Real Estate Q&A
Real Estate Industry

Hey all, what are some common reasons you've heard for needing a BPO? Trying to make sure I'm not missing any opportunities. Thanks! - Frank

Real Estate Sales and Marketing

The word "master" in the listing description. Do you still use it?

ActiveRain Community

Follow up to No Follow Follow link question (do you follow the follow?) Bottom line per the Development Team, the No Follow for links is intentional.

Just for Fun

He's not doing meth. Not a question, but THE REST OF THE STORY. A few days ago I posted a Q re: a letter received from a tenant's girlfriend. She said she'd been smoking meth in the unit for years

ActiveRain Community

Kitchen Appliances/Kitchen Accessories. Do you have a recommendation for a Food Saver / Vacuum Sealer? Experience, suggestions, advice are appreciated!

ActiveRain Community

Summer is behind us as we greet the first day of fall, where has the year gone?

Just for Fun

Who says “The eyes buy” and is having a birthday today?

ActiveRain Community

Hi, I need help... How can change my signature and photo?