motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Pause and Reflect - 04/15/19 05:37 AM
Motivational Monday - Pause and Reflect
I've never been one for 'herd mentality' but, on occasion, I think we all fall into the mindset of agreeing with something, simply to maintain the peace. Avoiding confrontation is often wise but, not at the expense of others. As well, silence can inadvertently indicate that you are in agreement with the masses.
When others jump aboard the negativity ship or support something that you really don't agree with, perhaps it's time to pause and reflect. Stand up for what YOU believe in, even if you feel you're alone in doing so.

Happy Monday everyone!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | RE/MAX Executive … (33 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Any Given Moment - 04/08/19 05:46 AM
Motivational Monday - Any Given Moment
Most of us are never really fully present in our lives because we are continuously distracted. Our world is filled with distractions and the number of things that can take us away from being focused in the moment seems to be mounting! 
Our focus may be on one thing for a few moments, but suddenly another thought, request, call, social media alert or another task comes up and we’re off to address that one, often leaving the primary focus undone. Identify those distractions and develop a plan to avoid them. 
If you sense you’re being distracted, STOP. Check … (45 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Have Fun in What You Do - 04/01/19 08:58 PM
Motivational Monday - Have Fun in What You Do
I had a Closing today with a dear client who has bought and sold several properties with me. While sitting at the Closing table, I noticed the room was filled with laughter and joy. I realized how much joy my career brings me and how blessed I am to love what I do for a living. 
I never really thought about this quote until I ran across it this evening and thought, what a coincidence - the realization I had earlier at the Closing table and then to find this quote. I don't personally need to be reminded to … (14 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - It's All in the Mindset - 03/18/19 06:48 AM
Motivational Monday - It's All in the Mindset

Changing the quality of your thinking can truly change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Just as positive words can make someone smile, our thoughts react to the world in real-time.
Remember, you have complete control over only two things in the universe — your thinking & your actions. May they all be positive...from the mind & body of an optimist.
Happy Monday!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | RE/MAX Executive | | Motivational Monday - It's All in the Mindset

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Soulful Quotes - 03/11/19 07:47 AM
Motivational Monday - Soulful Quotes
While there are many theories explaining why we dream, no one really fully understands their purpose, let alone how to interpret their meaning.
Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. In many ancient societies, dreaming was considered a supernatural communication or perhaps, a means of divine intervention. Oftentimes dreams are ‘interpreted’ by people who claim to have spiritual powers.
I always feel that they are the result of something that is heavy on your mind, sometimes from the depth of your soul.
More Thoughtful Quotes for this Marvelous Monday
“Shoot for the moon and if you miss you’ll be among … (13 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - The Amen of Nature - 02/25/19 05:46 AM
Motivational Monday - The Amen of Nature
We're all ready for spring! I think the thing that I have missed most about the warmer months here in Charlotte over the past few, crazy winter months, has been the 'amen of nature.' We keep cut flowers in our home year-round but, there's something about planting seeds and watching them grow and magically erupt into nature's most beautiful creation. 
Here are a few quotes to begin your week...
The Amen of nature is always a flower. 
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. 
Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.        
Gerard De Nerval 
Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared … (16 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Earthly Music - 02/11/19 03:19 PM
Motivational Monday - Earthly Music
I thought it appropriate for the week to share a motivational quote fitting to this week - Valentine's Day/Week! The more people that I meet in this life, the more this quote resonates with me and the more special I feel when I witness true love. There's just nothing that knows no limits and so ardently transcends all earthly bounds like true love.
I feel I have been truly blessed to have experienced this love and to have witnessed it in other relationships as well. 
Happy Monday & Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | RE/MAX … (28 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Pondering Failure - 02/03/19 09:24 PM
Motivational Monday - Pondering Failure
Channeling Michael Jacobs and pondering this Monday morning...
We often consider attempting something and it not succeeding a failure but, what about those times we simply were too afraid to try something new or challenging? Of course, not thinking through something before trying it can result in just as much of a failure. 
Either way, I’m still a big believer that you have to kiss a lot of toads before finding your prince! Failure breeds success and if we step back and recognize our failures, we can turn them into successes. 
"There are two kinds of failures: those who thought and never did, and … (36 comments)

motivational monday: In Real Estate, Top Keys to Success - 01/06/19 10:15 PM
In Real Estate, Top Keys to Success
One of the wisest women we know here in the Rain, our own Barbara Todaro, has been reminding us recently about this very topic - adaptability. Our business is a fluid one and predictability is something that, if we follow our local data, we become adept with the sense of where our markets are heading.
Some things are right in front of us; others require a deeper analysis. However, knowing what to do with the data we collect and our sense of our own business is also essential in planning and goal-setting. The real key to success? … (74 comments)

motivational monday: Motivation Monday - Put Love into Giving - 12/24/18 06:15 AM
Motivation Monday - Put Love into Giving
Our parents lived by and raised us to live by, "It's better to give than to receive." Mother Teresa took it a step further - there's so much wisdom in her words.
Happy, happy, merry, merry Monday!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivation Monday - Put Love into Giving

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - SMILE and the Whole World Smiles Back at You - 12/17/18 07:46 AM
Motivational Monday - SMILE and the Whole World Smiles Back at You
The world is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it smiles back at you. Think about it - have you ever had something serious on your mind, taking your daily walk and you're deep in thought. When a perfect stranger passes you and smiles, it can completely change your mindset. A smile is a gift - giving one can make others' hearts smile and completely change their perspective. 
Smiling is the easiest thing in the world to give - try it! Not only is it a gift to others, when you … (37 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Money CAN Buy Happiness - 12/10/18 10:00 AM
Motivational Monday - Money CAN Buy Happiness
Yes, our parents always taught us that money can't buy love or happiness. Well, there is one time you can take exception to that 'rule.'

