Photos, Photos .... and MORE Photos!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with |770.713.1505 | Intown Atlanta GA Condo Living 272617

In the age of the smart phone, we have a camera in our hand almost all the time.

It's not like back in "the old days" when you had to put the film in the camera, take the pictures, then take the film to be developed and wait a week. Then open the envelope and find out half of them were __________________ (fill in the blank as to what was wrong with them, right?)

I've got a really nice Nikon DSLR camera that I have honestly forgotten how to use. I don't take my own real estate photos for listings, and it's bulky to lug the case around, or have that "huge thing" hanging around your neck when you can have your phone in your pocket.  Side note, in doing videos for my You Tube channel, I'm going to break it out, or the actual video camera so I can have footage from two angles to edit together but that's another story!

But, have you noticed how you can be come a photo collector. Just look at the screen capture from my iPhone. 

15,594 photos.  15, 594 photos. do you even BEGIN to organize that?

You can see I have made some attempt on my phone to save things to albums, but they still appear in that massive 15k number. Yikes. 

I've scrolled my phone and have found (and still do) photos and videos that I forgot I even took. 

But, let's hope over to my Dropbox account for a moment:


Real Photos (meaning all related to Real Estate):  21,063

All Pictures (From Travel or all other things):  26,333

Camera Download (this is a file with the 15K+ photos from my iphone that sync constantly. (so if I were to lose my phone, I have ALL those photos in another location. 

Now in the Real Photos, they are all filed but neighborhoods, condo buildings, locations, etc. But even still, there's alot there. Case on point. I have photos of one condo building of all three lobby renovations they have done since the building opened in 2006. Yeah, I'm THAT kind of photo collector. Same goes for the ALL Pictures file. There is a sub file that is just Travel, and those are further broken down by the trip. So, there is SOME organization.....

But there is this smart phone problem. 

I need a week, a few bottle of good wine, a grill, some steaks and burgers, kick butt Internet access, and a cabin like this. I wonder if I could get them all off my phone and filed where they actually COULD be found, or better yet, USED for the original intent they were taken for. (think blogging and videos, website pages)

Photos......they are going to be the death of me! 

Comments (7)

Joan Cox
House to Home, Inc. - Denver Real Estate - 720-231-6373 - Denver, CO
Denver Real Estate - Selling One Home at a Time

Thom, I have been showing older vintage homes lately, and some very cool things inside, so have a few new photos on my phone too!   That is A LOT of photos.

May 22, 2021 03:38 PM
Thom Abbott

Joan Cox ....yeah...and since this has GROWN to 18,000 PLUS!

Dec 18, 2021 06:11 AM
Thom Abbott

Yeah....And I'm taking a 30 day trip this summer so I better get it cleaned out before then! 

May 23, 2021 03:12 AM
Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally

The smart phone cameras are fine, but I still take my photos with a small Nikon and it works just fine.

May 22, 2021 06:42 PM
Thom Abbott

My DSLR is a big camera. Like I'm going on vacation this summer and most people would take a camera like that to capture great photos, but I feel like I can do MORE with my phone than that camera and it fits in my pants pocket! 

May 23, 2021 03:13 AM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Los Angeles Pasadena 818.516.4393

Hello Thom - I am definitely photo-taking challenged where all sorts of mishaps, mix-ups and miscellaneous other things are likely to occur when any camera-like tool is in my hand.  There is a pool-proof solution that works for me - I just say to myself: no way, nyet and never.  As for your malady - well, you have some good memories.  Now, if you could only easily find 'em.  Good luck. 

May 23, 2021 03:40 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

WOW! I have this SAME issue, Thom and I'm always impressed at how well (and often) you share your amazing photos.

I'm going to try in the comment above - I HAVE to get these things organized!

Happy Tuesday!

Sep 14, 2021 04:04 PM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Okay, maybe not! It's an ad - and not for organizing photos! 🤪

Sep 14, 2021 04:06 PM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

I was looking for your current posts. I hope all is going well for you.

Take care, be safe and enjoy this holiday weekend.

Nov 26, 2021 06:40 AM