debe maxwell: Throwback Thursday's: memories can get foggy at times... - 09/28/23 11:03 PM
Throwback Thursday's: memories can get foggy at times... I had a great conversation with one of my Active Rain Friends today.
We reminisced about the days we saw each other in Boston... after I hung up the phone One Drive was sending me photos.
Ironically, I could not remember the year or the month we got together. We were talking about our friend Grant Schneider  and his wife. Sadly, he is looking down at me as I write this post. Hope Phillis is doing OK since he was her care giver as far as we could remember.
It was around 2018 or so and … (2 comments)

debe maxwell: Speechless Sundays: Do you know whose birthday is today?... - 08/27/23 10:27 PM
Speechless Sundays: Do you know whose birthday is today?... well if you did not let me share it is our friend Debe Maxwell, CRS  she has been having a wild time I am sure since she has not been on the platform for a few days:)
Go stop by and wish here a very Happy Birthday! Best wishes from your Beverly Hills Connection! in case you did not know what the first photo was, she sent to many of her friends a bag and it became my Covid Bag during the Pandemic:))
Wishingyou a safe and healthy life and I look forward to … (27 comments)

debe maxwell: The long-awaited fresh figs finally arrived here in Los Angeles... - 08/17/23 10:58 PM
The long-awaited fresh figs finally arrived here in Los Angeles... some of you who read my posts regularly know I have been complaining that we have not been able to buy fresh figs here in Los Angeles. 
Well finally after eight months guess what I found at Trader Joe's yes you guessed it was fresh figs:))
Now I was thrilled, and we finally had fresh figs after dinner. I noticed at the bottom of the container a little one.... Hmm what was that, farmers have been know to add rocks to the weight of their products lately... so what is this?
I get it … (30 comments)

debe maxwell: What a fantastic client service from : Instacart.... - 07/06/23 08:43 PM
What a fantastic client service from: Instacart! This post was inspired by Debe Maxwell, CRS . The other day I posted that I have not been able to buy fresh figs and she posted a photo as a comment on my post that in Charlotte N.C. you can get figs and they are from California. Go figure I looked at the photo and realized she went on Instacart to show me the fig photo.
Now I never used Instacart before. I love going to the grocery store and picking out my fruits and veggies and everything I can get my hand on … (18 comments)

debe maxwell: This recipe was inspired by Debe Maxwell latest recipe post... - 06/03/23 10:43 PM
This recipe was inspired by Debe Maxwell, CRS  thank you for the inspiration. My friend you know me well I would have to do some modifications. So, with that said. I took your recipe and added more spinach and could not resist but add some wild mushrooms to it as well.
Anyway, check out the photos and let me know what you think I put a link to your recipe too.
Yes all the other ingredients were the same. The difference was I cut the chicken breast in half and put one on the bottom and then the stuffing on top and then … (32 comments)

debe maxwell: Just for fun: this post was inspired by Debe Maxwell - 05/25/23 10:40 PM
Just for fun: This post was inspirited by Debe Maxwell, CRS she wrote a post about receiving stemless glasses to drink wine by the lake. Needless to say, Diane I do not have stemless glasses.
Diane did not want to be left behind and with that said she wanted to have her wine in a stemless glass. So, with that said I had to improvise.
Debe, just so that you know she loved drinking her Pinot Gris from the glass. Wishing you lots of fun drinking out of your stemless glass:)))
Let me know what you think Debe Maxwell, CRS 
Wishing you a safe and healthy … (23 comments)

debe maxwell: Wordless Wednesdays: Yes we have other flowers in our back yard... - 05/09/23 10:22 PM
Wordless Wednesdays: Yes, we have other flowers in our back yard... most of you who read my post will realize it will be Wednesday morning... technically we still have about another hour and a half here in Los Angeles before it turns into Wednesday.
Debe Maxwell, CRS  inspired us to write about our flowers, now with that said yes, I am aware this will not be submitted to the Active Rain Challenge but thought you might enjoy them.
More photos to share from the front yard:))
Wishing you a safe and healthy life and I look forward to your comments. If you are looking for … (30 comments)

