speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - Ain't No Mountain... - 09/24/23 07:36 PM
Speechless Sundays - Ain't No Mountain...This sweet Gabby, who we have nicknamed, 'Little Bit' (she's all of 6 pounds!) is TOTAL personality! Nothing stops her from keeping up with her big sister, Maddie - nothing!
Of course, being 'raised' by kitties, Maddie has also taught Gabby the way of the cat - climbing on the backs of furniture and really, going anywhere she wants to go, including lounging on tabletops. Yes, I said tabletops, which is one habit that we work daily to overcome - for all genre - dogs AND cats alike!

So, being on the backs of couches & chairs is … (20 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - The Cutest of Siblings - 09/24/23 05:52 PM
Speechless Sundays - The Cutest of SiblingsThese two are actual littermates and are approaching their 4th birthday (10/19/1019)--I can't believe it! Jack & Gracie came to us RIGHT before the shut-down in 2020. We wanted ONE kitten and the day that the foster mom was visiting our home to bring Jack to us to visit, Gracie was cleared to be adopted.
Gracie had a stroke when she had was spayed and was not healthy enough to leave the care of her foster mom. With the visit from the two of them, Ray and I realized we could not separate the two siblings … (7 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - The Old Old and the New - 09/17/23 02:48 PM
Speechless Sundays - The Old Old and the NewYou know, I typed the title and then realized that my sweet little Gracie will be 4 years old next month!! I cannot BELIEVE it! We were SO lucky that the adoption agency visited us in January of 2020, just prior to the world shutting down. The Foster Mom visited with Gracie and Jack in-tow, hoping that one of them would be adopted that day. We surprised them and took them both...and never once looked back. They have been such a joy!
Anyway, I digress...
My Dad sold his 6,000 SF home and moved to … (9 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - Half On, Half Off! 🐾 - 09/10/23 09:47 PM
Speechless Sundays - Half On, Half Off! 🐾Did 'wax-on, wax-off' come to mind when you read the title?!  🤣
Our newest baby keeps us smiling with her antics and incredible personality. When she is pooped though, she's OUT! Today, I found her half on a really nice, thick, super-comfy bed and half on the hardwood floor. Puppies (and kitties) get into the darndest positions, don't they?
Happy Sunday, y'all!
© Debe Maxwell, CRS | The Maxwell House Group | Savvy + Company | SavvyBroker@me.com | Speechless Sundays - Half On, Half Off! 🐾

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - Where's Gracie? - 09/03/23 09:50 PM
Speechless Sundays - Where's Gracie?We had company today and when people are in and out of the house, I often check on the fur babies to be sure everyone is present & accounted for. Today, we could not find Gracie to save our lives. Now you can see why! It certainly wasn't in a 'normal' place that she frequents!
Happy Sunday, Y'all!
© Debe Maxwell, CRS | The Maxwell House Group | Savvy + Company | SavvyBroker@me.com | Speechless Sundays - Where's Gracie?

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - ZERO Interest in the Sunset! 🐶❤️ - 08/20/23 07:48 PM
Speechless Sundays - ZERO Interest in the Sunset! 🐶❤️  
Maddie and Gabby go out on the deck with us each evening to watch the sunset. They typically 'play' the entire time and could really care less about the artist's renderings in the sky! 

This is Gabby, obviously 'fighting' the urge to fall asleep and miss the sunset! This past week, at 16 weeks, she weighed in at a hefty 5.1 pounds...which 'barely' fits the width of the patio chair she's taken over for the evening! 

