motivational monday: Motivational Monday - On Aging & Wisdom - 10/18/20 08:17 PM
Motivational Monday - On Aging & Wisdom
One of my favorite Einstein quotes comes to mind when pondering the age-old question of aging and wisdom:

“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of a lifelong attempt to acquire it" - Albert Einstein
The concept of wisdom is deeply rooted in religion and philosophy - but, certainly not thought of as often in discussions of neuroscience and psychology. 
So, let’s talk the psychology of wisdom - geriatric psychology. When I was in nursing school, the very definition of geriatric was someone who was 65 or older. I took a gander on a psychology site to … (45 comments)

motivational monday: The Pursuit of Happiness - 01/27/20 08:34 PM
The Pursuit of Happiness
One of the most memorable parts of the Declaration of Independence is its preamble. Certain phrases contained within the preamble. Contained within are “unalienable rights” and among those are “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” 
Now, while Thomas Jefferson and his counterparts had more broad meaning to unalienable rights and happiness, let’s hone in on happiness. The pursuit of happiness is very real. We all want that, right? After all, life is better when we’re happy, healthy and successful.
Did you know that Aristotle distinguished between four different levels of happiness.
Happiness level 1: Laetus. Happiness from material objects.

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Would You Rather Have a Piece of the Pie… - 10/07/19 06:10 AM
Motivational Monday - Would You Rather Have a Piece of the Pie…
…or the Recipe?
Having an ‘old soul’ and old fashioned values, I feel that as I age, the changing world around us seems to be changing at an incredibly rapid pace - more so than ever before. No, my old soul and values are not in conflict or lagging behind - at all -  but, I do notice that fewer people share my mindset on a lot of topics. I do more listening and when I sense that the other party in the conversation is not receptive to a different opinion, no response … (23 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Strong Roots - 09/23/19 06:44 AM
Motivational Monday - Strong Roots
Yesterday marked the 30-year anniversary of Hurricane Hugo hitting Charlotte, NC - and I mean he hit Charlotte with a vengeance. To this day, I swear we heard chain saws running 24/7 for the next 30 days! Trees lined the roads, obstructed the roads, fell on top of one another, fell on power lines, cars, homes and businesses - essentially, wreaking havoc on our incredibly gorgeous, Green City.
 *Take a look at this quick video of a small portion of our beautiful city in 1989, immediatly following Hurricane Hugo.
**Note, the very first house shown in the video, I sold … (53 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Happiness Is… - 09/16/19 10:10 AM
Motivational Monday - Happiness Is…
How many times have we asked or been asked, “Does he (or she) make you happy?” 
If someone else has the capability to make you feel happy, then that person may also make you feel sad…right? Well, believe it or not, this is a common misconception about human psychology. 
The use of phrases like, “You make me happy!” are certainly very colorful but, they imply that the responsibility for your own happiness lies outside of you - in the hands of others. Your mental state should never be controlled by another person’s actions.  
The truth is, people or things cannot cause happiness at all.
It’s what your thoughts are about … (36 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Facing the Sun, There are no Shadows - 09/09/19 12:21 PM
Motivational Monday - Facing the Sun, There are no Shadows
Happy Monday Everyone! I hope to be back with great news next Monday but, for today, we're focused on positivity and making those 'great news' moments more frequent in our lives. Whether you believe in positivity or not, I do and I've seen it work wonders on people many times over. You just have to pull up those boots by the straps...and DO IT!
Today, enjoy a few quotes on positivity from a few 'positive' people!
1. “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”
— Willie Nelson
2. “Yesterday is not … (27 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Conquering Life's Setbacks, One Tire at a Time - 08/19/19 10:49 AM
Motivational Monday - Conquering Life's Setbacks, One Tire at a Time
If you follow my motivational posts each Monday, you probably think I'm hung up on attitude and not allowing set-backs or diagnoses, etc. to keep you from your ultimate goal. Well, I try to focus each week on one person in my life who needs a little motivation - and as it happens, attitude has a lot to do with much of what we deal with in life!
Today we needed a little hospital room humor after the doctor's visit and how appropriate is this?...
We often get hung up on one little negative … (52 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Being the Best - The Challenge is ON - 08/11/19 09:06 PM
Motivational Monday - Being the Best - The Challenge is ON
I believe that all outcomes in life, of which we have a choice, are based upon our attitude. When challenged, many will shy away from the challenge, while others take the challenge head-on.
I'm reminded of my oncology patients from back in my nursing days; it seemed that every patient who was diagnosed with cancer asked the question, "How long do I have [to live], doctor?"
Without having performed a scientific study during those days, I will attest to being keenly aware of my patients' responses to the doctors' response, regardless of the … (59 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Determination - 07/22/19 06:01 AM
Motivational Monday - Determination
Whether you're trying to lose that last 5 pounds, reach never-before achieved goals in the gym or in your business or you're being challenged with an illness, the road ahead may seem daunting. You may feel the challenge is far too great to give it another 'push' to get you past that hurdle.
Many of us have our own 'tricks' that we use to spark motivation or we may be keenly aware of what our triggers are that will maximize our ability to achieve our goals. Once again, good old attitude is what does the trick! Attitude IS something we can … (22 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Is it the Problem or Your Attitude? - 07/08/19 11:30 AM
Motivational Monday - Is it the Problem or Your Attitude?
