Real Estate Search Engine Marketing / Internet Advertising Consultants Reviews

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a catchall phrase for people and firms that help you part with your hard-earned money for the purchase of Internet advertising to help you earn even more money. Think of it this way: what a marketing firm does for a brick and mortar business, a SEM consultant does for a virtual business.

While many of them, such as Driv3, also handle SEO, others stick strictly to helping you build pay-per-click, link building, social media marketing, and other online campaigns.

One of the areas that Internet marketing consultants can be especially helpful in is content marketing. Content is still king and it still drives the Internet. Blogging, videos, free reports and email newsletters are just a few of the ways that real estate professionals use content.

How you create, what you create and how and when it’s distributed is part of your content marketing strategy. If you have one, that is. The marketing consultant can help you create one, custom made for your real estate practice.

If you’ve used SEM consultants or Internet marketing consultants, please share your experience with your ActiveRain colleagues. We’re particularly interested in knowing if the firm you chose provided measurable results and delivered a significant return on your investment dollar.

If you landed on this particular piece of ActiveRain real estate because you’re wondering if a SEM consultant can help propel your online business to the next level, read on.

Real Estate Technology Associates
Austin , TX
star star star star star_half
Average Rating: 4.6/5 (10 votes cast)
TrueAction SEM
star star star_half star star
Average Rating: 2.33/5 (3 votes cast)
SocialMadeSimple Concierge
star star star star star
Average Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)