endre barath: Wordless Wednesdays: a great gift but what a disapointment... - 09/27/23 10:26 PM
Wordless Wednesdays: a great gift but what a disappointment... we often give gifts with good intentions, but there are times when the results are disappointing.
I tried to re order some pretzels for Diane, but they were out of stock.... so with that said I moved on where everyone does Searched on the Internet and found another pretzel delivery service.
The delivery was via Fed/ Ex and the package was covered with a couple of small ice packets... very tiny if you asked me. When I took it they were actually warm.... gratefully Diane did not open it up until a few days … (14 comments)

endre barath: Hard to believe Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices is celebrating the... - 09/26/23 09:35 PM
Time Flies!  It is hard for me to imagine that Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices ("BHHS" f/k/a Prudential) is 10 years old! But indeed, it is!
The Brokerages' first office was the Beverly Hills Office. I clearly remember the issues with the Prudential Licensing Name and the BHHS powers to be decided why bother negotiating with what could turn out to be a costly endeavor just to keep the Prudential name? Why not switch to a better, more widely recognized name since Home Services of America is a Berkshire Hathaway Company. 
At the time, leadership made the decision to assume all costs involved with switching the name … (20 comments)

endre barath: Do people read your posts? - 09/24/23 09:48 PM
Do people read your posts? This question has always been a topic of discussion on Active Rain.  Yes, people do read your posts!  For those in doubt, let me share with you a an email I received just last week on a post that I wrote back in 2015  South Palm Drive  My post happened to have a very personal connection to someone, hence the email was very heartfelt. I include a portion of it here:
We lived at XXX South Palm Drive in the early 1960s. My family then moved to XXX S. Bedford Drive...On a trip to Hawaii in the … (43 comments)

endre barath: The lightbulb burned out on my Ceiling Fan....easy fix... Not! - 09/23/23 09:31 PM
The lightbulb burned out on my Ceiling Fan....easy fix... Not! Well first I needed to take off the cover. Thank you to Mr. Google, I managed to take off the cover. Yes, nine years is a good run for the light bulb.
Now look at this light bulb.... off we go to Home Depot.... then back home... Go figure that did not fix the problem. BTW this is not what I was expecting when I took the cover off.
Well maybe it is the remote-control battery.... go figure I take the remote control apart and it falls apart.... Back to Home Depot. clearly, … (31 comments)

endre barath: Wordless Wednesdays: easy dinner tonight... - 09/20/23 10:11 PM
Wordless Wednesdays: easy dinner tonight... as I was making dinner, Diane was giving me the side eye are you going to put this over something? Meaning the mushrooms and the shrimp. I smiled and said no I will put it under something:))
Little did she know I was going to add Four Cheese Tortellini from Rome:) Now with that said she was OK with it.  On a side note both pictures were taken with the Food Feature of my new Phone:)
Wishing you a safe and healthy life and I look forward to your comments. If you are looking for a knowledgeable, focused and … (37 comments)

endre barath: Life of a Pet Friendly Realtor in Los Angeles..... - 09/19/23 10:37 PM
Life of a Pet Friendly Realtor in Los Angeles..... well most of you who read my posts on a consistent basis, know we have two cats and a dog. So what do we do? Basically nothing:) I go grocery shopping, cook some fantastic meals.
Diane coordinates Vet appointments and cleans up after the cats and the dog.
Life is simple here; we listen to classical music to keep the monsters calm and in between there I sell properties in the greater Los Angeles area.
Once in a while we have guests, since the pandemic this has been fewer and fewer. So, what do you … (16 comments)

endre barath: 0 North Hill Rd Pomona CA 91768 SOLD!!! - 09/19/23 04:45 PM
0 North Hill Rd Pomona CA 91768 SOLD!!!
Directions : N White Ave to Val Vista St to Paige Dr to N Hill Rd go to the intersection of Hillcrest Dr and North Hill Rd. On the down slope side past 935 Hill Rd ( a vacant lot) where 962 North Hill House property line ends, directly across where the land begins and has 193 ft of road frontage.
Remarks : Fantastic view residential lot in upscale Ganesha Hills. Build your dream home and enjoy the beautiful mountain views from this property The lot is a steep downslope with an easement from Page Rd. This … (20 comments)

