BLiz Biz: Warren County Ohio Area Real Estate

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Real Estate Agent - Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305 - SAL.2002007747
Liz Spear Team Transaction Alliance Warren County Ohio Residential home sales Serving the Cincinnati to Dayton area, both home sellers and home buyers. Niche specialty in lifestyle/patio homes in addition to general residential real estate.
"Semper Gumby!!" was a saying back in my Annapolis days.Semper from the Latin word for "always" and if you had a Gumby toy as a kid (like I did), you know Gumby was FLEXIBLE, thus "Always Flexible!!".As a midshipman you had to be "always flexible" because things can change quickly and you have to...
Real estate demands a diverse set of skills, and let's be honest, not everyone has the skills to do everything that needs to be done, or if you have the skills, you might not have the time.  Either way, there's nothing wrong with hiring help so you can focus on the relationship and building aspec...
On our back deck we currently have 6 tomato, 2 bell pepper and 3 jalapeno pepper plants in containers.  My parents had extra starters for the tomato plants and gave me 2 each of 3 varieties.  The peppers we planted from seed and they've got a lot of growing yet to provide fresh peppers, but we kn...
Nothing is impossible for the man who does not have to do it himself.It's a saying from decades ago in my life, a little sign hanging in the office of one of my Navy department heads.  While it might not be totally phrased to modern day preferences, the core concept is still true:  it's easy to b...
It's natural to want some validation.  You spent time writing your post, now you want to know that people actually read your post, and what better way to have proof than a comment???If you're new to the community, you'll find many members fall into one of several groups:1.  The Reciprocators.  Yo...
Some of our cats love to chase laser dots.  Shine the red dot and they can't help it, they've got to try and catch it!In some ways, there's not a lot of difference between industry and our cats.  Put something bright and shiny out there and some of us will chase it.  There's a lot of wealth being...
Now that I've got your attention...Depending on your viewpoint, blogging might be a totally optional activity, or a sign of the Apocalypse if you DON'T make a post, or somewhere in between.How much blogging is enough?How much is too much?How much is just right?It's a question for Goldilocks.The a...
My mom is from Cass West Virginia.  Never heard of it?  Then you're probably not a big fan of old time railroads!  Until about 60 years ago Cass was a focal point for bringing lumber down off the mountains to be processed at the local saw mill.  My grandfather worked there, and while the mill is ...
Our move to the mountaintop has been much slower than we expected.  It's been two years since we purchased our land and the design process has taking a few twists and turns, but we finally have a final set of drawings and ideas for how we want to optimize the use of our land.Finding the right bui...
If you get purchase leads chances are you might be able to designate desired location and maybe type (buyer or seller), but chances are most of the leads are going to be of the generic variety.And the buyer that signs up saying they want to live in Area A may very well switch to Area X a good 30 ...

Liz and Bill Spear

Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
Contact The Author
REALTORS(R). Serving Warren County Ohio and adjacent areas from Cincinnati to south Dayton. Observing and reporting on real estate and related topics to help your quality of life! And if you're asking where is Warren County Ohio? We fill the space between Cincinnati and Dayton. Perfect for enjoying the bigger cities without living in them. Places like Mason, Lebanon, Springboro, Waynesville, Franklin and more. Plus lots of rural properties available too. We work with both residential home buyers and sellers and have extensive knowledge of low maintenance living options (patio homes, condos, etc.).