Seasonal Desert Blooms - May 2023 Challenge

Real Estate Agent with Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 SA5376460000

Having recently re-landscaped both the front and backyard, it's exciting to share the results and respond to this challenge.   Thank you Debe Maxwell, CRS for the Challenge and idea to share local blooms! 


Desert plants are unique in that they are designed to use less water, keep predators at bay with their thorns,  and those with blooms support birds, butterflies and bees!  Pictured as the main photo is a Fairy Duster.  I chose red blooms to attract hummingbirds, including hanging a hummingbird feeder to entice them to my backyard.  But's lets start with the front yard. 


In the front yard, I selected desert plants and water them manually.  They don't require daily watering and some far less.   This might seem arduous, but not if you understand how much water these types of plants require.  This "bush" is actually a tree called the Tipuana and requires deep watering once a week.  The blooms, which are just now starting to bloom bright yellow again after I cut it back from it's 7' height.  It can grow up to 30' tall.  By cutting it back annually, I keep it short enough to manage and not block sunshine to my solar panels.  I've been shaping it much like a Mexican Bird of Paradise, but since it's a tree and is SO HEALTHY I've elected to start shaping it as a tree.  It's grown to 3' tall, again,  after cutting it back to sticks 2 weeks ago!




Another front yard plant is the Hesperaloe, aka red yucca.  These are newly planted and I water them very slow and deep once a week.  They will grow wider and multiply, forming a row.   This plant is related to the yucca and aloe.  They prefer full sun and are very hardy.  These are in a row near the mailbox and won't attract bees.  My mailman thanks me for that choice! 

Red Yucca

Another amazing desert plant is the Agave.  Researching the variety I planted, it's either an Allenuate or a Weberi.  I'm not sure as it was given as a starter gift from a friend .  This self-rooting agave is the "baby" of the original plant, which grew to 6' tall before weevils killed it.  You can see the stalk/stub of what's left of the original on the left, and also a very small new self-rooting baby in front.   To trim these, you need to wear gloves and use a handsaw.   The larger the plant, the thicker and heavier the leaves get.  I used  a shovel the last time to cut off the lowest "leaves" so that they aren't on the ground.  It's best to only water twice a month in the summer and every couple months in the winter. Too much water will create mold in the roots. The enemy of this plant is over-watering and snout weevils or insects that lay eggs inside the "leaves."  I've used diatomaceous earth to kill worms or insects around it to and to keep the weevils away.   There are over 200 varieties of agave.  The type to make tequila - the Blue Weber Agave - not this one!  


This Golden Barrel Cactus hasn't bloomed yet as it's too young.  When it does, the blooms will be white and yellow on the top of the cactus.  Can't wait as I have 3 in a row planted in a large enough space for them to multiply. 

Golden Barrel Cactus

The type of bloom on a Firestick Succulent isn't a  bloom at all!  The pencil thin stalks merely change color with cooler weather.   It was much prettier this past winter when it was bright orange!  As we head into warmer summer weather, the bright orange/red color fades to pale orange and yellow and eventually to yellow/green.  This is a unique phenomenon for this desert succulent.   If you shape this plant, use gloves to keep the white milky substance off your skin and trim in the winter months.  These are  toxic for pets and children so keep them away if you trim them.  

Firestick Cactus

For the backyard, I've selected far more blooming plants that require regular watering.  A drip irrigation system was installed first as the lines are buried underground.  Drip irrigation systems keep water use and waste to a minimum, reducing evaporation by using just the one drip to each plant.   


The Mexican Bird of Paradise is a regulalr in a lot of residential yards.  It only requires annual maintenance when everything is trimmed down to the ground!  This one is in my backyard and will have MANY blooms this summer.  After fertilizing it once, the plant rebounded nicely with many blooms to come!  I also planted another one of these right outside my office window.  


