health: From TikTok to the Garden: The Lives of Those Proving 90 is the New 40 - 09/21/23 02:39 PM
I just read a story about a woman in Chicago who just turned 100 years old and didn’t retire from her job until she was 99 year old. She said the reason she never retired was because she loved what she was doing at her job, felt needed and appreciated.
In an era where age is increasingly seen as just a number, the traditional stereotypes associated with the elderly are being shattered. Today's octogenarians, nonagenarians, and centenarians are not just reminiscing about the past; they're actively shaping the present and future.
From the courtroom to the comedy stage, from TikTok to the golf … (19 comments)

health: The Road To Better Health Found In Least Expected Places - 07/08/09 04:04 AM
A Road To Better Health Found In Least Expected Places!   I am so excited about my latest discovery that I just have to share it with everyone. I don't Hopefully, this post will be found by those whom this will really help. I am on a Candida diet for the rest of my life. This is an extremely strict way of eating that appeared impossible to live with, especially when going out to eat. But the healthier I become the less I want to eat out anyways. Most of the time now, I get sick when I eat out at … (29 comments)

health: Natural and Eco Friendly Ways To Repel Pests - 07/13/07 01:10 AM
Beware of claims that the pest control companies tell you about their products being natural. Natural is not always good for you. Petroleum is natural but you would not drink that or put it around your home would you? Become a label reader. I learned how to read labels when my mother would tell me that preservatives were not good for you  and that they caused cancer. Now that was in the 60's and early 70's when no one talked about organics except for hippies. Well, my mom was a hippy and she was also a straight A Phi Beta Kapa … (4 comments)

health: Is Beauty Only Skin Deep? The High Cost Of Staying Beautiful! - 07/12/07 02:41 AM
How much time do you spend grooming every day, every week, every month? How much money do you think we spend on beauty enhancing activities not including exercise?
Well get this! A Real Estate Agent ( I am not going to mention names) spends between $2,000 to $3,500 a MONTH  on maintaining her looks! I just can't seem to get over that! I don't even like to take the time to get my nails done; it stinks in those nail salons of very poisonous fumes and the hour there can be spent with my kids who I enjoy more! My daughters … (5 comments)





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