moving tips: Moving Tip #6…Almost Home - 09/25/23 11:33 AM
Moving Tip #6…Almost Home
You’re almost ready to settle into your new home.  The first 5 moving tips included tips on how to edit your treasures and pack for your move. 
If you’ve followed the tips outlined in the posts, you’ve taken pictures of items you’re moving as well as how to reconnect your computer and television cables. You’ve marked your boxes and made lists so that you know what’s in them. 
Moving day has arrived!  You’re almost done but there are a few more items to complete your smooth move!!
_Don’t rely on your memory; have a checklist
_Make sure to leave behind … (15 comments)

moving tips: Moving Tip #5…Packed And Ready to Go….Now What? - 09/18/23 03:32 PM
Moving Tip #5…Packed And Ready to Go….Now What?
This is the 5th tip to help you have a smooth move.  The first four covered how to begin; using your camera to assist your memory; how to edit your treasures; and tips for packing. 
At this point, you’re packed and ready to go…or are you???!!!
In a few days, you’ll be moving. If you’re using a moving company or even if you have enlisted friends to help, there are last-minute tasks that will make moving day go smoothly. 
Go through each room and make sure that each box is correctly labeled. 
This … (19 comments)

moving tips: Moving Tip #4…How To Pack It Yourself - 09/11/23 05:15 PM
Moving Tip #4…How To Pack It Yourself
We’ve moved many times in the past 40 years.  For the cross-country moves, we were fortunate to have professional packers and movers do it all. 
I watched everything they did and made notes of how they managed to pack, ship, and not break Larry’s stuffed turkey (in flight), my dishes, several golf trophies, and various keepsakes. 
For our last move even though we hired professional movers, Larry and I did the majority of the packing. 
If you are planning a move, across town or across the country, here are tips to help ensure your treasures arrive in one … (17 comments)

moving tips: Moving Tip #3…Edit My Treasures? Where Do I Start?? - 09/04/23 05:11 PM
Moving Tip #3…Edit My Treasures? Where Do I Start??
Whether you have plans to move now or in the future, it helps to get a head start in editing what you have! 
If you are selling, you’ve been told by your agent, stagers, and friends that you need to “declutter.” (I truly don’t like that word)  That’s fine and dandy for others to say but not always easy to do. 
Even the most ardent fan of keeping it simple can find it difficult when they decide to part with their treasures. 
When I moved a few years ago, I learned that many of the items … (20 comments)

moving tips: Moving Tip #2…Don’t Rely On Your Memory - 08/28/23 05:27 PM
Moving Tip #2…Don’t Rely On Your Memory
As much as we’d like to think our memory is infallible, there will always be something we forget, especially under the stress of moving. 
We have on us almost always one of the best tools to help us with this…the camera on our devices! For example, I’ll snap a photo of a recipe if I don’t have time to make a list before I head to the store. I snap pictures all the time of things I need to remember.

When you’re ready to move, this is the perfect time to put your camera to use! 
~Rightsizing- … (22 comments)

moving tips: How to Have a Smooth Move…Tip #1 - 08/21/23 01:05 PM
How to Have a Smooth Move…Tip #1
Once your home has sold, your “Moving” list begins and grows every day. Will you be hiring a moving company? Will you do your own packing or use professional packers?
Having moved at least 10 times, my tips come from my own mistakes and what I’ve learned. 
First...If you hire a moving company, you’ll want to ask how they calculate their fees. The more you have to move, the more you’ll have to pay,
There’s no reason to take what you don’t want, need or use anymore to your new home!
Begin EARLY If you’re hiring packers, don’t … (33 comments)

moving tips: 11 Moving Tips for a Smooth Transition - 04/18/22 03:10 PM
11 Moving Tips for a Smooth Transition
Once your home is sold, your next step is to plan your move. Whether it’s within the same area or across the country, moving can be stressful. 
Start with a plan. Make a list of what and when you need to do it.  Don’t wait until the last minute to begin interviewing moving companies. 
11 Moving Tips for a Smooth Transition

1. Trust the Pros
Depending upon the scope of your move, you’ll you’re want to hire professional movers. They’ve done this many times before…will have the right material and tools…know how to pack breakables…and will get it done … (33 comments)

moving tips: Moving Tip #4...Packing - 03/21/19 03:04 PM
Moving Tip #4...Packing

For many of my major moves, we were fortunate that Larry’s company paid for the move including packing everything. Thankfully I watched everything they did and made note of how they managed to pack, ship, and not break Larry’s stuffed turkey (in flight), my dishes, several golf trophies, and various keepsakes.
If you are doing this on your own, as we did (for the most part) with our last move, here are some tips to make sure that your treasures arrive intact.
This is where you don’t want to skimp. You’ll use wads of it to line the bottom … (27 comments)

moving tips: Moving Tip #3...How to Edit Your Treasures - 03/04/19 06:46 PM
Moving Tip #3...How to Edit Your Treasures

Even if you have no plans to move soon, at some point in your life you will want/need to edit your treasures. This isn’t just about (I really don’t like this word) decluttering.

