preparing your home for sale: How to Prepare Your Home for Sale…Repair, Replace, Refresh (Part 3) - 09/27/23 06:06 PM
How to Prepare Your Home for Sale…Repair, Replace, Refresh (Part 3)
This post is the Third in a series of 7 on How to Prepare Your Home for Sale. 
Now that you’re committed to selling your house, it’s time to take action to ensure that buyers will see all of the possibilities it has to offer. 
Now is the time to address all of those items you’ve put off repairing…the broken gutter or things that don’t work. Deferred repairs become distractions to potential buyers. 
They’re easy to overlook as we go through our daily lives.  However, your buyers will see them as … (12 comments)

preparing your home for sale: How To Prepare Your Home For Sale…Take a GOOD Look At It (Part2) - 09/19/23 05:43 PM
How To Prepare Your Home For Sale…Take a GOOD Look At It (Part2)
Have you ever walked by a mirror and caught a quick look at yourself? Yikes…Do I look like that??!!
Our rooms are just like that. We see them every day as we head out the door. But our minds are focused on the chip in the tile that is on your “To Do” list or the carpet in the bedroom that needs to be cleaned. 
However, now that you’ve decided it’s time to sell, you’ll need to take a good look at your house. You need to see what your buyers … (14 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Just Like Us, Our Homes Have to Stay in Good Shape - 07/12/17 03:27 PM
Just Like Us, Our Homes Have to Stay in Good Shape.

Over the many years I’ve been helping people prepare their home for sale, one of the hardest things to tackle is getting the home in shape after years of unintentional neglect.
It can be overwhelming when your agent or stager gives you a suggested list of updates and repairs.
Houses are just like takes work to keep them in shape.

Whether you’re planning on selling your house soon or down the road, there are key things you can do to keep your house in good shape.
Assess your kitchen
This is the … (32 comments)

preparing your home for sale: How to Keep Your House Ready to Show! - 06/29/17 01:08 PM
How To Keep Your House Ready to Show!
One of the last questions my sellers will ask me after a Home Staging Consultation is…
How am I supposed to
keep it this way
while we’re living in it?
Having had my own house on the market many times, I can tell you that it can be done! You just need a good checklist and some organization.
And, enlist all family members to help you keep your house is show-ready condition.

Make cleaning and picking up a daily habit
-Vacuum or sweep daily
-At the end of every day, make sure that all countertops are wiped down. … (64 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your House for Sale- NOW It’s Time to Stage! Part 6 - 06/28/17 04:59 PM
Preparing Your House for Sale- NOW It’s Time to Stage! Part 6

