Mason, OH Real Estate News

By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
Do you need a church home to celebrate Christmas 2016 in Mason Ohio?  We'd love for yor to join us at Christ's Church at Mason!  With Christmas on Sunday this year we're holding services at different times (and days) than normal, so here are the options:Saturday December 24th:  2:30, 4:00 and 7 p.m.Sunday December 25th:  10:30 a.m.All services are nondenominational and will be held in the Main Auditorium and with the exception of infants through 3 year olds, there WILL NOT be separate children's service as we'd normally have on Sundays, so bring them with you to the main service!We're a come as you are church, so no need to worry about being spiffed up to attend.  It's far more important to come and receive the message.  It's not uncommon to see some football jerseys during football sea...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
 The Mason Ohio condo market is almost nonexistent at this point because there are almost no Mason condos left to buy!  We're down to an even dozen not under contract, and condos coming on the market are moving SUPER FAST, with half of them under contract in 4 days or less! So key nugget from that fact?  MOVE FAST if you're looking to buy!  The edge is definitely to the seller who has an appropriately priced condo in move in ready condition. Mason condo buyers had best act fast on the best condos or you'll miss your chance.  Stay with us for the whats, whys and hows of the Mason condo market!  And a bonus at the end, easy to use Search For Mason Ohio Condos For Sale links!  And if you want to know How Much Is My Mason Condo Worth?, just click the link, fill out the form and we'll be in ...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
Considering selling your home in 2017?  You COULD start now (literally) since chances are if you went on the market tomorrow, even with a quick offer and contract it would be next calendar year before you'd actually complete the sale, but that was NOT where we were heading with our NOW!   Our experience has been that homes sell best (fastest and for most dollars) when they've been properly prepared for the market.While most of us keep our home in pretty good shape, chances are there are some things you live with on a day to day basis that might not be so great if buyers are looking at your home.For instance, here are some common things we see that ideally are addressed prior to putting that FOR SALE sign in the yard: General maintenance items needed:  door trim needing paint or wood rot...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
What's My Mason Ohio Home Worth?  October 2016 UpdateUsually this time of year we'd expect a big drop in sales.  School is in full swing.  The temperatures are getting colder and the holiday season is approaching fast (at least based on the store displays!!).  Did Mason's October act typically, or do better than expected?   Stay with us for the answer and more details! Is the activity affecting your Mason Ohio home's worth?  Stay with us for all the details and even Search Mason Ohio Homes For Sale links at the end! We'll cover Mason condos in our Mason Ohio 45040 Condo Market Report October 2016. All data is derived from the Cincinnati MLS system and involves only Mason homes sold with  REALTOR® involvement and entered in MLS. All data is for the Mason School District area, so is not l...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
The Mason Ohio condo market CONTINUES to shrink, with only 19 total condos not already under contract as of this afternoon.  Fact is there were more sold last month and more currently under contract than the number not under contract.  The edge is definitely to the seller who has an appropriately priced condo in move in ready condition. Mason condo buyers had best act fast on the best condos or you'll miss your chance.  Stay with us for the whats, whys and hows of the Mason condo market!  And a bonus at the end, easy to use Search For Mason Ohio Condos For Sale links!  And if you want to know How Much Is My Mason Condo Worth?, just click the link, fill out the form and we'll be in touch soon!If you're interested in the Mason single family home October market report update just click the...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
If you're searching for new construction homes for sale, say for instance Mason Ohio New construction homes for sale, you're probably using a website that is based on Cincinnati MLS information.And what you'll discover is that while MOST sizable builders will have some homes listed for sale, what you won't find is a full line up.  There's a few reasons for that: Frankly it's better for a builder's profit margin if you show up WITHOUT an agent.  While YOU don't get a better deal without an agent since our service fee is built into the builders overhead, the BUILDER gets a better deal if you buy without an agent who solely represents the buyer's best interests.  So fewer homes listed in MLS means agents are less likely to be involved.  Builders would prefer to build to order, not "guess" ...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
Working as a real estate agent/engineer means with two careers there's not a lot of down time.  Fact is my To Do list is repopulates itself in a hurry, so when I get a chance to take a break, I'm looking to make it count.  Today was one of those days.  Liz's aunt is visiting from Maryland and we planned a trip months ago to visit Kings Island this afternoon.  Kings Island is one of the best theme parks in the US for roller coasters.  Small, big, wood, steel, smooth or bone rattling, they've got it there.  I don't get there often, but enjoy riding the coasters when I get the chance.  But what I didn't really have time for today was standing in line for hours waiting to ride for a few minutes.  We had rumblings of offers coming in on our listings and I wanted to enjoy, but still keep myse...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