Having recently moved, I experienced the trials and headaches of trying to donate or sell what I no longer needed or wanted, only to discover that others no longer needed or wanted them as well.
Hope these tips help you in editing your treasures…
1. Don’t get your feelings hurt but your children or heirs may not want or even like the things … (41 comments)

moving tips: Moving Tip #2...Let Your Pictures Tell a Story - 02/21/19 04:33 PM
Moving Tip #2...Let Your Pictures Tell a Story
If you’re anything like me, your memory will take you just so far. With our recent move, I didn’t want to rely solely on what I thought I would remember so I enlisted the camera on my iPhone and an easy editing tool that is part of the iPhone editor to help me when I began setting up our new home.
In my desire to edit and simplify our new life in Houston as well as keep the moving costs down, I got rid of a lot of things. However, I knew that between … (21 comments)

moving tips: Moving Tip #1 - 01/28/19 05:49 PM
Moving Tip #1
You can do any amount of research on how to move...finding the right moving company, packing efficiently, and so much more. However, having gone through many moves, including one right now, I would suggest that one of the first things you need to do is edit everything in your house to see what stays or what will go with you to your new home.
There’s no reason to take what you don’t want, need or use any more or what is long past its expiration date to your new home.
My tip is to begin early and take one … (30 comments)

moving tips: How to Hire a Mover- 7 Tips - 08/30/15 08:45 AM
How to Hire a Mover- 7 Tips

People will tell you that selling your house is the most stressful thing you can do, but right up there is the actual move itself.  How do you hire the right moving company?
Let’s face it, they’re going to be transporting your household goods - clothes, furniture, art- in that big moving van.  As you see it drive away, you can do more than just hope to see it again at your new address.
It begins with hiring a good mover… not the cheapest, but a professional, licensed experienced mover with a good track record. … (35 comments)

moving tips: How to Unpack After You've Moved! - 08/26/15 08:39 AM
How to Unpack After You’ve Moved!

I’ve moved about 9 times and have learned something with each move.  Having your house on the market and selling it are stressful enough, however, it doesn’t stop there.
Now comes the fun part! It’s time to unpack and settle into your new home.

The key to making unpacking easy is to start before you even move!

Whether you are packing and moving yourself or you’re having professional movers, you can follow these tips.
Before you move...
1 As you pack, keep all of the items in a room together, just as they will be in your new … (51 comments)

moving tips: 9 Moving Day Tips to Keep You Sane! - 11/24/14 08:54 AM
9 Moving Day Tips to Keep You Sane!

If you’ve followed my previous Moving Tips posts then you’ve already edited what you have, decided what’s going and hired a professional mover.

However, you’re job is not done yet.  When moving day arrives, you want to make sure that you’re ready!

Here are 9  Moving Day Tips that can help keep you sane!

1.Try not to do this all on your own.
In my many moves, my husband had to go ahead of me to our new destination because of work.  Don’t try to do this alone! Whatever your situation, enlist … (37 comments)

moving tips: Getting Ready to Move- What You Need to Know! - 10/29/14 11:51 AM
Getting Ready to Move- What You Need to Know.

Home stagers don’t often get involved with the moving process when we assist our clients in preparing their home for sale.  All we can do is suggest that sellers begin immediately editing what they have before the move.
Having recently helped a friend move, and having personally moved about 8 times, there are some things you need to know to help make your move go a bit better.

~Don’t settle for cheap.
You’re moving your household goods…. don’t hire cheap and wish you hadn’t when your heirloom vase arrives … (47 comments)

moving tips: Four Tips for a Smooth Move! - 10/27/14 10:17 AM
Four Tips for a Smooth Move!
Homes Stagers work with sellers to help them get their house in marketable condition.  One of the suggestions we make is to start packing, donating or purging BEFORE you move.
But what happens after you sell your house?  Here are some tips to help you with a smooth transition.

1. Don’t pay to move what you won’t keep.
Whether you’re paying for movers or moving yourself, why move what will no longer work in your new home?
Use this time to go room to room, drawer to drawer, closet to closet.  

~if … (33 comments)





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