motivational monday: Motivational Mondays - Inspiration & Survival - 09/17/18 01:32 PM
Motivational Mondays - Inspiration & Survival
In light of the devastation across our two states this past weekend, let us all inspire those who are suffering the most by offering a helping hand, a warm place to stay, hopeful & positive thoughts, as well as our prayers. 

May we all be motivated to lift others up, offering inspiration & hope.
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Mondays - Inspiration & Survival

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Success is a Journey - 09/10/18 08:20 PM
Motivational Monday - Success is a Journey
The things that we learn as we make our way to success(es) are the ones that we find quite useful later in life.  To fully understand that success is a journey, you'll have to embrace the knowledge that life is all about setting goals and then focusing on the tasks necessary to achieve those goals.  Remember that sometimes failures are the better lessons than the ‘winning’ ones.
Have a great week ahead!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - Success is a Journey

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - With Humility Comes Wisdom - 09/03/18 04:20 PM
Motivational Monday - With Humility Comes Wisdom
I realize it's a bit late in the day to post something motivational - especially on Labor Day when you're supposed to be relaxing. However, you can put this to use tomorrow...and every day!
Always putting the needs of others before self is something that never gets old. And, when you're wrong, OWN IT!
I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - With Humility Comes Wisdom

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Taking the Road Less Traveled - 08/26/18 10:16 PM
Motivational Monday - Taking the Road Less Traveled
We are creatures of habit but, sometimes, stepping out of our comfort zone and taking the road less traveled can take us to places we never dreamed we would go!
Take the unfamiliar path every once in awhile - you may just find a whole new world!
Happy Monday, Everyone!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - Taking the Road Less Traveled

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Happiness is... - 08/20/18 01:52 PM
Motivational Monday - Happiness is...
The day positively got away from me but, great things happened today for clients. So, the delay in posting this was well worth the great news for them!
I'm sure this rings true for many who read this but, I for one can say, I'm happy!
I hope everyone has a Happy Monday (what's left of it!)
© Debe Maxwell | RE/MAX Executive | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - Happiness is...

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Learning from Mistakes - 08/13/18 06:07 AM
Motivational Monday - Learning from Mistakes
Sometimes we kick ourselves for making a bad judgement call but, if we are attentive, we realize that bad judgement moment was merely a stepping stone to making future 'good' judgements. Willingness to learn from our mistakes is the best way to put those learned lessons to good use in the future. 
Be open and honest with yourself (and others) - you'll be surprised what you learn and how that shapes your future.

Happy Monday Everyone!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - Learning from Mistakes

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Accepting the Challenge - 08/06/18 06:55 AM
Motivational Monday - Accepting the Challenge
A world renowned physicist who had a propensity for questioning the universe, gives us food for thought on this Monday morning. 
Diagnosed at 21 as suffering from ALS, the physicist,  rather than succumbing to depression because of his diagnosis, set his sights on some of the most fundamental questions concerning the universe. He achieved extraordinary successes against one of the most severe physical disabilities, defying medical opinion, living another 55 years following his diagnosis. To me, this quote reflects his determination to overcome astronomical obstacles in life, while still maintaining positivity.
Just a little food for thought on … (16 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - New Day, New Focus - 07/30/18 07:12 AM
Motivational Monday - New Day, New Focus
Here's to not dreading Mondays, as we so often do, but instead, focusing on the new day (and week) and what it has in store for us. 
Happy Monday, Everyone!
#MotivationalMondays   #SavorTheNewDay
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - New Day, New Focus

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Success: You have to WANT it - 07/23/18 06:47 AM
Motivational Monday - Success: You have to WANT it
Just a little something to get your Monday morning started & keep you going throughout the week...
When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.
~Eric Thomas 
Happy Monday Everyone!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - Success: You have to WANT it

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Aging 'Ain't' So Bad! - 07/09/18 09:01 PM
Motivational Monday - Aging 'Ain't' So Bad!
With a birthday on the horizon...and a big one at that, I have been dreading next month a bit for the past couple of months.
I was voicing this 'dread' to a dear friend of mine. So, sent me this quote and said, "You've never been 'old' - even to your children. Why do you think you have to suddenly be old just because your naturally aging?"
...So, I put it to a really does make sense, doesn't it?! 
Just a little inspiration for your Monday...
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - … (40 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Almost on a Tuesday! - 06/18/18 10:37 PM
Motivational Monday - Almost on a Tuesday!
Friends & family always joke that I will find the silver lining in ANYTHING! Some days, we just have to look a bit harder to find it but, it IS there! 
These words of wisdom apply any day of the week. If ever you doubt it, a little introspection will surely reveal that silver lining!
Have a great week everyone!
© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | |Motivational Monday - Almost on a Tuesday!

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Be Intentional - Share Your Positivity - 10/16/17 08:10 AM
Motivational Monday - Be Intentional - Share Your Positivity
We’ve all had the thought, so-and-so ‘needs an attitude adjustment!’ Well, the buck stops HERE!  There’s no better place to start helping others with those positive adjustments, than within! 
While other people can definitely be uplifted after you contribute positively to their lives, research shows that the benefits are not just for them but, you will be energized in a positive way as well. 
When you feel more positive and alive, you have stronger and healthier relationships and you will enjoy a variety of health benefits too. Be mindful that our energy, manifested from intention, can literally … (29 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Painting a Portrait of Excellence - 09/25/17 10:04 PM
Motivational Monday - Painting a Portrait of Excellence
Excellence in anything we do is quite achievable if we seek it. Excellence is an evolving standard - what our clients view as excellence today, may not be considered excellence tomorrow. 
Rather than to create the ‘habit of excellence,’ you must create a culture of excellence and maintain that culture. Your culture of excellence must be flexible - you must be able to quickly adapt to our ever-changing landscape.
In order to maintain your standard of excellence, you have to keep changing while maintaining that culture of excellence. Remember that with every single transaction, we are … (33 comments)

motivational monday: Motivational Monday - Going for the Gusto - 08/28/17 08:29 PM
Motivational Monday - Going for the Gusto
Top business leaders in every field will tell you that they are most inspired by someone telling them that they can’t do something. Not giving up (tenacity) is one of those inner-most motivators that many successful people possess. 
Others are motivated by the drive for excellence - doing the right thing, integrity and being excellent in every way. Branding yourself as trustworthy and excellent…in every way. 
With all of these business leaders, recognition that failure is inevitable is also key. Plotting your process of recovery with each failure and following through with that, is what builds true strength … (22 comments)

Debe Maxwell, CRS, The RIGHT CHARLOTTE REALTOR! (Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310)

Debe Maxwell, CRS


Charlotte, NC

More about me…

Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310

Address: 2108 South BLVD, Suite 116, DILWORTH/SOUTH END/WILMORE, Charlotte, NC, 28203

Office: (704) 491-3310

Mobile: (704) 491-3310

Call (704) 491-3310 or email

Author Bio: Debe Maxwell is a Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) in the Charlotte Metro region with a focus on the Charlotte luxury home market. My team of agents each have their own specialty areas, a benefit to anyone buying a home in Charlotte NC.

If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share our marketing success package with you. My homes sell faster and for more money and after all, isn't that what every seller wants?! We'd love to help you buy or sell in the Charlotte Metro region.



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