problem solving: You're Paying For The Years, Not The Hour - 09/18/23 05:16 PM
There was a cruise ship that broke down 3 hours before departure. In a panic the cruise line called out their "big guns" in-house maintenance crew who arrived with 15 mechanics and technicians that toiled away for 60 minutes.
No Luck, no repair.
In a bigger panic the cruise line Googled the best 5 Star maintenance crew and had them rushed out to the cruise ship. They arrived with all the latest high tech electronics and tools, digital this and computerized that, where they toiled away for 90 minutes. No Luck, no repair.
With 30 minutes before a fully booked boat was to … (14 comments)

problem solving: Whiskey's Wisdom: Here Comes The Sun - 08/07/23 06:40 AM
"Things turn out best for the people
who make the best of the way things turn out."
~Radio and TV Personality, Art Linkletter
Your action for today
is to take a challenge or setback
you are currently experiencing
and turn it into a learning opportunity.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with 3D Virtual Tours
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills...
most agents do not possess!
Contact us for a pressure-FREE consultation.
More joyful stories, photos, antidotes,
quotes and inspiration found here:

problem solving: Get After It: A Funny Crisis - 02/02/22 06:32 PM
"The next best thing to solving a problem
is finding some humor in it."
An Anonymous Author
Your action for today
is to take a problem you have
and see if you can find the humor in it.
This is difficult, but I've done it,
it gives you power over the problem.
Design An Extraordinary Day!
💡 OOPS! If you missed a previous “Get After It" post
 (formerly the Take Action Series) click here 👇
👉 Get After It / Take Action Archives 👈
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with
3D Virtual Tours
and Professional Photography,
Marketing … (11 comments)

problem solving: Take Action: Train Your Brain - 09/10/20 07:12 AM
"Problems are to the mind
what exercise is to the muscles;
they toughen and make strong."
Author, Norman Vincent Peale
Your action for today
is to take an action towards
solving one of your current problems.
Design an Extraordinary Day!
💡 OOPS! You missed Yesterday's “Take Action” post 👇
Take Action: Seek To Create WOW! 
💡 More joyful stories, photos, antidotes,
quotes and inspiration found here: 👇
Postcards From Success Facebook Page
We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America: 
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with
3D Virtual Tours
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills...most agents do not posses!
Contact us for a pressure-FREE consultation.
  Image courtesy of [yodiyim] at
Image … (14 comments)

problem solving: Take Action: See Past The Disguise or Be Passed By - 07/10/20 05:16 AM
"Opportunity's favorite disguise is trouble."
~ Author, Frank Tyger
and bonus quote today...
"Opportunity is missed by most people
because it is dressed in overalls
and looks like work."
~ Inventor, Thomas A. Edison
Your action for today is to look at something that
you are having trouble with
and find the opportunity in it.
Design an extraordinary weekend!
If you missed the previous Take Action post: Mind Your Garden
More joyful stories, photos, antidotes, quotes and inspiration found here:
Our Postcards From Success Facebook Page

problem solving: FAQ #1: Why Work With A Real Estate Agent? - 06/05/17 10:09 PM
I'm often asked why should I work with an agent, why not just buy the house from the listing agent? 
Why not just sell my house on  my own and save the commission?
I first of all recommend you work with a Realtor over an real estate agent and I'll share why in a future FAQ post.
I'll share with you my Top 5 answers to those questions:
Representation: the other agent's priority is the client they represent, not you. The listing agent is loyal to the seller, investor, bank (REO) or developer (new construction). The Guide: you have bought and sold homes in your lifetime as … (4 comments)

problem solving: 2,000 Kitchen Tables - 05/15/17 06:07 AM
Sitting Down At Over 2,000 Tables 
Facing often two opposite-personalities, yet both making a decision.
I've been in sales for over 30 years. I've attended college courses, read hundreds of sales books, taken many years of sales trainings and continuing education and even worked with business coaches. But none of that is unique. Experienced, loyal, organized, good communicator, great negotiator, skilled problem solver; all true, none of it unique.
What is a USP? What is your USP? A USP is your Unique Selling Proposition; those qualities, tools, strategies or guaranteed results you offer that none can duplicate. Better yet, your USP's are your stories, those … (9 comments)

problem solving: Safer Streets: You Can "Fight City Hall" - 12/09/16 07:36 AM
Safer Streets: You Can "Fight City Hall" if you are polite, persistent and patient.
And, I didn't do it alone, I got help. 
I recently had a local victory making our streets safer.  I rallied my neighborhood and worked with the San Diego Roads Engineering Office and our local S.D.P.D. to bring an end to near head on collisions and rear-ender accidents on our neighborhood street.
September 22, 2016, I'd finally had enough of our neighborhood's west bound traffic using our east bound turn lane as a short cut to swing into the office park in our neighborhood. Ironically I work in this same … (4 comments)

Thomas J. Nelson, REALTOR ® e-Pro CRS RCS-D Vets, CEO of Vision Drive Realty - Coastal San Diego (Big Block Realty 858.232.8722)

Thomas J. Nelson, REALTOR ® e-Pro CRS RCS-D Vets

CEO of Vision Drive Realty - Coastal San Diego

La Jolla, CA

More about me…

Big Block Realty 858.232.8722

Address: 8895 Towne Centre Dr. , Suite 105 #436 , San Diego, CA, 92122

Mobile: 858-232-8722





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