hurricane information: Hurricane Season 2023…Think You're Ready? - 05/31/23 05:26 PM
Hurricane Season 2023…Think You're Ready?
For all but 3 years of my life, I have lived in hurricane areas…Texas and Florida. And every June, I try to remind others to be prepared!
By the way…even if you don’t live in a hurricane area, you still need to be prepared to leave or shelter at home!  There are fires, snowstorms, earthquakes, floods, chemical leaks, or tornadoes that can impact your life. 
Make a plan. Drop the I should do this…DO IT.  
Make a list and know…
-What you would take if you had to leave
-Where you would go if you had to leave
-If you have pets, are … (32 comments)

hurricane information: Do You Know What You’d Take? - 01/11/23 04:26 PM
Do You Know What You’d Take?
Last weekend, we had a frightening storm that came through our area. (Cypress, TX). We had tornado alerts and sirens on our phones started going off. 
In Houston, we’re accustomed to all sorts of weather…often on the same day. However, this one felt close. The lightning even sounded different. It was right outside our windows!
It made me think about what I’d take if I had to go into our “safe” room (Larry’s closet) if a tornado were to strike. Of course, it would have to be something I could grab quickly but this is something to think … (22 comments)

hurricane information: ARE YOU READY? - 09/19/22 01:52 PM
The American Public Health Association has deemed this day to call attention to their Get Ready Campaign. 
You may think that this applies only to those in a hurricane, flood, earthquake, or tornado area. However, it never hurts to be prepared for any disaster or event in your community that could occur. 
Remember 2020 and the virus?  Many stores were closed and supplies were limited or totally out. 
Who wants to be down to their last roll of toilet paper? Clorox, soaps, peanut butter, and other staples were in big demand. 
While there’s no need to hoard, it’s a good time to review … (25 comments)

hurricane information: Prepare NOW for Hurricane Season and Other Unexpected Events - 06/09/22 02:13 PM
Prepare NOW for Hurricane Season and Other Unexpected Events
Even if you live in a state where hurricanes aren’t the norm, it never hurts to be prepared for natural or other disasters. There are any number of emergencies that could force you and your family out of your home. Or be without water and power and other outside resources while sheltering in your home.
June marks the beginning of our hurricane season and it’s a good time to assess your readiness should you need to evacuate or shelter in place. 
For peace of mind, here are 10 helpful tips you can do NOW…
1. … (34 comments)

hurricane information: Are You Prepared If You Had to Suddenly Leave Your Home?  Get Your To-Go Bag Ready - 08/30/21 02:12 PM
Are You Prepared If You Had to Suddenly Leave Your Home?  Get Your To-Go Bag Ready
Listening to the news on Hurrican Ida, reminded me of the need for everyone to be prepared should you have to leave your home. 
It doesn’t have to be for a hurricane...there are fires, earthquakes, tornadoes, gas leaks in your area, and any number of things. 
You’ll have to decide for yourself and your loved ones what you would need if you had to be out of your home for 1 day, a week, or who knows.  Putting one together isn't that hard!
But the basics are:
*Prescriptions, glasses, contacts 
*Personal … (35 comments)

hurricane information: How To Prepare Yourself for The Hurricane Season and More! - 06/02/21 02:49 PM
How To Prepare Yourself for The Hurricane Season and More!
You don’t have to live in a hurricane area to be prepared for natural or other disasters. 
Even though the 2021 Hurricane Season officially began on June 1, there are other reasons why it pays to prepare your home and your family for emergencies that could cause you to be without power, water,and outside resources or force you to leave your home. 
Those of us in Texas had no idea that in February we’d have snow and freezing weather that caused massive power outages and some shortages in stores and gas stations.  (more than … (50 comments)

hurricane information: Hurricane Information...It’s Never Too Late to Be Prepared. - 08/20/20 02:33 PM
Hurricane Information...It’s Never Too Late to Be Prepared.
The 3rd anniversary of Hurricane Harvey is approaching (August 25, 2017).  Harvey made landfall as a category 4 hurricane and caused 125 BILLION dollars in damages. 
With tropical depression 14 in the Caribbean, Texas and Louisiana could be impacted. 
Even though the hurricane season began June 1, it’s not too late to make sure that you’re prepared. 
What you can do now…
An approaching storm is easier to deal with if you have a plan in place. 
Make a list of what you need and what you will do.