endre barath: Monday Motivations: Thank you General Douglas Mac Arthur... - 09/18/23 11:12 PM
As most of you know I spent some time at West Point, also known as the United States Military Academy, USMA at West Point New York. As a freshman aka Plebe, we had to sit at the Dining Hall when the movie Mac Arthur was made. I can still hear Gregory Peck saying the famous words of General Douglas MacArthur:
...General Westmorland, General Groves, distinguished guests and gentlemen of the corps...
As I was leaving the hotel this morning a doorman asked me "Where are you bound for General?" and when I replied, "West Point," he remarked, " Beautiful place, have you ever … (27 comments)

endre barath: How long does it take to get approvals to build on vacant land in Los Angeles? - 09/18/23 02:42 PM
How long does it take to get approvals to build on vacant land in Los Angeles?
As a vacant land specialist, you can imagine how often I am asked this question.  If I'm not asked, then I bring it up in my first communication with any potential buyer.  Transparency is important, particularly if a potential land buyer comes from a different state or country where the approval process is less than a hundred days which is vastly different than here in Los Angeles.
When I started selling land 26 years ago in Los Angeles, approvals from the Los Angeles Building Department would take approximately … (24 comments)

endre barath: Speechless Sunday: Which photos do you like better? - 09/17/23 10:52 PM
Speechless Sunday: Which photos do you like better? Just as a background the other day I spent about 4.5 hours at Verizon transferring my Samsung Galixy7 data to my new Samsung Galaxy S23 phone. Well, that is another post to be covered later.
One of the new features of the S23 is that there are food foto features. Now with that said please tell me which photos you like better the Featured one? or the one above. Will do the same for the ones below too:)
Again, thank you for your input.  look forward to your choice:)
The reason I am so curious is … (15 comments)

endre barath: Plans are sometimes interrupted by unexpected events.... - 09/15/23 09:32 PM
Well, this Tuesday I took Diane to a great seafood restaurant in Redondo Beach. My front tire did not look good so on the way there I stopped and filled it with air.... long story short, good thing someone was there to help because we would have missed our lunch reservation. (www.Bluewatergrill) Then on top a friend of hers was already there to meet us:)
I noticed that the Tire warning light was still on. So here comes Wednesday and well see for yourself. The Tire was not as bad as you can see, but by the time AAA arrived it was … (23 comments)

endre barath: Wordless Wednesday: the Birthday celebration continues... - 09/13/23 11:49 PM
Wordless Wednesday: the Birthday celebration continues... well tonight I decided to do Maryland style crabcakes, with a small lobster tail. The frozen potatoes were baked at the same time as the vegies.... one green zucchini and some mushrooms covered with parmesan cheese and olive oil....
Yes, I also  made clarified butter with infused garlic and thyme for the lobster tails. Yes and let's not forget, I made a new version of tartar sauce for the crab cakes. 
Keep in mind this was after having a flat tire and opening another escrow to name a few today.
Wishing you a safe and healthy life and I … (18 comments)

endre barath: 0 North Hill Rd Pomona CA 91768 Status: PENDING! - 09/13/23 10:42 PM
0 North Hill Rd Pomona CA 91768 Status: PENDING! This is exciting news, the buyer did his research and needed extra time to get answers from the Building Department. Then the buyer needed more time to get answers from the Title Officer about easement questions. The good news is that now he feels comfortable with the answers.
Directions: N White Ave to Val Vista St to Paige Dr to N Hill Rd go to the intersection of Hillcrest Dr and North Hill Rd. On the down slope side past 935 Hill Rd ( a vacant lot) where 962 North Hill House property … (10 comments)

endre barath: Speechless Sunday: where did my sign go? Oh it's back now... - 09/10/23 10:28 PM
Speechless Sunday: where did my sign go? Oh it's back now...
The other day as in Labor Day Weekend I went out to check a potential land listing, happened to be one street above my current listing. Hence, I went by it to check it out and I noticed my sign was missing?
Needless to say, a couple emails later my sign was reposted. Now it makes me wonder was it the neighbor or the other party who has a listing five lots from mine? Anyway, the good news it the sign is back up again.
Wishing you a safe and healthy life and I … (25 comments)