What's My Mason Ohio Home Worth?  September 2016 UpdateThis month is a blatant case of why it's "dangerous" to just look at numbers from one month to another when it comes to Mason Ohio real estate sales. Our previous report you'd have thought the bottom fell out due to BIG drops in Average and Median prices for homes sold, but as much as anything that was a case of luxury homes sales being on the light side for August.  Now in September that segment reappeared, and all of the previous months "losses" in home values have magically reappeared!  We're basically at the same point we were two months ago!  And to further our point, if you look at August total sales vs. September total sales you'll again think the market is tanking!  From 75 to 51 isn't good is it??  But actually it's normal ...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
There's still an extreme shortage of Mason Ohio condos for sale.  For September there were both more sold (25) and more under contract (32) than there were remaining for sale (20) today.  In other words, it's a REALLY good time to be a Mason condo SELLER!  And Mason condo buyers?  Better act fast on the best condos or you'll miss your chance.  Stay with us for the whats, whys and hows of the Mason condo market!  And a bonus at the end, easy to use Search For Mason Ohio Condos For Sale links!  And if you want to know How Much Is My Mason Condo Worth?, just click the link, fill out the form and we'll be in touch soon!If you're interested in the Mason single family home September market report update just click the link for the details.All data is derived from the Cincinnati MLS system.  I...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
Since M/I Homes started building Mason Ohio's Roberts Park in late 2014, the builders have been going full bore!  The lots are rapidly being filled with new homes, primarily priced $500,000 and up.  When complete, the community will feature almost 200 homes.  Access is gained off of Butler-Warren Road or you can meander through Cherry Brook community to enter on the southeast corner of Roberts Park.  Roberts Park has reserved plenty of green space for the community, with a park planned adjacent to Butler-Warren Road.  Walking trails are available, and the HOA fee for Roberts Park includes a social membership to Four Bridges, so you can go there to get your pool fix!Roberts Park is close to I75, with access via Liberty Way and Tylersville Rd interchanges.   There's no shortage of shoppin...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
Ambleside Meadows in Mason Ohio opens for business this weekend with orders for the first phase being taken September 17, 2016 for new construction homes.  Featuring 300+ single family homes when completed, Ambleside Meadows is shared by three popular Cincinnati area builders: Drees Homes Fischer Homes M/I Homes Thanks to the recent annexing by the city of Mason, Ambleside Meadows will be part of the highly desired Mason City School District.  The community will be located just north of  the Rt 42/Rt 741 intersection (just past Houston Inn Restaurant, famous for their frog legs!). Key things to know about this community:Basically there will be three tiers of homes in this community: M/I Homes will be building on 60 foot lots  Drees will be building on 80 foot lots  Fischer will be build...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
 What's My Mason Ohio Home Worth?  August 2016 UpdateYour first take looking at the stats below might be to panic despite the increase in sales volume.  Those PRICES???  WHAT HAPPENED??  Big drops right?  But there's no need to panic.  Almost totally missing last month were luxury home sales in Mason, with only 4 of 75 sales completed for prices $500k or up.  Last month that was 14 of 66 homes over $500k.  It doesn't mean homes are worth less, it just wasn't a great mix this month with a little more shopping on the "affordable" side of Mason prices.  Home inventory decreased and homes are STILL selling fast, with 1/2 of those sold under contract in 9 days or less.  If you're on the market and NOT selling in a reasonably short time, it's time to examine your marketing and price to make s...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
 What's My Mason Ohio Condo Worth?  August 2016The shortage of Mason Ohio condos for sale continues.  There are actually MORE condos under contract than not.  The number sold ALMOST matched the number for sale.  Prices are down a bit, but that's more a reflection of availability.  If there are primarily condos in the $100-200k range for sale, that's what's going to get sold.  The edge is definitely to the condo SELLERS right now.  And Mason condo buyers?  Better act fast on the best condos or you'll miss your chance.  Stay with us for the whats, whys and hows of the Mason condo market!  And a bonus at the end, easy to use Search For Mason Ohio Condos For Sale links!  And if you want to know How Much Is My Mason Condo Worth?, just click the link, fill out the form and we'll be in touch s...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