Mexican Bird of Paradise

Ihe Desert Ruellia plant below is in a row of 3 and blooms beautifully throughout the spring months with fewer blooms in the summer.  The blooms are everywhere and are a bit messy, but they are wonderful to view along an entire wall of my backyard from inside my house :) 

Desert Ruellia

This plant may not be in my yard for long.  Leftover Bermuda grass has invaded it and it's a bit of a mess to maintain.  The landscaper that installed it didn't tell me the name and I haven't located it.  It prefers spring and milder temps in the summer, hence it's replacement will be coming soon!   To be determined - blooms or not to bloom?

Mystery Plant

Adding another photo for merit.  This one is not in my yard, as I haven't planted a saguaro cactus.  A friend sent me this photo while out hiking.  I couldn't resist sharing as it's so beautiful, but also from a saguaro that is quite damaged.  As you can see, it appears to be on death row, but bloomed anyway! 

Saguaro Blooms

Saguaro blooming hike

The best time to see blooming flora and fauna in the desert is in March.  Depending on how much rain, everything is in bloom and it can be spectacular! 


Having formerly lived in other states/climate zones that included seasons and more rain, planting for the desert requires research, planning and careful placement.  As an example, plants like the yucca grow larger in width and have sharp pointed "leaves" so don't plant those near sidewalks!   Thorns on desert plants can be frustrating so understand what you're buying and planting before it goes in the ground.  

Thank you to Debe Maxwell, CRS for this month's challenge!  

For more information about desert flora, visit this State Park website

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Comments (22)

Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Oh my gosh, your blooms are amazing, Jan! I have always heard that watering less actually trains plants to survive and thrive in drought situations. I can only imagine how important that is in your area. Watering only twice a month would actually be a luxury for many who live in seasonal areas!!

All of your plants are beautiful - even the one on death row - but, that featured photo is spectacular - just gorgeous!

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful native plants with us for this month's challenge, Jan! 🌸

May 28, 2023 07:51 PM
Endre Barath, Jr.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties - Beverly Hills, CA
Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

Jan loved your post and normally here in Los Angeles flowers bloom in March and April as well.... ironically due to the cold weather we encountered many are blooming in May now.... tell that to Mr Global Warming guy:)Endre

May 28, 2023 09:28 PM
Kat Palmiotti
406-270-3667,, Broker/REALTOR® - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

Wow, I love this overview! You have a lot of plants I've never seen before. I wonder if the red one is



May 29, 2023 05:30 AM
Brian England
Ambrose Realty Management LLC - Gilbert, AZ
MBA, GRI, REALTOR® Real Estate in East Valley AZ

You have more cacti than I have in my yard, but it's great to see that we have some of the same bushes, haha.

May 29, 2023 05:39 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Realtor

Good morning, Jan... those are really gorgeous plants. I need me some low-maintenance plants like that. I have a habit of forgetting to water.

May 29, 2023 05:55 AM
Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ
Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 - Scottsdale, AZ
HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN

Thank you George Souto !  It's so interesting seeing all of the varieties in a nursery!  Thank you for reading and commenting!

May 29, 2023 09:18 AM
Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ
Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 - Scottsdale, AZ
HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN

I bet faye schubert !  Different climate zones across the US produce some different varieties.  Thank you for reading and commenting!

May 29, 2023 09:18 AM
Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ
Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 - Scottsdale, AZ
HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN

Thank you for this fun contest Debe Maxwell, CRS .  I would have enver considered writing a post about my yard if it weren't for your creative thinking!  I'm still working on filling a few corners.  It's interesting when learning about these plants, battling underground weevils and bugs that lay eggs in yuccas!  My big beautiful yucca withered to nothing and it was all because of underground bugs!  It left a big hole in the front yard, but the plant perservered and a baby was born!  Thanks again for a fun contest. I'm headed over to read other entries.  Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

May 29, 2023 09:25 AM
Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ
Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 - Scottsdale, AZ
HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN

Yes, wacky weather can play a big role in plant life.  We've had a wet winter, like a lot of others, so we're expecting a big fire season.  Thankfully, the extra water is a boost to our water supply.  Hoping we continue to get more rain to bolster our water supply!  Thank you for reading and stopping by!