This has been a series on Preparing Your House for Sale. The first 5 posts brought you to where you are now, and that’s the fun part!!!
Many people think that Staging is just moving some pieces around, but all of the previous posts involved what staging really is, and that is doing what you can (painting, cleaning, repairing, updating, etc) to make sure that your property is seen in the best light.
Now you’re ready to do what many think of as Staging!
You’ll want to remember these staging principles…
Buyers are … (22 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your House for Sale-Give It the Extra Touch-Step 5 - 06/27/17 03:02 PM
Preparing Your House for Sale-Give It the Extra Touch-Step 5
The first four posts in this series offered tips on how to prepare your house for sale. Those alone will go a long way into making sure your house shows well.
However, step 5 is that extra touch that can make sure your house is at the top of everyone’s short list.
When I’m working with sellers, I call it the “it would be so nice if you could….” factor.
More and more, today’s buyers want homes that are move-in ready, and that doesn’t just mean clean.  They don’t want to have … (22 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your House for Sale-Edit, Donate, Store and Hide! Step 4 - 06/26/17 12:49 PM
Preparing Your House for Sale-Edit, Donate, Store and Hide! Step 4
The fourth step in preparing your house for sale is one that usually stops people in their tracks. In fact, some people I’ve met would love to move but the thought of having to deal with all of their furniture and everything else they own keeps them putting it off.
Since you’ve decided to sell and hired the most qualified local agent to represent you, don’t stop there.
There’s more to be done!
This is where you’ll need to get ruthless. Keep in mind buyers are interested in you space, not your … (28 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your House for Sale- Clean, Repair, Replace! (part 3) - 06/25/17 05:22 PM
Preparing Your House for Sale- Clean, Repair, Replace! (part 3)
This is the third post in a series Preparing Your House for Sale.
Now is the roll up your sleeves and let’s get ready to work part!
If you do nothing else to prepare your house for sale, this is the one step you cannot leave out. Buyers might forgive a user-specific paint color or not having granite countertops in your kitchen but dirty is an absolute NO!
Vacuum in areas your machine never knew existed! Vacuum over, under, and behind. If you haven’t lifted or moved anything, then you’re not done!
Attack all surfaces … (25 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your Home for Sale-Prepare to SEE It! (Part 2) - 06/23/17 01:58 PM
Preparing Your Home for Sale-Prepare to SEE It! (Part 2)
This is the second in a series on Preparing Your Home for Sale. Part 1 asks you to begin to think of your home as a house...a product that you will now be in charge of marketing.
What’s next is learning how to SEE what your buyers will see.
We go about our daily activities not really seeing the everyday things our eyes pick up. Our minds are focused on taking the garbage out or getting everyone off to work or school.
It’s easy to overlook unfinished home projects or the worn carpet … (25 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your Home for Sale- Step 1 - 06/22/17 03:49 PM
Preparing Your Home for Sale- Step 1
If you’re serious about selling your home, there are steps you can take to make the whole process go smoothly, help to lower the time on market and protect the investment you have.
Even though it’s a seller’s market, you’ll still want to make sure that your house is ready-to-go from day one!
Step 1
This part is a lot of mind over matter. Start to think of your beloved home as a house, one that you along with your crew of professionals will be marketing.
You’ll be taking all of the wonderful memories you’ve had ...the … (32 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your Home for Sale- Part 7- What to Do With a Vacant Home. - 07/26/15 08:27 AM
Preparing Your Home for Sale- Part 7-What to Do With a Vacant Home!
This is the 7th and final post in a series about Preparing Your Home for Sale.
You have now:
1. Committed to selling your home
2. Learned to see your home as others see it
3.Repaired,replaced and refreshed your property
4. Edited, packed and stored what you have
5. Updated where you can.
6. Principles for Staging Your Home - or What Do I Do Now that I’ve Completed Steps 1-5!

What if your house is vacant?  There are still things you can do to help protect your investment.

Vacant Staging Tips…..

Placing furniture and accessories in … (32 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your Home for Sale-Part 6-Time to Have Some Fun! - 07/26/15 07:17 AM
Preparing Your Home for Sale- Part 6-Time to Have Some Fun!

This is the 6th in a series of 7 on Preparing Your Home for Sale. You have now:

1. Committed to selling your home
2. Learned to see your home as others see it
3.Repaired, replaced and refreshed your property
4. Edited, packed and stored what you have
5. Updated where you can.

Now it's time to stage!

Many still view staging as moving furniture around and throwing out a lot of stuff.

Everything in this series has been about staging.  I'd bet that if you asked a Home Stager, with the exception of vacant staging, moving furniture … (26 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your Home for Sale-Step 5- The Extra Touch. - 07/23/15 05:56 AM
Preparing Your Home for Sale- Step 5-The Extra Touch

This is the fifth in a series of seven of Preparing Your Home for Sale.

The first 4 steps are a must on any seller's list:
1.Commit to selling and view it as a product to merchandise
2.Get an accurate view of how your Buyers will see it
3.Repair, replace and refresh your property
4.Edit what you have; store what you will take

Step 5 is what I call the "it would be so nice if you could do this" category.  It may not be considered an absolute must, however, it is the extra touch that could … (33 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your Home for Sale-Part 4- Edit,Donate, Store and Hide! - 07/21/15 11:32 PM
Preparing Your Home for Sale-Part 4- Edit,Donate,Store and Hide
This is the fourth in a series of seven on Preparing Your Home for Sale.  You now have committed to doing what it takes to prepare your home for sale, and you have cleaned and repaired or replaced items that needed your attention.
Don't sit down yet, you have more to do!
This is when you have to get ruthless and start editing what you have.  Remember, a Buyer wants to see the space and the possibilities of the house.  They're not there to ooh and ahh over your things.  Whatever you have needs … (26 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your Home for Sale- There Comes a Point When You Just Can't Give It Away. - 04/27/15 11:12 AM
Preparing Your Home for Sale- There Comes a Point When You Just Can’t Give It Away.

