecurity Risks - 01/06/23 11:12 AM
There is a disconnect between the reality of small- and mid-sized business (SMB) cybersecurity risks, the way SMBs think about them and the services that cyber security companies offer. This disconnect is most obvious for law firms and real estate agencies that may have office WiFi, or even a cloud-based server, but that lack central IT and cybersecurity support.
Everyone at the firm or agency has their own laptop. They likely use their own devices for work at home. They use their own phones at all hours of the day to conduct business. If this describes your SMB, then this cybersecurity guidance … (4 comments)

cybersecurity: This is What a Scary Psycho Cyber Stalker Looks Like - 10/15/20 09:00 AM
Ryan is a stalker. Ryan was arrested on charges of cyberstalking in October 2017 after it was discovered that he was cyberstalking his former roommate, a 24-year old woman, along with her friends, family, and other acquaintances.
The victim claims that Ryan was involved in hacking and cyberstalking since April 2016. She says that he began hacking into her accounts and stole her photographs, personal diary entries, and personal information. Once Ryan had this information, she says that he sent it to her friends, family, and acquaintances.
On top of this, the female victim also says that Ryan created online profiles using her … (7 comments)

cybersecurity: Beware of IRS Stimulus Check Scams - 04/22/20 09:23 AM
The IRS has been urging taxpayers to be aware of calls and emails that might lead victims to give up their personal information to cyberthieves.
IRS Commissioner, Chuck Rettig, has been urging people to take more care during this time. He reminds taxpayers that the IRS won’t ever call to verify or collect financial information in order for you to get your refund faster. The IRS will also never email taxpayers asking for this information. Fraudulent text messages are also on the rise.
Cybercriminals have always taken advantage of times of trouble, and now that we are in the throes of coronavirus, they … (5 comments)

cybersecurity: Medical Identity Theft: 12 Million Patients Breached - 10/17/19 08:52 AM
Quest Diagnostics is a US-based company that provides medical testing services, and announced that it used third-party billing collection companies that were hit by a severe data breach. In fact, about 11.9 million Quest customers were affected.
The compromised information could include personal data of the patients, including Social Security numbers, as well as medical and financial information. However, laboratory test results aren’t included in the breach.
What Happened?
The AMCA (American Medical Collection Agency) is a billing collection service provider and informed Quest Diagnostics that it had an unauthorized user who gained access to the AMCA system, which contained personal information that AMCA … (8 comments)

cybersecurity: Robert Siciliano on FOX Nation - 06/04/19 12:02 PM
I recently had the opportunity to join a panel discussion on FOX Nation. We talked about the grid, and how cyber threats could be the next medium for global warfare. I was able to share opinions with fellow experts on privacy, information security and cybersecurity. Please watch and learn why it is so important to take control of your own security, and ultimately your life.
Robert Siciliano personal security and identity theft expert and speaker is the author of Identity Theft Privacy: Security Protection and Fraud Prevention: Your Guide to Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft and Computer Fraud. See him knock’em dead … (5 comments)

cybersecurity: Security Appreciation lacking - 04/19/16 12:26 AM
What’s it gonna take for companies to crack down on their cybersecurity? What’s holding them back? Why do we keep hearing about one company data breach after another?
Well, there’s just not enough IT talent going around. The irony is that most company higher-ups admit that cybersecurity is very important and can even name specific situations that could compromise security, such as
having multiple vendors vs. only a single vendor; not having quality-level encryption in place; allowing employees to bring their own mobile devices to work and use them there for business; and having employees use cloud services for business.
Many even admit that … (0 comments)

cybersecurity: 11 Ways to Mitigate Insider Security Threats - 02/01/16 09:54 PM
Companies are constantly attacked by hackers, but what if those attacks come from the inside? More companies than ever before are dealing with insider security threats.Here are 11 steps that all organizations should take to mitigate these threats and protect important company data:
Always encrypt your data If you want to minimize the impact of an insider threat, always encrypt data. Not all employees need access to all data and encryption adds another layer of protection. Know the different types of insider threats There are different types of insider threats. Some are malicious, and some are simply due to negligence. Malicious threats may … (0 comments)

