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Services for Real Estate Pros - Ward County Notary Services - 607851
The RealMan blog is about Minot ND. The RealMan blog is North Dakota's longest running and most read blog about Minot ND.
Minot is home to two restaurants that bill themselves as "Diner"s. There is the Sonic's Chain at 1601 35th Avenue SW . Then there is the local Krolls Diner. Krolls has always been a big favorite of the community, especially the German community as they specialize in Knoephla soup, Fleischkuechle,...
The North Dakota State Fairgrounds is being overrun with Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Finlanders, & Icelanders. Once again it is North Americas LARGEST Scandinavian festival, the Norsk Hostfest.It's a four day party of ethnic food, entertainment, and shopping. The food is fantastic with top Chefs f...
While I wish the leaves would stay upon the trees a bit longer I still enjoy raking them for several reasons.1) It's a family affair.2) it reminds me of when the kids were youngand would love to jump into the pile.3) It is usually a beautiful day when I rake.Here is a tip or two about raking. Whe...
The picture above shows the new City Hall from Third Avenue SW and what you are actually seeing is the 2nd and 3rd floor. The 1st floor is accessible from the 2nd or 3rd floor via stairs or elevator. I bring this up because the building does have an entrance from 2nd Ave SW where the City rents o...
Yesterday I posted about the first floor of City Hall and focused on the BIG spenders, the City Council. You may have noticed that the offices were numbered in the 200's. That is because as you enter the front door as pictured above it is the ground floor from 3rd Ave. There is an entrance from 2...
Minot's NEW City HallI am going to walk you through the new City Hall with pictures and a little commentary in 3 parts with each part a separate floor of the building.This and the following 2 posts are part of an entry into a blogging challenge put forth by Dr. Paula McDonald and Kathy Streib tit...
Up North we don't need a calendar or follow the different equinox's to know when it is Fall.The picture above was taken earlier this week and about half of those leaves up there are now down upon my yard.There are other sure signs of Fall in our yard, like this Doe and Fawn raiding local gardens....
No one likes to be startled yet people always seem to think it's funny. I am married to someone who startles very easy and I've learned to be very gentle in approaching her when entering the same room.Of course we need to be careful not to startle people in the Real Estate business or they may ju...
Following a guinea pig makes just as much sense as following many of the leaders today. Of course my mind went immediately to lemmings. Doing a quick search of "lemmings on the cliff yielded so very fun cartoons representing many popular views on FaceBook or what ever it is called today. Here are...
Reciting the first 10 digits of Pi would be beyond me, much less 1,000 digits. Now with smart phones remembering everything I couldn't even tell you what my wife's phone number is. Back in the day I was a phone book junkie. I could spend an hour just looking through the white pages and on rare oc...

Bob "RealMan" Timm

Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
local_phone(701) 720-8513
smartphone(701) 720-8513
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