endre barath: Reflections or should I say Meditation on a Saturday evening... - 09/09/23 10:59 PM
Reflections or should I say Meditation on a Saturday evening... when I am in the mood to reflect or meditate most of my readers know I go to my favorite book that is hand reach from my laptop. Indeed:  The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius!
No more roundabout discussion of what makes a good man. Be one!     Marcus Aurelius
In writing and reading you must learn before you can teach. Yet more so in life.     Marcus Aurelius
If it is not right, don't do it: if it is not true, don't say it.     Marcus Aurelius
Wishing you a safe and healthy life and I … (11 comments)

endre barath: What are you making for dinner tonight? - 09/09/23 09:47 PM
What are you making for dinner tonight? Diane asked as we were driving home from Pasadena? Needless to say we were both hungry heading back from Vroman's Bookstore. So the conversation turned to would you like Peruvian Scallops? She wondered if I had some fresh ones and broke the news that they were frozen. The next question was would you like rice or pasta? Funny question why ask an Italian pasta or rice.
Well, you guessed it was pasta. I did not have pre-made sauce, so I had to scramble and only spent two hours reducing the sauce and adding leftover caramelized … (13 comments)

endre barath: Happy Labor Day : we combined this day with a Birthday Celebration... - 09/04/23 07:50 PM
I hope those who read this post had a wonderful Labor Day with friends and family!  
Today most of us celebrated the hard work each and every one of us has been doing all year around to make our life better and easier. Hence many of us enjoyed some well-deserved rest. Afterall that is the American way.
As I write this post we also celebrated the hard work and dedication of all workers everywhere! Thank you for all that you do!
I would be remiss if I did not post a few pictures. Some of you already saw my post yesterday about the meal … (25 comments)

endre barath: Speechless Sunday: testing out tomorrow's meal tonight.... - 09/03/23 08:46 PM
Speechless Sunday: testing out tomorrow's meal tonight.... old fashioned potato salad, and Mexican Street Corn off the cob. Yes, baked brioche buns, chicken sausage and the caramelized onions with sweet bell peppers.
I figured might as well post it tonight in case tomorrow might not have time.
Wishing you a safe and healthy life and I look forward to your comments. If you are looking for a knowledgeable, focused and goal-oriented Realtor in the Beverly Hills area who will help you achieve your Real Estate goals, please reach out to me directly! If you are looking for a pet friendly Beverly Hills Realtor who … (34 comments)

endre barath: It's Friday, what did you do for fun? I made caramelized onions... - 09/01/23 11:36 PM
What else would you do on a Friday night? Well, it is Labor Day weekend and I wanted to make sure we had some caramelized onions with our Sausages.
It is easy to do all you need is time and patience. 
I cut about eight onions and the rest consisted of time about four or five hours, well worth the time.
I use sweet Vidalia or any other sweet onions and while I am cutting the onions, I melt about 4 oz of unsalted butter.  Add the onions to it and the first hour every 15 minutes or so stir it. I add very … (34 comments)

endre barath: Throwback Thursdays: nice to reflect on the past.... - 08/31/23 10:26 PM
I took this photo  above on November 4th 2022 as I was walking Holly on our evening walk... today it would have been a bright Sunny Photo had I taken it at the same spot. So with that said it is interesting to look back at what we saw at the time we happened to take a picture to commemorate the moment.
I was asked by a potential seller do I put signs up to advertise my land listings? This was a while back too... I said it depends where the listing is. Personally, it is good for me to advertise my … (20 comments)

Endre Barath, Jr., Realtor -  Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002 (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties)

Endre Barath, Jr.

Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

Beverly Hills, CA

More about me…

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties

Address: Attn: Endre Barath,Jr., 9696 Wilshire Blvd., Beverly Hills, CA, 90210

Office: (310) 248-6473

Mobile: (310) 486-1002




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