We all know that ‘attitude is everything’ but, in the workplace, it can impact more lives than personally. One of my favorite quotes on this topic, brings a smile to my face. Yes, it's light-hearted but, it's SO true!
When we refer to a positive attitude, it’s not ‘surface cheer’ we’re talking about - it’s deep-rooted positivity that comes from within. While negativity is known to create a habitual ‘fight or flight’ state, narrowing focus and creating intimidation and fear, positivity goes the distance with broad focus, calming approaches to problems, tactical moves and … (19 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Flat Tires, Attitude & Silver Linings - 07/01/19 06:50 AM
Motivational Monday - Flat Tires, Attitude & Silver Linings
We’ve all heard that ‘attitude is everything’ and that it can truly shape your life. I, for one, am a big believer. 
As a nursing major & a psychology minor in college, I was always fascinated with the way the mind works - both mentally and physiologically. How can two people (siblings), exposed to the same life experiences and familial upbringing, be so vastly different? Inquiring minds want to know!
I will admit to naturally being one with a positive attitude, for the most part but, after meeting my husband, marrying him and living together for … (33 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Living & Learning - 06/24/19 11:25 AM
Motivational Monday - Living & Learning
How do we learn as if we were going to live forever? It's easy! Commit to a ‘student mindset.’ Allow your curiosity to grow and lead you in new directions. Start with these tips:
1. Feed your curiosity
Don’t be shy - ask questions; spend time both listening to others’ answers as well as researching the answers. Be reminded that learning new things isn’t always about what you do in your career; learning is inherently beneficial.
2. Conquer your weaknesses
Commit to conquering one new topic each month - perhaps something you’re not totally comfortable doing - like ballroom dancing. Diversify your … (22 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Mondays - Peaceful Conflict Resolution - 06/17/19 07:49 AM
Motivational Mondays - Peaceful Conflict Resolution
You know, we all work with the kind of business man/woman who ALWAYS has to be right, ALWAYS has to get their way and most often they are the ones that seem, well, simply miserable in life! They 'put the hammer down' and refuse to budge - there is no flexibility whatsoever. Yes, in my business, these are the agents that we hate to see coming with a buyer or agents who may have a listing that we know is the perfect home for our buyers!
What do we do to maintain the peace? Well, for me, I … (46 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - OWN It! - 06/10/19 08:48 AM
Motivational Monday - OWN It!
Thoughts On Leadership...and Life
One must never delegate taking responsibility or blame for things going wrong to others. Too often, the temptation exists to always be right, to always have the answer, to never make mistakes, to always know what to do (and say)…
It is not a weakness to be wrong and while it does take courage to own wrong or failure without shifting the blame, doesn’t the buck stop here - always?
Not only leaders but, people in general miss out on opportunities to build their influence because they absolutely refuse to own responsibility when things go wrong. How can you expect those you lead … (33 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Creative Genius - 06/03/19 02:51 PM
Motivational Monday - Creative Genius
“Creativity Is Intelligence Having Fun.” – Albert Einstein
Don’t you love being around those with the ability to see the world with a fresh, new perspective?  Many creative geniuses view obstacles as opportunities. Their capacity to transform random events, even their own mistakes, into a chance to veer in an entirely new and unexpected direction, is captivating to those around them. 
Talk about flexibility -  creative geniuses are able to change tracks with complete & total ease. What is so remarkable about the creative genius is that in the midst of change, their creative juices flow. They enjoy every minute of … (32 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - A Salute to The Poppy Lady on a Very Special Monday - 05/26/19 09:21 PM
Motivational Monday - A Salute to The Poppy Lady on a Very Special Monday
Memorial Day, 2019
About The Poppy Lady - 
Moina Belle Michael, an American professor and humanitarian, conceived the idea of using red Flanders poppies as a symbol of remembrance for those who served in World War I. Her inspirational idea of using poppies to create a token of Remembrance became a reality in 1918. 
Moina Michael was also well known for her tireless work to help disabled veterans. During her time of her time volunteering with the National YMCA, a young soldier left Lt. Col. John McCrae's famous poem "In Flanders Fields," … (22 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Wisdom, Knowledge & Integrity - 05/20/19 07:44 AM
Motivational Monday - Wisdom, Knowledge & Integrity
I’m always astonished at the ease in which people share falsehoods. It seems that more and more people feel that those are acceptable and easily forgive those who share them. I am sorry but, I do not agree! I do believe in forgiveness but, respect goes out the window when I’ve discovered someone lied to me or to someone I care about. Not taking the high-road can, indeed, ruin a reputation. 
"Wisdom is KNOWING the right path to take, integrity is taking it." -M.H.McKee
Food for thought: What truth is so difficult to speak that you're willing to jeopardize your reputation? … (16 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - The Courage to Succeed - 05/06/19 09:02 PM
Motivational Monday - The Courage to Succeed
Before we experience success, we must face the courage to fail. The biggest mistake we make in business (and in life), is not taking action because of our fear of making a mistake. 
We fear mistakes and failure more than just about anything in life. In fact, our fear of failure can sometimes lead to a form of paralysis. We are so fearful that failure is in our future, we won’t even take necessary steps to try something new. 
There are really only two mistakes we should fear - not starting and not finishing. Don’t allow fear of starting … (21 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Everyone Can Help Someone - 04/29/19 09:52 PM
Motivational Monday - Everyone Can Help Someone