Happy Sunday, Y'all!
© Debe Maxwell, CRS | The Maxwell House Group | Savvy + Company | SavvyBroker@me.com | … (7 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - A Glorious Sunset to Remember - 08/20/23 07:31 AM
Speechless Sundays - A Glorious Sunset to Remember 
We've had a week of glorious sunsets here on Lake Wylie (the Charlotte side of the lake) and twice this week, the artwork in the sky changed completely in the same evening! 
This particular night, we had a brilliant orange sunset, illuminating the clouds in a bright red. It later turned to this! I love the pinks and the deep blue hues in the sky.
Happy Sunday, Y'all! I hope you enjoy a marvelous sunset this week.
©Debe Maxwell, CRS | The Maxwell House Group | Savvy + Company | SavvyBroker@me.com | Speechless Sundays - A Glorious … (15 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays: Charcuterie Board or Vegetable Tray? - 08/13/23 07:30 PM
Speechless Sundays: Charcuterie Board or Vegetable Tray? 
Surfing social media, we often find things we literally laugh aloud at…but, certainly, move on without commenting!  Yesterday's ‘funny find’ was this post:
I have to admit to the poster’s comment, I almost answered, “Knowing the definitions of ‘charcuterie’ and ‘vegetable tray’ would be a good start!” But, I pried my fingers from the keyboard and moved on!
^^ Here is one that we made for an event we held at my home - surrounded by veggie cups for our vegan guests! I’m sure the vegans in our crowd would have preferred the ‘featured’ photo but, it … (12 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - When You're In 100º Temps, Find Some Water! - 08/13/23 04:26 PM
Speechless Sundays - When You're In 100º Temps, Find Some Water!
Liam is already 19 months old but, his stature is that of a 3-year old! He's going to be one TALL boy! Anyway, it's been awhile since I shared a picture of him here but, thought I would share this precious baby with you. 
The temperatures have been a little steamy but, Liam has discovered that when it's a little hot outside, he finds some water to splash himself with! 
#BeStillMyHeart  #LoveLiamDominic
Happy Sunday, Y'all!
© Debe Maxwell, CRS | The Maxwell House Group | Savvy + Company | SavvyBroker@me.com | Speechless Sundays - When … (7 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - A Gorgeous Calm Before an Intense Storm - 07/23/23 08:45 PM
Speechless Sundays - A Gorgeous Calm Before an Intense Storm  
We were a little surprised that we were even able to witness a sunset the last couple of nights as we have had some intense storms. late in the evenings. This gorgeous sky was visible no more than ½ hour prior to thunder, lightening and sudden downpouring, running us back inside for the evening! 
I will say that I have thoroughly enjoyed not having to water my garden and flowers the last few days. So, rain, rain, DON'T go away!

Have a fantabulous week ahead...
© Debe Maxwell, CRS | The Maxwell House Group | … (11 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - 🍓Strawberries - 1, Liam - 0 🤭 - 07/09/23 01:01 PM
Speechless Sundays - 🍓Strawberries - 1, Liam - 0 🤭We had our favorite little human over to celebrate Independence Day with us. We had a group of friends who hadn't seen him in a while so, we thought it was a great time to have Liam and his parents over too!
Liam was a big hit at the party and had a great time going around and greeting all of the guests. Of course, his favorite food (strawberries) was a-plenty at the party and he may have indulged a bit too much in them!
Liam is exactly 18 months in this photo. I … (21 comments)

speechless sundays: Another Speechless Sundays Post - More Fur Baby Love 🐾 - 07/02/23 04:32 PM
Another Speechless Sundays Post - More Fur Baby Love 🐾We had a Festive Fourth party yesterday as we had other plans on Tuesday and really wanted to have a leisurely day without guests having to think about working the next day (the 5th is Wednesday this year). Some of our friends have a senior pup who can't be left alone for very long so, we told them just to bring the dog (Ollie). 
Our pets are so used to people bringing their pets to our home, they don't mind and of course, nor do we. When sweet Ollie arrived, we all spotted … (12 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - My Office Buddy 🐾 - 07/02/23 09:27 AM
Speechless Sundays - My Office Buddy 🐾 
Jack is outnumbered by all of the fur babies - the only male in the group! He is definitely a mama's boy and every day I'm in my office, he's right there with me.
When we adopted Maddie, Jack was her best buddy - she chased him everywhere! He played with her but, after a bit would tire of the 'puppy' constantly being in the ON mode. So, Jack would climb up on the credenza behind my desk to get away from her.
I open the curtain for him and have cleared a space for a … (9 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - Jack Can Finally Sleep - in Peace! - 06/04/23 08:54 AM
Speechless Sundays - Jack Can Finally Sleep - in Peace!
While Gracie may be Madelaine's 'favorite' kitty, the one cat that Maddie loves to harass the most is Jack. He allows her to jump on his back; he never retaliates and she rarely lets him sleep when she's awake. I know - poor Jack!