If you wait … (27 comments)

hurricane information: Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods, Fires...Everyone Needs a “Bug Out” Bag - 06/10/19 05:40 PM
Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods, Fires...Everyone Needs a “Bug Out” Bag

It sounds a bit like Jack Bauer or Leroy Gibbs, but you really should consider some kind of bug out or emergency “to go” bag for you and each member of your family, including your 4 legged ones.
What is an Emergency “To go” bag?
It’s going to differ for every person and family but basically, it’s what you would need to survive and function outside of your home if you suddenly had to leave. And, you would also want to consider a situation in which you would not be able to return to … (34 comments)

hurricane information: Hurricane Season 2019 Begins on June 1...What You Can Do NOW! - 05/30/19 03:46 PM
Hurricane Season 2019 Begins on June 1...What You Can Do NOW!

The 2019 Hurricane Season begins on June 1 and runs through November 30. By all accounts, it should be a near-normal season. Even if you’ve been through a hurricane and know what to expect, you know that the best thing you can do is organize and prepare NOW, before a hurricane is headed our way.
I’ve been through no fewer than 9 hurricanes (I lost count) and can tell you that with each hurricane, I learn something new to add to my list for the next hurricane.

Here are 12 things … (39 comments)

hurricane information: Some Lessons Learned From Hurricane Irma - 06/25/18 03:08 PM
Some Lessons Learned From Hurricane Irma

It’s easy to see that we’re in hurricane season because of the flurry of activity on the part of our local power company as well as tree trimming services.
Trees everywhere are being trimmed, especially those near power lines. And,  along A1A FPL (Florida Power & Light) has been working on the lines there! Asplundh trucks are everywhere!
Years ago, I quit counting the number of hurricanes I’d been in (including one in the Bahamas), but each time even though I feel better prepared than most, there are always a few things I make a note of … (28 comments)

hurricane information: Hurricane Season 2018...It’s Time to Prepare - 06/04/18 01:10 PM
Hurricane Season 2018...It’s Time to Prepare

As we learned from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, it is never too soon to prepare for the upcoming hurricane season.

Various sources have predicted a “near normal” to “above normal” season but let’s face it, it will be what it will be so the prudent thing to do is gather what you need as if one were coming our way.

Hurricane season began on June 1 and ends November 30! We have an advantage over tornadoes or earthquakes...we are given time to prepare and we know when one could come.

Below are 12 things you … (33 comments)

hurricane information: Hurricane Last Minute Checklist- Irma 2017 - 09/05/17 01:33 PM
Hurricane Last Minute Checklist- Irma 2017
Hurricane Irma looks like she will make her presence known, if not here in South Florida, at least somewhere along our coasts. (I hope she stays far away)
Take a deep breath and use this checklist NOW

Do This Now:
~Fuel in your cars and propane tanks
~Water for the family and pets
~Non-perishable food
~Some fruits, veggies, etc because if we’re hit hard, you’ll want something fresh after a few days.
~Prescriptions-check and if you are running low, get them filled now
~Cash-have it on hand just in case power is out and ATM’s are out
~Bring in anything that could be … (36 comments)

hurricane information: Are You Prepared For the Hurricane Season? - 05/31/17 04:26 PM
Are You Prepared For the Hurricane Season?
The 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season begins today, June 1 and is predicted to be above average according to NOAA, with 11 to 17 named storms. Delray Beach dodged a bullet with Matthew last year but we can’t let our guard down.
With hurricanes, unlike earthquakes or tornadoes, we have the advantage of time...time to prepare, time to gather our belongings.
The best thing you can do for you and your family is to take the time NOW to do what you can to prepare yourself for the 2017 hurricane season.  
Here are 12 things you can do … (28 comments)

hurricane information: 12 Things YOU Can Do Now BEFORE a Hurricane Comes. - 05/30/16 10:38 AM
12 Things YOU Can Do Now BEFORE a Hurricane Comes.
The 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season begins June 1 and is expected to be the most active since 2012. There are 14 storms, 8 hurricanes, and 3 major hurricanes projected.
The last few years have been quiet in South Florida but don’t let complacency set in.  
Now is the time prepare your home and your family.  
Here are 12 things you can do now BEFORE a hurricane comes.
1.Check your insurance
You need to know what is and is not covered.  Actually, you should make sure you have the kind of coverage you’ll … (25 comments)

hurricane information: Hurricane Tips-Last Minute Preparations- Palm Beach County - 08/27/15 10:47 AM
Hurricane Tips-Last Minute Preparations- Palm Beach County