Our favorite nursery Natorp's in Mason opened for their Fall 2016 season yesterday and I made a stop during the afternoon.  We have past clients that we now consider friends that have REALLY missed the fragrant blooms of the clematis they had to leave behind when we helped them sell their home last year.  So yesterday was the perfect time to swing by and pick up a 2 gallon clematis that was blooming.  Our clients got a nice surprise last night when they opened the front door and found it! The fall sale is limited, from yesterday (September 1) through October 16, 2016 on Thursday through Sunday only.  Natorp's Nursery Outlet sale is literally packed with almost a million plants, so you can spend quite a bit of time pulling your cart up and down the aisle and adding your favorites or disc...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
School bells are ringing and many Mason Ohio home owners might think that signals the end of their chance to sell their home.But that perception would be off the mark, and it's not just our opinion but is born out by facts.Take a look at the following chart that tallies the month by month sales going all the way back to January 2010:It's obvious, we ARE past the peak months.  We're pushing up on September and there's no dout September typically doesn't hold a candle to the May-August time frame for completed sales.HOWEVER, that doesn't mean NO sales, just a decrease in sales.  Take 2015 sales:  September 47, October 50, November 29, December 39.  That is STILL a lot of homes sold!And especially now, the trees are still green, the flowers are blooming, and after the last week of rain cha...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
What's My Mason Ohio Home Worth?  July 2016 UpdateMason Ohio homes sales are still strong despite the drop in completed sales.  June is typically the high month of the year and July and August are still high months for sales quantity.  The same is true this month and looking into August we expect the pattern to hold.  Home values pushed up, with 14 of 66 sales completed selling above $500k.  For the most part, you're NOT going to find a builder in Mason City Schools building a home less than $500k.   Home inventory increased a bit, but homes are still selling fast.  If you're on the market and NOT selling in a reasonably short time, it's time to examine your marketing and price to make sure you're providing value for the buyers.Stay with us for more details! Is the activity affecting yo...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
What's My Mason Ohio Condo Worth?  July 2016It's a case of good news/bad news!  If you're a Mason Ohio condo SELLER, you're going to be loving life.  Extremely limited condos for sale, buyer demand is there and prices are up.  If you're a condo BUYER?  Well everything that is working FOR the sellers is working AGAINST you!  Act fast or miss your chance, and that's assuming there are ANY matches for your needs even on the market.  We're actually in the position where over half of what is not sold is under contract! Stay with us for the whats, whys and hows of the Mason condo market!  And a bonus at the end, easy to use Search For Mason Ohio Condos For Sale links!  And if you want to know How Much Is My Mason Condo Worth?, just click the link, fill out the form and we'll be in touch soon!...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
Cherry Brook is one of the most preferred communities in the Mason area, featuring upscale homes, well sized lots and a great location convenient to many of the area amenities.Monday our buyers completed the purchase of Cherry Brook's 6611 Palmetto Drive, an immaculately kept home and with some rare green space in the back!Sales price for this 4 BR 3.5 BA with 3 car garage on .41 acre lot:  $562,000 Our buyers were a referral from previous buyers and we worked with Sri and his wife on and off for over a year looking for that perfect fit.  6611 Palmetto fit all the needs.   We'd worked with the listing agent on a previous patio home sale, so she knew that we'd have a smooth path to closing despite the initial large gap between listing price and offer price.  We were able to negotiate a g...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
What's My Mason Ohio Home Worth?  June 2016 UpdateMason Ohio homes sales are HOT!  With 90 completed sales in June, this was the 2nd best month since January 2010 for completed sales!  June is typically the highest sales month of the year, so no surprise in that.  Low inventory is still an issue as buyers try to find a home that fits their needs at a price they're willing to pay.  There's still discrepancy in what sellers think their home is worth versus what buyers think about the same home.  If your home has been on the market 3 months or more and not sold, chances are there's a major objection to your home that will take a price change to address, or making the choice to correct the objection if it can be done.Stay with us for more details! Is the activity affecting your Mason Ohio h...
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By Liz and Bill Spear, Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs
(Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305
What's My Mason Ohio Condo Worth?  June 2016We're past the year's halfway point and the story continues, there just aren't enough Mason condos for sale!  The market is tight, REALLY tight!  Only 29 condos NOT under contract as we check the stats tonight.  Another 45 are already under contract, so less than half of Mason condos for sale are actually able to be shown and possibly purchased!  Stay with us for the whats, whys and hows of the Mason condo market!  And a bonus at the end, easy to use Search For Mason Ohio Condos For Sale links!  And if you want to know How Much Is My Mason Condo Worth?, just click the link, fill out the form and we'll be in touch soon!If you're interested in the Mason single family home June market report update just click the link for the details.All data is ...
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