debe maxwell: A touch of Paradise: Bird of Paradise a.k.a the Crane Flower...   - 05/06/23 12:53 PM
A touch of Paradise: Bird of Paradise a.k.a the Crane Flower. (The botanical name is Strelitzia Reginae)
Thank you Debe Maxwell, CRS  for the inspiration.  Here we are already in the fifth month of the year, May, with summer fast approaching on the heels of our current Spring.  Many people are already relaxing and entertaining in their backyard while others know the weather will soon be good enough to do so.  
 Sharing a bit of personal history, years back when I lived on the East Coast I had an infatuation with the flower most commonly known as the Bird of Paradise.  (My mother shared … (48 comments)

debe maxwell: Los Angeles, CA. what is not to love about?? - 02/07/23 10:31 PM
This post was inspired by Debe Maxwell, CRS  to share what we love about our city. Since Los Angeles proper is 60 square miles consisting of many geographic communities (Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Marina Del Rey, Venice, Westchester, Brentwood, Hollywood just to name a few) I can't possibly share everything without writing so much as to lose your interest, so I'll do my best to be concise!  To start, I've lived in many different cities and countries throughout my life.  Of all these, Los Angeles is the one in which I have lived the longest and there are many reasons for … (18 comments)

debe maxwell: Thanksgiving Active Rain Grateful Challenge Post Number three... - 11/19/22 06:07 PM
Having been on Active Rain for all these many years has been both rewarding and beneficial for me. The reasons are too many to mention, so I'll simply say this from both a real estate and a personal perspective.  And no this is not a post about being grateful for being on Active Rain😊 (even though I am).
 One of the joys all of these years has been the Thanksgiving Active Rain Challenge when Debe Maxwell, CRS  asks us to share what we are grateful for three or four times during the month of November.   I once read that pets are a great source … (38 comments)

debe maxwell: I am so grateful words are difficult to express it, but I will try... - 11/02/22 10:18 PM
I am so grateful words are difficult to express it, but I will try... Debe Maxwell, CRS  what a perfect time for you to challenge us to do 'Grateful Posts'. Well, what are the odds.  Today I received an email from the California Association of Realtors. Here is the cut and paste of some of it:
Hi Endre,
You recently filled out the C.A.R.’s 2022 Legislative Engagement Member Political Perspective Survey and opted to enter into the drawing for a $500 Amazon gift card. There are 3 winners that were randomly chosen, and you are one of those winners, so congratulations!
Please respond to … (43 comments)

debe maxwell: Won't you help this young family? - 09/27/22 11:40 AM
Some posts we read on this platform are heartbreaking, other posts cheer us up, and others well you know... Then there are posts that require our help.  I often reflect how blessed and lucky we are to live comfortably, and I am also aware that this can change on a moment’s notice.
 Help comes in many forms by providing emotional support, by spreading the word as well as by providing financial support. If you give up a cup of coffee, or a cup of soda, or a glass of wine and put it towards helping  here will be appreciated. It is not … (17 comments)

debe maxwell: How can you run a business like this and survive for the long term? - 01/26/22 10:50 PM
As I did some research for one of my repeat client, I was faced with the question “How can you run a business like this and survive for the long term?”
Here’s a bit of background. My buyer is a disabled Afghanistan War Veteran, and many of you know that I have always been partial towards helping Veterans in any way that I can. When we originally worked together it took a great deal of effort to find him a home for a few reasons. Here in the greater Los Angeles area, most sellers would prefer to not sell their homes to … (44 comments)

debe maxwell: Do you need motivation? Only on a Monday, or other days as well? - 01/17/22 06:59 PM
Do you need motivation? Only on a Monday, or other days as well?
I always enjoyed reading other members sharing posts on Motivation. I don’t recall ever having done one, each time I considered it Active Rain had a glitch or there was always some reason or excuse, so it never happened; at least not that I recall. Since today was a relaxing and somewhat quiet day, as I was reflecting on the past and planning the future, I thought why not do a simple post about Motivation instead?
I have always considered myself to be “self-motivated” or “internally motivated” without the need … (47 comments)