Buyers today are looking for move-in ready homes.  They often do not have the time, the budget or the desire to move into a new home only to have to begin remodeling and updating their new purchase.

Yes, there are investors and some DIY buyers who are looking for a property they can rehab and you will see this  reflected in their offering price.

One of the first properties I staged was a gentleman who was ready to sell his condo so he could move into … (44 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your Home for Sale in Palm Beach County -Step 6-Let's Get Ready to Stage! - 10/20/13 03:52 AM

Preparing Your Home for Sale in Palm Beach County-Step 6-Let’s Get Ready to Stage!

If you’ve followed this series in Preparing Your Home for Sale, then you have cleaned, edited, packed, stored, repaired, updated and so much more.  You are now ready to Stage your house for sale!!!

First….remember that staging is NOT decorating.  It’s not necessary to go out and buy expensive furnishings and cover every flat surface with them.

Here are some key points you’ll want to remember:

1. Let your buyers see your space, not your things.
In this instance, less is more.  If your buyers’ … (20 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your Home for Sale in Palm Beach County-Part 5- It Would Be So Nice If... - 10/14/13 09:17 PM
Preparing Your Home for Sale in Palm Beach County-Part5-It Would be So Nice If….
In the first 4 parts in this series-Preparing Your Home for Sale in Palm Beach County- I covered what you absolutely must do to help get your home sold.

Part 5 is about projects that could be done now that will help when you do decide to sell your home.   Or, projects that, as I like to say to my clients…. “It would be so nice if you could…….”

The basics of decluttering and cleaning, packing and storing are not new to sellers.  However, often … (25 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your Home for Sale in Palm Beach County-Part 4-Edit,Donate, Store & Hide. - 10/08/13 09:29 PM
Preparing Your Home for Sale in Palm Beach County-Part 4-Edit, Donate, Store and Hide!

This is the fourth part in a series on Preparing Your Home for Sale in Palm Beach County.   If you’ve followed this, you’ve made the commitment to view your home as a marketable property, and you’re looking at it in a different light.  Next, you’ve thoroughly cleaned and made repairs to improve the condition of your house.

The next step is the one everyone stumbles on- it’s making sure that your Buyers will be able to see your space and not your things.  


Most … (31 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your Home for Sale in Palm Beach County-Part 3-Clean, Repair, Replace! - 10/01/13 08:22 PM
Preparing Your Home for Sale in Palm Beach County- Part 3-Clean, Repair, Replace!

If you’re preparing your home for sale in Palm Beach County and if you’ve followed this series, you’ve taken the steps to see your home as a marketable product.  It is now a HOUSE for sale.  And, you learned and took photographs of your house so you will see what your Buyers are seeing.
Next and #3 in the series is to CLEAN, REPAIR and REPLACE !
CLEAN- Nothing says “don’t buy me” like a dirty house.  And I’m not talking about a surface clean.
~Vacuum … (27 comments)

preparing your home for sale: Preparing Your Home for Sale in Palm Beach County-Part 2-Say Cheese! - 09/23/13 09:19 PM
Preparing Your Home for Sale in Palm Beach County-Part 2-
Say Cheese!

If you are planning on selling your house whether here in Palm Beach County or anywhere else, you will want to spend some time preparing your home for sale.   Part 1 of this series discussed making the commitment to view your house as a product that you need to market.
Remember: You live in your home; you sell your house!

So now that you’ve committed  to selling your house, you need to take the next step which is to see it as your Buyers will see it.






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