So, I have put a bed for Jack on the credenza behind my desk, out of Maddie's reach and he sleeps like a baby now. When he gets up, he's ready to play with Maddie so, it's a win-win for both fur babies!!
Happy Sunday, y'all!
© Debe Maxwell, CRS | … (15 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - Sibling BFFs - 05/28/23 07:15 PM
Speechless Sundays - Sibling BFFsWe adopted these two together because the foster mom who brought Jack for a home visit, also had his sister with her and we fell in love with both! Thinking that we may want a little girl kitty, she thankfully brought Gracie with her. 
This was January of 2020 when we met these precious kittens - they were positively adorable...and inseparable. The cutest duo in our house may just be these BFF siblings. Oh, the joy they bring us!
Happy Sunday everyone!
© Debe Maxwell, CRS | The Maxwell House Group | Savvy + Company | Speechless Sundays - Sibling … (6 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - The Focus Today is WALKING! - 04/30/23 09:17 PM
Speechless Sundays - The Focus Today is WALKING!I remember when our boys were learning to walk. They were uber-focused on the task at-hand and NOTHING else! It's already been established that Liam is a spitting image of his father and the men on the entire side of my family. This, however, is THE look his Dad gave us when he went from toddling to walking - quite pensive, I must say!
We're loving watching Liam grow up, right before our eyes. He brings our entire family so much joy - ahhh, the joys of Mimi life!
Happy Sunday, y'all!
© Debe Maxwell, CRS | … (15 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - A Beautifully Designed Sunset - 04/23/23 09:08 PM
Speechless Sundays - A Beautifully Designed Sunset 
Sunsets are like nature's masterpiece paintings. The sky turns into a warm and vibrant canvas of colors, with oranges, pinks and purples blending together in perfect harmony behind the deep blue & dark gray sky.
We recognize it as our time to slow down, take a breath and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us…plus maybe enjoy an adult libation while doing so! We find sunsets to be the most breathtaking show on earth.

Happy, happy Sunday! Have a lovely week ahead…
© Debe Maxwell, CRS | The Maxwell House Group | Savvy + Company | SavvyBroker@me.com | Speechless … (15 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Easter Sunday - Relaxing after a Very Busy Weekend - 04/09/23 10:24 PM
Speechless Easter Sunday - Relaxing after a Very Busy WeekendI traveled to Georgia on Saturday to take lunch to my Dad since he was completely booked today with Easter festivities with his Sunday School class and church. I was hosting about a dozen people on Sunday for Easter lunch so, a lot of preparation was done on Friday evening and this morning. Yesterday was spent traveling...
...then, we had our precious Liam last night after I returned home from GA! Yes, our heads were spinning until about an hour ago - especially mine! We went out to sit by the fire to … (13 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - Surrounded by Awe-Inspiring Beauty - 04/02/23 09:58 AM
Speechless Sundays - Surrounded by Awe-Inspiring BeautyThe beauty of a sunset is often amplified by the reflection in the water against the backdrop of the trees on the horizon. What a moment of reflection this sunset was! As many evenings as are possible, Ray and I make it a point to take the time to pause and appreciate this magical scene in front of us.
I posted this on FB this week. I still wonder if the fishermen in the boat realized the awe-inspiring beauty that was surrounding them? Or was the artist's rendering better appreciated from the back of the gallery … (15 comments)

speechless sundays: Speechless Sundays - Basking in the Sun - 03/19/23 01:21 PM
Speechless Sundays - Basking in the Sun 
You know, I recently posted on FB, a couple of photos of Emma in Maddy's bed, then Maddy getting her bed back but, it's a different story with these two. You will often find them hanging out together throughout the day.
I happened to be in my office responding to some Offers submitted on one of my listings and caught these two enjoying their time together in the sun. They are SO sweet - and Madelaine doesn't seem to mind that Gracie has the soft bed!
Happy Sunday, Y'all!
© Debe Maxwell, CRS | The Maxwell House Group … (15 comments)

Debe Maxwell, CRS, The RIGHT CHARLOTTE REALTOR! (Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310)

Debe Maxwell, CRS


Charlotte, NC

More about me…

Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310

Address: 2108 South BLVD, Suite 116, DILWORTH/SOUTH END/WILMORE, Charlotte, NC, 28203

Office: (704) 491-3310

Mobile: (704) 491-3310

Call (704) 491-3310 or email SavvyBroker@me.com

Author Bio: Debe Maxwell is a Certified Residential Specialist (CRS) in the Charlotte Metro region with a focus on the Charlotte luxury home market. My team of agents each have their own specialty areas, a benefit to anyone buying a home in Charlotte NC.

If you're thinking of listing your home, I would love to meet with you and share our marketing success package with you. My homes sell faster and for more money and after all, isn't that what every seller wants?! We'd love to help you buy or sell in the Charlotte Metro region.



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