Real Estate Agent with RG Realty Group

In The Know

A Pro Coach Explains Why Strategy is Everything
Don't have the time or budget to hire a career coach? Here are some key takeaways from a recent national sales event:

1. Play chess, not checkers
The market is shifting into a playing field that many of us have never encountered. This means you'll need to make major changes in your goals and expectations. Like chess, play strategically with your goal to be four steps ahead of the competition when our market heats up again. Become more than a sales pro; become a student. That's the game that makes up our business.

2. Know your numbers
World-class athletes are keenly aware of their numbers, as this is how performance is best measured. Similarly, studying the real estate market daily will make you a better advisor. For example, if home sales decelerate, how will you pivot accordingly? Which expenses can be cut without affecting your success rates?

3. Be courageous
Show bravery by evaluating yourself with growth, rather than failure, in mind. Personal growth must happen steadily and consistently to fuel your business growth.

4. Set your expectations wisely
A popular sales guru proclaimed: "You don't get what you want, you get what you expect." To expect and earn different results, perform differently to achieve them. Take ownership of your growth and expect more as you work towards it.

5. Cultivate powerful partnerships
Who you do business with matters, and it's been said that you are the average of the five people with whom you spend the most time with. Surround yourself with people who are grateful, ambitious, gritty, and positive. Pick your partners wisely, hold each other accountable, and maximize the relationships you've built.

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