May 29, 2023 09:28 AM
Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ
Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 - Scottsdale, AZ
HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN

I'm not sure that's the same one as these have high stalk like blooms, but it does look familiar Kat Palmiotti.   The differences in our climate zones produce much different plants!  The desert is unique and I've learned a lot when re-landscaping my yard.  The biggest discovery is that underground bugs that killed my gorgeous yucca!  After that I was determined not to let that happen again.  Thank you for reading and commenting! 

May 29, 2023 09:34 AM
Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ
Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 - Scottsdale, AZ
HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN

I bet you're seeing plants from your yard Brian England !  I hope you wrote a post for the challenge as well.  I'm heading over to read posts from the Ccontest.  Have a great Memorial Day!

May 29, 2023 09:36 AM
Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ
Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 - Scottsdale, AZ
HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN

Thank you Nina Hollander, Broker !  Desert plants might not like how much rain that you receive!  In Arizona, our yards have drip systems so watering is automatic.  I don' thave a drip system in teh front yard as i planned to hand water, using a fractionof the water from my backyard.  But it requires scheduling the water.  Our much warmer climate is harsh on plants.  My incentive is if I don't water, I lose what I paid for. So there's that incentive!   Appreciate your comments and read!  

May 29, 2023 09:42 AM
Diana Dahlberg
1 Month Realty - Pleasant Prairie, WI
Real Estate in Kenosha, WI since 1994 262-308-3563

Loved your post Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ ... it amazes me the difference in the difference types of flowers around the world ... and our country!  

May 29, 2023 10:42 AM
Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ
Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 - Scottsdale, AZ
HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN

So true Diana Dahlberg !  I've been going through the entries in the contest and seeing all of the different blooms is very interesting!  Thanks for stopping by!

May 29, 2023 11:17 AM
Diana Dahlberg

You betcha!  Hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend!  

May 29, 2023 11:20 AM
Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ

Thank you, you too Diana Dahlberg !*

May 29, 2023 01:14 PM
Sheri Sperry - MCNE®
Coldwell Banker Realty - Sedona, AZ
(928) 274-7355 ~ YOUR Solutions REALTOR®

Hi Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ,

There is something extraordinary about desert blooms.   As for the barrel cactus, I am mesmerized by the pattern.  This always grabs my attention.  

May 30, 2023 12:34 PM
Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ
Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 - Scottsdale, AZ
HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN

You're so right Sheri Sperry - MCNE® !  I can imagine that moving from CA to Sedona was a good move for you.  It's just mesmerizing in Sedona.  I remember the first time I drove up there, while going through a divorce.  It was so calming.  Took myself hiking at Oak Creek Canyon, then to dinner at what used to be Robert's Creekside Grill.  Then drove all the way back home!  It was wonderful!  The scenery and calming presence is heaven :)

May 30, 2023 12:45 PM
Jeff Dowler, CRS
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
The Southern California Relocation Dude

Hi Jan:

What a fun post, learning more about what you have done with your landscaping as well as about the different kinds of flowering plants that thrive in the desert. You've done a great job with your yard!


May 30, 2023 05:30 PM
Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ
Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 - Scottsdale, AZ
HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN

Thank you so much Jeff Dowler, CRS !  Imagine when I bought this little house that is now Net Zero, no one remodeled anything since it was built in 1979 and there was no yard, front or back.  There wasn't even a spigot for a hose in the backyard, much less a drip system.  It's transformed and transformed me in the process!  

May 30, 2023 06:28 PM
Ed (Edward) Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Central CT Real Estate Broker Serving all equally

Desert flowers are different but they also provide color to break up the landscape

Jun 01, 2023 06:30 PM
Jan Green - Scottsdale, AZ
Value Added Service, 602-620-2699 - Scottsdale, AZ
HomeSmart Elite Group, REALTOR®, EcoBroker, GREEN

Yes they do Ed Silva !  A very unique type of landscaping than when I lived in the South or the Midwest!  Thank you for commenting Ed!

Jun 01, 2023 08:32 PM