marketing for business: Zoom Call 9.19.23 Dorie Dillard Dominating Your Neighborhood - 09/21/23 07:52 AM
Zoom Call  9.19.23 Dorie Dillard Dominating Your Neighborhood
The Zoom Call this week was presented by Dorie Dillard and was a how to on dominate your neighborhood or market area.
Her frequent posts are focused on the Canyon Creek subdivision of Austin TX. This is a pattern that was developed over a period of years and hard work to become recognized.
She started by offering up the uniqueness of our business, as we get to choose our partners, or collaborators. 
She acknowledged other ActiveRain members that dominate their market, and the manner in which they do same. Ours is a business that constantly changes and … (20 comments)

marketing for business: Zoom Call with John Meussner Lenders and Agents Working Together - 03/15/22 04:14 PM
Zoom Call with John Meussner  Lenders and Agents Working Together
The Zoom call this week, was more of an alert to agents to be more proactive with working within their sphere with regards to local lenders.
John Meussner, a very experienced loan officer offered up trends in the business coming from sources with deep pockets. These companies are looking to reduce the actions of agents and also lenders in favor of creating large sources that will seek to monopolize the industry and leave little room for the style of business we urgently enjoy. To make his point, he offered the reality of current … (35 comments)

marketing for business: Treat Their Home Purchase As If It Were Your Own - 05/04/21 04:44 PM
Treat Their Home Purchase As If It Were Your Own
Our job as real estate agents is to guide our clients through their transaction, whether selling or buying.  As a seller's agent we give council on home preparation, repairs, pricing and what to expect once a contract has been taken.  It can be less involved than we would with a buyer.
As a buyer's agent, we start with making sure they are set with a lender so as to not waste energy and frustration with properties beyond their capabilities.  As we come to appreciate their needs we become a unit with them to … (33 comments)

marketing for business: If You Mail It, They Will Call - 12/15/20 06:14 AM
If You Mail It, They Will Call
For years, I have mailed out calendars within a special seasonal card to the people in my sphere.  Some of them are family member, after all one does hope they remember you are in the business, even though they may be reluctant t have you aware of their financial strength.
I have also been an advocate of including a card to the orphaned client, or at least I hope they are.  The orphans are, of course, the clients that were on the opposite side of my transactions.  I'm letting them know that at east one agent … (49 comments)

marketing for business: Are Sales People Like Sharks Circling Prey? - 01/20/17 09:05 AM
Are Sales People Like Sharks Circling Prey?
Sales people need the activity with clients in order to properly do their job and if like real estate agents, to get paid. Does that make them over the top aggressive to the point that they become like sharks circling prey?
People like the anonymity of the Internet so as to not get aggressively pursued by sales agents looking for their business. I do believe that this pushy action can do just the opposite and push that potential client further away or even towards another agent.
This hit home to me today as I was waiting at a car dealership … (62 comments)

marketing for business: Staying in Touch with Former Clients - 12/31/16 02:47 PM
Staying in Touch with Former Clients
Fellow ActiveRainer, Larry Johnson is sponsoring a contest this month whose focus is on Keeping in Touch with Former Clients.  There have been many unique posts offering insights into the manner other members reach out to their former client with the intent to be there when the light shines when someone discusses buying or selling a home.
My efforts are not along the lines of the meet and refresh acquaintances. For the past few years, I have lost a majority of my selling clients to relocations out of state.  Some for business, retirement evacuations and for the short … (9 comments)

marketing for business: Perception Vs Reality When It Comes to Real Estate - 11/28/16 08:10 AM
Perception Vs Reality When It Comes to Real Estate
There is the perception with many people that real estate agents seldom earn their money and are often overpaid when it comes to selling homes. This perception of agents is drawn from the perceived reality that all we do is drive around in our too large, and too clean cars and open a few doors so that clients can see a house and place offers on them.
Part of this perception may be true. We do drive around in our cars and often times they are clean, but the reality is that we need … (39 comments)

marketing for business: Trying to Eliminate Time Sappers - 05/31/16 12:18 PM
We don't have 30 hours in a day to do our jobs even though at times clients think we have at least that many. There is always the temptation to jump on the call and get into a response. We are after all people that need to close to get paid. That mentality can put us into situations where we are sapped for time and then have to scramble for the work that was list.
Number 1: Time Sapper Clients  We all have them.  The buyer that is looking for the best deal ever and wants to run out with every new … (19 comments)

marketing for business: In Central Connecticut For the Day, 1 Up 1 Down and a Draw - 02/17/16 11:16 AM
For the Day, 1 Up 1 Down and a Draw
It was an interesting day for myself with real estate here in Central CT. I opened up my emails this morning and received  contract for a buyer client of mine. That buyer will be ecstatic as he has been looking for a home for almost a year and was reaching the point of frustration.  It won't be simple, as it's a 203K purchase but we will work for a Mid April closing.
Then as I opened up the MLS I noticed a new listing that I was hoping to get for myself. The … (9 comments)