With so much negativity in the world these days, today is a great day to take this quote to heart. Who can you help today?
Happy Monday!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | RE/MAX Executive | | Motivational Monday - Everyone Can Help Someone

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - There's Always Something for which to be Thankful - 04/22/19 04:48 AM
Motivational Monday - There's Always Something for which to be Thankful
In life, there is always something for which to be thankful.  It’s so easy to complain about how chaotic the world is, our lives are and how we have been mistreated or disrespected, but complaining without action doesn’t change a thing. 
Begin each day being thankful for everything we have, not what we do not have. Begin with the simple things in life such as being able to walk, eat, see, hear – the simple gifts in life that we often take advantage of. Sometimes it’s just a matter of how we … (22 comments)

Debe Maxwell, CRS, The RIGHT CHARLOTTE REALTOR! (Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310)

Debe Maxwell, CRS


Charlotte, NC

More about me…

Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310

Address: 2108 South BLVD, Suite 116, DILWORTH/SOUTH END/WILMORE, Charlotte, NC, 28203

Office: (704) 491-3310

Mobile: (704) 491-3310

Call (704) 491-3310 or email

Author Bio: Debe Maxwell is a Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) in the Charlotte Metro region with a focus on the Charlotte luxury home market. My team of agents each have their own specialty areas, a benefit to anyone buying a home in Charlotte NC.

If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share our marketing success package with you. My homes sell faster and for more money and after all, isn't that what every seller wants?! We'd love to help you buy or sell in the Charlotte Metro region.



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