Tackling the Six-Figure Hurdle: What Agents on LinkedIn Are Saying

Real Estate Agent with BPOS FOR LIFE LLC

Greetings ActiveRain community!

The realm of real estate, with its immense opportunities, can sometimes come with challenges. One of the topics that has always piqued my interest is understanding the barriers that agents face when trying to hit that coveted six-figure income mark.

Recently, I conducted a poll on LinkedIn targeting real estate agents to delve deeper into this. The question was straightforward: What's your biggest barrier to earning a six-figure income in real estate? The poll has been running for three days, and the results have been quite illuminating.

Here's a breakdown of the responses:

  • Lack of Leads: 64%
  • Market Saturation: 22%
  • Property Valuation Skills: 3%
  • Time Management: 11%

Out of the 64 participants thus far, a whopping 64% identified a lack of leads as their primary obstacle. This sentiment echoed the underlying notion that, in our industry, leads are the lifeblood. Without them, scaling or even maintaining an income can be challenging.

Market saturation came in second, which, in many booming areas, is an understandable concern. As more agents dive into the real estate pool, distinguishing oneself becomes paramount.

Time management was another significant barrier. Balancing client needs, property visits, administrative tasks, and personal life can sometimes be a juggling act.

Surprisingly, only a minor 3% felt that their property valuation skills posed a challenge. This is an area of expertise that is crucial, especially when discussing topics like BPOs.

Having seen these results from LinkedIn, I'm curious to know how our ActiveRain community feels. Do these barriers resonate with you? Or are there other challenges you face that weren't listed in the poll?

Let's open up the floor for discussion. Your insights, experiences, and strategies could be the beacon for someone else trying to navigate through these hurdles.

Looking forward to an enlightening conversation!

Comments (1)

Charles Ross - eXp Realty LLC
eXp Realty LLC Salina Group - Salina, KS
Love To Help People

Excellent post.Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful day and a blessed week

Sep 26, 2023 03:08 AM