Thinking of adopting a fur baby? Visit the Humane Society of Charlotte today! They have precious dogs & cats that are just dreaming of their furever home.
Humane Society of Charlotte
2700 Toomey Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28203
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | |  Motivational Monday - Money CAN Buy Happiness

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Determination Results in Satisfaction - 12/02/18 10:00 PM
Motivational Monday - Determination Results in Satisfaction
Waking up with a mindset of determination is likely a good business strategy - especially knowing that determination almost always results in, well, RESULTS!  One trick that I learned to facilitate a waking up with a positive mindset was to review the successes of the day before going to sleep at night. That often helps you wake up with a positive light on the new day. 
May you go to bed full of satisfaction this lovely December Monday!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - Determination Results in Satisfaction

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Problems are not Stop Signs - 11/25/18 10:03 AM
Motivational Monday - Problems are not Stop Signs
If you're paralyzed when a problem arises, take time to pause and recognize that the problem is merely a guideline - one that will guide you to a solution if you're open to it. The key really is being open to problem resolution - problem solving is a skill that the more we practice, the better we get at it.
Happy Problem Solving Monday!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - Problems are not Stop Signs

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Lies & Integrity Don't Go Together - 11/18/18 09:51 PM
Motivational Monday - Lies & Integrity Don't Go Together
Okay, so this is not my typical motivational Monday post but, if it motivates you to rethink what you may say this week, then there, I motivated you to continue on a path of integrity!
It seems that more and more people are okay with falsehoods and I am absolutely not! One lie can, indeed, ruin a reputation. Think about it: what truth is so difficult to speak that you're willing to jeopardize your reputation? Those with integrity know there's none!
Happy Monday All!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - Lies & Integrity … (60 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Accept the Challenge, Take the Victory Lap - 11/12/18 07:01 AM
Motivational Monday - Accept the Challenge, Take the Victory Lap
For Veterans Day, I thought I would share a quote from one whom you will all recognize, George S. Patton. When General Patton spoke, the troops listened! Although he was widely known for his off-color speeches, laced with profanity, he commanded respect from his troops and always succeeded in motivating them.
This is one of my favorite quotes from General Patton.
Happy Monday!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - Accept the Challenge, Take the Victory Lap

motivational monday: Motivational Monday: Hard Work = Pride in Achievement - 10/28/18 09:35 PM
Motivational Monday: Hard Work = Pride in Achievement
Happy Monday! In my business, we are all keenly aware that Monday is THE key day for the week. Mondays are days that we resume conversations with members of the 'team' who also serve our clients, that take weekends off. We are often quite overwhelmed with calls on Mondays. 

Try this - approach this Monday with the drive to raise the bar on your week. Savor those calls, make them productive and build upon Mad Monday (as I call them)! Working hard (and smart) results in success, success that feels SO good.

So, start today and have the … (34 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - On Tuesday Again! - 10/15/18 09:25 PM
Motivational Monday - On Tuesday Again!
Another crazy but, great Monday in real estate. I had time to check the questions and respond to a few comments and am just now sitting down to write my motivational post! This is one that can be enjoyed all week long, every day of the year!
It's been said that if you're having a bad day, stand in front of the mirror & smile - you'll lift your own spirits. Try something different - smile & make someone else smile and you'll have lifted the spirits of two! 
Enjoy a wonderful week...and keep smiling.
© Debe Maxwell … (19 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Beautiful Destinations - 10/08/18 02:40 PM
Motivational Monday - Beautiful Destinations
Oftentimes we become absorbed in the 'problems' that we face and instead, we should visualize the light at the end of the tunnel...and go for it! Problem solve with the goal in mind of unyielding success.
Sometimes the bumpiest of roads lead us to total serinity, the most incredible destinations or sweet success. 
May your bumpy roads soon be paved with extraordinary rewards!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - Beautiful Destinations

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Step Our of Your Comfort Zone - 09/24/18 09:23 PM
Motivational Monday - Step Our of Your Comfort Zone
We all have our own “comfort zone” which truly defines the routine of our normal daily life, both personal & in business. Familiarity, safety and security cushion our world of our existence to keep life as we know it (and want it), free from anxiety and worry. Stepping out of our comfort zone when it’s time to transition and grow can also apply to our businesses.
What we fear the most about challenging ourselves to break free of our comfort zone is that we may fail in the process. Truth be told, we all have the ability to … (31 comments)

Debe Maxwell, CRS, The RIGHT CHARLOTTE REALTOR! (Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310)

Debe Maxwell, CRS


Charlotte, NC

More about me…

Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310

Address: 2108 South BLVD, Suite 116, DILWORTH/SOUTH END/WILMORE, Charlotte, NC, 28203

Office: (704) 491-3310

Mobile: (704) 491-3310

Call (704) 491-3310 or email

Author Bio: Debe Maxwell is a Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) in the Charlotte Metro region with a focus on the Charlotte luxury home market. My team of agents each have their own specialty areas, a benefit to anyone buying a home in Charlotte NC.

If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share our marketing success package with you. My homes sell faster and for more money and after all, isn't that what every seller wants?! We'd love to help you buy or sell in the Charlotte Metro region.



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