cybersecurity: 5 In-Demand Cybersecurity Specialties - 10/27/15 11:42 PM
There are numerous subspecialties within the booming cybersecurity field[i]. Here are some of the most in-demand professions:
Cybersecurity Engineer: This is the all-around, jack-of-all-trades, go-to guy or gal of cybersecurity. For all intents and purposes, a cybersecurity engineer is a hacker – but a good one. Using their advanced knowledge of malware, viruses, theft, DDoS attacks and other digital threats, cybersecurity engineers defend organizations against crime online. Personality traits required for this role include being flexible, nimble and a do-it-yourselfer. Candidates also must have:
A good background in penetration testing. Experience with additional online security measures. On-the-job experience, which is an absolute … (1 comments)

cybersecurity: Dept. of Homeland Security Computers Vulnerable - 10/24/15 11:36 PM
There’s a problem on the home front: security lapses in the computers of the Secret Service and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, says a report on These departments were recently audited, and weaknesses were revealed.
Recently, hackers got into the White House, State Department and the Office of Personnel Management, among other entities. And this has caused the public to wonder about just how strong cybersecurity is for the U.S. government. So thus, the audit was carried out.
The root of the problem may be inadequate training of the investigators and analysts for the Department of Homeland Security. This seems to have stemmed … (1 comments)

cybersecurity: The Impact of Ransomware on Small Businesses - 08/31/15 11:59 PM
What’s going on this September? National Preparedness Month. This will be the time to increase your awareness of the safety of your business, family, pets and community. During disasters, communication is key. National Preparedness Month concludes on September 30 with the National PrepareAthon! Day.
It would be like a science fiction movie: You go to pull up the file detailing the records of your last quarter’s profit and loss statement, and instead you get a flashing notice: “Your computer has been compromised! To see your file, you must pay money!”
This is called ransomware: a type of malware sent by criminal hackers. Welcome … (1 comments)

cybersecurity: The Beginners Guide to using TOR - 09/09/14 11:23 PM
Want to be invisible online? Get to know Tor.

Tor will make you cyber-anonymous, concealing your cyber footprints, ID, browsing history and physical location. It even makes the sites you visit anonymous. Now, all that being said, there seems to be a concerted effort by certain US government agencies and others to crack Tor, but that hasn’t been completely accomplished…yet.
More on Tor
Realize, that Tor can’t provide 100 percent security. On paper, the Tor network is secure. But the typical Joe or Jane may unintentionally exit Tor using an “exit node,” and end up getting on a website or … (2 comments)

cybersecurity: Fighting the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) - 03/20/13 01:48 PM
All my life I’ve been hearing about Big Brother. For those unfamiliar with the term, coined by George Orwell in his 1949 masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Big Brother is the embodiment of a society under complete surveillance by its government. But it’s not fiction; infact, our everyday activities are being monitored, today, right now, either by self-imposed technology or the ever-present Big Brother.
Traditionally, documenting our existence went like this: You’re born, and you get a medical and a birth record. These documents follow you throughout your life, filed and viewed by many. You must present these records in order to be admitted … (2 comments)

cybersecurity: Cybersecurity Matters in The Election - 10/29/12 03:03 PM
The term “cyberattack” or cyberwarfare is defined as “politically motivated hacking to conduct sabotage and espionage. It is a form of information warfare sometimes seen as analogous to conventional warfare although this analogy is controversial for both its accuracy and its political motivation.”
“Weapons of Mass Disruption” are a growing concern. The U.S. and many other countries are electrically and digitally dependent. Our critical infrastructures, including drinking water, sewer systems, phone lines, banks, air traffic, and government systems, all depend on the electric grid. After a major successful attack we’d be back to the dark ages instantly. No electricity, no computers, no gasoline, … (0 comments)

Robert Siciliano, Realty Security and Identity Theft Expert Speaker ( Inc)

Robert Siciliano

Realty Security and Identity Theft Expert Speaker

Boston, MA

More about me… Inc

Address: PO Box 15145, Boston, MA, 02215

Office: (617) 329-1182




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