Leanne Smith's (highdesertre) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Dirt Road Real Estate - SA676002000
Going beyond the plethora of listings to discover what is keeping realtors from sustainable sales success.
As a young child I had the opportunity to spend several Chirstimas’s on my grandparent’s farm in northern Wisconsin. What I remember is stringing popcorn and cranberries with my Swedish grandmother on the freshly cut pine tree which was placed on the recently in the small living area.  The lights...
Even when the fat lady has sung (meaning the real estate purchase has been recorded), your duties as a Realtor to your clients have not ended. Due to client confidentiality, your now closed transaction with those sellers or buyers commits you to being their Realtor until you die. Beyond confident...
Realtors are leaders. How we lead our clients, our colleagues and ourselves can be directly connected to how we are able to increase sales within our real estate practice. With 2020 being turbulent for many within the real estate industry, leading ourselves to achieve our professional and persona...
An old song recently played on the radio by Bobby Darin entitled The Sweetest Sounds. For some these lyrics may be music to their Realtor’s ears: The sweetest sounds I'll ever hear Are still inside my head And the kindest words I'll ever know Are waiting to be said. For some Realtors their music ...
 Recently I heard a song entitled “There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back.” The title struck a chord within me especially during this COVID situation. Here in AZ real estate is designated as an essential business. Realtors in many other states did not receive that designation. Regardless of the designat...
In sales and especially in real estate sales, no one like to hear or even say the word NO. Sometimes, Realtors even though they know this or that client is not the best fit, may continue to work with them. Their rationale may be the promise of a large commission, their concern for the client or j...
Again, another song made a connection to me. I was listening to an oldie, The Long and Winding Road, by the Beatles. The lyrics continue with  “That leads to your door, Will never disappear, I’ve seen that road before, It always leads me here, Lead me to your door.” What struck a chord in me was ...
In the 1992 movie, Glengarry Glen Ross, the sales trainer emphasizes the ABC of selling – Always Be Closing. This high-pressure strategy may increase sales, but in that process will lose or destroy a lot of relationships. Yesterday, I invested a 45-minute telephone call with an out of town couple...
In a comment to this blog, Maybe This Is Why You Can't Increase Sales, Grant Schneider referred to the misalignment respective to leaders naming the top three business goals. I, too, have experienced this business misalignment within in my executive consulting and coaching practice. What this mis...
Fact, most Realtors want to increase sales. Yet, they more than often overlook this aspect to grow their businesses – the Mission Statement. Having facilitated numerous sessions dedicated to writing Mission Statements, I always begin sharing this scenario. "Remember, Mission Impossible where Mr. ...

Leanne Smith

Relocation to NW AZ with elbow room & more freedom
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