debe maxwell: The advent of the Internet, not Sci-Fi it is real it is Wi-Fi - 01/08/22 09:54 PM
This post was inspired by Kathleen Daniels, Probate & Trust Specialist  and Gary Frimann, CRS, GRI, SRES 
The advent of the Internet certainly has changed the world as we once knew it particularly having grown up in the 1960’s and early1970’s. Without giving away my age, I have witnessed it from inception to the present day while some of the younger generations are reading up on it via Google or history books. The purpose of this post is to write about what went to the wayside, at least for me personally, so here goes.
What first comes to mind is when I was … (36 comments)

debe maxwell: Ending the Thanksgiving Weekend: My tradition has been Leftover ... - 11/29/21 11:02 PM
Ending the Thanksgiving Weekend: My tradition has  always been that I would  bake the small pumpkins. They  were part of the indoor  decorations. Now they would become the vessel for the left over Turkey Soup.
From one perspective it is very unusual but at the same time very delicious.
Easy to do, you cut the pumpkin, clean out the insides, wipe with a little Olive Oil the insides and bake them for 15-20 minutes depending on the size at 400 degrees.
In the mean time warm the left over Turkey Soup on the stove top. Then simply fill the pumpkin with the soup and … (17 comments)

debe maxwell: Thankful for this Amazing Community: Active Rain... - 11/24/21 10:59 PM
Active Rain is an amazing community and I  wouldn't have been able to accomplish all that I did this year without you, our amazing member community support. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
There's a lot to be thankful for this year and here are a few things we'd like to share with you but time is limited. I miss our community mangers like Brad Andersohn the platform was so much better.
Now with that said I am grateful and  thankful for Debe Maxwell, CRS  who does the same for free... shame on those who do not appreciate her hard work... 
So with that said I … (22 comments)

debe maxwell: Happy Thanksgiving: Endre Barath's Cranberry Sauce... - 11/22/21 11:36 PM
I have always been a fan of Thanksgiving Dinners with Family and Friends... my first attempt to bring something to a family gathering was about 27 years ago... I made this out of the ordinary Cranberry Sauce... two hours of labor and forgot to take it with us:)) we all had a good laugh... so the tradition continued... I would make the Cranberry Sauce and would have company over and would forget to serve it... gratefully our friends and relatives were outspoken enough for me to get with it.
So with that said this year I made the Cranberry Sauce yesterday and … (35 comments)

debe maxwell: Thanksgiving 2021 is getting closer and closer... - 11/17/21 11:02 PM
Thanksgiving 2021 is getting closer and closer, I hope you have ordered your Turkey and have bought most of your supplies for the 'eating feast' or should I say " Eating Fest"?
To me Thanksgiving is the ultimate American Holiday, it breaks my heart when I see people decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving. A total disrespect of the American History and tradition of Thanksgiving. If you study or recall American history, in 1621 the Plymouth Colonists and the Wampanoag Indians shared a feast that we now call the Thanksgiving celebration, non other than in Cape Cod,  Massachusetts.
So with that said I have … (18 comments)

debe maxwell: Thanksgiving 2021 is right around the corner I am so grateful... - 11/15/21 11:22 PM
Thanksgiving 2021 is right around the corner I am so grateful for so many things .For starter have exceeded my own life's expectation. Here I am after many people thought I would not live to be 20 or 30 or 40 years of age... Needless to say I managed to cross the 50 and also the 60  zero age point....Despite the dooms day Sayers I am still here. That alone is a lot to be grateful.
Now on a sided note living with Diane for 27 years and she did not take drastic measures and I am still here now that is … (28 comments)

Endre Barath, Jr., Realtor -  Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002 (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties)

Endre Barath, Jr.

Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

Beverly Hills, CA

More about me…

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties

Address: Attn: Endre Barath,Jr., 9696 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA, 90210

Office: (310) 248-6473

Mobile: (310) 486-1002




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