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Listings By Address

Members: 2973

Posts: 57286

Founded: 11/29/2006

NEW Rule...Write ANYTHING in the Title that you want. The ONLY critera is that the article MUST be about a listing. Remember, multiple pictures are key (don't forget to name them), also add links to your webstite...links are good! The search engines will love it so give it everything you've got ... let's sell some houses. Be sure to read the Blog Post "Help for Active Rain Listings" before you write your blog. Copy and paste the following link http://activerain.com/blogsview/49609/help-for-active-rain-listings-by-address-group-members-read-first-before-submitting-your-listing If you need additional help, feel free to contact me at Gena@GenaSells.com


Gena Riede

Real Estate Broker/Owner