Motivational Monday - Saying Bye-Bye to One's Integrity

Real Estate Agent with Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 228209

Motivational Monday - Saying Bye-Bye to One's Integrity

My mission is to motivate and not lecture but, I had to share this... My hope is that this motivates you to rethink what you may say (or write) this week, motivating you to continue down a path of integrity!




Storytelling is something that we learn is so very helpful in our business - it helps clients understand the process a bit better when we use that as part of our educational arsenal. That's the kind of storytelling we are fond of...not the other kind!

Being the managing broker of a very busy group of top-producing agents in my market, so many 'issues' come to my attention that normally would not. By far, the biggest issues are coming from agents who complete (by typing) Disclosures for their sellers and then having the sellers electronically sign them. Our buyers take the sellers at their word, presenting the sellers with a very large, non-refundable Due Diligence Fee upon initial Contract. 

While we do everything humanly possible to 'investigate' as we tour homes so that our buyers can better understand what some of the issues are that they may be facing, we don't INSPECT. Home inspections (general/mechanical/HVAC/termites/electrical/plumbing and all others) are not done until after the Contract has been ratified. 

Fast-forward to the inspections and our buyers are finding that there are multiple items which were not disclosed on the Property Disclosures - some are quite egregious. The buyers have the option of moving forward, knowing NOW, that there are major repairs that are necessary or walking away from a large sum of money...and a bad taste in their mouths.



Cat out of the bagOn more than one occasion in the past month, the buyers have expressed the desire to go after the listing agent as most feel that the agent knew about the defects. In one instance, the agent WAS the seller. In each & every incident, a LOT of communication had to take place in order to protect the buyers. 

The bottom line - the cat is now out of the bag. The sellers and their agent will never lose this 'liar, liar, pants on fire' stigma with anyone involved in the transaction. When you're on the other side in a crazy, busy seller's market and you see those agents coming... Well, let's just say, they can't be trusted; they've lost any & all integrity in the eyes of everyone who knows their situation.

Not only that but, we have reported agents to our Commission and our MLS for their involvement in these situations. They complete the Disclosures (whether with or without the sellers) and the sellers sign. The sellers then say, "Oh, I never said that - I knew the roof had issues and I told my agent that." Who do you think is going to be called to task on that one?


In a nutshell, don't find yourself putting your livelihood in jeopardy - and whatever you do, advise your clients that it's better to be upfront (or repair the issue). Getting 'caught' is almost always inevitable.

With the strong sellers market we are in right now, people are buying everything up, often regardless of the condition. So, if there ever was a time to rack your brain and be sure you Disclose EVERYTHING, it is NOW! 



It seems that more and more people are okay with falsehoods. One lie can, indeed, ruin a reputation. Think about it: what truth is so difficult to speak that you're willing to jeopardize your reputation? Those with integrity know there are none!


Happy Monday All!


© Debe Maxwell | The Maxwell House Group | | Motivational Monday - Saying Bye-Bye to One's Integrity

Comments (78)

Thom Abbott |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living - Atlanta, GA
Midtown Atlanta GA Condos For Sale

Can I go out on a limb and say that any agent that fills out a disclosure on behalf of their Seller should be thrown under the bus....and make sure the bus can back up? That may sound harsh, but seriously???

Sep 22, 2021 05:14 AM
Patricia Feager, MBA, CRS, GRI,MRP
Selling Homes Changing Lives

Debe Maxwell, CRS - this is a big violation in Texas. Integrity can't be compromised when you're licensed nor should it ever be an exception. As Managing Broker it must be difficult to deal with a lot of what happens which ultimately can harm you and your business. 

Sep 22, 2021 05:21 AM
Erik Hiss
Keller Williams Capital Partners Realty - Worthington, OH
You can trust me for all your real estate needs!

helpful thanks!

Sep 22, 2021 05:40 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

It is absolutely the agent where the buck stops, Rocky Dickerson. Even though the sellers signed the Disclosures, all they have to say is that she filled it out and they 'just signed.' It's on her.

Sep 22, 2021 07:22 AM
Sam Shueh
(408) 425-1601 - San Jose, CA
mba, cdpe, reopro, pe

There is truth to much of your article. Doing CE studies right now, disclose, disclose do not hide anything (i.e. defects)...

Sep 22, 2021 07:37 AM
Dr. Paula McDonald
Beam & Branch Realty - Granbury, TX
Granbury, TX 936-203-0279

As a broker, I too have seen an uptick of egregious behaviors in our industry. Not OK!

Sep 22, 2021 07:53 AM
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Real Estate Broker Retired

I have always had the seller fill it out themselves. There was an upgrade to Docusign that made our disclosure check the box years ago & that is what I have always used.


Sep 22, 2021 10:08 AM
Steven Nickens
Hawaii Life Real Estate Brokers - Wailea, HI
R(S)GRI ABR, Maui Real Estate Hawaii

Disclose, Disclose, and Disclose. and never fill out a disclosure for a seller.

Sep 22, 2021 05:31 PM
Dan Hopper
Dan Hopper - Gold Way RE - Westminster, CO
Denver Broker / Real Estate Advocate

So many great responses to this posting!!  A few responses are certainly in line with many of us... disclose as much as possible, Agents / Brokers never fill out a Seller Disclosure form to be filled out by the Seller.  I do like the part about Story telling... seems I have learned an important marketing skill from that.... Facts Tell and Stories Sell.

Sep 23, 2021 08:26 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Oh my gosh, Paddy Deighan MBA JD PhD, I just told someone that yesterday - alternate reality seems to be more common in 2021 than ever before in my life!

Sep 24, 2021 07:50 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

I have seen that in our market too, Buzz Mackintosh!


On another angle, they fight with all of their might to win a bidding war and then a few days later, realize they are seriously over-paying and back out. That's why I love putting in back-up Offers! I've had two in recent months wind up becoming the primary buyers.

Sep 24, 2021 07:52 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Thank you, Sham Reddy CRS and thanks for stopping by!

Sep 24, 2021 07:53 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

That's not going out on a limb, Thom Abbott - I'm with you 100%! I don't think it's harsh at all - it's the law and if I were to break the law in my personal life, I would expect to suffer consequences. It's called being responsible adults/business owners!

Sep 24, 2021 07:54 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

AMEN, Patricia Feager, MBA, CRS, GRI,MRP! I'm not about to compromise my integrity because my livelihood ultimately would suffer from that.

It's been an interesting few months, Patricia. Most of what I've had to deal with, I've 'been there, done that,' as far as handling situations. I have to say though, some of the things we agents have thrown at us on a daily basis, are shocking. I don't know how some agents keep their licenses.

Sep 24, 2021 07:58 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Happy that you found it helpful, Erik Hiss!

Sep 24, 2021 07:58 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Hi Sam Shueh! If only all of our peers paid attention in those CE classes!

Sep 24, 2021 07:59 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

It seems to have multiplied exponentially, Dr. Paula McDonald, in recent months. I don't know what is going on but, it seems everyone wants to blame COVID. In my mind, it's what is in our souls...and always has been. If you're willing to cheat, you've always been willing to cheat - it has nothing to do with a virus!!

Sep 24, 2021 08:01 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

We don't have that option, Lyn Sims but, sometimes I think it would be nice. However, then, you can't tell who completed the form. I guess if it came down to brass tacks, DocuSign would have the 'records' of who completed what on the forms.

Sep 24, 2021 08:03 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Right on, Steven Nickens! I'm the same way.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sep 24, 2021 08:03 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

There you go, Dan Hopper - I love that..."Facts Tell & Stories Sell!"

Sep 24, 2021 08:04 AM