For now, Erika is still a Tropical Storm.  Depending upon what happens in the next few days if and when Erika passes over Puerto Rico, Palm Beach County may get our first hurricane in 10 years this Monday.

If you are new to the area or if you are a long-term resident but complacent about hurricanes, there is still time to “get your house in order.”

I learned of an app that various communities offer called  CodeRED Mobile Alert.  You can register with the site and alerts will be sent to you for such emergencies as … (41 comments)

hurricane information: 2015 Hurricane Tips for Palm Beach County-10 Things You Can Do Now-and a Tech Tip! - 06/01/15 10:53 AM
2015 Hurricane Tips for Palm Beach County-
10 Things to Do Now and a Tech Tip!

Even though the 2015 Hurricane Season is projected to be a quiet one,  we all know how important it is to be prepared.  Trying to do this when we are under a hurricane warning will only add to your stress, and leaves you little time to prepare properly.

Most of the items are ones that all of us can do, regardless of where we live. And, be sure go to the Palm Beach County website and download the 2015 Hurricane Survival Guide.

1. Insurance
Check with your carrier … (22 comments)

hurricane information: Hurricane Season 2014-How to Prepare an Emergency "To Go" Box! - 06/04/14 08:36 PM
Hurricane Season 2014-How to Prepare an Emergency “To Go” Box!

With the 2014 Hurricane Season here, preparation is key.  In a previous post I wrote about 10 important things that we can all do now to prepare for the season.  One of those was to prepare an Emergency “To Go” Box.

You don’t have to live in an area known for hurricanes.  Having a box or backpack that you have ready to go in the event you need to leave your home….. floods, tornadoes, gas leaks, fires, and other emergencies.

How to Prepare an Emergency “To Go” Box…

1. … (22 comments)

hurricane information: Hurricane Season 2014-10 Tips for Palm Beach County Residents! - 06/01/14 09:18 PM
Hurricane Season 2014-10  Tips for Palm Beach County Residents

June 1 marked the beginning of the 2014 hurricane season, and with that a reminder that it’s time get out the checklist and make sure you’re prepared!

Hurricane Season 2014- Part 1-  What to do NOW!

The more you do now, the less panicked you’ll be should Palm Beach County come under a hurricane warning.
1.  Insurance
Check with your insurance agent and know what is covered.   You cannot wait until a hurricane is on the way to get coverage.  

2.  Start gathering hurricane supplies.
If you’ve ever … (26 comments)

hurricane information: Hurricane Tips for 2013- A Hurricane's Coming-Now What Do You Do? 12 Tips! - 05/28/13 09:40 PM
Hurricane Tips 2013- You’re Prepared!  A Hurricane’s Coming..Now What Do You Do?  12 Tips.
 It’s one thing to be prepared in the event of a hurricane, with all of your water stored in the garage, flashlights, batteries, first aid kit and non-perishable food in a special box. But you turn on the news and a hurricane is on the way.
A Hurricane is Coming...Now What Do You Do?
12 Last Minute Tips!
1.  Start monitoring your local news station, television and radio.
2.  Make sure all of your vehicles’ fuel tanks are FULL!  
3.  Now’s the time … (47 comments)

hurricane information: Hurricane Season 2013-Tips for Getting Prepared- What to Pack in a "To Go" Box! - 05/23/13 09:34 PM
Hurricane Season 2013-Tips for Getting Prepared-What to Pack in a “To Go Box! (Part 2)
In Part 1 in this series I made suggestions about Things You Can Do Now to Be Prepared for the Hurricane Season.   One of those tips is to prepare a “To Go” Box.
What is it you want in your “To Go” box?  
You will want to have in it items that you would need if you had to evacuate your home..... if you had to leave for a shelter or to stay with others.  What if you could not return to your … (17 comments)





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