marketing for business: And You Should Always Ask, How Did You Find Me? - 02/01/16 06:52 AM
We market for business and there should always be a thought as to how effective that marketing is doing.  Getting calls from prospective clients is what we strive for.  We do our blast emails with newsletter, market our properties and do be effective we should always ask that question.
Referrals from our sphere should be easy as that is how a prospect may start a conversation:  I got your phone number from so and so.
Then there is the email that we get from the brand marketing letting us know there is a potential client to be had.
Calls from signs are easy as they will start with … (55 comments)

marketing for business: Working to Promote the Niche That Fuels our Business - 01/12/16 11:08 PM
Working to Promote the Niche That Fuels our Business
Those of us that have been blogging for any reasonable stretch of time have seen the flow of activity that comes from certain blog posts. These market niches get nurtured with the blogs we produce focused are their individuality and the expertise we provide. Bob Stewart has challenged us to write down 20 topics that could form a program of business blogs for 2016.
In the past 2 years I have tried to develop the senior market in my area with a combination of blogs and direct mail marketing. While many seniors are occasionally drawn … (15 comments)

marketing for business: Work with Them on Their Schedule Not Yours - 01/05/16 10:49 AM
Work with Them on Their Schedule Not Yours
Ours is a service based business. We have no products to sell and we get our compensation only when a client real estate deal closes. So why would we try to manipulate a client to show them homes when it was convenient for us. We may feel that they should make the time to see homes during reasonable hours to us even though they are working the job that will pay for the home.
When we sit down with our clients to create a plan of business for them, the size, type and location of … (10 comments)

marketing for business: Starting in Real Estate in 2015, Learn From Those That Have Been There - 10/27/15 11:55 AM
Starting in Real Estate in 2015, Learn From Those That Have Been There
The business of Real Estate can, at times seem to be a full contact sport. It is highly competitive as the reward is a paycheck, and the second place finisher gets nothing and quite possibly a decrease in their reserves. The truth is simply close to go forward.
So many people get licensed, and just wait for the business to fall into their laps. It doesn't work that way and the statistics support that.  Sixty percent of new agents are out of the business within the first year. Another 50% … (33 comments)

marketing for business: My Husband and I Were Wondering If You are Still In Business - 12/01/14 12:26 AM
My Husband and I Were Wondering If You are Still In Business
This was the first line of an email I received from a client that not only gets period mailings from me, but also that magnetic calendar that sits on their refrigerator. It was an email that did come to the proper  email address, however so they must have kept something.
The first thoughts were how effective, or ineffective my marketing might be that I should get such an email from someone that gets periodic mailings from me. The next line was a request for help in … (19 comments)

marketing for business: Sometimes A Testimonial Will Leave you Humbled - 07/29/14 10:17 AM
A testimonial From A Repeat Client
I had a client close on their Cheshire CT home recently, after waiting for the buyer to close on their home as well. After 3 years in their new home, the family was forced to relocate because of a job promotion. It was a good thing for the fmily, but it could have been a negative as they did not have much tine to appreciate their new home, much less gain significant equity.
They had done a lot of work to make the home comfortable for them and the challenge was to get it … (62 comments)

marketing for business: Working a Marketing Plan will Reap the Rewards - 09/04/13 05:32 AM
Working a Marketing Plan will Reap the Rewards

No business should operate without a plan of action, regardless of it's size. Major corporations have large staffs and outside consultants to determine the market's movement for their products and services, and they make changes to stay abreast of the market and ahead of their competition.
Smaller businesses may not have the same resources, but the need to follow an organized plan is still critical to survival and growth. This is equally true of the people working in our real estate business. The smaller the business, the more critical the implementation … (4 comments)

marketing for business: Sowing Third Quarter Marketing Seeds to Reap New Years Clients - 09/01/12 05:19 AM
Sowing Third Quarter Marketing Seeds to Reap New Years Clients

Real Estate is a difficult business and unless we stay in front of and visible to clients, we are quickly out of mind to prospective clients. Over the years I have tried, many ways to stay ahead of the curve with prospective clients and within the past couple of years, the education I’ve obtained from this blog platform has generated the best prospects, most consistently. Over the next few weeks, I will start to sow the seeds to generate First Quarter results.
  New Years’ Calendars: I send … (5 comments)

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754, Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally (Mapleridge Realty,  CT 203-206-0754  )

Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754

Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally

Waterbury, CT

More about me…

Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754

Address: Prospect, Cheshire, Wolcott, Waterbury, Naugatuck, Middlebury, Watertown, Southington,Thomaston, Plantsville, CT, 06479

Office: 203-758-6440

Mobile: 203-206-0754

Ed Silva is a licensed Broker serving the Central Connecticut area from the Waterbury CT Real Estate Office. He serves both sellers and buyers and also is an experienced agent for short sales. If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share my marketing success package with you. My marketing reaches all the major listing sites with prime positions on the largest. I'd would appreciate the opportunity love to help you buy or sell in the Central Connecticut area.




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